19 year old of memories dream

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The scene start to show Jaune sleeping on the desk but someone grab his shirt to pull lightly.

????: Dad wake up!

Jaune:Hu-huh?*vision was a bit blurry* Good morning,Son* stretch and rub eye* want me to make breakfast?

[ Yuichiro Noctis, Adoptive son of Jaune Noctis]

Yui:*nod* Pancake please!

Jaune:*small smile*( too energies ) alright let go for pancake

Time skip brought you by chibi Jaune making pancake while chibi Yuichiro sitting on chair

Jaune puts the dish with pancake on table

He drink coffee while his son eating in happy mood not until Jaune sense told him danger attack was coming as when the time around him move slower.

Jaune:*sigh* can't let a father drink his coffee right now?

He tossed his coffee to aside, pick his son up with the pancake. Both of father and son went outside the house as the time start to move normal again but their house got explode in fire.

Jaune:*put Yuichiro down and give his child pancake back* I just had bought that house in 3 month ago and this.....unbelievable...

Yuichiro: dad? Why is the house burning?

Jaune: I have no ideal, Yuichiro....

R.Villager:*rush pass them* GRIMM ARE HERE!!

Jaune:Now,I know why the house got bu-*got hit into the face and sent fly* AH!( that attack was so quick! Even my sense can't reach that speed )* fly out the gate and hit into a big boulders*that...is hurt...

He fall off the boulder as When Jaune leaving a print of himself. Blond knight form a sword make from aura and materials. His first weapon, jet sword

He pull himself up with his hand extend to a side while grip on jet sword. Jaune launch back into the village with his sword active the jet.

Jaune:( wait for me,son...)*eye wide*YUICHIRO!!

His son was grab by the neck and there was a hole on his son chest. The Grimm pull back the hand and it was ready to kill Yuichiro

Yuichiro:*notices Jaune was coming*D...dad?*vision start to blurred*

Jaune release his grip as when he rolls on ground then he stands up with a slide.  The sword fly straight into the Grimm head as it pierce through the skull helmet.

Jaune:*stop sliding*YUICHIRO!!*run to His Son*

Jaune try to his semblance to heal Yuichiro hole on chest but his son....



Yuichiro:I d...on't thin...k I can survi..ve from th..is* eye start to getting more blurred than before*


When his hand touch Yuichiro donut. He feels his son heartbeat........
Was stop.

The world around his was shatter as he feels shock,disbelief,sorrow,pain. Jaune just crouch down with his dead son body on arm, there was no emotion on his eye. Suddenly, he summon destiny wrath in sword mode,metal of baseball bat,jumonji yuri in spear mode from behind. He launch three weapon at remain grimm

The secne glitch as it change to Jaune standing infront his son gravestone

R.I.P Yuichiro noctis
Son of night sky

He puts jet sword infront his son gravestone with Lilies on it.

Jaune: Rest In Peace my son.....

Tear fall down from his eyes. He slow turn back and walk away in pain,sorrow state

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