Chapter 4

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 Before you could even go through the open hole in the boards Spamton went rushing in with his little legs 'Excited aren't ya?'. You took a sigh with a warm slime on your face and crouch slightly to not get your hair tangled in the boards. You got the whiff of trash that is for sure but at least it was not "burning your nose hairs" kind of bad. then you noticed the door 'Whelp time to see what the HD version of Spamton's store looks like' You grasp the handle and opened the door. With the ring of the door, first thing you noticed that there was some kind of perfume and cheap cologne smell. The guess was to keep the trash smell out so that customers would rather stay in his shop instead of leaving. Next thing was the brick wall and it looked like it was painted thickly... There is a bright yellow sun and white clouds with drips that had all ready hardened, but there was still cracks and chunks missing on the bricks.

 'Wait a minute I can finally see what this part looks like' The last thing was when you turned around and looked towards the door. There was a couple of shelfs with some broken stuff, some more working stuff, and literal trash! The wall was also painted blue like the checkout counter area but just no clouds or suns. You turned your head around to see on your right the phone 'Dayum I can even see the scratches on it from here!' You gulped and walked over towards the phone. It was a dark room behind the glitchy part of the wall. It only had was extra storage until you looked over to something reflecting a yellow light. Suddenly it moved towards you and you notice it was Spamton.

Spamton "HEY H-EY HEY NOW [[Angel]], THIS IS EMPLO Y3ES [Only 7.99]!! G3T BACK TO THE C0UNTER!!"

 He shoves you out and you notice he is dragging something. It was a black beanbag that was patched randomly with silver tape. It looked like it was on life support seeing the stitches all lose and frayed. Spamton drags it over to the counter and sets it down. Then he gestures you to sit, when you did it spilled a few beans, but overall it was pretty good. He walks behind the counter and holds his hands on the table like he was in a business meeting.

Spamton "OK N0W LETS [Getting down to business]."

You "What do you got for me Spams!"

*Spamton blushes

Spamton "U-UH LISTEN.   IN THE [Deep Abyss] OF THE QUEEN' S [Mansion]. [[A Great Deal]] IS WAITING  For [[A limiTed Time Only!]]. A HEAVEN-PIERCING [[Workout-Ready Body]]!! [[Designed BY The Classics You' ve Come To Expect! (C) 1997]]. I T0LD KRIS, THE KID0 THAT [Little Nipper] IS OUR [One-way Ticket] TO MAKE THEM [Big],  AND MAKE ME [Big]! BUT THEY ARE [Taking some sweet time off] THAT IS FOR SURE! TO BE [Honest] THEY MIGHT BE CAPTUR3D IN THE QUEEN' S [Mansion], BUT WHO W0ULD KNOW! IF YOU [[[Seal the Deal]], BEFORE YOU KNOW IT WE WILL BE TAKEING [A Ride around Town on Our Specil Cungadero]!! VACATIONING IN [Burning acid] WHILE YOU SOAK IN THE [Hyperlink Blocked]!!"

You "Don't know about the acid part... It would kill me slowly that is for sure!"

Spamton "OK THEN WHAT ABOUT A [5 Star Grand Apartment] INST3AD?"

You "Sounds better-"

Spamton "BUT (Y/N) DON' T [Breathe] YET!! THAT WAY IS M0ST [Likely] LOCKED BY [High Quality Encryption]!!! YOU WILL NEVER GET INSIDE."

*Spamton gives a pause.

Spamton "I MAY HAVE SOLD MY [KeyGen] TO THAT [Little Sponge],  BUT I HAVE MORE [For Special Occasions]! AND WHAT IS THIS A [[Free Commemorative Gift]] FROM THE ONE AND ONLY SPAMTON G SPAMTON [[1997]]!!"

*You Received (KeyGen MK2)

 You examine it and it looked like a blue and green pixelated key, but when you wrap your hand around it it felt like a smooth round key 'Weird, but cool not gonna lie' you thought as you put it into your inventory. Wile it was still open you noticed a small arrow and staring at that scrolled trough your inventory. And you noticed you had your cell phone and headset as well as a book and pencil. 'Good I can use that to document all this crazy shit that has been happening'.

Spamton "W HILE YOUR D0WN THER3 [In the Darkness] MAKE SURE Y0U GRAB A EmptyDisk THAT IS [Down Below!]."

You "I will accept, if you help me find pieces to make a new sign for Chipsteen."

Spamton "THAT WAS A BAD [Deal], AND YOU KN0W IT [Angel]!! I RATHER NOT WATE MY [Time is Money]!"

 Spamton looks away and huffs, folding his arms. Through his fit you noticed that there was background music this whole time (Dailtone). 'I guess I just never noticed... Wait a minute he has been calling me angle since I steeped foot in here' This thought made you blush slightly. So you thought you might get revenge on this burnt marshmallow.

You "As I said earlier it is not all ways about the money. Sometimes a smile is all that you need."

 Spamton looks back at you as you suddenly leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the forehead. His whole face turned red and you noticed his eyes behind his glasses were spiraled shaped. You let out a low chuckle and head to the door.

*Spamton shakes his head and slapped his cheeks

Spamton "Ok I get your point..."

Spamton "BUT IF I FIND ANY [High Quality Items]. I WILL TAKE THE M INTO MY [Homemade Storefront] AS M3RCHANDICE!"

You "That is fine since the trash zone is your base of operations."

*Spamton walks around the counter and follows you with a big goofy smile

*Spamton joins your party

 Just as you opened the door a question popped into your head.

You "Hey Spamton can you hear that?"

Spamton "HEAR WHAT?? I THINK Y0UR TALKING ABOUT MY [DIY Air-conditioning Unit]."

 'I guess a lot of the game elements are hidden to all most everyone so that the reveal that this universe is just a game in another universe is hidden so it won't cause  public chaos... Now that he said it, I can hear it faintly.' You opened the door with Spamton following behind you this time. He closed the door behind him wile you walked to a far out pile of junk. Both of you look trough different piles of trash, you noticed a giant plank of wood that look to me roughly your Hight and an inch thick, and was quite wide. 'Perfect!' Looking to your left you noticed an assortment of glass bottles of different verities and colors. Grabbing a nearby plastic bag you put the bottles in there safely. Mean while you could hear the occasional "ah hah!" and delight coming from Spamton. Curious to see what he has found you dragged the heavy board behind you and walked up to Spamton.

You "Hey what did you find there Spams"

Spamton "I FOUND SOME GOOD WORKIN G [Fairy Lights $5.99], AND I F0UND [The cream of the crop] SILK HAT! I THINK SOME [Ritch and Smart Man] DUMPED TH3SE WITHOUT [Batting an eye]!! EHHAHAHAHAHHA!!"

You "Awesome! Can I get those fairy lights though? I have a great idea to the sign that I want to show Chipsteen."

*You took out your (Notebook & Pencil)

 Roughly you sketched out your plan and show it to Spamton. It was the board with holes around the edges with the ends of the glass bottles glued on top of them and the fairy lights stringed inside them.

Spamton "WELL THAT LOOKS [Comfy],  AND [Very unique, one of a kind!]. I DID N0T EXPECT YOU TO BE SUCH A [Picasso]!"

You  "I don't think I am that good..."

Spamton "BAH!! TO BE H0NEST THERE IS MOSTLY WORKER S AND N0T ENOUGH [Local artist near you, Click Now]!"

*Spamton gives you (Fairy Lights) as you put away (Notebook & Pencil)

You "I think that is it. I am going to bring this stuff to Chipsteen, wanna come along?"

Spamton "S0RRY [Angel] BUT I NEED TO GET BACK TO MY [Homemade Storefront] TO PACK AWAY AND S3LL THIS [Bad Boy]!"

You "Ok I can meet you back here once I am done."

Spamton "YOU ARE REALLY [Coming back for More!]?"

You "Of course we are friends! I can tell that you are lonely, and I do not want to see a friend suffer like that!"

 As you started to walk away you felt a tug on your pants. You turned around and bend towards Spamton to see him with a bit of a blush and his smile was a quivering mess. He then reached out and roughly pulled you face in and gave you a kiss on the cheek, and let you go back to standing straight up. 

Spamton "That is for good luck [Angel]. NOW D0N'T GET CAUGHT BY SOME [Hard Earned Criminals] NOW YA HEAR!!"

You "Loud and clear Spam!"

*You gave a salute goodbye as you walked out of the trash zone and out to the road

*Spamton has left your party

 Looking around you noticed no one was there and the board felt heavy. So you put it into your inventory and continued to walk back to Chipsteen's hotel. Then you put a hand to you cheek and smiled as you remember that warm kiss 'Goddammit now I just want to though a cuddle fit and kiss that man all over!' Your thoughts made your cheeks become a salmon pink color as you were all ready on big street.

-Meanwhile At Spamton's store- 

 Spamton enters his shop and placed his newly acquired treasure on the countertop. He stares at it and places his head on his hand and sighed 'She is for sure the most angelic lightner I have come across this far. Her with her lovely hair and smile. And god damn the best thing is her warm touch! I have never felt like that since 1997. Hell even then it does not feel the same it feels so good, so new!' Spamton thought


 Kris walks in and sits on the beanbag and tries to get Spamton's attention. But Spamton was lost in his thoughts just staring at the hat with a slight blush painted over his cheeks. Then Kris snapped their fingers to finally wake Spamton from his trance.

Spamton "OH HEY KRIS YOU [Little Sponge],  DID YOU [Seal the Deal]?"

Kris "Actually I have! You wanted this right?"

*Kris holds up (EmptyDisk)

Spamton "[Holly Cannoli] WHEN DID Y0U START SPEAKING KRIS!!!" 

Kris "Recently, actually. Sorry it took so long, but I had to do a lot more things when I found my voice. You should have seen the face on Susie! Although she may had strangled me a bit..."

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