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Loud voices echoed across the forest, the sounds of footsteps falling on dead leaves and heavy breathing cutting through the chilly forest air. People were running around frantically with torches in their hands. It was a manhunt.

'This is a mess,' Seonghwa thought looking down from his hiding spot, out of breath and definitely starving. He needed a place to hide. Somewhere that would not draw any attention or suspicions from the guards patrolling the city or the border.

As the guards moved along to look for the invader somewhere else, he climbed down, searching for a good place where he could blend in with the people of Alhena. The elders describe the country as the land that has it all. The strongest nation among all on the continent of Lupus, a dreamland; except that there was a catch. The place was a Dystopia at its finest with a sociopathic ruler who cared for no one other than himself and saw his people as nothing but cheap goods to earn easy money. No one was safe.

People resisted; they sure did. But then they were never found again. Some said they were sent off to the cruel Saiph islands to perish, some said the king fed them to his dogs; which was impossible, Seonghwa reasoned, after all, all the king had was pugs! How many humans could a bunch of pugs eat? The human-to-pug ratio didn't add up.

He used to get weird looks when he used to say that back in his homeland. But what was true was true and Seonghwa wasn't the one to believe in every word on the street. Which was precisely why he was assigned to this task. His homeland Nashira was a neutral nation most of the time, keeping to themselves and not sticking their noses in other countries' business, but this time was a reasonable exception. The influx of refugees along with the encroachment of land through force caused the authorities to move. Seonghwa had seen those refugees back in the shelters, each one of them looked like they aged a hundred years at once. Lines from stress, eyes full of fear and the wounds on their bodies told stories of the barbaric acts of cruelty they went through.

Something had to be done. Hence, the kingdom of Nashira sent a team of elites into the eye of the storm. The mission was to sneak into the castle and get the documents relating to all the illegal trade of slaves and illegitimate takeover of land from neighbouring nations. But for that, he had to reach the castle first and that seemed to be a very hefty task seeing how there was an entire force of guards coming for his head right now.

He had to find a place to stay.

Looking to his right, he spotted a house right on the border of the city.

'This would do for now.'

He made his way towards the house, footsteps soundless and making sure that he left no trails behind. It was a modest place, not too flashy but not too shabby either, cute even as per Seonghwa's personal preference. A small garden full of violets and a little swing hanging from the branch of a tree. It was a two-floored manor covered with vines and flowers. Nodding to himself he decided this place checked all the standards.

He peeped inside from a window to get an idea of its resident only to be left surprised and puzzled. The place was...a dystopia of its own. Only that instead of slave trade and suppression, it looked like a hurricane had passed through. Leftover food, unorganized papers and haphazardly thrown underwear. Yep! This place belonged to a single woman.

Seonghwa stared a little more at the underwear, they looked quite fancy for someone living in a village right on the border of the kingdom, miles away from the capital city of Pollux. Couldn't be someone from the noble family, they all preferred staying right at the heart of the capital. Was she just rich? If that was the case, maybe Seonghwa hit the jackpot.

"I bought them from the store down the street if you were wondering." A voice from the back broke his train of thought, making him jump out of surprise and hit his head on the wooden frame of the window. He looked back to see a girl, around his age, looking down at him sceptically. She was a bit shorter than him, wearing a white dress with a red floral pattern and a bookbag slung on her right shoulder. The spy noticed how her hair framed her face well despite being short, maybe because of the way it curled towards the end. Seonghwa stood up, rubbing his still-aching head,

"Oh, um. I was-"

"Peeping into my house? At like ten in the night? While I was out?" The unknown person pushed her round metal-framed glasses up her before crossing her arms. "Tell me one good reason I shouldn't call the patrol guards."

'Ah, great!' Seonghwa thought "What a way to go, Seonghwa. Got caught staring at someone's underwear!' he rolled his eyes.

"Are you gonna talk or am I supposed to read your mind?" The girl leaned down to get a good look at her, eyes widening once they landed on the redhead's face. An audible gasp left her mouth as she cupped the spy's face in both her hands. "HOLY SHIT!"

Seonghwa panicked. Did she know who she was? Did the guards see his face? How did they even get a sketch so fast? He was doomed. Sending a quiet prayer, he waited for the girl to complete her sentence.

"YOU'RE KINDA HOT!" The brunette exclaimed.

What has he landed herself into?

Poor Seonghwa.

WHAT DO YOU ALL THINK??? IS IT GOOD? I mean it's too soon to even determine but yeah-

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