Traning rias knight and stray devil side battle

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The scene start to show issei standing in a middle of grass area

Issei:*look over his shoulder* let just get this over......Kiba

He summon 8 phantom around his surrounding, they were floating around issei as When Yumi take out her sacred gear, sword birth.

Yumi: Please go easy*hold her sword*

Iseei:*grab destiny wrath* There is no easy training for you even a battle can be cruel to you* seven phantom weapon disappear in glass*I can kill or destroy you in many way but *channeling 1% aura into the leg* prepare to fight me






They rush at each other with high agility. Their sword clash into each other and both of their eyes glare at each other. Inside his eyes, there nothing but blood of guilty,sorrow for something that he was unable to do. Inside Kiba eye was determination and loyal to her King.

Both jump back away their opponents next move. They try to predict each other opponent next move but Kiba dash at issei with her sword was ready to pierce through gut. Issei already knew about this so he just use his weapon as a shield to block her attack.

He pushes kiba back away from her stab attack and he immediately dash at her. At the moment, kiba quickly raise her sword back up as she defend herself from issei vertical slash and she slide back abit after issei gives her a bit of his pressure on his slash.

Both of them rush at each other faster than before and they start trading many swift slash

Kiba seem to able keep up at issei speed but she didn't knew that issei speed level was only at Subsonic, meaning that's he faster than a blink of the eyes.

\ author: I can confirm. That issei speed level can reach at Sub-Relativistic+ (5%-10% Speed of light) /

Issei jump back away and change destiny wrath into gun mode. Since his weapon can fired out unlimited bullet from his aura. He shoot at Kiba but she run to side as issei keep shooting at her.

Until he form dragger of knight on his other hand as he stop shoot then He throw the dragger at kiba with high speed.

But she quickly turn back as she use her sword to deflect the dragger to the aside. Issei vanish in yellow energy as the dragger emit white light and it got replace by issei, who holding buster sword above his head. He swing down the giant sword


A big cloud dust cover them but kiba was sent flying out the smoke. Her body land on grass, motionless, fatigue, knock out cold. Issei put buster on his sword shoulder.

Round 1 end

Flash back about last night

Issei was on his bed,sleeping peacefully but someone Knock on his door but the fallen still sleeping. Knock the door louder than before.

Issei:*open eye and sat up* what now?

His foot touch the floor as he stand off his bed. He walk to the door and open it while rubbing his eye in sleeping state

Issei: what can I help you*rub eye*

Yumi: ...issei, I need your help

Issei: at this hour? Can't you be serious right now?

Yumi: sorry for ruin nap but I need you train me!

Issei:*raise an eyebrow* Can't someone train you?

Yumi: your the only one had experience about sword fight*bow down* so please, train me

Issei:*sigh* fine but do you have a way to teleport?

Yumi:YES, I HAVE!!*take a paper and give it to him* HERE!!

Issei:( the emble on that paper... now I know how their teleportion work) your training start by tomorrow

Flash back end

Scene change to unconscious kiba floating inside a black world, everything was empty,lonely. But a black red energy was coming from somewhere


The person come out from darkness. She resemble of Yumi but her voice was cover by many layer. Her hair is long white

[ Yami kiba, stray devil side]

Yami: Now it my turn to fight~

Outside world or real life, issei was waiting for kiba to wake up from their fight then a massive black red energy emit from kiba body. Issei make an 'X' shape with his arms and fist clench protect himself the air pressure shock wave.


Kiba engulf in dark energy as it shoot into the sky. Issei standing there with no weapon on his hand. Issei saw kiba standing but his instinct tell him something wrong about her appearance, her hair color now is white not blond, her eye change from Violet to yellow, the energy around her.....feel off, it feel like darkness,cruel,destruction.

Issei:*narrow* who are you.......*cold tone*

Yami:aww~we know each other before

Issei:*summon jumonji yuri*that funny from your own tone....Because kiba only know my experience battle but*went into fighting stance*I never open my emotion to other stundent expect them.

Yami:*sigh* guess you will die sooner than I thought*grip the sacred gear*

Round 2 BEGIN!!

Both of them dash at each other with high agility, Yami speed level was reach at Hypersonic, meaning that her speed had reach Mach 5-10.

He release many attack at Yami but she keep parried issei spear as their speed was so fast even a human,low devil can't see their attack.

The air got shake heavily by them. Yami swing upward her sword, issei immediately back away from Yami. She dash after the blond knight then she keep attack at issei, he still blocking every slash coming from Yami while pushing back

With her final blow. Yami was swing down the sword as she sent a heavy pressure on issei weapon. She sent him fly into at hill grass. His body wasn't even injure as he change weapon into kuro and shiro

\author I replace the name dark and light/

He is now a bit serious about his fight now. Yami was seen to about to preform something

Yami: Moon style: Getsuga tenshou!!

She release black and outline red energy from her blade as Yami swing vertical her sword. The energy slash come toward issei

Issei leave an afterimage of his aura as he dodge to side.he leaps toward Yami as he split the double edge sword into two sword. When he come closer to kiba with his high speed then he one knees slide pass her. He slowly stand up with his sword combine back together. His cheek got bleed but Yami collapse to the ground while her chest was form an 'X' shape . Yami appearance change back to Yumi


Issei walk to injure Kiba, his hand was cover aura as he touch kiba back. Issei heal kiba injure scar and he pick her in princess style while walk away.


Author left note:
-screw about issei/Jaune being dragon in other story because we don't do that crap here

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