26.Open Challenge..

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Well, we chatted for a while...oops, sorry, I did most of the talking while he remained in silent mode, just nodding along. Ugh, I really dislike quiet people. He's a good friend, but his silence is starting to irritate me. He's so different from me. Anyway, I want to strengthen our bond, so I invited him to the fun fair tomorrow. It's going to be amazing—Ali will be there, and so will Riyu. Oh, I forgot to mention, Riyu is Ali's girlfriend. I think Ali might bring that annoying guy too. Everyone seems to irritate me lately. Is this fair, God? Anyway, I'm super excited for tomorrow—ice cream, candy floss, games, rides, and prizes. I'm determined to win everything!

I said goodbye to Niel after a bit of a heated argument. By argument, I mean I wanted to go on my own and had my scooter ready, but he, being stubborn and insistent, tried to get me to go in his car. Fine, whatever. As I was driving home, I saw a middle-aged lady chasing a thief. I quickly made a U-turn, followed the thief, and knocked him down. No one can escape from Avni!

I watched as the lady beat the thief black and blue. Poor guy. I chuckled at the thought and then saw her approaching me with a bright smile.

In an overly excited tone, she said, "Ooye puttar, thanks a lot! I won't let that guy go." I laughed and replied, "Aunty, you've already given him quite a beating. Now he's probably praying to God or the police to save him." I laughed loudly, but then I noticed her looking at me. I gave her a nervous smile and muttered a quick apology, which made her burst out laughing. I joined her in the laughter and felt her hand gently patting my head.

"jeeti raho, beta. By the way, we haven't even introduced ourselves yet. I'm Shweta Khanna. And you are?" she asked, her excitement palpable. I chuckled and replied, "Avni Pareikh." She squealed in happiness, "Oh, you're Neela Pareikh's daughter, the doctor! Am I right?" I was surprised she knew my mom. "Yes, aunty. How do you know her?" I asked. She responded, "Avni puttar, I'm her college friend." Oh, so she's Mom's energetic friend she always talked about but never mentioned by name.

"Aunty, if you don't mind, would you like to come over to my house? Mom will be thrilled to see you. We can surprise her." She seemed a bit hesitant but then said, "Avni puttar, I need to go home now; there's some work. Tomorrow evening, for sure. Give me your number, and I'll let you know the exact time and send you my location." We exchanged numbers and said our goodbyes.

What a sweet lady—Mom was right about her. She's incredibly energetic, as if she's always charged up!

Niel's POV

I didn't get much time with her since she refused to come by car—stubborn girl. But she's invited me to spend the whole day out tomorrow, so I'm super excited. I was grinning while driving, and if anyone had seen me, they would have thought I'd lost it. I chuckled at the thought. I was now on an isolated road with no cars around. Strange. I've never seen this road so empty before. Anyway, Niel, hurry up with the preparations for tomorrow.

I need to do some shopping to look my best. Maybe I'll get a facial as well. I should call DD and let him know.

I called DD via the car's assistant system.

On the call:

"Hello, DD. Cancel all today's meetings. If there's any other work, let Piya handle it. Come home within half an hour."

"Whoa, Niel, slow down. What's all this for? I mean, what's the occasion?"

"Oh, and DD, get all the stuff for a facial and any other necessities. I want to look great tomorrow. It's crucial," I said. There was no response from his end.

"Hello, hello, DD, are you there?" After a few seconds, I heard his booming laugh.

"Niel...hahaha...you..." I gritted my teeth and said, "DD, what's so funny? Are you coming or not?"

"Niel, you sound like you're preparing for your wedding. Facial and all? Hahahahahaha!" And that was the last thing I heard before he burst into laughter. Why does it have to be so hard for guys to get these things done? It's like only girls can enjoy salon treatments. We pay for it too, you know. What kind of world is this?

Author's POV

Niel was on his way to his destination when he encountered a lady standing in the middle of the road, pointing a gun at him. Niel stopped his car and got out.

"What do you want now? You mistreated her, but now I'm here to protect her," Niel said, then stepped back towards his car.

"What do you think of yourself, Mr. Khanna? You think you can fool my kiddo and get away with it? You're the so-called 'Shehenshah,' the underworld monster who kills people. I won't let you harm my kiddo, so just stay away from her," the lady said.

Niel was shocked and confused. "What do you think you're doing? You're the one who insults her and mistreats her, and now you're trying to protect her? Watch what you're saying. And as for staying away from her, forget it. I'll never leave her, even if it means you have to kill me."

The lady, who introduced herself as Arohi Pareikh, grabbed Niel's collar and burst out, "Dare to hurt her, Shehenshah, and I'll kill you. Stay away from her. You don't know who you're messing with. If you don't stop, you'll see my worst."

Niel freed himself from her grip and pointed a finger at her. "Miss Arohi Pareikh, you're no one to her. Understand this—why would I harm her? She's my lifeline. I won't stay away from her unless she wants me to," he shouted, making Arohi flinch.

Arohi, with equal intensity, replied, "Even I will make sure to keep my kiddo away from you. It's an open challenge—do what you want, and I'll do what I want."

Niel gritted his teeth and said, "Challenge accepted, Miss Arohi."


Hey guys, so how was the chapter?

What will Arohi do next?

Don't forget to vote and comment—I'm eager to hear your thoughts!

Bye for now, lovelies. Love you all! Bubye!

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