Remmant duty have done and now return where he come from before

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The scene start to show a blond boy lying on water floor. He wears a black jacket with short sleeve and underneath is a gray shirt. Below,he wears blue jean and black sneaker on feet.

Jaune slowly open his eyes, the first thing he saw was blue sky and white cloud.

He starts to remenber something.


after cardin reveal his fake transcript. Everyone turn back on his even his team and friend, His family disown him, he got expells from the headmaster.

He left the beacon without hesitant, he was tired to be become their punching bag every day. He used to believe that huntsman and hunstress are humanity hope and light but all he can see is false protector of remmant, who only want fame and glory

He see nothing inside them but a bunch of garbage. He had been slayed many Grimm in four year. he finally learn about his semblance. Aura amplification, it allow him to increase more aura,removing fatigue,accelerate my healing effect. And he develop his owns abilities base on aura

His final task was to destroy the queen of Grimm itself. But he creates something can destroy Salem....but the price is his life

Ring of noctis. A powerful weapon that can destroy her. How does he know that... because he meet someone in his dream. He remembers that person name's sans. He was that one who give his the design of ring

Jaune stand distant away the queen herself.

Jaune: it is your time to end...salem

Salem smirk as she call her minion out, Grimm but she didn't knew about his ultimate weapon. Jaune extend his arm out and close the eyes remember many thing he had been through.

Jaune: Final......of arc

The ring release a massive light. Jaune right arm slowly showing a crack mark on him, he can felt the pain going through arm.

Behind his back was growing 9 weapon from his body. He let them out off him. 9 figure who look like jaune as they used his weapon. He reels his fist back which still had the crash mark, the

Grimm charge at him but at the same time he slam his fist infront them as then 9 spirit figure like him charge forward them. Destroying them easily but they also launch at Salem easing her out of remmant exist.

He knees down and collapse on ground after everything he had been went through suffer,pain,despair,lost but he can finally rest now....

His vision start blur and his body began turn into white mist.

End of flashback

That all he can remember for now. He sat up looks around. Till a voice spoke out from behind

????: it seem you had finally wake up Jaune Arc or should I call Jaune noctis

That voice! He immediately stand up and turn back with destiny wrath on his hand.

He point it in pistol form. The person was siting on a chair, he had white hair. he wears a blue hoodie with white T shirt underneath. Below, he wear black long with white stripes, and a pair of slippers.

Sans_reader: is that the how you greets someone?

He asks in joking tone but for Jaune he knew the person infront him. He lower his pistol.

Jaune: tell me....sans how did I come here?

He say with no emotion on face, heck he doesn't having a feeling for someone. The only thing he can feel are hatred and madnesses

Sans: well, you had reach the end of your journey anyway. I here to give you a offer.

This got Jaune attention he was wonder what kind of offer he gets.

Jaune: and what kind offer do you had for me......sans

Sans just smirk at Jaune question

Sans: well, do you want live again

Jaune: yes, I want to live and do I still my phantom weapon?

Sans: yes, you still have your weapon inside your soul and also you won't gonna live on remnant

Jaune blink twice as hear sans say out with his mouth

Jaune: I'm sorry what?

Sans: like I said before you will not live on remnant but another world

Jaune: so I will live in another world meaning there no Grimm,dust,aura,semblance?

Sans: not technically, you still have your aura and semblance but also here* Throw a ring to Jaune*

Jaune:*catch the ring and look at it* a ring?

Sans: a seal pressure ring, in that world people will able to detect your aura making they thinking you as the threat for them.

He explain to Jaune. Make sure he will not get himself kill

Jaune: understand. I will live a normal life got it

Sans nod as he snap his finger making a portal for Jaune to enter. Jaune walk in front the portal but before he enter, he look at sans

Jaune: thank helping me sans.

Jaune enter the portal leaving sans sitting there but he smile

Sans: your welcome issei. I hope you have a good life in your past life world jaune.

He sits and take a pen

Sans: it is my time to write now

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