Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Alcohol and Bars
Going out to bars late at night then going home with some random person can be a form of depression or just pure fun.

For me, drinking is an aesthetic. I wouldn't deem myself as an alcoholic, but...I totally am. A little bit of a drug addict too. But no one knows that. Thank God.

I think it had something to do with my ex husband. He was a psychopath-or, at least that's what I tell myself. No, no. He was a psychopath. Definitely. The pain you feel when you get cut or get a bruise can't be imaginary.

Molly sat on the bar stool next to me, "You more of a tequila or wine type of gal?"

"Tequila," I never liked wine too much. It's just sour grape juice. I found that out in 6th grade science.

"Seriously though, gays are adorable," Molly giggled.

"What is your things with gays?! Do you think I'm lesbian or something?" She actually just brought it up right after we left the hospital, like, oh my Lord.

Before she could answer, Gia and Connor joined us at the bar stand. Thank God, I was actually scared for the answer of my question.

"Well would ya look at this! All the fellows are together at the same bar," Gia comes off as bitchy at first, but she's a genuinely happy person.

"Yeah. Everyone except for Ivy," Connor seemed to almost cringe at her name, "That girl is a fucking brunette Regina George,"

"You're a brunette Regina George!" Molly yelled, probably making sure the whole bar could hear her.

"How?! I'm a male AND I'm not a brunette," He has a point.

"I just felt like saying that," Molly smiled and went back to sipping on her vodka. She's such a bitch. I love it.

"Why do we come to bars of all places? I mean, we could go to a fancy restaurant, but we go to a bar," I was talking to myself out loud, so it seemed like I was talking to everyone else. Great, it makes me seem less crazy.

"Yeah, I'd kill for some chicken nuggets right now," Everyone in our little group stopped to look at Gia, "What? I'm a peds surgeon! I'm still a kid at heart!"

"Hahah, well, I gotta go. I need sleep! Cya guys tomorrow," Molly hopped off her bar stool with a sickening crack. Her ankle snapped, "Ouch."
Ivy and the Ortho attending wheel Molly down the hallway. Ugh, I can't stand bones.

"I'm fine!"Molly protests, but no one listens.

"Your bone is sticking out of your ankle, if you wanna call that fine, okay, but logically, no, you're not fine," Ivy was snarky at usual. It really gets annoying after a while.

"Mousey, tell Brunette Regina that I'm fine," Molly whine and held her ankle.

"Not until you quit calling me Mousey," I love tormenting her.

Gia bent over the stretcher and touched the skin that surrounded her bone. Molly screamed a little and glared at her.

"Are you still fine?" Gia had a smug grin.

"Okay, this is where I get to go into the OR and you three get to stay out here," Ivy said that and then went into the OR with the Ortho attending.

"She's such a bitch," Connor frowned.

Gia and I nodded.

"I'm going to go to McDonald's now to get my chicken nuggets," Gia waved and walked off, "Cya when there's a trauma that involves kids,"

That leaves me and McSexy over here-I think I just quoted Grey's Anatomy...

"Let's break into a pool," What the fuck Connor, that was so random.

"Isn't that illegal?" I tried to not break the law. The only thing I've done that's serious is...drugs.


"Then, no, let's not break into a pool,"

"It's fine, my twin sister and I used to always do it when we were 17," Connor paused for a second after saying that. I didn't know he had a sister.

"So, you're like a mastermind criminal?" After I said that, he laughed.

"Technically no, but that would be fun,"

There was a brief moment of silence.

"You know, when I told Molly I couldn't be a brunette Regina, because, well, I wasn't a brunette, I sorta lied,"

"How? Your hair is black," Honestly, I could see him with brown hair. That would be hot too.

"I'm a natural brunette, but I dyed it black before I started my fellowship. I thought it suited me more," Then he added, "My eyes used to be blue too, but it started fading out,"

"I had a friend in 6th grade whose eyes changed color," I just now realized we've been standing outside the OR the whole time, "Let's go outside and continue this conversation,"

He nodded.

It was dark and rainy.

"If you think I'm going to risk catching a cold and missing my second day of work, you're crazy," Connor shook his head, "Let's talk in my car. It's actually dry in there?"

I laughed and followed him. I'd say the conversation we had lasted for about an hour or two. It wasn't nothing special.

"I should be getting home now," I was starting to get tired...which is rare, I was diagnosed with mild insomnia when I was ten.


"Bye," I got out of his car and started rushing to my own. The rain was still pouring down buckets of water and my hair was soaked and tangly.

I got into my car and let out a sigh of relief. I locked the doors and laid back, unintentionally closing my eyes.
Sunlight was shining in through the windows of my car. Holy shit, I fell asleep! I checked the time.

10:24 AM

Dammit! Dr. Steins asked for me to at least be in by 10. I'm fucked, I'm so fucked. My hair is still damp and I'm still in my clothes from yesterday.

I basically ran out of my car to the hospital IN HIGH-HEELED BOOTS. That takes talent.

I quickly got changed in the locker room into my scrubs and attempted to find Dr. Steins. She was in a patients room, probably saying the course of treatment, buy I didn't care, I interrupted anyway.

"I'm sorry! I fell asleep in my car and I didn't have my alarm and-"

"Dr. Montgomery, it's nice to see that you've decided to join us today," Dr. Steins gave a pointed look, "I can assure you, you won't be getting into any surgeries today," She handed me some charts, "Look through these to find the patients you've missed, check up on them every two hours and on your free time go to the labs and experiment," After her long speech, she went back to speaking to the patient.

I really fucked up this time. Technically, she's still doing her job cause I'm learning about being an OB, but dammit, it's the boring way. She hates me now.

I wonder how Molly's doing. She has to miss her second day of work AND be treated by Ivy. She really is an unlucky gal. Not more unlucky than me though. This sucks ass. I need a drink.

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