Chapter 12

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Y/N right now is thinking about the time when he and several shipgirls managed to get the other commanders arrested for many crimes they did to many shipgirls such as sexual harrasments, abusive behavior, attempted rape and many more after they managed to get enough evidences to get them arrested and how the HQ immediately got better without them in it.

There was also one commander who came after them who tried to frame him to make the shipgirls betray him and execute him by giving them some fake evidences of him selling out informations to Sirens but none of them believe him even for a second and according to the girls, the reason why he did this is to have the shipgirls to himself and make them his sex slaves and even sell some of them to the Black Dogs.


Random Lying soon to be Former Commander That No One Cares About: Girls! Look what I found!

Shipgirls: (Ugh, what does he wants this time?)

Random Lying soon to be Former Commander That No One Cares About: Look at these! It turns out Y/N is working with Sirens!

Enterprise: [Suspicious] Give me those.

Random Lying soon to be Former Commander That No One Cares About: Here.

He gave her the fake evidences.

Enterprise: I see...

Random Lying soon to be Former Commander That No One Cares About: [Smug] So? What do you think? Looks like Y/N can't be trusted after all.

And after looking at them for several seconds, Enterprise ripped the fake evidences in front of him.

Random Lying soon to be Former Commander That No One Cares About: What are you doing!

Enterprise: You honestly believe we're gonna fall for your lies?! Do you seriously think that we would believe perverted creep who keeps lazing around over someone who dedicates himself to make us happy with his love and kindness and treat us like human and whose incredible leadership led us to many victories against Sirens?

Random Lying soon to be Former Commander That No One Cares About: Uhh...

Akagi: You are trying to frame Y/N-sama so you could have us for yourself, huh? Who would even want to be with you, anyway?

Belfast: [Cracks her knuckles] Permission to teach him a lesson, ma'am?

Enterprise: Permission granted.

They then beat the shit out of him before they asked him the reason why he framed Y/N and he confessed that he wanted to make them his sex slaves once Y/N gone and even sell some of them to the Black Dogs as well, hearing this prompted them to gave him even more beating until he turned into a bloody pulp before they reported him to get him arrested.


He then watches a news about the former commanders that somehow escaped the prison and he feels like he know what are they gonna after escaping the prison.

Y/N: (I feel like they gonna come back here with some hired men to get revenge on us, I gotta tell the others)


Y/N is seen almost done discussing this matter to the shipgirls.

Y/N: And that's the gist of it. They can come here anytime soon, most likely with some hired guns.

Enterprise: I see, then we better prepare ourselves for their arrival after this meeting because who knows when they will attack us and how many people they will hire.

Y/N: Great idea. We must also strengthen our securities and defenses because we don't know for sure where they will attack from.

Several days later

The former commanders and their hired guns are finally arrived from several directions and Y/N and the shipgirls are fully prepared for their arrival and they already evacuated Eri to the safe place. They first gave them a warning to give them a chance to cancel their attack and retreat and as predicted, they underestimated and laugh at them and went in anyway which got most of them killed by the shipgirls' riggings and mass produced ships' shots and planes and the survivors had no choice but to scatter when they enter the HQ area.


Y/N in Genm Level X-0 form with Gashacon Breaker Blade Mode in hand is seen following some of the men that the former commanders hired that survived their defenses to finish them off, he also recognizes one of them because he is actually a "Pro Hero".

Y/N: (Huh, what's a "Pro Hero" doing here? Meh, probably for some extra cash.)

The hired men don't realize that Y/N is following them as they try to find some shipgirls to capture.

Hired man 1: Heh heh, I can't wait to get my hands on those hot shipgirls. I will make them my bitches.

Hired man 2 AKA The Fake Hero Who Wants Some Extra Cash And Some "Good Time" With The Shipgirls: Hell yeah, man. I can't wait to get my hands on them, I will fuck them non-stop to show them their place in this world, to be my cum dumpsters.

Hired man 1: Nice.

Hearing this makes Y/N really fucking mad that when he does sneak attacks on them, he cuts off the limbs of the hired men he follows with the Gashacon Breaker.

Hired man 1: AAAAHHHHHH!!!

Hired man 2 AKA The Fake Hero Who Wants Some Extra Cash And Some "Good Time" With The Shipgirls: Huh? What the-

And then he does the same to his surprised comrade.

Hired man 2 AKA The Fake Hero Who Wants Some Extra Cash And Some "Good Time" With The Shipgirls: AAAAHHHHHH!!!

Y/N at first wanted to simply decapitate both of them from behind and move on but their comments about what they're gonna do to the shipgirls made him change his mind and chose to cut their limbs off as he wants them to suffer on their last living moments.

Hired man 1: W-w-what the fuck?! Genm?!

Hired man 2 AKA The Fake Hero Who Wants Some Extra Cash And Some "Good Time" With The Shipgirls: W-what the fuck are you doing here?!

Y/N says nothing as he goes to find more former commanders' hired men and the former commanders themselves while he just leaves these two to die here.

Hired man 1: W-wait! Come back here!

Hired man 2 AKA The Fake Hero Who Wants Some Extra Cash And Some "Good Time" With The Shipgirls: Hey! Don't just leave us to die here! HEY!

He still not listening to them as they are going to die from the blood loss thanks to Y/N and no one will help them.


After he was done with more of the other former commanders' hired men that also included some more Fake Heroes who were in it for extra money and the shipgirls, Y/N then calls Enterprise to ask her about things on her side.

Y/N: [Speaking on a communicator] Enterprise, how are things on your side?

Enterprise: We're doing well here, we've already taken care of those good for nothing former commanders' hired men that survived our defenses on our side. Bismarck, Akagi, and the others are also doing well and already taken care of the hired men on their own sides.

Azur Lane HQ

Enterprise's side

Enterprise and other shipgirls were seen using their riggings to blast the former commanders' hired men who tried to capture them after their failed attack on them.

Akagi's side

Atago and Takao were seen slicing the former commanders' hired men that survived the shipgirls' defense that desperately tried to attack and capture them after their failed attack on them.

Atago: Ara~ Bad boys like you must be punished~

Takao: Scum! Is that all? This is too easy. Where is your motivation?

Akagi: That's it. Keep it up! Show no mercy! Those insects deserve death!

Belfast's side

Belfast and other shipgirls were seen blasting the hired men that tried and failed to take cover from their riggings' cannon fire.

Queen Elizabeth: Show these fools the might of the Royal Navy!

Bismarck's side

Bismarck and other shipgirls found some hired men that tried to hide and escape from them.

Bismarck: Everyone, open fire! Don't let any of them escape!

The others' side

The other shipgirls also found some former commanders' hired men that also tried to hide from them.

Kronshtadt: Comrades! Show them what happens to anyone who dares to mess with us!


Y/N: [Still speaking on a communicator] Good. I've already done with them on my side as well, now I only need to find those failures to end this.

Enterprise: Alright. So, are you gonna deal with them as Genm?

Y/N: Nah, I don't need to be Genm to kick their sorry asses.


After some searching, Y/N (not as Kamen Rider Genm because he don't need to be Genm to deal with them) finally finds the former commanders as they are currently hiding from the shipgirls.

Y/N: Ah, there they are! Time to greet some old friends.

Random Former Commander That No One Cares About 1: This is fucking disastrous! That bastard always has to fuck everything up!

Y/N: Naaahhh, you guys are just suck at this. This is one of the reasons why you're no longer the commanders aside from sexual harrasments, abusive behavior, attempted rape, et cetera, et cetera.

They look at the source of the voice and see that Y/N is behind them.

Y/N: Hello there!

Random Former Commander That No One Cares About 2: General Kenobi!

Y/N: OH! Nice! It almost makes me want to spare your life, ALMOST. But alas, you all are gonna die here.

The former commanders just laugh at him.

Random Former Commander That No One Cares About 3: HAHAHAHAHA!! It seems like being the only commander is getting to your head and makes you very cocky.

Y/N: Yeah yeah, whatever, uhhh... I forgot what your name is. Hell, I forgot all of your names. Meh, it doesn't matter anyway because you all aren't worth remembering.

Random Former Commander That No One Cares About 1: You will pay for your insolence!

They point their guns at him.

Before they fire their gun, Y/N dashes towards them before he disarms their leader (Random Former Commander That No One Cares About 1) and takes his gun and shoots one of the other former commanders' gun out of his hand when he's about to shoot at him.

Random Former Commander That No One Cares About 2: Ow!

He then throws the former commanders that he disarmed to the another one who's also about to shoot him.

Random Former Commander That No One Cares About 3: Oof!

Before he goes to the last two as he gives one of them a headbutt before he gives the former commander that tried to frame him in the past a nice uppercut.

The former commander that he disarmed is just getting up when Y/N dashes in front of him and rapidly barrages him with punches, then uppercuts him away and he gets knocked out after he lands.

Y/N: Hmph, you already knocked out from that? Pathetic.

He then taunts the other former commander whose gun he shot out of his hand earlier.

Y/N: Come on!

Random Former Commander That No One Cares About 2: You will pay for this!

Who then tries to jump at him but he grabs him and throws him down.

Y/N: Predictable!

He then smashes his head with his foot so hard it's explode.

Other Former Commanders: WHAT THE FUCK!!!??

Y/N: Heheheheheh... HAHAHAHAHA!! What's wrong? Are you scared?

He then goes to another former commander who tries to get up after Y/N threw their leader on him.

Random Former Commander That No One Cares About 3: *huff huff* *mutters* That fucking son of a bitch. I will make him pay!

And just when he finally recovered and about to attack Y/N, Y/N beats him to it by stunning him with an axe kick and then delivers a roundhouse to his head, snapping his jaw. Then, Y/N proceeds to slam his head into his knee with such force that it shatters his skull. To end it, Y/N then does a backflip kick, dislocating the former commander's jaw entirely and launching them upwards.

The former commander struggles to get up as Y/N takes his gun that he dropped when Y/N threw his leader at him and he then getting closer to him before he shoots him right between the eyes just when he finally gets his bearing, killing him instantly.

After he's done with him, Y/N then goes to the last two former commanders who are now scared shitless of him and frozen in fear after seeing how he killed the other former commanders and he then swings his right leg around for a crescent kick at him which then followed by a second launching kick from his other leg.

Y/N: Genocide Cutter!

Random Former Commander That No One Cares About 4: AAAAHHHHHH!!!!

This attack launches him so high in the air that his head explodes the moment it touches the ground thus killing him instantly.

Now the only one who is still standing is the former commander who tried to frame him as he's still frozen in fear.

Y/N: Now you're the only one left here, the girls told me what you tried to do IF your plan to frame me succeeded. [Cracks his knuckles] Let's just say I'm not amused.

Random Lying Fucker That Tried To Frame Y/N In The Past Who's About To Die Horribly: Eep! W-wait, I'm sorry! Please don't kill me!

He's not listening to him as he dashes towards him and attacks him with high-speed onslaught of punches and kicks ending it with a jumping uppercut which then followed by a spinning jumping uppercut.

When he's about to land, Y/N grabs his head and slams it into his knee so hard that it shatters his skull just like what he did to the former commander he shot in the head earlier.

He then fires the gun he took earlier and shoots his dick.

Random Lying Fucker That Tried To Frame Y/N In The Past Who's About To Die Horribly: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Y/N finally ends it by literally ripping the lying fucker's heart out of his chest before he shoves it into his mouth. He then watches as he dies in agony from all brutality he inflicted on him for what he tried to do to him and the shipgirls in the past.

After he's done with them, Y/N looks at their leader who's still knocked out.

Y/N: Hmm, I wonder what to do with you... Oh! I know!

Y/N: [Speaking on a communicator] Enterprise, it's me, I've already done with these shitheads, tell the other girls to gather because I have a surprise for them.

Enterprise: Huh? What do you mean?

Y/N: *Chuckles* You'll find out soon enough.


Y/N is seen carrying some kind of huge bag carrying the still knocked out Former Commanders' leader as he's finally reaches the place where the shipgirls gather.

Y/N: Hey, everyone.

Enterprise: Oh, commander, you're finally here, so what surprise do you have for us?

Y/N: Here.

He drops the bag and opens it, revealing the Random Former Commander That No One Cares About 1.

Y/N: Ta-da! It's uhhh, I forgot what his name is but I'm pretty sure you girls still remember him, right? [Kicks the former commander] Wake the fuck up!

Random Commander That No One Cares About 1: H-Huh? W-where am I?

Enterprise and the other shipgirls are quite surprised with what Y/N bring to them.

Enterprise: You keep him alive and carry him all the way here? Why?

Y/N: That's simple, I remember all of your frustations on him while he's still with us and so I want you to vent your anger and frustations on him. So, have fun!

Belfast decides to be the first one to vent her anger and frustations on him as she cracks her knuckles as she approaches him and starts beating him up.

Belfast: [Punches Random Former Commander That No One Cares About 1's face] This is for the times you groped me when no one was around!

She keeps beating him up until finally...

Belfast: [About to punch Random Former Commander That No One Cares About 1's dick] AND THIS IS FOR THE TIME YOU TRIED TO RAPE ME!! [Punches his dick really hard]

Random Former Commander That No One Cares About 1: AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Belfast: I feel so much better already, thank you, master.

Y/N: No problem. Alright! Who's next?

Shipgirls: ME! ME! ME!


After the shipgirls vent their anger and frustations on him which made his face completely unrecognizable, his body completely bruised up, and his groin absolutely pulverized, they then clean the HQ while Y/N drags him to the edge of the docks to feed him to the sharks.

Random Former Commander That No One Cares About 1: W-wait! Where are you gonna take me?! Get off me! I don't wanna die!

After he finally arrives at the place, Y/N then prepares to throw the former commander to the seas.

Y/N: One! Two! Three! Hyaahhhh!!

He throws the former commander as far as he can.

Random Former Commander That No One Cares About 1: AAAAHHHH!!!! [Falls into the seas]

As he's about to swim back to the dock, he sees some sharks approaching him which makes him desperately tries to swim away from them but to no avail as the sharks catch up to him and eat him alive.

Random Former Commander That No One Cares About 1: NOO!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!! I DON'T WANNA DIE!!!

After seeing him being eaten alive by sharks, Y/N goes back to help the shipgirls cleaning up the HQ.

Then the screen goes black.


(A/N: here's some bnuuy pictures and other stuff I found)

(A/N: This goes hard. Enty is fuckin' ballin!)

(This fanmade Kamen Rider Revi and Vice Devilman form look badass! (made by the same pixiv artist who made the picture of Revi Mazinger ZERO and Vice Mazinkaiser that I put in chapter 6))

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