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It's my birthday!! Now I'm REALLY old haha, can you guess my age?
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I sighed as I got out of the shower. Grabbing my towel, I tossed it over my head, rubbing it against my wet hair. Dropping the towel, I leaned my palms on the counter, my eyes dragging over my tired reflection. After today's events, I felt worn down physically and emotionally, and the raven-haired teen in the mirror expressed that, as well. My eyes were slightly bloodshot, and they were rimmed in red. My skin was pale, its usual color drained from my face. Trailing down my skin, I took in all of the scars and marks. There wouldn't be any more sessions on the roof, so the fresh wounds on my shoulder would be the last added to the bunch. My eyes scanned down my abdomen and I turned slightly, gazing at my back. The demons had scratched and gouged my flesh, leaving behind dozens of small scars. However, they had healed over already. What I was more concerned with was how my skin draped over my bones.

I knew I hadn't been eating well over the last several months. It really began after dad died, but it was expected. We were grieving, so my lack of appetite was normal. However, maybe I had taken things a bit too far. At certain angles, my ribs could be seen, and while there was still a layer of flesh over them, it was a bit unnerving. My collarbones were a bit more prominent, as well. I sighed and grabbed my towel, turning away from my pathetic reflection. I dried my body and threw on some clean clothes.

When I exited the bathroom, Yukio was by the closet, pulling off his tie. He turned to me and assessed my appearance. It was the usual pajama bottoms and hoodie. His lips formed a thin line and he turned to pull off his jacket. "Rin, going forward, there won't be any more long sleeves. At least not while in the dorm." I started to argue with him, but he gave me a stern look. "I'll let it slide for tonight, but you have been hiding things from me. I'd like to at least be reassured that you aren't adding anymore... things to your arms." I sighed and he continued changing. "Shura and the other's went through the dorm while you were showering. There will be a few ground rules, understood?" He turned to me once he'd finished changing, wearing an outfit similar to mine, however his short sleeves were the only difference. "Cooking is off-limits for the time being, so don't worry about it. I'll figure out our meals. And the roof has been locked from the outside, so it's off-limits, too." I nodded, expecting as much. "And lastly, but most importantly, you won't be alone from now on. I don't want to take away your privacy, but you would hurt yourself whenever you were alone. I don't want to chance anything."

I sighed and nodded my head, once more. I knew this much would happen. I pushed myself out of the bedroom, deciding that I should eat something. I'd have to consume more calories than necessary if I wanted to gain some weight back. I trudged down the stairs and into the cafeteria, becoming surprised when I saw that my peers hadn't left yet. They were all sitting down at one of the tables, Shura standing at the end of it. When I entered, they all turned to me and I felt my cheeks redden. My eyes wandered to where Kuro sat on Izumo's shoulder. He sure took a liking toward her, maybe it's because she was training to become a Tamer.

His eyes met mine, and I saw the sadness inside. Guilt built inside me, putting pressure on my chest. He must've sensed my internal anguish because he hopped down and padded over to me. He jumped up, his claws gripping into my hoodie as he pulled himself upwards. I aided him, grabbing him under the armpit and holding him to my chest. "I'm sorry, I'm such an asshole. I shouldn't have said that to you." He didn't answer me, instead he purred, rubbing his face against my chin. The small vibrations soothed me and I took a deep breath. He nuzzled me for a few more moments before hopping onto my shoulder, his tails dangling around my neck and fluttering up to hit me in the face. He cackled as I blinked away the unexpected fur in my eye.

I turned away from the group, knowing that their conversation was about me, but didn't include me. I walked into the kitchen, pulling open the cupboards and retrieving a granola bar. It wasn't enough to be considered dinner, but seeing as how I was barred from cooking, it would have to suffice. I chewed my meager meal and wandered over to the kitchen island, leaning my elbows against it. Kuro hopped down and sat on the counter, watching me eat. I swallowed my bite and give him a curious look. "I really am sorry about what I said. No matter how angry I was; it was horrible." He shrugged, dismissing my actions. I'm sure my words still hurt him, but it was obvious he didn't want to talk about it. "So, you really seem to like Kamiki-chan..."

He gave me a look from the corner of his eye, but a small smile pulled at his mouth. I took another bite of my granola bar, waiting to hear his reasonings. "And this is coming from you?" I nearly choked, my hand going to cover my mouth so I wouldn't spit food anywhere. The feline snickered, "I see why you like her, she's very forward. You don't have to think about what she's feeling, she just tells you the way it is." I hushed him, my blush returning to my face. "It's fine," he drawled, rolling his eyes. "You're the only one who can hear me, remember? Besides, it's not like your feelings toward her aren't obvious."

"Huh?!" I squeaked before clearing my throat, keeping my voice low as I answered him. "What do you mean my feelings? I don't know what you're going on about."

"Oh, please! After what happened earlier, if there was any doubts before, that cleared it up." I gave him an incredulous look and he clarified. "When she found that knife and you got mad at me. You two glared at each other for what seemed like forever. You were all mad, snarling and stuff." He mocked my reaction, standing up on all four paws. His hackles raised and his eyes turned into slits, hissing.

I rolled my eyes, "I get it, I looked like a lunatic, but what the hell are you getting at?"

He hummed, his fur settling as he sat back down, his tails wrapping around his feet. "Anyone would have been terrified to be on the receiving end of your anger. I know I was. But Kamiki-san stood her ground, glaring back at you like you were just a toddler throwing a tantrum." I mean, looking back on it, that's exactly how I had behaved. "Then, to have this feral half-demon-" he gestured to me, "just cave under her stare, it was interesting."

I scoffed, "I hardly caved. I just didn't see the point in arguing."

"Uh huh, you didn't see the point in trying to get that knife back? The thing you were so hellbent on keeping a secret?" He shook his head, disbelief in his eyes. "You're as stubborn as a bull, Rin. Had it been anyone else; you wouldn't have gave in. You would've fought out of Yukio's hold and came after us - just to get that knife back, am I wrong?"

I sighed, rubbing my hand on my forehead. No, he was right, that had been my original plan. I'd wanted to get that knife back, even if it meant fists were thrown. However, his words didn't sit right with me, "Kamiki-chan wasn't the reason I calmed down, though. It's because Yukio was holding me back, and I had time to think things over."

He hummed, but he didn't seem convinced. "Either way, it was an interesting night."

Scoffing, I grabbed my empty snack wrapper and tossed it into the nearby garbage bin. "You're telling me. This shit was never meant to happen."

His head tilted to the side, a thoughtful look in his eyes. "I get you aren't happy about this, Rin. But there's no changing it now. You can focus on getting better, and you don't have to do it alone, anymore"

I grimaced, "I was perfectly capable doing things on my own." The twin-tailed sidhe shook his head, but I cut him off before he could speak. "Just because everyone else wants to help me, doesn't mean I have to accept it. I was more than happy dealing with my issues alone. Now, everyone wants to get all up in my business. Screw that, I'm not the local charity case. I can handle myself."

"You're wrong. We don't see you as a charity case, Rin. We want to help you because we care about you. I helped Kamiki-chan find the knife because I knew keeping quiet would only hurt you. I was fully aware that by doing so, I'd upset you. But your health comes first."

Groaning, I shoved myself away from the island. I walked a few feet away toward the stove. Leaning against a nearby counter, I rubbed my tired eyes and began mumbling. The words were mainly just to speak my thoughts, but it was also to answer him. "Why give a fuck about my health? I'm just the bastard son of Satan. My bloodline is hardwired to destroy." I let out an exasperated breath. "Everyone should be happy that I've chosen to maim this body and nothing else."

A voice spoke up, but it wasn't Kuro's. "Why the hell would we be happy about that?" My gaze snapped over to the kitchen doorway, where Shura was leaning against the frame. Her arms were crossed over her chest and she had an unflinching cast set in her eyes. "Did you expect us to cheer you on? Did you think we'd enable you?" She shoved herself off of the doorframe and sauntered up to me, her fingers gripping the bottom of my chin as her face became inches away from my own. "Why didn't you tell me?"

I bit back a scoff, "it was none of your business."

"You're right, it isn't. But when someone's mind isn't in the right place, they should no longer trust themselves to make decisions on their own. You didn't have to turn to me, but you had every opportunity to go to your brother. Or anyone else, to be honest. There is a counselor on campus, for fuck's sake! You didn't have to stay silent."

I growled at her, "why are you kicking me when I'm already down?"

Her eyes flashed, and she closed them briefly. She dropped her hold of my chin and took a step back. When she opened her eyes, the intensity in them had ebbed. "I wanted to apologize for the way I reacted back there. Anger is not the way to handle these types of situations, I get that. However," she sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "I was irritated, over many things. The fact that you had hid it from everyone. So long that your arms are littered with scars and wounds. I was angry that I wasn't able to pick up on the signs. And while there weren't many, I'd forgotten that you're simply a teenager, and this shit does happen."

"I get it," I stated. "I don't blame you for anything. I never wanted you to know in the first place."

"I still shouldn't have slapped you."

Her words were genuine, and it was the first time I'd heard her truly apologize for something. "It's fine, it actually pulled me out of my own head. Also, it's not like you to get all concerned and shit. If you would've been kind and understanding, I think I would have passed out from shock." I shot her a smirk and she rolled her eyes. I didn't want anyone else blaming themselves for my actions. I was old enough to make my own decisions, and understand the consequences of what I had done. While her reaction wasn't kosher, it's not like I couldn't understand her reasoning.

"Another thing," she continued, but her posture shifted. The stern look returning to her features. "Our practice sessions will be cancelled until further notice. Understood?"

I sighed and nodded, expecting this change as well.

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