S2: We are the sister of samsara

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The scene start to show what happens after chapter remnant and true

???: we can grant you that wish, miss rose

The moment ruby turn back, her surrouding was different from before. She was standing between two separate place.

The left side were peaceful and life. The right side was dry and lifeless

Ruby saw two person standing on two different side

Ruby: Who are you two?

Her voice was fill with worry, fear and tense, she doesn't know who are they or what they are

???: I am Goddess of Life

???: I am Goddess of death

GoL and GoD: we are the sister of samsara

Ruby know the brothers god but the Goddess sister? She doesn't' know anything about them.

????: Where are we?

Ruby turn back and saw Joan with her family and....her Mom. Joan turn around in confuse as she wonder where the fuck they are? Then she notice her friend, Ruby

Ruby: Joan?Mom?

Summer: Ruby? Dear? Is that really you *get hug by her daughter*

Joan: Ruby?*also notice goddess sister* Umm who are they?

Ruby: oh right! The left side is goddess of life and the right side is goddess of death. They are the sister of samsara

Joan: Sister of samsara? What are they?*confuse*

GoDeath and GoLife: we are the balance of the end and new begin of every life for us watching.

Ruby: What does that mean ?

Azure arc, the smartest arc of Jaune ex-family, she know what the goddess sister mean

Azure: They are saying that, they had see our past death before we reborn into another life, right?

GoLife: that is right, miss Azure Arc or should I said lady Avalon

Azure: so that my past life name? then you know each of our past life

GoDeath: yes, we know each of your past life

Sienna-not khan-: let get straight to the point.*serious expression* Why did you brought us here!

GoLife: we brought you here because your twin and little brother is still alive

They didn't want to believe something that can be possible, azure was the only one who went to Jaune house and well....she was shock about Something that call Ring of noctis, the price for having a massive power is Your soul would be shatter leaving into nothingness on to this world

Azure: But that's possible! Jaune soul was shatter after he used that ring!*disbelief*

Juniper: What do you mean, dear?

Azure: the ring Jaune had on his finger, Ring of Noctis giving his a massive power but...

Joan: but what?

Azure: you remember how Jaune turn into broken glass?

Joan: yeah? Wait don't tell me

Azure: yes, the price for that power was his soul would be shatter

This make arc family shock about the information. Ruby cover her mouth in shock

GoDeath: His soul may be shatter but someone had save his soul and the one who sent him to another world, his name is Sans Gojo the judgment sorcerer

A blue portal open infront them as Someone step out the portal

Sans: it been while since I last visit this realm* notices Jaune ex-family, Ruby,summer* well well look what do we have here *eye emitting blue magic*

GoLife: Sans we call you here to grant their wishes not their life

Sans: Tch you should be lucky after this. Okay what their wish now?

GoLife: They want to see Jaune Nocti again but You need give the information about that world

Sans: Fine *finger snap*

Many bookshelves come out of blue fire as everyone look around and they standing sans realm

Sans: Welcome to my realm, Multi libary

Azure: Woah*eye sparkes* so many book!

Sans: Time to make this quick *see a book flying toward him* ah the fallen knight verse *caught it* Start transfer information

The family arc and Ruby getting information into their head. They now know supernatural exsit in Jaune new world with Some other information

Sans: They had enough information now and you two know do your part

Goddess sister nod as they look Ruby, the arc family

Juniper: wait if we come to Jaune new world then we will have no money on us?

Summer: when mention about it....

Joan:.....*realize*Ahhhh you right mom!

GoLife and GoDeath: don't worry Miss arc, we can do that

Timeskip brought you by Chibi Jaune say "Henshin!"

Summer: so...this is where all gonna live together?

Juniper: Yup but it feel weird to be ageing back from 9 year ago

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