Chapter 6

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(I added this artwork of mine after posting)

 Darting around like a bullet. You try to remember where the basement was. But with how maze like the Queen's mansion was. Definitely got lost, twice. Soon you found it and noticed the secret hallway was revealed. Quickly you ran in but it only got worse. Susie and Ralsi was not there. The fight was started or has already been going. Booking it down the stairs at the bottom you tripped over and took some damage. You got up and scraped off dust from your new found scrapes with a hiss. In the distance you hear something echoing. It was a rumble noise and the sound of metal clanking and scraping.

 When you enter the boss fight area you noted that they are probably far down the tracks by now. But then you here a rush of wind down the path to your left. 'Wait if they are coming back around... I know what I need to do' You quickly went into your inventory and whipped out your cell phone, started recording, and standing on the side of the tracks. A few seconds went by and then you see them going down the tracks towards you.

You "Here comes Spamton!"

 You tracked them with your phone as they flew by you. Once you could not see them any more you hit stop. Then you open youtube. 'Cannot believe it works here'. Searching for that one Spamton meme where it was a guy on a zipline with Spamton's face covering the original face.

 Some how it seems you are still connected to your world's WiFi. You compared the two videos and they were like almost the same! You ended up laughing so hard you hunched up with your hand on your stomach and you even took damage. You had to leave the room so that you could calm yourself. But after that you sat up and walked back. The hallway was short again, but you did not see Spamton's dead body. With newfound relief that it was pacifist, you ran into the room where Spamton should be.

-During Spamton's fight a few minutes ago-

Spamton "KRIS ST0P BEING A [[Little Slime]] AND GI VE ME THAT [[SOUL]]!"

Kris "Spamton you need to stop we can still talk about this right?"

Spamton "THE ONLY  THING I AM WILLING TO [Deals to Bargain for] Is W HEN YOU [Agree to the Terms and Conditions] AND BEC0ME A [[Big Shot]] WITH ME!! ALS0 MY [Ground-breaking] NAM E IS SPAMTON NE0!!!"

*Spamton NEO laughs haphazardly

Ralsi "You have gone mad. I will never let you take Kris's soul!"

Susie "Me too! I would rather have a not dead friend!"

*Susie bares her teeth towards Spamton NEO

 A few seconds and a blur zoomed by. Everyone was looking at the direction. But then Kris and his gang looked back, Spamton was still looking over as the wall cut off into the cityscape.

Spamton NEO *quiet* "(Y/n)??"

Ralsi "He is distracted this turn lets act!"

*Kris nods in agreement

 After a while almost all the green strings were gone except for one on his neck.

Spamton NEO "WAIT [$?!?] THE PRESS. MY... MY [Wires]... THEY'RE ALMOST [Gone]!? KRIS... YOU... YOU'RE [Gifting] ME MY [Freedom]?!"

*Kris nods with a huff of exhaustion


*Spamton NEO pauses


* Spamton NEO is bouncing with joy

Spamton NEO "KRIS MY DAYS AS A [Long-Nosed Doll] ARE OVER!!! CUT THAT [Wire] AND MAKE ME A [Real Boy]!! ARE YOU WATCHING [Heaven]!? IT'S TIME FOR SPAMTON'S [Comeback Special]! AND THIS TIME... I LIVE FOR MYSELF!!! NO... MYSELF AND MY [Friend(s)]!!!"

*Kris ready up his blade

Spamton NEO "HERE I GO!!! WATCH ME FLY, [Mama]!!!!"


*Spamton NEO fell onto the track

 Suddenly with a flash of light. Everyone was teleported into a room. The fun gang gazed apon Spamton back to normal all tangled with vines. His glasses were completely dark like he was shut off. Kris looked at Spamton with pain in their eyes.

??? "Spamton!"

 A woman ran over to Spamton, pushing Kris to the side. She caresses Spamton's cheek and then grabs at both sides of his torso. The woman pulled Spamton towards her. Suddenly the vines teared one by one in a quick succession, sounded like velcro and the sound of snapping celery. The person quickly hugged Spamton over her shoulder and turned around.

-Back to normal POV-

 You looked over at Kris with tears in your eyes, and you know this would get you killed. But you had to! You did not want Spamton to be gone. You still want Spamton as his huggable loveable self. Is that all to much to ask?!

 Immediately you dashed out of the room and even almost knocked over Susie. Darting up the stairs and to the warp door. You took the surprisingly light man back to his shop. The colors were back and so to were the music, but it played slow and quietly. Sitting behind the counter. Hugging him tighter then you held him back out in front of you.

You "S-Spamton come on say something, anything! I know you like to talk!"

*Spamton does not respond...

*You shake him lightly

*Spamton does not respond...

*You hugged him again

*Spamton does not respond...

 Looking back at him his jaw was now hanging as you stare into his black lenses. Tears birst from you and you went for it.

A final kiss goodbye on his lips.

 You kissed him hard because of the inevitable file erase. It felt like the whole world came to a slow as you closed your eyes. Thinking of what Spamton would say or do if he was still here. After a bit you lungs screamed for air and you let go of your death grip on him. Now only holding him gently in front of you. Closing your eyes as a tear fell of your face.

 Suddenly you herd a little click. You opened your eyes to a little hand on you cheek. Looking up to Spamton, his glasses were still black. His jaw clicked back into position, and he started to wipe your tears away. The movement was rugged and strained. Then he tugged you in for another kiss. This time it did not felt so one-sided. When you two parted again, his glasses were back to normal. You can see his eyes underneath.

Spamton "Crying does not suit you (Y/n)."

 Your tears turned from sadness to happiness. Giving him another hug as you nuzzle into his neck and run your fingers into his hair.

You "I am so glad your back Spams"

*Spamton's grip tightens

Spamton "I am glad you and Kris showed me the true meaning of [Freedom]... You are truly an [Angel] fallen from [Heaven]."


 The both of you stopped hugging and you quickly wiped your face from the tears. You sat Spamton onto your lap and you both face the door. Kris was there... They were panting as though they were on a marathon.

Kris "Is Spamton ok?!"


*Spamton points to you and Kris stares at you

 To be honest the way they looked at you shocked you as much as you found out they could speak.

You "S-so your Kris? My name is (Y/n)."

Kris "That name sounds familiar... Did you moved into the town in the lightner world recently?"

You "Yes."

 You lied surprisingly well. Mostly because you did moved... From a different universe altogether.

Kris "So how did you meet Spamton?"

*You blush lightly as you hug Spamton more tightly

You "Well I met him at his dumpster, and well the rest was history."


*You slammed your hand over his mouth

You "Spamton you don't need to blurt out all the thoughts you have in your head immediately. People would get the wrong message!"

*You took your hand off and notice his skin is slightly pink

Spamton "EHEHEHEH I GUESS YOUR [Right where the money is]."

You "To be honest I would like to talk to Kris, alone. There are so much thoughts on my mind and I want to talk about. Especially to a human lightner such as yourself."

*You gestured your hand towards Kris

 You picked up Spamton and placed him onto the floor. He looked grumpy that he couldn't get more time with you. And you lean in towards Spamton

You "If you wait outside patiently. I would give you all the hugs and kisses, deal?"

*Spamton smiles widely

Spamton "DEAL!"

 He runs of towards the door. And before he left he jumped up and click his heels together. Like what you would see on TV. Once the door closed you put your elbows on the desk and arranged the little stool Spamton uses. Facing Kris as your fingers interlocked.

You "Kris lets get down to the real shit here..."

*The dread stepped back

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