Chapter 1

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 When you woke up you were lying on some hard floor. Getting up you felt super sore and your elbow pops loudly making you wince. You looked around to find out you standing on some green floor, and the sky was pitch black. But looking further out you saw a light. 'Is that a city?, Wait for a minute..'

You "God fucking dammit Kris where the fuck are we!?... Heh, I always wanted to do that."

 With another thing off your bucket list. You knew you were in deltarune and the cyber world. You looked down at your hands and notice your skin color changed. Also noticed your outfit changed into something tailored to you.

 Excited about adventuring you slide down the slope. Running through cyber field. You notice all the puzzles were completed. 'I guess the fun gang has already been here.' Waltzing down further on you saw a shop, and to be honest you were hungry.

 You felt through your pockets and suddenly an inventory menu popped up in front of you. You looked at it confused, and when a plug boy walked by.

You "hey can you see this?"

Plugboy "see what? I do not see anything. Are you talking about Sweet Cap'n Cakes' store?"

You shrug your shoulders and the little Plugboy wanders off.

'I guess nobody can see my inventory'
 Investigating you notice you had 500 dark dollars. Just enough to get you a CD beagle. The thought of that made your stomach growl for the souls of the innocence so you walked in and bought two bagels instead.

 Munching on one you continued down the path to the city. It was pretty bizarre to see the city in non-pixelated form. Every light seemed brighter and dark spots seemed, well darker. Everything felt so clear it was almost overwhelming with all the sounds of cars and people. Suddenly you were stopped by a guy with pink hair and skin.

Pink Addison "Hello there would you like to buy some of our finest black tea? It is only 100 dark dollars!"

 To be honest, you did feel thirsty, but you only had 300 dark dollars left. You politely declined and walked passed and he waved goodbye to you. You honestly looked around to find a water fountain but to no avail. But you did notice a vending machine in an alleyway.

 You walked over to it and notice it had water bottles. It was only 50 dark dollars so you got one. Drinking some nice cold water felt refreshing, so refreshing that the author of this book went to go get some for themselves. You sat down next to the vending machine and sighed.

 Today has been the craziest ever, and you have been loving it. Until you remember your home, and your family and friends. You felt a sad ping in your heart as your mood was let down.

'To be honest with myself. I don't think I can get back. If anything I would go up to the lightner world. But hey at least I can poke fun at Sans and maybe get adopted by Toriel. That would mean I would have new brothers Asriel and Kris... Kris. I wonder the fuck they are at right now? I hope that they are not still controlled by a player.'

 If that was true and if that player sees you. There is a chance you might get wiped, and the thought scares you. Getting up, still drinking your water you walked down the alleyway across the street. You needed to process this out alone, and in a quiet place so you can think clearly. Down the alleyway, you saw queen posters and a dumpster. Giving a chuckle you try to see if you could do a bottle flip onto the dumpster lid. You nailed it with a thud on the lid, and you got it on the cap part so bonus points to you reader!

 Soon you saw the dumpster shake. And the water bottle fell off. Quickly you ran over to see if it burst open on the concrete floor. Luckily it did not, but then you felt a breath of air down your neck. You froze in place a bit then slowly looked up and to your side to see something pointy nearly hitting your eye. You yelped and pushed yourself away to the other side of the alleyway. Scraping your hands in the process. You looked back up to see...


 Spamton suddenly stops and looks at you.

Spamton "HEY WH Y ARE YOU ON THE FL00R LIKE THAT IT LOOKS [Feeling mild discomfort?]" 

 He hops out of the dumpster and walks up to you. dear god he is smaller than he looked like in game... Well you were a grown up and Kris was a kid, so you guess the portions are correct?

Spamton "LIGHT nER DID I MADE YA [Blow a Gasket]???"

 You stood up and shook you head and Spamton looked up in surprise.

Spamton "WOW I   DID N0T KNOW LIGHT nERS GET S0 BIG!!! DID Y OU EAT [All the vitamins you ever need]?!"

You "Actually this is like normal person Hight, but I am not arguing with that"

Spamton "AH SO THA T LIGHT nER I MADE A DEAL WITH WAS [A small little bundle of joy]... I MEAN KIDD0!!!"

*You chuckled

*Spamton blushed lightly out of embarrassment

You "Well Spamton do you know where to find a hotel?"

Spamton "A DEAL??? WEL L D0 I KNOW A [Vacation hotel 50% Off] NEAR BY. I CAN TAK3 YOU THERE IF Y0U [Read the terms and conditions]!!"

You "Ok, shoot!"

Spamton "T0 BE [[A fair deal]] I DO N0T TRUST THA  T KIDD0,      SO I AM G0ING TO [Same deal, better price!]! SO THA T'S RIGHT I AM G0ING TO MAKE YO  U A [[Big Shot]] AND LET YOU BEAT THE KIDD0 TO THE [[Hyperlink Blocked]]!!"

You "Hyperlink blocked? What is that by the way?"

Spamton looks away and points upwards.

Spamton "W3ll.. . [[Hyperlinked Blocked]] IS WEL L [[Hyperlinked Blocked]]! IS THA T ALL Y0UR [Questions and Answers]??"

You gave an evil smirk 'Heh he knows he cannot say it. Stop denying it Spammy boi!' Spamton suddenly looked back. Quickly that little smirk was wiped clean of your face before he could notice. 

You "So you want me to help you out with a project and in return you take me to a hotel and help me become a "Big Shot"?"

Spamton "[Exactomundo]!!"

You "Well I think I can even the playing field and let you crash on the couch in the hotel. Or at least let you sleep on some blankets..."

Spamton "R3ALL Y Y0U WILL LET ME [Refresh] AT YOU  R [Humble Abode]!!"

You "Is there a problem with that?"

Spamton "Y0U [Hot singles nearby] SHOU LD THINK BEFORE INVIT3ING [Unknown strangers in your home?],   BUT HEY   AT LEAST IT IS EVERY B00DY'  S PAL SPAMTON!! EHEHEHEHEH!"

Now it was your turn to blush but harder. Spamton noticed your face this time and his painted red cheeks looked bigger with blush at this point. He cough into his hand and offered it out to you you gladly took it. But you felt a sharp sting on your hand and withdraw. Spamton looked shocked and looked back at his hand seeing a little blood.

Spamton "DID THAT [Lovely fall season] SCRAP3D UP Y0UR HANDS?"

You "Maybe..."

Spamton "WELL THEN I WIL L L3T YOU   PRESS F1 FOR [Medical Services]!"

'Goddammit I do not know how to press a computer key inside a videogame, maybe try thinking of help?' As soon as those thoughts went by you felt something hover over you. You looked up to see and extra small Spamton with angle wings and a halo flutter down to give you head pats. You smile slightly and felt much better. And when you looked back down you saw your hands have healed! To be honest you wanted to do that again, but you know Spamming mini Spamtons makes them never come back. You sighed in relief and took Spamton hand suddenly and started walking out the alleyway.  He was shocked at the sudden movement, but surprised on how warm your hand was. After you two got out Spamton rushed over to take the lead tugging you as you suddenly stopped.

Spamton "H3Y NOW TOOTS I CAN "T GIVE Y0U [Great Navigation] IF YOU ARE DRAGI NG M3 AROUND!!"

You Smiled as Spamton walks with you down the sidewalk.

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