S2:Transfer student

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The scene start to show Kouh academy

Issei enter the class room after he took his son to school.

Issei: Good morning

Motohama and matsuda: Good morning to you too

Issei walk to his seat as he sit down. There was a silent moment at the trio as when issei take out Chess for three people

Issei: Wanna kill some time?

Both: Sure

The three of them were playing in 20 minute. Student boy were happy about Xenovia transfer and The boy find out issac is a girl...They are now simping the girl. The whole class forget Izumi existent with their memory about her

Issei: ha I win!

Both: How the Fuc-

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Everyone went into their seat place as the bell ring. The teacher step into the classroom

Teacher: Alright class, today we have 2 new student. Please come in

The two enter the class.The first had silver eyes and neck-length black hair with red tips, wearing female kouh academy uniform.

[Ruby Rose]

The Second student had Green eye and Blond hair, wearing kouh academy uniform

[ Joan Raiden Arc]

Teacher: Please introduce yourself to the class

Issei facepalm in disbelief, He was wondering who Fucking sent them here right now. While the boy cheering about themselves for Two girl

Ruby: My name is Ruby Rose, it nice to meet you all!

Joan: My name is Joan Arc *smile* it a pleasure to you all

The boy were crazy simping over the two girl. Only issei recognize those two are from his former world

Issei:*inhale*( FUCK MY LIFE ALREADY!)

Teacher: Please take your seat right next to issei, miss Arc

Issei raise his hand up, he really hate to do it but it his teacher anyway. Joan walk to her seat right next to issei side

Joan:*nervous* umm...hey Jaune...

Issei/Jaune: don't talk to me

Timeskip brought you by chibi Issei sit on king throne

Issei was walking past gate school as when he was on his way to pickup his son. His life was suppose to be normal but this getting headache now, first supernatural exists, Second his 'suppose to be dead' son suddenly got revive after that event, Third his former sister and friend come to this world

Joan and Ruby:*run toward Jaune* Jaune Wait up!

Jaune stop walking as he turn back and look at Joan, Ruby but when Jaune was about to walk away from them. Joan grab Fallen knight hand

Joan: Jaune please come back to us...We miss you, so please come back...

Jaune:*tug back his hand* After everything...No I wouldn't come back * about to walk away*

Joan:oh*look down in sadden*

Ruby: What wrong with you Jaune! She's your sister!

Jaune: My sister! We not even related to each other Rose!

Ruby:*Surprise* Wait you two are not blood related?

Jaune: Why are you surprise? You should know I had dark blue eye while they had green eye! *look at Joan* you didn't

Jaune: you know what? Screw this conversation *walking away*

Ruby: wait Jaune!*grab his hand*

Jaune:*death stare at ruby* What do you want now

Ruby: Can you give us a second chance? Please...*tear about to drop*

Jaune: I did once but you shoot at my leg remenber?

Ruby: i remenber about it and I'm also...regret it, so please*clench fist in sorrow*

Jaune:*sigh* Fine. I give you guy a chance and don't waste it

Ruby and Joan:*embrace Jaune* Thank you for giving us A Chance*happy*

Jaune: Stop hugging me!

Joan:*stop hugging* Sorry about that...it just we were happy

Jaune: Just because you have a chance to forgive doesn't mean I trust you

He was about to walk away from them but he look at Joan

Jaune: if You're here then so are they?

Joan:*understand what he say* yeah, yeah they're here too

Jaune: Tell them I say hi *walk away*

Scene change to little Yuichiro walking with Jaune while holding his dad hand

Jaune: How was your first day, Son?

Yuichiro: It was Fine. I also make friend

Jaune: How many friend did you made up ?

Yuichiro: four

Jaune: I hope I can see what your friend look like, son

Both father and son on their way to home.

Author note
-I was kinda in rush to write this chapter as fast as I can

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