Chapter 2

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(Spamton no lines addition, also in a blanket)

 Looking up you saw a decent building with a small sign over the door that said "hotel".  Walking in you saw a lady behind the counter. She was on the phone and looked behind her to see you and looked down to see Spamton. She sighs and finishes her call with a click.

"What is it that you want Spamton?"

Spamton "HEY CHI PSTEEN I HAV3 FINISH MY END OF [Local bargain deals]! I HAV3 BROUGHT Y0U A [Loyal customer]!! 0N TOP OF THAT A LIGHT nER! YOUR [Recommendations] WIL L SKYROCKET!"

Chipsteen "Wow Spamton I am impressed. I just though you just took a night here and bailed without paying."

Spamton "WOAH [Hold the press] Y0U MAKE ME SOUND LIKE A [Hard earned criminals]!!"

 Chipsteen looks back at Spamton, and they continue talking as you looked around and saw how warm and cozy the placed look. It looked like your grandparents house and you gave a small smile. Suddenly you herd a cough from Spamton again and you went up to the counter.

Spamton "SHE W0ULD LIKE A [Comfy night stay] R00M FOR THE [Peaceful night]"

*Chipsteen looks up at you

Chipsteen "Well since you are a lightner I will give you a good discount. I herd you came from the lightner world. Is it scary that your in a new unfamiliar place?"

You "Yeah, but the adventure is the fun part that is for sure!"

*Chipsteen smiled

Chipsteen "Well you must be tired after a long day of adventuring! I can get you a room for 200 dark dollars."

You "Sure thing!"

*You bring the money from your pocket and placed it on the desk

Chipsteen "Well here are your keys! If you lose them please tell me asap ok?"

*You received (Hotel Key)

 You nod and stared to head up the stairs. Spamton fallowed behind you.

Chipsteen "Hey where do you think your going?"


Chipsteen "Just don't do anything to crazy or I will bring the broom!"

*Spamton gulps as he had a flashback

Spamton "WIL L D0 [Miss]"

 Spamton ran up stairs as Chipsteen scoffed. You opened the door to see a bed and a couch in front of the bed along with a TV and a bathroom on the side wall. The best part you looked out and saw the beautiful scenery of the city. It was almost breath taking and soon you herd little footsteps coming down the hallway. You sat on the couch as Spamton walked in and closed the door behind him. You gestured for him to sit on the couch. He took your offer and hoped onto the couch before adjusting himself to face the TV. You turned it on and flick though channels and you found one of those channels that sell goods. Quickly Spamton flicked it to a cooking show instead.

You "You ok Spamton?"

Spamton "SORRY TH0ES THINGS MAKE ME THI NK OF [Hyperlink Blocked]. .."

 You noticed his eyes got static like and you saw him shake ever so lightly. 'Man Spamton's trauma is worst than I expected...' You placed your hand on Spamton's head. At first it dipped down but then the static cleared a bit. You gave him head pats this time, and not some miniature angle version either. you hand easily cresses his head and Spamton felt that warmth. It felt amazing to him as he went back to his senses and looked up at you, and you can see his tiny eyes under his colored lens. 'OH MY GOD HE IS SO FUCKING CUTE~' You squealed in you mind wile managing to withhold your blush. You gave him a genuine smile as you took your hand away. Shortly you saw him blush and gave a little humph but looked back up at the TV. He saw the plethora of food and started to drool. You started to feel hungry for dinner so you pulled out your other CD bagel and spit it in half. Noticing that Spamton is entrance by the beautiful food, You nudged your arm on his side startling him. He wiped his drool onto his sleeve and looks at the other half of the CD bagel.

Spamton "HEY   HEY HEY!! Y0U DON  'T NEED TO GIVE ME A [Complementary dinner]!"

You "It is fine and besides I would feel guilty if I am sitting next to you eating wile letting my friend starve."

Spamton "W3LL THIS [Friend request accepted] IS [Tough enough to fight off grease] I M3NT HUNGER"

*You hear a low growl

You "Are you sure about that?"

*Spamton looks away and takes the (CD bagel (half)

 Spamton took a bite he was so happy!


 Looking at yours you notice steam rising from it. 'What the... Does the inventory system keep everything fresh?!' You were astonished but then you felt a tug on your arm. You looked back to see Spamton all ready finished his side of the bagel.

Spamton "YOU ARE S0 KIN D I WOULD HON3STLY LIK E Y0U [Insert name here] INSTAED OF [Just one call away] YOU LIGHT nER"

 You thought for a second and let out a small low chuckle

You "My name is (Y/N)"

Spamton "(Y/N) WHA T A L0VELY NAME"

 It was honestly started to get late so you got up from the couch and looked over on the bed and garbed one of the cream colored blankets and went back over to Spamton. You stood in front of him and leaned closer. It surprised him and he started to blush as he examined you face. And you also looked over he face as well. His skin looked porcelain and a bit glossy with cheeks painted red with what seems to be red paint, his hair was well kept but greasy and dirty. Just like his clothing and you looked at his eyes. They were like small black dots witch made him look more like a marketable plushie (TBH would buy one) than a living puppet. Then you notice his whole face turning pink. And you bushed quickly as you stood back up and wrapped the blanket around him almost like a nest. 

You " I am going to use the shower first so get comfy and enjoy the TV, ok?"

*You turned away and walked to the bathroom

Spamton *quiet* "Thank you..."

 After you closed the door you realized Spamton did not talked glitchy this time and it made your cheeks grow brighter with blush. You wished that Gaster or Mike did not had given him the malicious code. He sounded nice like that. After your shower you walked out and saw Spamton curled up in the the blankets with a bit of blush still on him. You almost squealed he was too cute. You nudge him awake and he wakes up you pointed your thumb towards the bathroom and he got the message. Soon you herd the shower running and glitched humming. 'Wow I cannot believe that Spamton is humming Dailtone. Makes sense since it is the song of His shop..." You got onto the bed and got cozy under the sheets continuing watching the show. With the nice TV, warm bed, and Spamton's shower singing. You were lulled to sleep and moved over to your side. 

 Little that you know just after Spamton got out of the shower. Spamton hoped back into his blanket nest, and it felt cold. He then stood up and turned around to see you sleeping peacefully on your bed and the he turned back, grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. Then he hop of the couch with a little thud. Quickly he looked back at you to see your still asleep. He wandered over to you and could roughly see your relaxed face 'Dammed height' he thought to himself. And grabbed the blanket and climbed up like Rapunzel's hair. Making sure not to tug too hard and wake you up. He stood on the bed and he was amazed how well you were sleeping. 

 And that is where he felt you took a sigh and a big puff of warm air hit Spamton's legs. He shook by the sudden feeling but grew sad when the warmth went away 'Why is she so warm' He thought as he tucked himself in. Dear god it was so cozy under the sheets it was almost unbearable for Spamton, but his greedy side got the best of him and he wanted more. He dipped under the sheets and slowly scooched over to you 'Better not do something rash or else I will get The Broom.' This thought made him shiver. but your warmth relaxed him back up as he turned away from you and curled up like a cat. He swiftly fell asleep with a small smile.

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