29.One Lost....One Found...

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Avni's POV - Two Weeks Later

I woke up early today, at 6:45 AM. Pretty unusual for me. I couldn't sleep well last night, a sense of unease hung over me. There's a sadness I can't shake off.

I'm already grappling with the sadness caused by my 'lovely' sister, but this feeling is different. I got up from bed and hurried to the guest room. I opened the door quietly and saw Shweta Aunty lying on the bed, facing away from me.

I turned to leave but heard faint sounds. The uneasiness grew stronger. I stepped closer and found Shweta Aunty shivering and murmuring in her sleep. Panicked, I rubbed her back gently. Her eyes opened slightly, and I quickly grabbed the glass of water from the bedside table, helping her drink it.

Shweta Aunty calmed down and hugged me tightly. I comforted her, caressing her back to ease her sobs. I'd never seen her like this. She's always the one making us laugh. Her presence has brought so much joy to this house. Even my sister, Arohi, has been smiling and laughing more. I sighed, wishing Arohi would treat me the same way.

Aunty is staying here because her house is being renovated. Neela Ma and I insisted she stay with us.

As I continued to comfort her, Aunty was still shivering and crying. I needed to know what was wrong. After a while, I gently asked her what the problem was.

"Avni beta, I want my son's love. He doesn't understand us," she said, her voice filled with pain. I frowned in confusion. She continued, "Avni, 15 years ago, I lost my elder son, Neav. He was kind-hearted and loved his younger brother deeply. They shared a special bond and promised never to be separated. But one day, everything changed. Prakashji, Neav, and I were discussing some files when we heard a gunshot. We found Neav lying in a pool of blood. He took a bullet meant for Prakashji. My younger son was at school, but he was kidnapped. When we got him back, he was no longer a child; he had turned into a murderer. He believed we killed Neav. He was only 13, but he got influenced by our rivals. Mr. Yashraj Khurana. A few months ago, I learned that Khurana died, which brought some relief, but I lost my children that day."


Avni's eyes welled up with tears as she listened to Shweta Aunty's tragic story. She felt dizzy but composed herself and embraced Aunty in a warm hug. Aunty eventually fell asleep, leaving Avni deep in thought.

The rest of the day went by normally, filled with jokes and laughter during breakfast. Shweta Aunty masked her sadness well, though Avni knew the truth. After breakfast, everyone went about their day. Neela Ma went to the hospital, Shweta Aunty to her house to instruct the workers, Arohi to her meetings, and Avni to college.

Jayesh tried to snap Avni out of her thoughts with his silly comments, but she remained quiet, lost in her own world. The college hours flew by, and Avni found herself walking aimlessly on the road when she heard a car honking behind her.

Neil's POV

I was driving back to my mansion after a tiring day of meetings when I saw Avni walking on the road. I called out to her, but she seemed lost in thought. I honked until she finally turned towards me.

I flashed a smile at her, but she only gave me a faint one in return. What happened to her? I asked her to get in, but she refused. I insisted, noticing it was getting late and she didn't have her scooter. She eventually agreed but stumbled as she opened the door, holding her head.

I quickly got out of the car, went to her, and held her shoulders. "Are you okay, Avni? What happened?" I asked, worried.

"Relax, Neil. It's just a headache, nothing to worry about," she replied, trying to downplay it.

"Nothing to worry about? You nearly fell, and you're telling me to relax?" I snapped, my worry turning into anger. Before I could say more, I saw someone in the rearview mirror, pointing a gun at us—at Avni.

I stood in front of her, pulling out my own gun hidden under my coat. I shot the attacker in the arm, but he managed to fire back, nearly hitting Avni's arm. Thankfully it passed her, I quickly grabbed the phone that had fallen beside him and dialed the last number called.

Arohi Pareikh's voice answered. I shouted, losing control of my anger. "What do you think you're doing? She's your sister!"

"I won the challenge, Mr. Neil Khanna. You've lost your love. I told you, you won't get her, and—"

"What if something had happened to her? Do you realize what you've done? You tried to shoot her, Arohi!" I screamed, my voice shaking with rage. The call ended abruptly. I turned back to Avni, who was holding her head and kneeling on the ground.

I ran to her and held her in my arms. She was breathing heavily and then passed out.

I patted her cheeks. "Avni, wake up. You're strong, please wake up." I sobbed, feeling utterly helpless. It was my fault she was in this state. I carried her to the passenger seat and drove as fast as I could to the Pareikh mansion, hoping Neela Aunty could help.

When we arrived, I ran into the house with Avni in my arms, calling out for Neela Aunty. She rushed to us, and I begged her to check Avni first.

"She had a panic attack, Neil," Aunty said, her words making my heart stop. Avni had a panic attack because of me. I couldn't think straight, tears streaming down my face.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see my mom. Forgetting everything, I hugged her tightly. "Mom, Avni isn't waking up. It's all my fault. She had a panic attack."

My mom wiped my tears. I understood the situation and backed away. "Stay away from me, Mrs. Khanna. Don't come near me," I said, retreating to the corner of the room. I couldn't control myself anymore. But then, I heard something that made me freeze.

"Tillu, we didn't kill your brother. It was Yashraj Khurana. He died saving Prakashji. Everything you heard from them was a lie. Why would we kill our son?"

Her words shattered me. I lost my brother, my parents, my family because of a lie. I ran to my mom and hugged her, sobbing. "Why didn't you'll ever inform me ? 

"You never listened to us nor faced us, what could we do when we lost our children on the same day!! "

"Mom, I'm- I" I shook my head unable to comprehend anything. What was wrong with me? Am I that shallow to doubt my own parents ? What-

We composed ourselves, but one thought was clear in my mind: I had found my family but lost my love.


Hey there, everyone! Another update for you all.

I hope you liked it. Sorry if it wasn't up to the mark.

Do let me know your thoughts. Bye, lovelies. Love you all!

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