Moving in Michaels house

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Your parents were happy for you and Michael. So since you were married with him, they let you move in Michaels house. You and Michael agreed. Faith was also happy, you being her step-mom. Faith didn't like her real mom. She liked you more then ever.

Right now, you were packing all your clothes, pictures of your family, important stuff, exc. Once you were done, you went out of your room and outside. Your parents were there, crying. You smiled and hugged them. They hug back "mom, dad, I don't know what are you crying about" you said

"I'm just moving in Michaels house. That's all. I can visit you guys whatever I want" your parents wiped their tears "I-it's just that..your all grown up. And married" you grin "I know...well, bye guys. I love you" you kissed them both in the cheeks. Michaels car pulled up on the driveway on time.

You waved them good-bye and got in Michaels car. You put your bags in the back and buckled your seat belt "ready?" Michael said. You nodded. Michael waved at your parents "bye Mrs. And Mr. (L/n)! See you later! Take care!" They waved back at Michael.

Michael stepped on the gas and drove to his house. Once you guys got to Michaels house, you got your bags and went inside. You put your bags in Michaels room, since you'll be sleeping with him. You unpack your stuff and put your clothes in the separate closet.

While you were unpacking, you felt a pair of arms around your waist. It was Michael. He nuzzles and kisses in your neck. You did a giggle and continue to unpack "ya know (y/n)..." Michael said "...doll was a bit of a mean asshole to faith anyways. She will always hit her in the head.."

You shook your head sighing "hey, at least I don't hit children like faith. I'm not that kind of woman who hits" Michael smirks "at least I found you..~" you smile "...heh, I love you Michael" "love you too baby.." He lets go and slaps your ass. You did a 'Yelp' and  giggled.

Once you were done, you went to watch tv with Michael for the rest of the day.

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