Chapter 19

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 You were heading to bed just after brushing your teeth. Looking onto the bed seeing Spamton just all comfy and cozy. Snoring like a hum of a computer and actual snoring. That made you breathily chuckle with a warm smile on your face as you tucked in as well as Spammy. It was quite cold outside tonight. The sheer thought if you hadn't offered Spamton to live with you. He probably gotten a cold wile freezing his butt cheeks off on the cold hard metal of a dumpster or something to that effect. You hear Spamton snoring a little bit louder as though he was subconsciously reminding you he is right next to you. With one happy sigh and a kiss on his cheek. Falling asleep never felt better.

*Ring Ring*

'Oh shit here we go again...'

 Realizing your back at the dream that seems to be like the void. Although a few decoration liberties of a cushioned chair, like the ones in your kitchen. As well as your favorite rug under the little table with Spamton's black rotary phone on top. You also noticed some bricks lying around that were painted like Spamton's shop wall. But it was still the same concept darker yet darker outside of the spotlight.

*Ring Ring*

 With a huff you picked you the phone and sat down onto the chair.

Gaster "We meet again (Y/n)."

You "Yeah did you saw how you got fucking negated!"

Gaster "Yes, that is a part of my very very big plan."

You "Come again?"

Gaster "Resuming from last where we left off. I know you aware all of this universe runs off of code. Right?"

You "Yeah?"

Gaster "You and your SOUL does not run off of coding. The plan is to free everyone from this pain of resets. Especially the ones who are aware..."

*There was a pause

Gaster "Time and time again I get foiled by resets, so I used fun values to work on numerous things at once before the time is up. If this works out well time will flow correctly."

You "Yeah but will I sacrifice myself for that?"

Gaster "It shouldn't... You have some very strong company in your possession."

You "You mean Kris, Susie, and Ralsi. Right?"

Gaster "And Spamton..."

You "Speaking of Spamton did you purposely put stuff that reminds me of myself as well as Spamton. Are you just secret shipping us?"

Gaster "N-No! That is idiotic that a royal scientist would fiddle with such things!"

You "Ok then so how do we go breaking the system?"

Gaster "Well there is one more crucial hurdle to go by. And it is a very hard one... I cannot spoil you one the details, but I will say to brace yourself emotionally and maybe physically. Goodbye!"

*Beep Beep Beep*

You "Gaster?! GASTER!"

*You slam the phone down out of anger

You "Goddamnit... Now what?! The bastard did not give me a hint besides get ready! I have been bracing for this since I got here!! You hear me bitch, I was already ready!!!"

 You looked out towards the edge of the spotlight to see a figure. It was the Spamton from last dream. You approached it and you just stared at the strings attached to its neck. With a sigh you rubbed its cheek.

You "I know I cannot get the real Spamton unstuck right now. But I will start with you!"

*You grabbed at the string around its neck with both hands


 With one string down you realized something. It started to shake... Suddenly it started to grow and shake rather violently. Morphing in the darkness with the sounds of metal screeching and clanking. It hurt your ears so you covered them. Suddenly the string reattached and soon a tall figure was now looming over you. Its glasses glowed it signature pink and yellow. Looking directly at you now. With a few more clanks something jets out of it. It was super missive that you stumbled to the ground. Then it moved forward arms and legs flailing. Entering the spotlight with the look of hunger. It was no other than Spamton in his NEO form. Before you could speak one hand reached out at you. Then it dashed at you with blood lust.

 That was when you woke up... With a sharp pain in your chest. You griped at your chest painting heavy. Cold sweat was beading on your forehead as you wiped it off. Grabbing your alarm clock it was almost time for you to get ready for work. So you got up and looked in your closet. Looking at your now empty bed you thought Spamton was in the kitchen making breakfast. But when you entered the living room. No one was there... With haste your searched everywhere for Spamton. He was not here. 'Maybe he is in his shop' Quickly getting changed you dashed out and almost ran all the way to the trash zone. Opening the gray door only to be met by nobody.

You "Shit where is he?"

 Checking his usual dumpster spot. He was not there either... Looking down at your watch you were nearing a time if you left now. You would be there on the dot! With you now feeling a bit sad you started to walk to work. You pray to god he is with his bros right now! Almost getting the urge to just backhand him when he gets home for just spooking you like that. Immediately you shook your head 'He has been through a lot... I will go easy on him this one time.' Going into the staff only changing room you set up for the day. During work you ended up thinking about your dream... 'C-Could he be... I don't think he would. But the possibility...' A tap on the shoulder got your attention and you looked back to see Swatch.

Swatch "Are you feeling faint? You look like you have seen a ghost..."

You "I am fine just a little shaken from a nightmare last night..."

Swatch "You can tell me if you want to, but I think you could use a break. You have been working oh so hard lately."

You "A-Are you sure?"

Swatch "Of course! I take pride in my staff. Now go, do what ever you need to do to calm yourself."

You "Thanks head butler Swatch!"

 You walked through the mansion entrance door and walked down to a side room. Now you were gazing down the rough purple and black stairs.

*DREAD Gave you a simple nudge

 There was a little breeze that almost made you fell down the stairs. After fixing yourself up, you continued to go down the stairs. Then you herd something. A voice... Spamton's voice. Peaking into the old boss fight area. You noticed that the doors were slightly cracked open as though they were slammed closed improperly. It was weird to say the least, but you moved on to the room where the NEO body was. Walking to the end you realized it was not there. Just before you went out the door you herd a door creaking open. The noise ended up you peaking around the corner carefully. There was Spamton mumbling to himself, his hair was a mess, and he looked absolutely tired.

*Spamton collapse onto his knees in between the tracks

 He then clutched his head with both his hands almost like he wanted to split it apart. Then he took a sharp breath in.

Spamton "Please! come on! We can work something out!"

Spamton "W0RK SOMETHING OUT?!?! BAH!! YOU H4VE N0TH ING TO [Bargain Deals] FOR! Y0U ARE [Scrawny and Sad?],  [[Negotiations]] ARE 0VER WH1T3!!!"

*Spamton starts to jitter

Spamton "No No No No! I can't, I won't!! Never I have suppressed you for this long. Please just let me fix up our life! It is right there in our grasp Spamton!!!"

Spamton "W3LL IT IS NOT G0ING TO FI X ALL THE  B4D [Deals] Y0U ARE FORCED TO [Payback Specil]! ! TH3Y WILL ALL GET YOU!!  HE WILL GET YOU.. . BEING THE [Bigger man] HERE IS THE ONLY WAY TO [[Beat it to the top!]]! Y0U K NOW WHAT TIM3 IT IS!!! THATS RIGHT,   IT IS TIM E FOR YOU-USss TO BEC0ME A [[Big Shot]]!!"

*Wings starts to rip out of Spamton's back destroying his top clothing

Spamton "No Spamton stop! It hurts, Help!!!"

Spamton "TO BAD S0 SAD, Y0U CAN'T [[Bargain]] OUTTA THIS!! 

Spamton "Stop your killing me!"

Spamton "KILLING YOU?!?!?! EHEHEHEHEHEHEH!! I AM ONLY [[Takeing the helm of your life]] BECAUSE WE ARE DOING THIS [[My Way]] NOW!! THE NE0 WAY!!!"


*Clank Clank*



 Spamton painfully morphed into NEO form right in front of your eyes. It almost made you want to just disappear from the amount of fear it gave you. He just stayed on his knees hunched forward. His glasses pitch black and the air now smelled like burnt glass. It was a few minutes before you realized he was shut off. So you quietly sneak around him. Not before you made a rock move. Suddenly you herd a sound of steam being released and before you knew it. Spamton NEO was back online and it slither over to you with a low clicking growl. His glasses projecting light onto you as well as releasing steam from the corners of his mouth. He looms over you even on his knees. You assumed he is in his bigger form where he did those massive projectiles of himself. He just stared at you before you noticed his nose nudge down a bit.

He was looking at your SOUL

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