Old life of a remmant knight

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He is a boy who have a dream about becoming a hero

He is a liar because his reason

He is the faker of new generation protecter

In people eye he was criminal

But he had save their life many time

He is the ghost of knight

His weapon are part of his soul

He can appear and disappear in instant

He kill darkness and fear

He is the blond knight of remmant

"I am ##### noctis"

" what make the villain and hero different"

" villain have a bad origin about their own past"

" what about hero? Unlike villain they have a good origin and dream"

" villain face the true about reality while hero don't"

" in daskness there are light of hope and in light there are darkness of selfish"

" if are you huntsmen of hope then I am the slayer of fear"

He was the knight of arc before but....

Now, he is the king of night sky

" don't compare me to your so call * reason * because it make me feel sick!"

" those soldier are bunch of garbage"

" I rather DIE alone instead of someone with you rose!"

The soul arc was going rest in peace

But will he really going to think about reborn to another world?

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