27.This is not fair....

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Neil's Morning Routine

Sun rays peeped through the curtains, gently disturbing the sleep of a man dreaming about his love—the one reason for his constant smile. This newfound joy lifted him, making him feel as though he was on cloud nine. These days, his smile was a common sight, impossible to suppress when he thought about his one and only Avni.

Neil smiled brightly as he got up and pulled the curtain, allowing the sun's rays to kiss his well-built body. It was time to maintain his physique. After freshening up, he wore his jogging tracks and vest, grabbed his water bottle, and headed to the joggers' park.

As he jogged, Neil reflected on how his life had taken a 360-degree turn. Once known as the arrogant, ruthless, and strict businessman, Neil Khanna, the underworld don, now acted like a love-stricken teenager. He smiled, reminiscing about the magic this little, cute, naughty, and feisty girl had worked on him. Neil blushed while recalling moments with her, even those captured secretly.

Back from jogging, Neil took a quick shower. Wrapped in a towel around his waist, he dried his hair with another towel. Stepping out of the bathroom, he saw three boys standing there with bowed heads, which puzzled him. Before he could ask, his beloved friend, DD, appeared with his clothes. Initially, Neil didn't like DD's choice, but he blushed profusely at the imaginary praises DD attributed to his bhabhi.

Neil's POV

I saw myself getting a treatment I had never experienced before—one man applying some cream to my face. I stopped him and sent them outside, leaving DD and me alone in my room. Folding my arms, I asked, "What do you think you were doing?"

DD, smiling broadly, hugged me tightly. "Abbe, I was getting you ready to meet my bhabhi. And remember, you wanted the salon treatment."

Oh, right. I had asked DD for it. What should I do now—apply all this or leave it? DD's voice brought me out of my thoughts. "Neil, if you use all this, Avni bhabhi will be flat over you, 100 percent sure."

"Really?" I asked like an excited child. I wanted her to drool over me as I sometimes did over her. Well, fine, I always drooled—she was so perfect.

I blushed hard and got a smack on my head. Was Avni here? No, it was just DD glaring at me. "What happened, DD?"

"Neil, why are you looking around? I was the one who hit you. I'm talking to you, but you're blushing. What were you thinking?" he asked with his mischievous smile, raising his eyebrows.

I ignored him, removed whatever they were applying, and left the room. After having my strong black coffee, I noticed the staff looking at me. Was I looking bad? Then I saw a message from Avni and hurriedly dashed out to meet her.

At Pareikh Mansion

I reached Pareikh Mansion and saw someone standing near a car. I tapped her shoulder, expecting Avni, but it was Arohi. My jaws tightened. I hated her—why did she have to look like my Avni? Even if she resembled her, she could never match my Avni.

Suppressing her laugh, Arohi mocked, "Aren't you a love-sick puppy, Neil Khanna, the rude and ruthless perfectionist, wearing joker clothes?"

I glared at her. "I know what I'm doing, Miss Arohi. Being perfect is for people like you who deserve my devil personality. But for my Avni, I'd do anything." Before I could finish, I heard a scream, "Panda!" I turned and saw Avni hugging me tightly. She stepped back, pulled my cheeks, and grinned.

"Awww, Neil, you look so cute in these pants. Look, we're matching!" She was adorable—I could eat her up right then.

"Yes, Avni, we're matching. You look very cute too," I said, pulling her cheeks, earning a smack on my hand.

"Oww, why did you hit me?" I asked, seeing her rubbing her cheeks.

"No one touches my cheeks except my mom," she pouted.

"Well, let's go, Avni," I said, turning to see Arohi fuming. "Miss Arohi, it's her choice whether to go out or not. You have no say."

Tears welled in Avni's eyes. I immediately embraced her and took her to my car, leaving Arohi behind with her shouts. I didn't care about anyone else, just my cutie pie's happiness. Seeing Avni still sobbing in the car, I drove to the ice cream parlor and got her ice cream. Her gleaming smile was worth everything.

"Avni, do you want to go to the fun fair?" I asked.

Pouting, she said, "This is not fair."


"I promised you, Neil. I won't back off from my promise."

I smiled warmly. She was a bundle of happiness and joy. Her antics made me fall for her even more.

"Neil, I need tissue paper, please."

I gave her my kerchief, noticing her lips smeared with ice cream. When she finished, I asked, "Can I ask you something?"


"Avni, you were so cold towards me before. Now you're so friendly and open. Why the change?"

"Don't you want me to be like this?" she asked, raising her brows.

"No, not at all," I quickly replied.

"Then?" she chuckled.

"I just want to understand."

"I am Avni Pareikh," she said, looking into my eyes and raising her imaginary collars. "I am unique. There's no one like me, except maybe my sister."

I sighed sadly, handing her a bag from the back seat. She peeped in excitedly before her phone rang. She arranged to meet someone in front of the ice cream parlor. A few minutes later, I saw Ali, Riya, Mitali, and Jayesh arriving. Avni got into their jeep, making faces at Jayesh.

"May I drive?" I asked Jayesh, but he refused.

"Baklu, go back. Why don't you understand?" Avni pouted, and Jayesh agreed. I happily took the driver's seat. As we drove, I noticed Avni's expression changing when introducing Mitali. Something was off. I would find out by the end of the day.

My mood soured—I had planned a special day with Avni, but now it was shared with others. Avni's sweet voice calmed me, "Neil, please don't mind if I behave rudely with you."

Why would she be rude if she wasn't? I wondered, feeling an odd mix of confusion and affection for her.


Hi guys! This is the update with 2313 words. It was long indeed, and I'm exhausted. Now, don't just give votes—also comment!

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Bye, lovelies! Love you all!

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