Chapter 18

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(Emotions galore! Fuck yeah!.. Although took way too long thinking of how to play this out. Also I did a redesign of Spamton to be more accurate.)

-Spamton's POV-

 It felt so awkward to be back at the shopping district... I feel like so many eyes are on me. But at the same time no one is looking. Fumbling my hands until I could see the top of Pink's tea shop amongst the sea of cyber monday shoppers. He was standing outside but he was not trying to get customers attention. Pink was looking and then he spotted me. I felt a chill down my spine as that static noise started to consumed my mind again. I need (Y/n) to help me.

Pink "Spamton your here great!"

 He just walks over to me with his arms stretched out for a hug. A [&?!?]ING HUG!! I just slapped his hands that were just about to grab at me. I... I could not face him. Pink is acting like he misses me, but I know he does not.

Spamton "Why did you get in touch with the addison factory just to drag me here! Do you want to see what I have become?!"

*Spamton turns around and crosses his arms

Pink "Spamton I am not here to mock you I want to just-"

Spamton "If you were going to say "talk" you are hella wrong pal. I don't want to talk to you! You and everyone else who abandoned me... You did not even try looking for me..."

*Pink places a hand onto Spamton's shoulder

Pink "Spamton just hear me out! Please!!"

Spamton "Why would I when you did not want to hear out my apology the night you guys turned on me!"

*The air feels stiff

Pink "we looked..."

*Spamton turns his head at Pink

Pink "Everyone was honestly looking for you... We were looking everyday around cyber city. For three whole months. Spamton we have been looking for YOU for three full months! Everyone still can't let go of that lingering guilt... Especially B-Blue. It hit him the hardest. Especially since you keep ghosting us every time when we spot you."

Spamton "I-I thought you did not wanted to see my ugly mug anymore..."

Pink "We were all just angry at your success and not directly at you. Even if you were pretty rude."

Spamton "You m-mean it?? No click bait?!"

Pink "No click bait."

*Pink hugs Spamton

 I try to hold back my tears but they were flowing out of me. Feeling almost all my years of suppressed tears just falling out of me. Pink gave me his handkerchief and I wipe away my tears. Almost blew my shnoz in it, but I remember when I did and Pink gave me a lecture about it. I ended up laughing softly as Pink guided me back to his shop and sat me down on a couch next to a coffee table. Soon I rubbed my dripping nose on my sleeve.

Pink "S-Spamton let me get the tissues! You got your sleeve all dirty now."

Spamton "I am all ready dirty as is from living in a dumpster..."

*Pink passes over a box of tissues

 With one good honk I can breathe again. Smelling the same old rich sent of aged tea leaves. It honestly felt almost nostalgic... Then Pink sat right next to me.

Pink "To be honest for someone who has been in a dumpster you look quite clean."

Spamton "T-that's because I found someone who could take me in... That's all."

Pink "Really is it like a one time thing or a roommate thing?"

Spamton "At first I wanted for it to be a one time thing but sh- They were super persistent. I could honestly not accept that deal."

Pink "Woah woah woah, hold up! You almost said she there didn't you?"

Spamton "I can read your face Pink and NO it is not like that."

*Spamton's face turns pink

Pink "Well I guess I won't push you on that. Want some tea to calm your nerves?"

Spamton "Actually I would like to go for a cup of tea right about now..."

*Pink goes into the back of the store and brings back two cups of tea

Pink "Glad I guessed you wanted one!"

 I took a sip out of the paper cup. The taste was heavenly! So crisp and clear and warm. The aroma alone would not leave my nose for a second. With its lovely sweeten taste, it was perfect.

Spamton "You never manage to fail at finding the right tea at the right time Pink."

Pink "Glad you like it! Now shall we get to work. Like old times?"

Spamton "Like old times."

*Spamton and Pink fist bump

-Normal POV-

 After the extremely hard work Spamton and Pink drive down to the cyber grill. When they walked inside the others flagged them both down. There was an extra stool witch Spamton hopped onto. Blue was almost in tears.

Blue "Your here, your finally here! And alive I-I am so happy"

*Blue hugs and cries into Spamton's blazer

Spamton "Woah Blue calm down!"

Blue *Sniffling* "Yeah yeah, sorry..."

*A waiter walks by and places a plate of nachos down

Yellow "Thatsmine!"

*Yellow snatched the plate of nachos and immediately eats

Yellow *Muffled* "Wa? I wa hugry!"

Pink "Yellow stop talking with your mouth full. It is gross!"

Yellow *Muffled* "Waever Will..."

*Spamton raised his eyebrows and everyone jolted at the reaction

'Wait a minute Will as in William?!' Spamton shot his head to Pink.

Spamton "Wait Pink when did you get your name changed to William?!"

William "Well shit... The tasque is out of the bag. It is just that we have been (Y/n)'s friends for a while. And she gave us names..."

 Spamton finally got it. He was wondering for such a while how (Y/n) earned the money so quickly, and even learned basic knowledge that most of the public would not even ask. (Y/n) had help from his bros. This made him teary eyed as a jingle of a bell made him turn his attention over to the front door. It was You! You looked over and saw all the addisons turned to you waving hello and whatnot. Spamton just sat there and looked at you with his adorable teary face.

You "S-Spamton are you ok?!"

Spamton *Sniffle* "Yes! Yes all thanks to you!"

 You just sat down and everyone seemed to now notice that your hair was a complete mess.

Orange "Cyber monday got you didn't it?"

You "Yep! I feel so waisted even though I did not touch the liquor..."

*That earned you a laugh from everyone

You "Well anyways how is the apologies going?"

Spamton "I think we are all in order, but I still can't believe you guys are fine with how I treated you back then... I honestly thought you would hate my guts!"

You "Well then lets do a test?"

*You looked over the addisons

You "What do you think of Spamton?"

William "What I think of Spamton?.. Well he is the shortest one."

Barry "I think he is a human cannonball. I think he descends down the stairs about the same speed as a frate train... But still he is graceful!"

Tamago "He is like a teddy bear, but also malicious!"

Otis "I am honestly afraid of what that man can do."

*Spamton's cheeks became extra rosy

Spamton "T-Thanks guys..."

-After eating some dinner and a few drinks-

Barry "Hey (Y/n) is it fine if I ask you some more human questions? It's fine if you don't.."

You "It is fine. Go ahead Barry!"

Barry "So where do humans come from?"

You "Skip- Skip that one."

Barry "Ok then what is those things on your finger tips?"

You "Oh those are nails!"

Barry "What do you use them for?"

Tamago "Ooh do they pop out like switchblades so that you can claw out your enemies?!"

You "No they are not like retractable claws... Although they are both made out of the same material."

William "Ah! I know for a fact tasques have claws that retract, but they are made of metal instead."

Otis "So what do you use them for? Is it like a decoration thing?"

You "Kind of... Yeah I can put nail polish on and change up how it looks. But I think the main purpose is to mildly scratch at things or using them to open somethings. Like when I helped Tom with that can of battery acid lite."

Tamago "Oh so that is how you pried open that stubborn can!"

You "Yep! Although there was a lot of things that kind of just fade out of human genetics as technological advances made some genes useless."

Barry "Wait am I getting this right? Is genetics almost the same as coding?"

You "Yeah and no. I know you have the models and updates that can happen in minutes to hours. But it takes thousands of years for an organic being or creature to adapt and change."

Everyone "Woah."

You "Yeah you would not believe that humans started out as apes right?"

Tamago "You mean *Monkey noises* apes?"

You *Laughing* "Yes but adapting and building society as well as agriculture advances. A lot of the survival needs were much more easy to go by. We would not have puppies if not for domesticating wolfs."

Otis "I like dogs especially those old droopy ones. They look like a great lap dog to chill with."

Barry "Ok one last question for the night what are those?"

*Barry points at your chest

You "M-my boobs???"

Tamago "Heh heh boobies~"

*Your face starts to blush



*Spamton hops off the chair and drags your arm

You "Ok then bye guys see you next time, same time?"

Otis "You know it my man!"



AN: Holy shit the addison story arc is now complete! Yeay! Now time for maybe 1-2 more subplots and the main plot. Then book go brr! It will be completed. I know for a fact doing one book at a time seems to help me push content out, but I did wright some side ideas and AUs. Idk if I end up making one shots of them or books entirely. So yeah I will offer that hurdle latter. But I do want to know if you guys are interested!

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