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'Ladies and gentlemen,' Yunho chirped, his arms wide open as he introduced the place to the outsiders 'Welcome to paradise.'

'A fish market?' Hongjoong deadpanned as a vendor with a cart full of fresh fish walked past him, shouting the prices at the top of his lungs to attract customers. 'I'd rather go to hell.'

'No! Not here!' The blond boy turned the crew's attention to another street right next to it, and Hongjoong's jaw dropped. The path was lined with food, freshly cooked and served hot, and the variety was making him drool. The crew ended up at the busy market of Altair after a busy day of fooling around in the city. Yunho decided it was time to eat when Mingi's stomach suddenly grumbled, pulling a little laughter out of everyone before they were pretty much dragged by their guide to finally get some breakfast.

It wasn't surprising to find the place bustling with people in the morning; besides, it was around the time when the fresh stock was put on display. Altair's market had everything, from fish caught earlier this morning from the sea roaring just a few streets away to fresh flowers cut and arranged only a few minutes ago. The team watched in awe, looking around for things to eat, but there were just so many to pick from. Guava ended up being the first to decide, dragging Yunho along with him towards the stall with cookies on display and wagging his tail as he hopefully looked up at the vendor. 'Guava, you can't even eat half of these!' Yunho chuckled at the silly dog, petting his golden coat.

'Oh, it's quite alright!' The vendor chirped, pulling out a jar full of bone-shaped biscuits. "We have a new product we've been hoping to get some feedback on." He handed a piece to the blond, who looked questioningly at the odd shape of the food before bringing it near the dog's mouth. Guava sniffed the biscuit, eyeing it suspiciously, but eventually decided to give it a try. And oh boy, did he love it. He shot at the jar in the vendor's hand, wagging his tail and pawing at his hands to get some more. Yunho had to physically separate the golden ball of fur from the poor vendor, who clutched his prized creation near his chest protectively. 'Well, that was a reaction.' Yunho chuckled awkwardly, running back to the group and dragging Guava along with great effort, not before picking up a few biscuits as an apology for scaring the living daylights out of the vendor.

Hongjoong was on the verge of tears. As if Prince San wasn't enough, the gods had to hand him another problem child to deal with in the shape of Wooyoung. He doesn't get paid enough for this. San, Yeosang, and Jongho had once again started laying claims on the prize of the bet, and Wooyoung was only fanning the fire. The poor captain felt tired already, and the sun hadn't even risen properly yet. Technically, he should be the one getting treated here, but he knew trying to talk logically with them would be as helpful as singing a ballad to a statue. One might argue that the activity might actually turn out to be more productive than arguing with the three. So with a heavy heart, after swallowing down his emotions, Hongjoong decided to empty his pockets and treat everyone to food instead. He ran his eyes over the table briefly as the team gobbled down the small feast set in front of them like hungry hyenas, having missed their breakfast because of the two idiots they had left back home.

'So,' Yeosang started after taking a small sip of his water, 'what are we doing next?' The question was mainly directed at Yunho, the only one familiar with the city. The blond pondered for a bit, considering many activities at once. The city was built on the endless seashore, but they did have some grassy hills around the outskirts and a cool, dense forest near the borders. Altair's food was phenomenal, too. In fact, when he first came to the city, he spent an entire week gorging himself on the scrumptious food that Altair had to offer. So currently, he was plucking his hair out, trying to think of just one.

'How about this?' he finally started. 'I feel like we should have a team bonding exercise.'

'No.' San was quick to shut him down.

'Boring.' Yunho was about to strangle Wooyoung.

'We've done too many in the camp already.' The two trainees chimed in.

'Hey! Hear me out first!' Suddenly, Yunho started to feel bad about Hongjoong. He doesn't know how he does what he does, but he has found a new respect for his batchmate. 'I was proposing a competition!'

'A competition?' Suddenly, Jongho was all ears, letting his competitive side get the best of him.

'What's the prize?' San asked.

'A forehead kiss from me?' Yunho suggested.

'Yeah, no thanks.' Hongjoong went back to his food.

'A forehead kiss from Seonghwa?'

'Gross.' Wooyoung made a face, but Yunho watched the two trainees from the corner of his eyes slowly get back to their seats, trying to seem as if they had not just run out to get a head start without even hearing what the challenge even was. The blond sighed, taking out a bag full of colourful cookies he bought from the vendor in the middle of Guava's commotion from his satchel and putting it on the table. 'I did not want to do this.' He looked at the cookies, heartbroken. 'Whoever wins gets these special cookies I was saving for later.' Suddenly, everyone was interested.

'What do we have to do?' Hongjoong asked, eager to get this competition started.

'Here, I'll write a set of tasks on these papers.' Yunho pulled a neat stack of papers and a pen from his satchel. 'You draw these lots randomly and the first one to come back with all their tasks complete would get these cookies.' He quickly folded all the papers, making sure no one could see what was written on them and cheat. He shuffled the papers expertly and then gave one to each, watching Wooyoung and Jongho run out without even seeing what their tasks were. Hongjoong and Yeosang took their time, their eyes widening as they read through the list.

'Are you serious right now?' Yeosang cried, exasperated as he read his set of requirements- A white chicken, weird but okay; a single strand of white hair, Hongjoong had many; Write your views about the meaning of life and your thoughts on the attitude and approach of society towards death and how it should be changed for the better. What did he ever do to Yunho? Even their entrance exams for the academy weren't this complicated. Hongjoong seemed to be equally bewildered, making Yeosang wonder what his tasks were. He didn't get much time to think though; San's loud voice echoed in the bar, claiming he found the first thing on the list, which happened to be a bald man with exactly three strands of hair on his head. This made the two break into action, focusing back on getting the sweet treat that sat as the prize in any way possible. Hongjoong, however, chose to play dirty, plucking one of the hairs out of the man's head and making a break for the door. Yeosang looked back at San and the poor, crying bald man, now with now just two strands of hair remaining. The prince's eyes were narrowed, dead set on the captain who had betrayed his trust so cruelly. Yeosang made some calculations and came to the conclusion that his captain had just now made a grave mistake. And he will pay.




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