Chapter 5

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(How I imagine Chipsteen, but based it off of Hex from a fnf mod)

 You turned around yet another corner to finally make it to the road where Chipsteen's place was. And you saw her sweeping up some dirt and moss with her no horny broom. She noticed you and gestured to come over to the back of the building. When you followed her you notice the alley way was big enough to fit a car and behind the building was a large garage.

You "How did I miss this?!"

Chipsteen "Most people usually do. Got the stuff for the sign?"

You "Yep! But I  need to get out the wood plank... I uh, left it over in a nearby alleyway. It was super heavy!"

Chipsteen "Ok then I will start up the machines."

 While she was in the garage you pulled out the wooden plank from the inventory. You drag the thing inside while you could hear the glass bottles clank gently. It was a lovely warm-lighted workshop with tons of machines, car parts, and fuck even some decent robot parts. This place screamed "I have a dream", but there was an after taste of a somber sorrow.

 Then you saw Chipsteen at a table with blueprint draft stuff. Walking over to her and the sound of scraping wood on smooth concrete flooring made Chipsteen jumped.

Chipsteen "Holy fucking shit!... That scared me (Y/n), well at least it looks to be the biggest board you could find. Right?"

*You nod in agreement

*Chipsteen took (Large Wood Plank)

 Resting the board next to the table you brought out your drawing. And setting down the bag with the lights and bottles, Chipsteen started to make a more accurate blueprint for the sign. She even measured all the stuff to double check if it would work. After using a sander, glass cutter, drill, glue, staples, and a touch of paint the sign was done! You stood back as Chipsteen puts a fresh pair of batteries and turned on the lights. It was amazing just as you imagine the lights in the bottles changed colors, and there was even a layer of light under the board.

*Chipsteen looks back and claps

Chipsteen "This is perfect! Thank you so much (Y/n)!"

You "The majority was you though. You seemed to be great at construction and what not!"

 Those words seemed to make Chipsteen hunch forward her expression darkened.

You "Are you ok Chipsteen?"

Chipsteen "I-. I need a sec."

 She held her arms and walked outside. You felt super concerned for her. After a minute she came back in and with tears on her face. She walked over to a wall, and you noticed there was little scorch marks on the wall and floor. Chipsteen touched the mark on the wall and you walked up to her. Chipsteen put her head to the wall and sighed.

Chipsteen "I know your wondering what happened, (Y/n)..."

You "Y-you do not have to tell me if it makes you feel like shit. Ok?"

Chipsteen "Well I herd humans are always wondering. Even if they say they don't want to hear it..."

 They got you there, and you reached out and grabbed her shoulder. Chipsteen looked back at you with a tear running down her face.

Chipsteen "Let's talk about this inside"

 Chipsteen turns off the sign and leaves. You followed behind her. Sitting back down at the little table inside, everything seemed darker.

Chipsteen "Remember when I said that the workshop is my dad's?"

You "Yeah?"

Chipsteen "Well my dad is a great man, but my grandpa did not think so. Mostly because my dad did not want to continue the hotel/rental business. My dad was ambitious about inventing and fixing things. For a while he had a billboard! He looked so dirpy in it."

*Chipsteen chuckles

Chipsteen "I used to hang out with him helping with stuff that a little bot could do. I was so inspired by him, and was my hero to aim for. Because of the constant flack my grandpa gave to my dad even after in his grave."

Chipsteen "Everything was fine u-until."

*Chipsteen's fingers dig into the table

Chipsteen "The explosion, that horrible explosion, and that smell of oil and deadly gas."

*Chipsteen looks you dead in the eyes

Chipsteen "I saw my dad exploded in front of my eyes... H-his machine was not working and he was trying to fix it, but I- I wanted to check to see how he was d-d-doing. *Hic* The machine exploded. Killing him!"

*Chipsteen puts her hands onto her face and sobbed uncontrollably

 Quickly you rushed over to her 'Man is everyone traumatized here?! Gah! Not the time to think that!' With a swift motion you gave her a hug. And patted her back. Chipsteen's sobbing slowly turned into mild uneven breathing. After a minute she releases her grip and wiped her face.

Chipsteen "T-thank you so much. I fell like your my long best friend. But I have only talked to you at least a full day."

You "No problem. Trust me I am try to take care of Spamton's trauma as well."

Chipsteen "Wait Spamton has trauma? Wait, don't say. I get it, he is homeless."

You "Yeah, but he has other stuff on his plate as well..."

Chipsteen "Don't we all (Y/n)."

*Chipsteen let out a half laugh as she stands up and pushes her chair in

Chipsteen "I feel better now. Want to finish up the sign?"

You "Oh fuck yeah!"

 Going back into the garage you had a thought come out of your lips.

You "Since there is robot parts did your dad also fix up some of the robot darkners I have seen?"

Chipsteen "Well the majority of the population is robots, so yeah fixing someone's rusted joints or a busted eye is his thing. Sadly I never saw that because he said it was too scary for me."

*You painted on (Makeshift Sign)

You "Did he also fix viruses?"

Chipsteen "Nope he left that to the professionals. Why?"

You "Because as you could tell Spamton has one, and it is a nasty one as well."

Chipsteen "Well I do not know what kind of puppet robot he is, so I do not know what would be best..."

*Chipsteen helps you bring the sign out front and she brings down the old one.

You "He is an addison."

*You help Chipsteen by holding up the sign with her as she screws it in

Chipsteen "Really? Huh. I guess he does have the nose and general face structure of one..."

You "Do you know how to help Spamton?"

Chipsteen "Well I don't keep track on robot health stuff, so it is better to as an addison instead."

You "Oh ok. Do you know anything, anything at all about addisons?"

*The sign was completed and you two sat on the curb

Chipsteen "Well they are similar to an everyday robot. But the skin color matches the hair color almost seamlessly. And like other robots they do not need to eat unless they are not recharging proper. I think humans call it sleeping."

You "Yeah but I notice that Spamton did get hungry, but he did had good sleep."

Chipsteen "Well that is because addisons have "adaptive coding" in them that helps them to adjust to get people more eager to buy from them."

You "So what does that mean???"

Chipsteen "My guess he was so used to eating at one point in time. The code made him feel like he required food."

You "Seems about right..."

Chipsteen "And that is all I know about."

You "Thank you so much this knowledge helps me oh so much"

Chipsteen "And thank you for emotionally supporting me back there! To be honest I feel quite embarrassed how much I cried"

You "It is perfectly fine for anyone, any age, and any gender to cry. It is a part of life after all."

Chipsteen "Spitting facts like a true friend (Y/n)!"

 You waved good bye and she waved back. As soon as you head over back to the trash zone and you knocked on. The door. No answer. 'Weird' Again you knocked and it was still quiet. The choice was made and you opened the door, and the sight inside scared you shitless.

 Spamton was gone, the room was grey, and dailtone was slowed to a creepy speed.


 With a quick slam of the door you bolted out and towards the warp door. When you enter in you felt your chest scream 'Get to the Queen's mansion. Now before Spamton...' The door flew open showing that your at the mansion.

*You Felt the Dread Inching Closer...

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