Chapter 7

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 You noticed that the music was finally back to normal. And you gave a sigh.

You "Kris tell me what you know."

Kris "About what?"

*Kris displays a face full of confusion

You "I guess you do not know what situation your in... Do you hear the music?"

Kris "Yeah that is normal. Why?"

You "It is not normal... No one else can hear it but you and I. If you want proof here it is."

*You pulled out your (Cell Phone)

 Opening your phone you waited for a sec and played dailtone off beat from the one that was currently playing. The awful layering made Kris put their hands on their ears. You stopped the music. And turned your phone around to show them the song.

You "This is dailtone it is part of the deltarune sound track. If you would have known. You should have been controlled by the player... And by that I mean your soul."

Kris "H-how did you know that?!"

You "Kris if I tell you more about me. You will end up despising me."

Kris "So do you know what happened to my soul?! It has not commanded me in such a while..."

You "I guess that the player does not have anymore control over you. You should be free to make your own choices, Kris."

Kris "Who is "The player"?"

You "The player was the one in your soul controlling your actions. I know for a fact you already tried to get rid of your soul once."

Kris "Will this "Player" return to control me?"

You "Beats me, but there is a high chance your permanently free."

Kris "Why do you know so much about me?"

You "That is one of the reasons to hate me Kris. I would rather not give you a second or third reason. If I tell you the big picture here."

Kris "So did you and Spamton really slept together?"

*(Y/n) face turns red

You "W-WHAT?! No!... Well kind of- but in a cuddle way, no sex!"

*Kris puts their hands up nervously

Kris "Ok sorry for stepping on that landmine..."

You "What was the last thing you did before your soul stopped controlling you?"

Kris "I was in a battle. And suddenly when Ralsi passed out I shouted his name. After the battle everyone was surprised. Then Susie strangled me. But afterwards Susie and I went back up to the surface. I had so much things to do! I even told my mom I loved her. She was almost whaling as she hugged me."

'That confirms that I was the player, so Kris is free forever. At least on this copy...'

You "Awe that's cute... Anyways what did your soul tell you what to do before?"

Kris "Most of the time it was making me socialize with any person. Sometimes people who are not even in my line of sight! At first I despised it, and I wanted to go for a killing spree to defy what my soul told me. But when the voice stopped coming. I almost did not know what to do... In the end I figured out on my journey back in the lightner world. That pacifist all the way is the best way. I guess my soul wanted to show me power of connections..."

You "I do not know what to say about that. Just don't let anyone know about this talk. It could lead to something worse than that skeleton doing your mom."

*Kris looks angry

Kris "Ok, ok I get it! Just leave that out of it!"

You "Sure thing! That is what friends are for."

*You held out your fist

*Kris and (Y/n) do a complex handshake

 After that you walked behind Kris out the door. And then you saw Ralsi comforting Spamton as Susie huffs. They both noticed you.

Kris "Susie, Ralsi. This is (Y/n). (Y/n) this is Susie and Ralsi."

*You waved hi

 Susie walked up to you and punched your arm. Most likely leaving a big bruise.

Susie "Don't think I ever forgot that."

*You laugh nervously rubbing your newfound bruise

 This made Spamton's attention snap to you. Suddenly he jumped up and almost hit Ralsi with his head. He sprang over towards you with glee.

Spamton "HEY (Y/N) I WAS JUST TALKING T0 KRIS'S [Friends request accepted(s)]!"

You "That's great!"

*Spamtons eyes shine at you

'TOO CUTE!!!' You ended up quietly gulping down a squeal. You started to feel tired.

You "Hey Kris do you have a hotel room or something we can crash at?"

Kris "We do have rooms, but they are for one person each. So I can give you some dark dollars to get your self a room."

Spamton "[Free KROMER]?!"

 Kris holds out a fat stack of dark dollars out to you. And you noticed Spamton was drooling before trying to jump to get it. Quickly you snatched it.

You "Hey now spam, i do not trust you with the money."

*You held up the dark dollars as Spamton was starting to climb up you

*You stashed away 10000 Dark Dollars

 Spamton sighed and slid back to the floor. He kicked the dust on the ground and let out a pout.

You "How did you get this much cash Kris?"

Kris "Oh the daily grind of a lightner."

*You and Kris both laugh

 You felt a tug on your arm. Looking over you see a grumpy Spamton.

Spamton "[Angel] I CAN BE A GREAT [Banking] W ITH THE [KROMER]!"

You "If your good at saving money. Why were you still poor. You did say you were the best salesman during 1997. That is like about 14 years of saving up money. Also do not correct my math!"

*You can see Spamton eyes shut behind his lens

Spamton "YOU G0T ME THERE [Angel]!"

You "Well anyways I know a place were we can stay so you guys do not have to worry."

Ralsi "Ok! If you need any help. Any at all you can count on me!"

Kris "If you need to contact me. Go to the lightner world and call me."

*You received (Kris's Number)

You "Thanks. Now I have to go, Spamton looks exhausted"

Spamton "OF C0URSE I HAD [Top 10 Epic boss fights]. I WANNA TAKE A [Snooze] EHEHEHEHEH.. ."

*You hear him groan at his loud laugh

 You grabbed his tiny hand and lead him out of the rash zone. Waving goodbye to the fun gang as they waved back then started talking with each other. After a bit it stared to feel uncomfortable to be in a awkward position in order to hold his hand. He stopped when he herd you winced a bit.

Spamton "(Y/n) ST0P [Straining yourself at a days work?]."

You "What do you mean?"

Spamton "Y0U DO NOT H AVE TO [Accommodate] TO MY [Fun Sized] BODY.. . HERE!"

 Looking over to him. You saw him extend his arms and his hands made the little "grabby grabby" thing that kids do. 'So precious~' Immediately you scooped him up cradling him into your arms. At first his face was completely red but then snuggles into your breast with a small huff. His eyebrows were scrunched up. Then he looks at you with his beady eyes from the side of his glasses as his nose pokes over your arm.

 Before you could give yourself an anime nosebleed you looked back up and continued walking. And by the time you got back to Chipneen's place. You noticed he was fast asleep. When a cool breeze came by he shivers and curls up into you more. But sadly you moved him over your shoulder. Slightly waking him up as he mumbled before hugging you and nuzzle into your neck. Your face was red with fluster. But with a few deep breaths your face returned back to your regular shade.

Opening the door Chipsteen wonderfully greets you.

You "Hey Chipsteen what are the prices on the apartments? Also I for got to give those keys back.. Sorry!"

*You returned (Hotel Key)

Chipsteen "That is fine! to be honest I forgot them to and well... I do have a recently vacated room. I will let you have that, but just to let you know I did not cleared the fridge yet. It is also a one bedroom apartment though..."

You "That is fine! No grocery shopping tomorrow then. Also Spamton gets the couch of course."

 Chipsteen giggles at your remark and showed you to the apartment room. You closed the door and placed Spamton gently onto the couch before finding a white fluffy blanket before tucking him in. His eyes were half open. Before he could say anything you shush him and took off his glasses. He was so cute, you gave him a kiss on the bridge of his nose. Being satisfied he closed his eyes and fell back to sleep. You placed his shades on the coffee table in front of the couch and proceeded to go to bed. For a well deserved rest.

-An Hour Later-

 Spamton woke up and could not stop thinking about you. Lets just say he had problems going back to sleep for a while.

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