Weird morning

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The scene start to show issei on his way to school.

He holding his iPhone while reading ' my wife is a demon queen '.

Issei:(I have a bad feeling about something)*shook head*(Nahhh, Nothing bad gonna happen right??)

All out of Sudden,someone tackled him from the back onto the ground as issei look back and saw it was a delinque girl

[ Izumi Namikaze,????]

Issei:who are you?

Izumi: I'm Izumi Namikaze and now your my rival now

Issei: Eh!Nani!? What do you mean rival!

Izumi: according to my Mom if someone able to beat my rival [fem Kiba in disguise] then they will be my next Rival

Issei:( Nope!) ehh oh! look! a Alien!

Izumi:Where!?*look back and see Issei running away*

Issei: nigerundayo!!*run away from her*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Izumi:Hey! Get back here!*chase after issei*

Issei basically kept running away from her even they went into the city. She kept turning after him as he rush into an alleyway as when he started doing parkour move to up and up until he reached the roof of the building as Izumi basically looked at Jaune standing on edge of the roof.

Issei/Jaune: Bye...*twos finger wave and jump away*

Izumi:I'm gonna get you next time next. Whether you like or not!

Issei keep jump on roof to roof.

Issei: what annoying day( It only been 2 day after water day and those girl take picture of us)* keep jumping*

He made it on time to go to kouh academy. Issei was running for his danm class as when he slide pass the classroom but issei quickly Grab the door and pull it to aside then issei push himself into the classroom with both of his hand was up.

Teacher:Issei Noctis?....*hear the door open*

Issei:*knees slide* HERE!!

Teacher:( How come someone keep Come at right time! First Motohama,second Matsuda and Now issei! ) please stand up and go to your seat

Issei:He...he* quickly stand up and went to his seat*

Teacher: attention class! There will be 2 new transfer student come to our class.

Two of them walk into the class. The trio about to prepare erupt saliva from their mouth. Girl start making simp noise loudly but the boy.......bark at new transfer student

Teacher: introduce yourself and your hobby

Shirou: my name's Shirou Mori and my Hobby is to fight strong people and sleep!

Issei:( yeah Boi! )

Matsuda:( good job, shirou)

Motohama( what a great disguise )

Izumi: the name's Izumi Namikaze. My hobby is kendo training and fighting my rival

RM student:*raise hand up* Who is your Rival?

Izumi: my rival is Issei Noctis

Every male student in their class give issei many death stare.

Issei:........... ( sorry Vietnamese but I had to do it)* take a deep breath and let it out from nose*( ĐỊT MẸ CUỘC SỐNG!!)

Time skip brought you by chibi Issei eating his bento behind him was Chibi Yumi stalking issei behind the corner with heart eyes

Issei was running for his danm life! Izumi chases after him for a fight. Motohama hide in boy changing room closet as many girl was looking for him anywhere. Matsuda hide under the bush making the girl struggle about finding him.

Issei and Izumi rush into old school building as issei leap toward the door with a straight kick. Meanwhile, riser come out from the circle magic as he try to come at rias with a cocky smirk but a freaking door was sent flying at the bird.

Riser got hit by the door and he almost come out the window but then issei immediately leap at the door again with a straight kick. The kick was powerfull enogh to sent riser outside the building.

The devil bird was fly into the ground with the door above him body as when issei landing on riser door with a heavy stomp and he dash away from izumi bamboo sword.

Izumi break the door into debris and she smash the devil bird nut.

Riser:AHHHHH*Scream in pain and holding the nut*

Izumi:*chase after issei* COME BACK HERE!!AND FIGHT ME!!

Issei:Nope!*keep running away*

Time skip brought you by chibi Ken release many moon fang

After school, the trio was survived the chase as they now sighs in relief. They went to their work place and wear mask to cover their face.

Issei walk into his apartment with fatigue face. Jaune collapse his body into the bed and quickly fall to sleep.

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