Chapter 11

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(A/N: I've made some small fixes on chapter 10 because the wording on one of the paragraphs felt weird to me.)

(A/N: The paragraph that I changed was:

"Y/N: HAHAHAHAHA!!! And how are you gonna do that? Hmm? You lost your left arm and your right hand is now useless thanks to me. Oh man, this is so priceless! Oh yeah, one more thing, I'm also the one who killed all of the Black Dogs alongside with some disguised shipgirls with their leader, Vult, died like a bitch and you would share the same fate as them."

That paragraph felt so weird and so I changed that paragraph into:

"Y/N: HAHAHAHAHA!!! And how are you gonna do that? Hmm? You lost your left arm and your right hand is now useless thanks to me. Oh man, this is so priceless! Oh yeah, one more thing, Me, alongside with some disguised shipgirls are also the ones who killed all of the Black Dogs with their leader, Vult, died like a bitch and you would share the same fate as them.")

(A/N: This chapter features some elements from Atago's ingame Character Story)

Y/N is seen with on a date with Atago and Takao as they are exiting the shopping mall.

Atago: We've got everything we need on the shopping list and we've even had lunch. I would say our day has gone smoothly.

Takao: So where are we going next?

Atago: How about we watch a movie? I've bought us some tickets! Let's go!

Takao: Wait!

Y/N: *Chuckles*


They finally arrived at the movie theater.

Atago: Here, take these tickets. [She hands them their tickets] The movie we're going to watch is a sappy romantic kind of movie. Did you know that your Onee-san actually likes sappy romance flicks like this one~

Takao: I see.

Both Y/N and Takao look at the tickets and...

Y/N: Uhh....Atago...

Takao: I think you bought the wrong tickets.

Atago: Huh?

Atago then looks at her ticket and sees that the ticket is for a horror movie, not for a romance movie.

Atago: Huh? How did I bought the wrong tickets?

Y/N: So, are we still going to watch the movie?

Atago: Y-yes, this can be a nice change of pace.

Both Y/N and Takao notice that Atago's smile looks really forced.

Takao: Are you really sure about this? *Whispers to Atago* especially because we're going to watch a horror movie and we both (A/N: Atago and Takao) know that you can get easily scared when watching horror films.

Atago: Y-yes, of course! I'm fine! Look! The movie is about to start! Let's get inside!

Movie Theater

Y/N, Atago and Takao are seen sitting in the theater's seats with Y/N sits between them with Atago on his right and Takao on his left.

Atago: You can lean against me if you want, Y/N. If you're scared, you can always hug your Onee-san nice and tight~

Y/N: Uh, thanks.

Atago: If you can't handle it anymore, we can leave. After all, I was the one who dragged you here...

Takao: .....

Atago: You don't have to be stubborn. If you have something to say, just let your Onee-san know, okay?

Y/N: Uhh, okay...

While Atago saying that, Y/N notices that Atago's smile still looks really forced.


While watching the film, Atago is seen hugging Y/N's arm tightly while Takao and Y/N are finding themselves enjoying the movie more than they think they would.

Y/N: This movie is quite good honestly.

Takao: I agree.


Y/N turns to look and sees that Atago burying her face in his arm, silently trembling.

He decides to pulls her in for a hug which she appreciates.


As the movie is about to end, Y/N can feel that Atago falls in sleep, exhausted.


After watching the movie, Y/N, Atago, and Takao are on their way back home.

Y/N: That was a great movie, I can't wait for the sequel.

Takao: Same here.

Y/N: Are you getting better, Atago?

Atago: Umm, yeah... thanks, for earlier. Even I have, umm, things that I'm not great with... You know what they say. Nobody's perfect after all. Onee-san gets pretty close though~ If anything, you should consider yourself lucky for being able to see another side of me~

Y/N: Umm, yeah sure.

Atago seemed to slowly be returning to her usual self.

Atago: Y/N, only you know about our little secret. Make sure to treasure it, okay? Hehe~


On their way to the HQ, they take a shortcut to get there faster. Unbeknownst to them, there are some men who saw Atago and Takao and they mistake them for Faunus because they are idiots and they then tell their gang about it. Even with the crime rates going down with the All for One's death due to the villains' fear of Kamen Rider Genm for killing All for One who everyone thought was invicible, there are still criminals who keep doing crimes and think they won't get any consequences for their crimes.

Random Thug That No One Cares About 1: I see, there are some animals on their way here, we will show them their place in this world.


After Y/N, Atago and Takao reached certain place on their way to the HQ, some men suddenly appeared in front of them and also on their back.

Random Thug That No One Cares About 1: Well, well, well. What do we have? A loser with some animals.

Y/N: What the hell? Did you just call my girlfriends animals?

Random Thug That No One Cares About 1: Oh? Those two faunus bitches are your girlfriends? Then we're gonna enjoy taking them from you and show them them their place in this world.

Y/N: (*Giggles* Bruh, they thought Atago and Takao are faunus.)

Atago and Takao: (These idiots actually mistake us for faunus?)

Y/N: (HAHAHAHAHA!!! Morons!)

Random Thug That No One Cares About 2: Heh heh heh, we're gonna have so much fun tonight~

Y/N: You'll have to go through me first!


Random Thug That No One Cares About 3: Nice one, kid. But there's no way you can defeat us. Just give us the girls and get lost if you don't want to see us fuck them in front of you.

Y/N: Why should I? Are you guys afraid to fight me? *Chuckles* Oh man, you guys are just a bunch of spineless cowards!

Random Thug That No One Cares About 2: You better shut your mouth if you know what's good for you!

Y/N: *Yawn* Is that supposed to scare me? You guys are just a bunch of worthless nobodies who bully people weaker than you because that's the only thing you guys can do because you guys suck at everything else!

Random Thug That No One Cares About 3: That's it, kid! We're gonna make you regret those words!

Y/N looks around to make sure that ABSOLUTELY no one but them around to see and hear them. He then confirms that no one else but them here which means they can go wild on these thugs.

Y/N: (I don't need to transform here as the thugs here look and feel so weak)

Y/N then pulls out his newly bought sunglasses and puts them in his face before he uses his left middle finger to properly set them to taunt the thugs.

(A/N: This chapter was made just so I can use this gif of Johnny Cage the GOAT flipping people off while setting his sunglasses lol and then I thought I might as well write a chapter where Y/N have to fight without transforming)

Y/N: Bring it!

Y/N: *whispers to Atago and Takao* Alright girls, you can do whatever you want with them without have to worry about anything because I already confirmed that no one else but us here, so show them what happens to anyone who messes with us.

Takao: Understood.

Atago: With pleasure~

Atago and Takao then summon their katana and their riggings to fight the thugs on their back.

Atago: Ara~ Looks like Onee-san is going to punish some bad boys~

Takao: Hmph, worthless scums.

Random Thug That No One Cares About 1: What the fuck!!? You said those bitches are just some lowly Faunus! Not shipgirls!

Random Thug That No One Cares About 2: I-I'm sorry, boss! I didn't know!

One of the thugs in the front then tries to charges at Y/N but Y/N is able to grab him and kicks him in the groin.

Random Thug That No One Cares About 3: AAAAHHHH!!!

Y/N then throws him away.

He then effortlessly avoids a kick from the other thug before he grabs his leg and brings his elbow down on his knee, breaking it.

Random Thug That No One Cares About 2: AAAAHHHHH!!!

Y/N then continues by breaking his neck, killing him.

Y/N: Is that all you got?

Random Thug That No One Cares About 1: You will regret that, kid! Kill him!

More thugs then try to surround him and Y/N kills them without any trouble because their fighting skills are severely lacking compared to his previous enemies. One of them tries to jump at him but Y/N does double somersault kicks at him that launches him into the air.

(A/N: Without the green energy)

Y/N then punches through his chest as he gets up much to his horror before he pulls his hand out of his chest as he falls to the ground, dead.

Another thug tries to punch him which he avoids before he counters by stabbing his eyes with his fingers.

Y/N: Hmph.

Random Thug That No One Cares About 4: AAAAHHHH!!! MY EYES!!!

He then performs a right hook punch to the midsection and a straight punch to the face with his left before ending with a large right uppercut that launches him.

He then goes to the fallen thug and crushes his head into a bloody paste with his foot.

Random Thug That No One Cares About 1: (What the hell is he? How the hell is he killing my men without breaking a sweat?)

The thug whose groin was kicked by Y/N returns for revenge as he tries to attack to kill him for what he did to him but Y/N just avoids all of his attacks with no problem as his attacks are very easy to read.


Y/N keeps avoiding him, playfully even, much to his anger.

Random Thug That No One Cares About 3: DAMNIT! WHY THE FUCK CAN'T I HIT YOU!!??

Y/N: Skill issue.

He keeps attacking Y/N until Y/N ducks from his latest attack which he counters with a powerful uppercut that tears his head off.

(A/N: I've also added the Mortal Kombat 4 Quan Chi's Leg Beatdown fatality video in the Chapter 3 and also Spine Rip fatality and Mortal Kombat X Liu Kang's Sore Throat fatality videos in the Chapter 10. So go check them out)

Random Thug That No One Cares About 1: Holy shit!

Meanwhile, Atago and Takao are seen not having any difficulties cutting and blasting the other foolish thugs to pieces with their katana and their riggings.

Takao: Hmph! You guys will suffer the same fate as the Black Dogs for trying to mess with us. (A/N: Takao was one of the disguised shipgirls who assisted Y/N during the assault on SDC in Chapter 3 and the raids on Black Dogs hideouts in Chapter 10)

Back to Y/N, He is seen fighting the thugs' leader and unleashing a combo on him.

He then starts to dance much to the thug leader's confusion as he gets up.

Random Thug That No One Cares About 1: What the fuck is he doing? And WHY THE FUCK DO I HEAR INTERNATIONAL LOVE?!

And he decides to use this opportunity to attack him but Y/N knows that he's gonna attack him while he dances so he uppercuts him after he close enough to him.

Y/N: Gotcha!

Then walks in and slam his face to the nearest abandoned broken car's window, damaging it before he grabs the nearest abandoned broken motorcycle and smashes it down, breaking his ribs.

Random Thug That No One Cares About 1: AAAHHHH!!!

(A/N: Kinda looks like this but he slams his face to a car's window and then he grabs the nearest bike and smashes it down. Ignore Sektor)

He then kicks the downed thug leader's balls.

Random Thug That No One Cares About 1: AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

Y/N: This is for trying to rape my girlfriends, asshole!

Y/N then see Atago and Takao approaching them.

Y/N: You girls done with those idiots?

Atago: Of course, there's nothing Onee-san can't handle~

Takao: And I see you've also done with their equally idiotic leader.

Y/N: Yeah, and I'm about to finish him off or do you want to do it instead?

Takao: Sure, I'd like to do it.

Takao then stabs the thug leader's dick with her katana.


Takao: This is what you get for trying to rape me and my sister, you disgusting pig!

She then stabs his head, killing him.

Y/N: Now that the annoyances are gone, we can go home in peace. Thankfully there's no one here except us so we don't need to worry about anything on our way home.

They then finally go back to the HQ in peace.

Then the screen goes black.


(A/N: Anyway, here's some bnuuy pictures and some other stuff I that found)

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