Will You Marry Me?

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Two months past, and you and Michael loved each other more then ever. So Michael decide to propose to you. He took faith with her to get a ring. Once he got to the store, where jewelry was sold. Michael looked at the rings on the counter. He couldn't decide what to pick. They were all beautiful.

Faith notices her dad looking at the rings. She raised a brow "dad? Why are you buying a ring?" Michael responds but didn't turn around to face her, keeping his eye on the rings "u-um...because...I want to" faith thought for a minute and made a loud gasp.

Almost everyone in the store turns around to see what's going on. Faith smirked "ohhhh....I know why your buying a ring...YOUR GOING TO PROPOSE TO (Y/N)!" Once again, but this time, everyone turns around. Michael faced at faith, with a hot blush on his face.

"F-faith! Shush! Everyone is looking...!" He whisper - yell. Faith giggles. Suddenly, the lady at the counter says to Michael "so...I'm guessing sir, that your looking for a ring for a lady of yours to propose. Suppose I would help you with that" Michael looks up at the lady and smiles

"Well, yes. That would be very helpful" the lady smiles and gives him a ring "here is the perfect ring for your lady" he takes a look at it and smiles "man, this is perfect. Thank you so much" the lady smiles "your welcome my good man" faith squeals "yay!"

-Time skip to 6 pm-

You and Michael were at the karaoke club, because Michael wanted to talk to you about something. Faith this time came with you guys. She couldn't help her giggling and smiling, which you don't know why. You ask "Michael? What do you want to talk about?"

Michael took a sip of his beer "oh...you'll see, when it's the right time.." You nodded a 'ok' and kept on watching the others singing in stage. After that, the man comes up on stage to announce "ok everyone! Thank you for all coming. For a special song, for a lady..~"

He smirks a little "so for are last song for today, marry you by Bruno Mars. Going to be singed by, Michael! Come on up buddy!" Michael nods and comes up on stage and grabs the mic "thank you everyone. This song is for my beautiful young lady, (y/n)"

Everyone claps and calls for you. You blushed a little and wave at the audience. Once the music starts, Michael began to sing:
'It's a beautiful night we're
Looking for something dumb
To do. Hey baby, I think I
Wanna marry you. Is it in
The look in your eyes, or is it this
Dancing juice? Who cares baby
I think I wanna marry you...'

You started to tear up, feeling speechless. Faith was giggling and smiling. You were so speechless, you don't know what to say. After the song ends, he goes over to you to you and keels down. He takes out a little box and opens it, revealing a ring. He smiles at you and says,

"(Y/n)...will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me..?" You started to sob and nodded "yes! Yes! I-I do!" You kissed Michael and he kissed back. Everyone cheers and claps for you guys. Faith starts to tear up also. Michael puts the ring in your ring finger.

He wipes your tears and kisses you one more time. He hugs you and you hug him back "I love you Michael..!" Michael smiles "I love you too..!"

(Sorry about the mistakes. I get confuse with purpose and propose. >////< IM A BIG FAILURE! -smashes head through wall-)
(10/22/16) - I did an edit with the propose thing.

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