30.From A Deal To his Love...

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Neil tossed and turned in bed, desperately trying to forget everything and find peace. But his mind betrayed him, replaying every word Avni had said.

"Just go away from here... You are a damn criminal... I hate you... Just go away..."

Neil had always known the challenges he would face regarding this topic, but he never imagined it would be this terrible. Avni's words were like a knife stabbing his heart. This time, the pain was unbearable, as he was blamed for a crime he had never committed.

"You are the criminal of my mumma and papa... because of you, my life is hell... No one loves me... just stay away from me."

Neil sat up in bed, trying hard to calm his heart and mind. But his efforts were in vain. He couldn't control himself, and tears escaped his eyes, revealing his raw emotions.

"I did nothing," was the only thing he could say, repeating it over and over.

Meanwhile, Neela Ma was trying to think calmly and find a solution for the current situation in their lives, especially for Avni, who had not yet recovered from that small incident.

Neela Ma decided to talk to Neil as soon as the sun rose the next morning. She wanted to clear everything with him. But after a few minutes, tears found their way down her cheeks. She would never forget today's incident, as well as the painful memories of the past.

The next morning, it was Saturday.

Neil had turned back into a heartless person who had forgotten even to smile. The same arrogant, ruthless businessman was back.

After a series of back-to-back meetings, Neil was sitting in his cabin, looking at Avni's picture on his mobile.

"I have done nothing, Avni... I really did nothing!!" His eyelids betrayed him, unable to hold back the tears. He had never felt this devastated before. "I never imagined in my wildest dreams of hurting you. How could I snatch your loved ones? No, I can't..."

Neil was lost in thoughts of Avni but was soon pulled back to reality by his phone ringing.

"Yes, DD! Is it important? Okay, I'll handle this personally. When do we need to go? Today? Fine, I'll be there in an hour." Neil freshened up in the washroom, grabbed his keys, and left his cabin.

After a long 50-minute drive, he parked the car and stood in front of a big academy named 'Fighter Fairies.' He entered and went straight to the cabin of the head of the academy, Aditya Roy.

"Hello, Mr. Roy. I hope I'm not disturbing you?" Neil said, shaking hands with him.

"Not at all, Mr. Neil Khanna. Well, what brings you here suddenly?" Mr. Roy asked with a charming smile. "Would you like something? Tea or coffee?"

"No, Mr. Roy. I just want something from you!" Neil's statement confused Aditya.

"Mr. Khanna, what do you want from me? I don't have anything to give you."

"Well, I'll get straight to the point. I want this Fighter Fairies Academy from you. It should be known as Neil's FFA, not Aditya's. And before you accuse me of anything, I will offer you double the value of this place! So think wisely before you answer."

Aditya didn't react immediately. After a few moments, he said, "I would like to know the reason for this deal. Why would the great Neil Khanna want this small academy, especially at double the price? There must be a reason, right?"

"Well, Mr. Roy, good question. I want this academy to start a new branch. It's a defense class for girls, right? I wish to have one as well. I chose this academy because it is quite famous here. I want to make it even more famous under my management. You can continue working here, and I'll ensure you get the payment you deserve," Neil explained calmly.

"So, you want to own this for popularity and praise, am I right?" Aditya asked, still confused by the offer. "Or do you have another motive?"

Neil looked up. "Mr. Roy, I respect you a lot, so I won't be upset with you. But that doesn't mean you should blame or suspect me unnecessarily. I just want this academy under my name, that's it!"

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Khanna, but I can't give you this academy. My feelings are connected to it. I can't give it up just for money. I'm really sorry!" Neil narrowed his eyes, pondering Aditya's words.

"Look, Mr. Roy, I'm offering you a great deal—" Neil began, but Aditya interrupted him. "Please, Mr. Neil, I will not agree to this, and my staff will not agree either. I respect my staff's opinions as well. I'm really sorry!"

"Okay, if that's the problem, then I'll speak with your staff!" Neil was saying when someone entered the cabin after knocking.

"Aditya sir, are you free now? I need your help!" said a voice.

"Yes, Avni, I'll be there in a few minutes," Aditya replied to the lady, who left after hearing his response. Neil failed to see her but recognized her voice, freezing in place.


Hola guys, here's the update. I'm really very sorry for the long delay.

I'll try not to upset you all further.

So, how was the chapter? I hope I didn't disappoint you.

Bye, lovelies! Take care, and goodbye!

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