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Jaune mile: let answer the first questions

Will Jaune's Sister and ruby come to Earth

Issei: Good question...author just comfirm about My sister and Ruby will really come to earth

Jaune mile: Let hope they not drag you back

Jaune mile: next question

Will Jaune former family, RWBY And NPR Come to DxD world

Issei: my former family, ruby. Yes, they will. WBY and NPR won't because you know...the reason

Jaune mile: I mean you would beat The crap out of them

Jaune mile: Next question

What will Jaune do if Rias tries to trick and his Son Yuichiro part of her peerage , Since Rias is trying to get Jaune to help her to not marry Riser?

Issei: okay firstly, I will kill her if she tries to make my son to be part of her peerage. then in next day,she gonna be dead. Second,I got a money deal with that sirzech guy just to save useless crimson sister of him

Jaune mile: Next question

How will the public back at remant react,think and feel that Jaune is not related to the Arc and Is adopted

Jaune mile: Everyone on his remnant will be suprise about the fact he not blood related to them. I think Your sister will be feel happy about the fact that your not related to he*get elbow*ouch!

Issei:shut up dude! Next Question!

If you had to choose one of the girls that annoys you to marry, Who would it be?

Issei: it would be Izumi or Yumi I guess. And the reason are, firstly Izumi would come at me with bamboo sword until she beat me and Yumi? She will try to land a hit on me. Both of them are annoy me

Jaune mile: Next question

What are ruby chance of being friend again with Jaune since she is probably now in the DxD universe

Issei: I think her chance being friend with me are Gonna be 2%

Jaune mile: I think that last question now

Issei: I guess so. See you guy in NEXT Q&A!!

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