26: Too dangerous to use.

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"What are you doing, Togo-chan?" Akane asked. The novelist looked up from her work.

"Ah, Akane-san. I'm just doing something with what we stole back from the lab." Togo answered as she poured a small bit of the substance onto what seemed like a syringe.

"What... exactly? It looks... dangerous." the maid asked, a bit worried.

"Making enhancement bullets. They work like a syringe, when being shot, they implant the enhacer in the body for a limited ammount of time." Togo explained. Akane just looked at the novelist work. Despite her talent, she seemed like a natural with this kind of things.

"Are these bullets we can use during fights?" Akane asked. Togo nodded.

"Of course, we still need to test them to see how effective they are. But I need to finish them first." the novelist added as she spun the chair to grab a modified gun Teruya built, loading it with one of the bullets "Care to try, Akane-san?" she asked, turning her chair to look at Akane, an eyebrow raised.

"Ah... As long as it doesn't hurt..."


"Ready?" Togo asked as she aimed the gun at Akane with an emotionless look on her face. She nervously nodded, mentally embracing herself to be ready to feel pain.

"I hope this doesn't hurt." the novelist mumbled before she pulled the trigger, a greenish blue bullet with a pointy end shooting towards Akane. The maid choked back a gasp as the syringe-like bullet pierced her shoulder, digging deep and staying stuck there. She could feel the liquid slowly diving in her body. Her legs trembled, failing her.

"Akane-san!" Togo exclaimed, pushing her wheelchair forwards when she saw Akane falling on her knees from the sudden rush of adrenaline. The brunette was breathing heavily, hands on the floor.

"It hurts... It hurts..!" she gasped out, her hands balling into a fist. Togo frowned.

"Maybe I put too much liquid in the bullets..." she mumbled as she tried to help Akane get up. The maid wobbily got on her feet again, legs trembling heavily.

"It hurts... It-It feels like a sudden rush of adrenaline..." Akane breathed out, tears forming in her eyes "It... hurts..!" she choked out, gripping her chest.

"Akane-san..?" Togo whispered, wheeling the chair away. She felt like she shouldn't interfere at all. Akane balled up her fists before she punched the floor, making it shake. Togo yelped as she fell off of her wheelchair, the floor slowly cracking.

"This is bad..!" the novelist mumbled, trying to get on her wheelchair again. It didn't work, as the object had wheeled away from her due to the shaking. Togo looked back at Akane, who looked out of control.

'I poured too much into a bullet for sure..! This is... This is what Zetsubou was planning?! This is insane!!' she thought as she rolled away from Akane, who kept slamming her fists down on the floor.

"Dammit... ZIO!!"


"The enhacer makes people stronger at the price of them becoming mindless animals for the time period it works. It's too damgerous to use." Togo wrote on her notebook as Akane, who was now unconcious, laid on her bed, bandaged up. The novelist sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"I hadn't used that in years either... It worn me out..." she mumbled to herself, looking at her reflection on the mirror. Zetsubou really was gambling on their luck with this.


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