Chapter 13

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Several weeks after the former commanders' attack on the Azur Lane HQ, when asked about what really happened that time, the shipgirls told them they fend them off by themselves with Commander Y/N's help, omitting anything about Genm being there to avoid any questions about why Genm was there in the first place and to hide the fact that Genm is actually Y/N.

Union Academy

The headmasters are seen discussing about Genm until...

Ironwood: Alright, that's it! I'm gonna take care of him myself! I will capture him and make him spill all of his secrets!

Ozpin: But we still don't know anything about him.

Ironwood: With Atlas' superior power, we surely will capture Genm without any problem.


Y/N is seen riding around on his bike until he hears a scream.

???: HELP!

???: Stay away from my mom!

???: Hahaha! And what are you gonna do, kid?

Y/N then stops the bike and gets off it to see what's going on. Once he gets closer to the source of the voices, he sees that a bunch of men about to rape a mother while forcing her son to watch. Seeing this angers Y/N and he decides to transform into Genm to take care of them (He don't actually need to transform but he wants to take advantage of Genm's status as All for One killer to scare them off).

Y/N places his Game Driver in his waist.




Y/N: Grade X-0! Henshin!


Y/N: Fuhahahaha! Let's see how those fuckers react to this.

Back to the assholes and the mother and son.

Random Asshole That No One Cares About 1: What's that noise?

Random Asshole That No One Cares About 2: Dunno.

Kamen Rider Genm then appears and approaches them.

Y/N: Yo!

Random Asshole That No One Cares About 3: T-t-tha-

Random Asshole That No One Cares About 4: Huh? The fuck do you want? Are you a Pro Hero?

Random Asshole That No One Cares About 3: (Is he serious?)

Random Asshole That No One Cares About 1: I don't know what you want but you better scram!

Y/N: I heard a scream for help and after seeing what you guys about to do to that woman, I'm gonna stop you from doing that.

Random Asshole That No One Cares About 2: Hahahah! You gonna stop us? You're just one dude!

Random Asshole That No One Cares About 3: (He too? Are these guys for real?)

Y/N: If you think you're so great, why don't you try to prove it by defeating me?

Random Asshole That No One Cares About 1: Fine, you asked for it! Take this!

He tries to punch Y/N but Y/N simply catches his punch before he counters with a punch to his nose, breaking it with a single punch.

Random Asshole That No One Cares About 1: AAAAHHHH!!

The other two try to attack him as well only to receive a headbutt and a kick to the face.

Random Asshole That No One Cares About 2: [Holding his head after reeling from Y/N's headbutt] SHIT! MY HEAD FUCKING HURTS!

Random Asshole That No One Cares About 4: ARGH! MY HANDSOME FACE! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!

Random Asshole That No One Cares About 3: WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!? Did you morons seriously try to attack him? Don't you know who you're dealing with? HE'S GENM, DUDES! HE KILLED ALL FOR ONE FOR FUCK'S SAKE! IF HE CAN KILL ALL FOR ONE, WHAT DO YOU THINK HE CAN DO TO US?!

Random Asshole That No One Cares About 1: [Holding his destroyed nose] Huh? [Finally remembers] Oh fuck...

Y/N: Wow, looks like one of you actually have a brain, too bad you're not using correctly and tried to rape an innocent woman despite the risk of facing me.

Random Asshole That No One Cares About 2: Shit... We fucked up.

Random Asshole That No One Cares About 4: We're so fucked...

Y/N: Ma'am, you better take this chance to get away from this place.

Woman: [Nods] Thank you very much, Genm.

Y/N: My pleasure.

Woman: Let's go, son!

The woman do what Y/N told and get away from the area with her son.

Y/N then decimates all of them with him ripping off the assholes' leader's dick.

Random Asshole That No One Cares About 1: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!

He then dies from that before Y/N punches through one of the assholes' chest before he summons Gashacon Breaker Blade Mode to stabs his crotch with it.

Random Asshole That No One Cares About 2: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!

He then dies from these attacks.

After that, he cuts the last two asshole's dicks.

Random Asshole That No One Cares About 3 & 4: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!

Which he follows by decapitating them with the Gashacon Breaker.

After killing them off, Y/N gets on his bike and leaves the place.


After helping that woman and her son, Y/N then stopped a store robbery, the robbers to shit their pants after seeing Genm due to his reputation before Y/N took care of them and the store owner thanked him for helping them.

After that, he killed some more rapists (one of them was named Bert. Seriously, who named their kid Bert? Bart I can understand but Bert?) who tried to rape a woman in front of her boyfriend while they were enjoying their date, the couple already escaped thanks to him, now Y/N is about to get on his bike until...

???: Stop right there, Genm!

He sees Atlas Soldiers approaching him with Ironwood leading them.

Y/N: Well, if it isn't the Irondick himself...

Ironwood: Kamen Rider Genm, whoever you really are, you are wanted for murder, assault, and comitting actions without hero liscense. You are to hand over your stuff or we will resort to force.

Y/N is not replying and instead just walking towards them which makes them nervous and tense and they start to prepare themselves due to his reputation as All for One killer before he starts running towards them which make some of them to rush towards him as well while the others take aim and firing at him with their guns with Ironwood also assisting them by firing his Due Process at him.

As they attempt to attack him, Y/N keeps dodging and blocking them all until he get close enough to the closest group that attacked him and gives them some devastating attacks which kill most of them and knock a few of them out.

He then moves to the another group just in time when an Atlas Soldier shoots a rocket at him that kills other Atlas Soldiers that can't evade it in time and he kills any soldiers that stand in his way before he blocks an Atlas Soldier's sword attack and shatters it before he gives him a strong headbutt that knocked him out and kicks him away.

He continues by rushing to a group of Atlas Soldiers that use guns as he knocks one of them out and takes his gun to shoot down the other gunners before he shoots the other soldiers that try to get closer to him and also shooting Ironwood's Due Process out of his hand while he's at it until he's out of bullets and throws the gun at the farthest soldier's head, knocking him out.

Then Y/N goes to another group and he kicks one of them while whacking the soldier beside him which makes him falls to the ground head first before he avoids a soldier's sword swipe from behind him which he immediately counters with an uppercut and immediately after that, he grabs a soldier who's about to attack him and swinging him around and throws him to another soldier who's about to attack him.

Ironwood has a grim look on his face while looking at Y/N fighting through his soldiers and knocking them out with ease before he moves to the other groups.

(A/N: Without the Sharingan)

Ironwood: Damnit! This many soldiers and they can't do a damn thing to him!

Ironwood's eyes then widened at the sight of Y/N breakdancing to dodges and blocks some of the attacks and also to style on them and it works. And to finish his breakdancing, Y/N punches three soldiers who try to get closer to him and knocked them out.

After styling on the Atlas Soldiers, Y/N stands up and sneers at the remaining soldiers.

Y/N: Your incompetence disgusts me.

Then the Ace Operatives step in.

Clover: You're gonna regret what you just said.

Y/N: Make me.

Y/N summons Gashacon Breaker Blade Mode as Clover starts attacking him with his Kingfisher with Harriet assisting him by trying to attack Y/N with her Fast Knuckles and Y/N keeps dodging them all until he finds an opening and uses it to slash them, inflicting mortal damages and killing them. Y/N then moves to Vine who keeps trying and failing to use Semblance, unaware of Level 0's ability to negate any abilities including Semblance, before he can say anything about it to his allies. Marrow sees what Y/N about to do and tries shoot him with his Fetch.

Marrow: I won't let you!

But his shots keep missing as Y/N keep dodging his shots until he is close enough to Vine and stabs him, effectively killing him.

Marrow: NO!

Elm: You bastard!

Marrow and Elm try to avenge their fallen comrades as Y/N now is targeting both of them. Elm tries to smash him with her Timber while Marrow supports her by firing his Fetch at Y/N again.

Elm: Take this!

But Y/N jumps to the side to evade her hammer while Marrow keeps shooting at Y/N but he keeps missing his shots because he evades them as well so he decides to change his Fetch into the Boomerang mode and throws it at him but he catches it and throws it back at him which he catches, it makes Marrow decide to use his Fetch to fight Y/N at close range combat, joining Elm which is proven to be pointless as Y/N is still evading his attacks and now he's also parrying his attacks with his Gashacon Breaker.

Y/N finds a perfect chance to kicks them away to step back and stay away from Elm and Marrow's onslaught of attacks while Marrow tries to use this opportunity to use his Semblance to freeze him in place.

Marrow: Stay!

But Y/N is not freezing in place which confuses him. Y/N then prepares to finish these two, some Atlas Soldiers who are still alive due to him knocked them out instead of killing them in his previous strikes on them, and the remaining Atlas Soldiers who haven't fought him yet.


He delivers a powerful energy slash to Elm, Marrow, and the Atlas Soldiers which makes them collapse and explode, killing them.

Now Y/N is about to face off against Winter Schnee before he can get to Ironwood.

Winter: I'm actually very grateful for what you did to that pathetic excuse of a father which resulted in my mother regained her position as the CEO of Schnee Dust Company, but I still have to take you down.

Y/N: (I won't kill her, for Weiss and she seems like a reasonable person)

The two then starts fighting as Winter starts by trying to stab Y/N with her sword which he parries before he retaliates with his slashing attack which Winter also parries. They are evenly matched until Y/N suddenly de-summon the Gashacon Breaker while pretending to attack her again with it to catch her off guard and gives her a punch to the stomach instead.

Y/N continues with several punches that juggle her in the air until he finishes it with a kick to the chin which launches her and sends her rolling on the ground.

(A/N: They're fighting on the ground)

Winter regains control and stops herself before she crash into a wall and get knocked out. She then tries to strikes him with her sword which get dodged by Y/N before he counters by striking her gut with one fist then delivers a blow to the chin with the other, he then sharply raises his knee to strike the Winter's abdomen a second time and finally completes the uppercut, launching her skyward and knocking her out the moment she lands.

Y/N: [Looks at Winter for a bit] (She's still alive, good.)

Ironwood looks at Y/N as only he is the only one left.

Y/N: So, you're the only one left. Let's get this over with.

Ironwood: I won't let lawbreaker like you roaming around. You always made things more chaotic.

Y/N just laughs at him.

Y/N: On the contrary, I think I've made this world better since I first appeared. Let's see, I've freed the slaves from SDC, killed some high ranking members of League of Darkness, exposing so many shitty things that many so-called "Pro Heroes" and your precious star students have done, killing All for One and his cronies, and destroying Black Dogs. You guys are too damn lazy to handle Black Dogs that they managed to made so many innocent women their sex slaves. If it wasn't for me and the others who assisted me, the Black Dogs would gain more power and do more "unpleasant" things to many women they would find and planning some crazy shit like creating a "Sex Empire" however stupid that sounds.

Ironwood: Silence!

Ironwood charges at Y/N and gives him a series of fast punches that he avoids and blocks until Y/N counters him with some punches to his gut that got blocked but Y/N immediately punches his face before Ironwood can block them.

Ironwood: Argh!

He continues by giving him a quick flurry of close-ranged attacks that includes: a left roundhouse to the head, a left punch to the face, a right kick to the ankles, then finishes with a left jab to the ribs.

He then dashes towards Ironwood who's just standing up before hitting him with two punches to the face and then a low right kick to the ankles before ending it with a left kick to the midsection that knocks him down.

Y/N walks towards the downed Ironwood and summons his Gashacon Breaker Blade Mode.

Y/N: Those who break the laws are trash, that's true, but those who abandon people in need when they have the power to help them are much worse.

He then stabs Ironwood with the Gashacon Breaker, killing him.

Y/N: Time to head home.

Then the screen goes black.


(A/N: If any of you are wondering why are there so many Naruto stuff here, that's because I recently replayed some Naruto games that I played during my childhood, Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja 5 for PS2 in AetherSX2 on my phone, Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 for PSP in PPSSPP also on my phone, and I love these games. Playing them also made me rewatch some of Naruto's episodes and watch other Naruto stuff, and I also replayed Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution that I played in PS3 rentals on my potato ass notebook and thankfully my notebook is able to run it)

(A/N: Anyway, here's some bnuuy pictures and other stuff I found)

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