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Pearl was seething. She saw Seonghwa enter the living room and then turn on his heels to go somewhere else as soon as he noticed her presence. What did she even do to deserve this kind of treatment? Ever since San and his guard, especially that half-and-half shorty, have joined them in this mission, Seonghwa hasn't spent a single breathing second away from them. She gets that the spy might be missing home, but this was ridiculous! After they had returned from their training session, the princess rushed to him with a wet towel ready in her hand, but the spy had all but ignored her and taken one from a protesting Wooyoung. Pearl ended up giving hers to San. The next morning, Pearl tried to approach Seonghwa with the excuse of not understanding a part of the plan, only for the latter to walk away as soon as he saw her coming towards him. It wasn't like she was mistaken; she had noticed the spy notice her approaching, his eyes widening comically before he looked elsewhere and then ran away. Ran away to Hongjoong in particular. This has been going on for three days now. Every time Seonghwa saw Pearl come his way, he shuffled away to Hongjoong. On the rare occasions when she did manage to get a hold of him, the redhead always had an excuse. 'What is it, Hongjoong? Do you need me there? Yeah, I'm coming!' 'Oh, Hongjoong's calling me. Sorry, Princess. Gotta go!' he said as he flew towards the guard.

But Pearl has had enough. One might say she was being jealous, but she doesn't care anymore. She has had enough of the spy running away and refusing to have even small conversations with her. She missed the small banter and teasing that had become a staple in her days ever since Seonghwa came around. And so, she stands up from the sofa, hastily approaches Seonghwa before she could turn to that half-and-half skunk-looking shorty, and pins him to the nearest surface she could find, which happened to be a door. 'Hey there, pretty.' She stared up into the redhead's clearly startled face.

Seonghwa was panicking as he stared down into the princess' big brown eyes, her eyebrows furrowed, and irritation apparent on her sweet little round face. Seonghwa knew that Pearl was upset. He wasn't that big of a fool to not notice the sad eyes whenever he ignored her and ran to the other guys. It always broke his heart to be the cause of her dismay, but Seonghwa wasn't nearly ready for his little crush to come to the attention of anyone other than those who already knew. Prince San, especially. Because once he finds out, he'll pair up with Wooyoung, and he won't be able to see the end of their teasing. So one fine night, he decided to approach Hongjoong, the most trustworthy one of the bunch, and ask him to help him out. The captain hesitated at first, telling him how bad of an idea this was, but the spy was hard-headed and persistent. Seonghwa knew that his actions would have consequences. But he didn't think this would be the end result of his absurd idea.

'Pearl! Good morn-' The princess shushes him with a finger to his lips, her eyes burning with anger as they bore deep into his soul.

'You still haven't received your reward.' Pearl spoke, barely audible to the rest of the people in the room.

'Reward?' Wooyoung whispered to Mingi. 'Is he a dog or something?' He was quickly shut up by the florist, who was too into the scene unfolding in front of him to reply back.

Seonghwa looked at the brunette in confusion, trying to remember what she was talking about. It was then that a memory flashed before his eyes. The time from the tavern when the princess had leaned into his face, lips parting to press against his, before she had to painfully draw back to rescue the evil childhood friend of hers. His eyes widened, suddenly aware of all the people who had stopped all their activities to stare at the two. He had pictured the moment countless times in his head, but not once did it cross her mind that this could be a possibility too. Now he stood, pinned against the hard wooden door, his throat dry and his knees weak. His palms were sweating when a squeaky 'Huh?' escaped his lips as if to confirm that he had heard it correctly.

'I wanted to give it somewhere private, but you've been ignoring me all the time.' Pearl pouted. 'So I'll just do it here.' She finally pulled the taller one of the two down by his shirt, crashing her lips against his and snaking her hands in his silky red hair. It took a while for Seonghwa to realise what was happening, which made Pearl a little worried, thinking she might've made a mistake, but soon she was being kissed back with equal fervour. His hands wrapped around the princess' waist, bringing her closer until there was no space left to breathe. Their mouths moulded together perfectly, moving in sync as if they'd done it a million times before, stopping only when they ran out of air. Seonghwa reached back to open the door to the room he was pinned upon, pulling the princess in along with him. He pulled away from the princess, scanning her from head to toe. She was breathing heavily, her pupils blown wide, and her lips turning a light tint of red.

The spy reached to cup her face in one of his hands, the other resting on her waist as his head found its way to the crook of her neck. 'Princess,' he almost whispered, his voice deep and breathy that tickled Pearl's ears. 'Stop me before I go too far.' He kissed right below her jaw before moving to another part of her neck to pepper it with searing kisses. Pearl was breathless, gasping for air as Seonghwa did his work of covering every single part of her with small pecks. She moaned at the sensation when the spy lightly sucked on one of her sensitive spots, turning her into jelly in his arm that was securely wrapped around her. Pearl doesn't think she can survive for long. This was absolute madness.

Meanwhile, outside of the little room, another sort of madness was going on. Yeosang, San, and Jongho had all laid their claim on the prize at the same time and started arguing about who should be the one to get the money and free food, only to be let down by the news that Hongjoong had known all along. The captain took immense pleasure in breaking the news to them himself. The three protested, saying it wasn't fair and that it was cheating. Seonghwa had told him because they were close, but before the argument could go any further, a small moan echoed in the room from where Seonghwa and Pearl had disappeared, and the whole house froze. Yunho was the first one to move. He grabbed some snacks, picked up Guava, took Mingi's hand, and left.

'Well, we should leave too.' Wooyoung picked up his jacket. 'Unless you want a free audio show of what's about to go down," and just like that, everyone was now homeless.

I'm sorry for taking so long y'all I had end sems TT

they went pretty trash if you're wondering.


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