KFC ripoff

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The scene start to show issei apartment. moon light emit through his window.


A red magic circuit appear inside his bedroom as when rias step out and she.......................

\ author: I hate this part and like this part /

Take off her clothes while issei was sleeping peacefully not until he feel something heavy on his bed.

Issei:hu-huh*slowly open the vision* What the?*see rias in naked*THE HELL?!

He instantly leave a afterimage of aura glass as he rolls to aside. Issei stand up and pointing destiny wrath in gun mode at rias forehead.

Issei: WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!*pissed*

Rias: Noctis San, I need you to take my virgin


Then another magic appear as when issei head turn toward the new guest with his hand lower the weapon down. The mystery guest look like a maid who have a long braid on each side with small blue bows at the ends of her white hair, her appearance is look early twenties

[grayfia Lucifuge]

Issei:( MONTY OUM PLEASE SAVE ME FROM THIS RANDOM BULLSHIT!!)*rub eye in fatigue* Who are you and why are you here?!

He product 7 weapon from aura and materials and it point at grayfia in her surrounded.

Grayfia: I'm a maid that serves the House of Gremory. My name is Grayfia and I was here to collect Rias for a meeting.

He simply swing his hand to aside, make his weapon turn into glass. Grayfia puts the shirt on rias naked body

Issei: alright then

Grayfia: come my lady, they are waiting

Rias: My virginity is someone who I would give to someone who I like, I will never it to him

Issei:( Keep dreaming about that)

Grayfia: save that speech for lord Gremory and Lord Lucifer, my lady they are waiting

Rias: Can akeno come?

Grayfia: The priestess of thunder, I see no problem in her coming, in fact it is wise for the king to be accompanied with queen.

Both of them leave as magic circuit appear under their feet and they both leave for Gremory mansion. Issei, who is confuse as fuck and he immediately collapse onto the floor while sleeping for tomorrrow school

Location: kouh academy

Issei was in his class with his friend holding a book to reading infront their face. When kiba open their door class that was when every boy in their class rush at her, they want to her to hangout/dates/ flirting at her but the boy often got reject/friend zone/humiliate by kiba just in 1 minutes

Issei usuallys eating popcorn while watching the boy got tobe in friend zone. Matsuda and Motohama laughing behind background. 

Issei:*still eating*( that's how it feel tobe in friend zone, fool )

Motohama:HAHAHAHA*slam hand on the table constantly*HAHAHAHA*continues laughing*

Matsuda:HAHAHAHAHA*roll on floor*

Issei ran out of popcorn then Motohama and matsuda stop laughing at the boy. Mori enter the classroom.

Shirou: what did I miss?

Issei: four word. Reject and friend zone

Shirou:*process*understandable( should I interrupt the timeline?)

Sans_reader:*come out from the portal* time stop!* reality stop moving* Nope!*slap shirou face*don't even think about that!* leap back to the portal*

Reality start to moving normal again and shirou also got slap mark on his face. Only high being like reader and writer able to see thing like that slap mark but any character in every universe can't see it but they can feel it.

Shirou:( danm that slap hurt!)

Kiba:*come at the trio* my president invite you to come to our club

Issei:.....fine, let go guy*stand up with his friend*

Timeskip brought you by chibi issei looking at Excalibur on his hand with confuse face, chibi Motohama try to complete his domain ,  chibi Matsuda finally went in tenseigan mode with true seeker behind him.

They enter the ORC room, issei along with his friend having a serious expression. They really don't want to their time soooo~

Issei: you have something to say?*raise an brow*

Grayfia: My lady, should I tell them?

Rias: No, I will tell them.

Matsuda: tell us about what?

Rias: it about my engage-

At that moment a magic Circuit appear inside the room and flame came out from it. But it the flame die down quickly as rias peerage and team JHM look at old/new guest facing the wall

Rias: Phoenix*say under breath*

Riser: I haven't been to the human realm in a while*turn back* I've come for you.Rias, my love

Motohama: who the fuck is that guy?*point at riser*

Grayfia: That is Raiser Phoenix-sama. A pure-blooded, high class devil and the third son of the Phoenix family

Issei: Phoenix family?( are they flaming bird or flaming devil?)*confuse*

Grayfia: he's also the fiancé of the Gremory family's heiress apparent.

Matsuda: The Gremory family heiress apparent??( why did that devil invite us again??) *confuse*

Grayfia: that is to say, he's engaged to lady Rias.

Motohama:Wow???*confuse*( his voice sound like DIO)

After setting down, Riser was basically touching Rias  where she did not want him to. Akeno then decides to bring in tea for Riser

Riser: ah, Rias queen prepares quite delicious tea!

Akeno: *Bow down*Thank you for the compliment

Rias:cut it out already*stand up*Riser, I told you last. I don't intend to marry you.

Riser: but, Rias, I thought your family was with it back to the wall, so you're in no position to be this selfish.

Rias:*look at riser* I'm not going to bring my family down. I'm going to take a husband. But I will marry someone I want to be with.

Riser:The entire devil world struggle to preserve the lineages of pure-blooded devils after the last war made them a rarity. Our fathers arranged this marriage for the common good

Rias: my father, elder brother, and other family members are all rushing too much. I won't say it twice, riser. I'm not going to marry you.

Riser:*hold rias chin and facing each other eye* you know, Rias, I am the face of the Phoenix family. I cannot have you sully my honor.

Both about to their power aura but Grayfia stop before anything happen.

Grayfia:Please, calm down. My lady, riser sama, as I am here on Sirzechs sama order, I do not intend to stand idly by.

Riser: When it's you, the mightiest queen, saying that,even I am sacred

Issei:( you sure about that fool?) *raise an eyebrow*

Grayfia: he predicted this might happen. As such I been charge to carry out last resort measures if no agreement is reached.

Rias: last resort. What do you mean, Grayfia?

Grayfia:if you insist on your position you're welcome to settle the issue with riser sama through a rating game.

Matsuda: Rating Game?( I wonder what is that?)

Yumi: it's a game that resembles chess, where high class devil fight using their servants.

Akeno:That is why our powers are liked to chess pieces.

Riser: I've played the game many time and won many time as well.*look at rias*You're not even an officially qualified player,let alone have any experience.

Akeno: originally, only seasoned devil were allow to participate in a rating game

Issei: Then she at a real disadvantage and I know it getting worse.

Riser: Rias, just to make sure,are these all your servant?

Team JHM: except us

Rias: what if they are

Riser ignore the trio and snap finger. Another magic circuit appear and it release some people from the flame.

Riser: I have fifteen in other words, a full set of pieces.

Issei:*appear infront riser and slam to the floor* enough talking*walk to the doors*

Riser:Mira ATTACK HIM!!

She leaps toward issei but that was her wrong move as issei was already behind her. She turn back but meet only his punch into her face. She break brought four room just in a single punch

Matsuda:*pick riser by the head* Oi Issei! Strike!*tossed riser to issei*

Issei form mental of baseball bat and give a riser a strike into the gut as when body fly toward his harem and magic circuit appear again take them back into the underworld. Issei, matsuda and Motohama simply walk away ORC room

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