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'YOU'RE KINDA HOT!' The brunette exclaimed as she squished the poor spy's face in both her hands.

'Huh?' Seonghwa was beyond puzzled. All he could do was look at this unknown girl with a questioning face, his brows furrowed.

'I said you're kinda hot.' The brunette repeated herself, hands still on the spy's face. 'Anyways what were you doing peeping into my house, pretty?'

'Oh, um-' Seonghwa tried to think fast 'I just need a place to stay for a few days.' Seonghwa couldn't think fast.

'Oh, you should've said so earlier!' The girl let out a little giggle as held Seonghwa's hand, guiding him through the little garden to the door and dragging him in.

In the next half an hour, Seonghwa learnt this place was an Inn of sorts. The disaster of a room he was looking into belonged to Pearl, the girl from a few moments ago, who also happened to be the owner of the place. The rest of the rooms were for the guests. Pearl walked her through the entire place, explaining the rules around the house.

'What's your name by the way?' She turned towards Seonghwa, realizing she never caught his name.

'Chul soo' Seonghwa replied confidently.

'Yeah, you look like a Chul Soo.' Pearl nodded.

'The heck's that supposed to mean?' Seonghwa glared at the girl, deeply offended. Chul Soo happened to be Seonghwa's annoying cousin. One glance at his face was enough to set Seonghwa's entire existence on rage-filled fire. But Pearl didn't need to know that. No one did. Except for Chul Soo himself, of course.

"Anyways, this is your room." Pearl unlocked the door to a fairly large room, furnished with a bed, a study table, a full-length mirror and a dresser. He spotted the big window that opened right over the spacious backyard of the house that then blended into the dense forest that stretched endlessly- a perfect emergency exit. Seonghwa thanked the universe as he entered the room, about to plop down on the comfy-looking bed before standing up abruptly when realization dawned upon him. 'I don't have money to pay you.' he scratched the back of his neck out of embarrassment.

'That's okay, you could help around the house if that's the case.'

And Oh, the help she needed with the house.

'Are you a racoon?' Seonghwa glared at the brunette while pulling out heaps of chocolate wrappers from under her bed.

'I just get lazy!' Pearl pouted, tying up the knot on the garbage bags. Seonghwa scoffed at that and continued to pull out another heap of wrappers. This was one of his habits, he cleaned when he needed to think and Pearl's house was providing him with ample opportunity to do it. Seonghwa had spent the entire morning and afternoon arranging and stress-cleaning Pearl's entire house while he tried to think of a plan to escape. They were currently on the last and final leg of this sudden mission, cleaning Pearl's garbage dump of a room, trying their best to make it look presentable and sanitary.

'What's this?' A silver head walked into the room, looking around in awe. He was fairly tall, clad in a royal blue flowy blouse with long lantern sleeves that were slightly see-through and black pants. Seonghwa had to physically turn his head the other way when he saw his face. He refused to believe the fine specimen in front of her was human. Not with those beautiful brown eyes, smooth honey skin and luscious lips like his. Heck, even his moles were placed in perfect spots! One underneath his left eye and one right on his bottom lip. Meanwhile, the unknown person was trying to lift his own jaw from the floor as well. This happened to be the cleanest Pearl's room has been in a long span of years.

'Wooyoung!' Pearl exclaimed, giving the silver-haired person a warm hug who just smiled as he melted into it. "Meet Chul Soo, he's new here." Pearl excitedly pulled away pointing at the redhead who had gone back to pulling out wrappers from the depths of the black hole that existed beneath Pearl's bed. The two exchanged greetings. Well, Seonghwa tried his best he could while struggling to pull out the wrappers from the further side of the bed.

'What's with this sudden cleaning spree?' Wooyoung asked, eyes shifting between Pearl and Seonghwa.

'Chul Soo said that my room was, and I quote, "So disgustingly dirty that his eyes started growing moulds after looking at it."' The brunette explained which earned a grunt of agreement from the spy currently battling death from lack of air under the bed.

'That explains all the underwear hanging outside.' Wooyoung nodded, pulling the redhead out by his feet. 'Where did you even get your underwear from? it's so fancy.' There it was! The only question that mattered to Seonghwa currently.

'Why is everyone so enamoured by my underwear?' Pearl frowned, 'Chul soo was staring at them yesterday as well when I caught him peeping!'

'He didn't need to know that!' Seonghwa cried invisible tears of blood. He looked up to send Pearl a glare.

'Anyways,' Wooyoung continued, 'did you hear the new announcements?"

'What is it now?' Pearl rolled her eyes out of annoyance making Seonghwa chuckle at her childishness. 'What does the wee little princey want now?'

'Little princey?' Seonghwa questioned.

'Wee little princey,' Pearl corrected him, 'he's the most dramatic and spoiled person I've ever seen.'

'You've met the King?' The spy asked intrigued by the familiarity the girl spoke with.

'Yeah well, I've seen him once or twice.' Pearl spoke, folding the freshly dried clothes in a neat pile.

"Oh look at that! You do know how to do that!" Wooyoung pointed at the folded pile of clothes, to which Pearl only replied with a scoff. "If you're going to just stand there, help me out a bit." She snarled, handing the silver head the now four full bags of wrappers that Seonghwa had cleaned from under the bed to throw out.

"But yes, they're saying there's a spy in this village." Wooyoung continued with what he wanted to say as he walked out of the house sending Seonghwa's system on red alert.

"A spy? In this village?" Pearl tilted her head in confusion. Although on the border, the village was a peaceful place. It was the main reason why Seonghwa was sent in through this route. "What could they possibly want from here? All we have are apple trees and nosy old women." She asked Wooyoung when he entered back into the house.

'I have no idea either but by description, the spy sounds like a person in their early twenties, around five-nine or a bit more, lean but muscular.' Wooyoung recalled what they had read on the fliers.

'Did they see their face?' Seonghwa asked, he had sweat running down his temples already.

'If they did, there would be portraits passing around so I assume they didn't'

'Thankfully' he let out a sigh of relief.

'But they are visiting houses to check for identification.'

'Shit!' Seonghwa didn't have fake identifications. He was supposed to get them from another agent already here but he got caught in this fiasco.

As if on cue, a knock and voices were heard from the neighbouring house, the visitors announcing they were the royal guards.

Well, guess who needs to leave fast? In fact, Seonghwa had to leave now. He left for his room with the excuse of gathering his documents to get it done faster when in reality he was packing a little bag of essentials to run away with. Some clothes, snacks and his weapons, of course. He zipped his bag up, putting it over his shoulders and then peeped out of the window, checking the distance between the window and the ground under the moonlight. He hadn't even noticed the passage of time while cleaning but it seems that it could be an advantage. The dark would surely allow him to blend in better with the surrounding.

'Too high to just jump down, right?' he froze in his spot, blood running cold. Pearl and Wooyoung stared cockily at the redhead from where they stood leaning on the doorframe as he tried to think of a valid reason for being in such a weird position.

'I was just checking-' Seonghwa started.

'Oh! Don't even try, pretty! For a spy, you're a terrible liar.' Pearl said, watching Seonghwa's face change from surprised to fear and then back to the same permanent scowl he adorned all the time.

'She knew right from the start and I just connected the dots when you matched most of the descriptions.' Wooyoung explained.'

'Now that you're caught here's what your two options are,' Pearl walked up to Seonghwa, standing face to face (at least she tried to, considering the difference in heights), 'Either we report you to the guards,' She pointed at the house next door which was still being inspected. 'Or you let us in on your plan and we'd help in every way possible.' This earned a scoff from Seonghwa.

'Or I could easily kill both of you and escape out of here with no traces.' Seonghwa looked back at the two, drawing out his combat knives and immediately pinning Pearl to the window sill, knife to her throat and the other hand pinning her down by her waist.

'Don't think that's a good idea, pretty.' Pearl croaked out, holding Seonghwa's wrist, trying to get the knife as far from her neck as she could.

'Why? Would the wee little princey be mad if one of his many subjects that he doesn't even care for dies?' Seonghwa pushed the knife back to her throat, smirking down at the girl only to be surprised when he only heard a chuckle and saw a smug grin in return.

'No, but he might be mad if someone as far as touched his fiance.'

How do we like it so farrrrrrrrr?

Honestly, I'm kinda nervous about how people would react to this story. Or if anyone would read it at all. The quality of it keeps wavering. I hope y'all still like it though but don't hesitate to give constructive criticism if you think I could improve somewhere!

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