34.Little Nervous

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Author's POV

Sitting in her room and engrossed in her book, Avni snapped up as she heard her identical sister speak while entering, "Avni, why were you roaming with that stupid person?"

"Di, what do you mean by 'that person'? He has a sweet name, don't you think?" Avni retorted in a not-so-pleasant tone. The response she received left her confused.

"Avni bachaa, I care for you. Why don't you—" Arohi started to say before Avni scoffed, cutting her off.

"Don't you dare say that you care about me. That would be the last thing I believe. You made me feel hated, you made me feel low, and what not. So don't you dare say something like that."

Arohi sighed and left silently, leaving behind an angered Avni.

"Argh... I have my interview this week, and she should've boosted me up, but she did the opposite. Now I need to focus badly... Argh, I need ice cream now."

Avni descended the stairs and shouted around the hall, "Maa... maa..."

"Avni bachaa, what happened? Why are you shouting?" Neela Maa asked, coming out from her study room.

"Maa, did that angry bird leave?" asked an irritated Avni.

"Bachaa, don't talk like that. She's your sister," Neela Maa replied, hoping to change Avni's view about Arohi, which seemed to be ignored as Avni responded, "Maa, I wish God never gives anyone a sister like her."

Neela Maa sighed and went into the kitchen, returning with a chocolate bar on top of an ice cream tub, which seemed to be chocolate-flavored by its cover.

"Maa, I badly needed that." Grabbing her first love from her mom's hand, Avni sat on the dining table with her legs crossed.

Neela Maa patiently waited for her little kiddo to finish her ice cream and chocolate.

"Maa, Di thinks she's something special. She's only minutes older than me, but that doesn't mean she can boss me around. And you know what? Today she said she cared for me. Really? Is this a joke? She doesn't even know what she's doing, and she tells me why I was roaming with that person, huh?"

"Bachaa, don't get angry, but who were you roaming with?" Neela Maa asked the already irritated Avni in a mischievous tone.

"Maa, it doesn't matter who it was. But she shouldn't have said that about Niel. He's my friend, after all," Avni said, biting her tongue after completing her sentence.

"Avni, this is called 'khud ke pair par kulhaadi maarna,'" whispered Avni to the air around her. Soon, she received mischievous glares and smiles from her lovely Maa.

"Maa... woh... mujhe kaam tha... I'm going now," Avni dashed up to her room in a jiffy, making Neela Maa break into fits of laughter that echoed through the hall.

A few days later, the day of Avni's interview at Daniel Dsouza's company, known as Dannie's Company (DC), finally arrived. Avni stood outside her house, ready to sit in the car where her lover boy, Niel, was waiting for her. Well, that's not tough to guess.

Neela Maa instructed her repeatedly, "Bachaa, don't you dare be rude to your boss. If something intimidates you, just stay away from it. Please, no more fights or arguments. I know you won't, but still, your karate class gives me vibes that you'll end up hurting someone. I'm really scared for the person who will get hurt by you."

Both ladies turned to see a laughing Niel.

"Maa, you already told me this inside. Why repeat it now? Look, now he's laughing, and he'll tease me a lot..." With this, Avni sat in the passenger seat, and they drove off.

Outside the big industry building, Niel asked, "Avni, are you sure you don't want to join my company?"

He couldn't complete his sentence as Avni hugged him immediately.

"Niel, don't worry. I want to do something by myself. I know if I join your company, you'll always have my back for my position, even if you do it secretly. But I know that," she said, coming out of his embrace.

"Okay, if you're happy with it, then I don't mind at all." Niel gave her a charming smile, easing her nervousness a bit. "You will rock it... go on, champion," he added, eliciting a bright smile from Avni.

Avni walked into the big glass building, which seemed like a glass block from the outside. She wondered how people stayed in there. As she absorbed her surroundings, she felt silly for her thoughts.

Avni smiled as she reached the receptionist. "Yes?" asked the lady politely, clad in a bright white shirt covered by a black coat.

"Avni Pareikh, interviewee," beamed Avni.

"Ma'am, take a left turn to the elevator to the 30th floor," the receptionist replied. Avni nodded and made her way towards the elevator, which was empty for a few seconds.

As the door was about to shut, a well-suited man in his late 20s entered. He raised his finger to tap '30' on the elevator's number board, already pressed by Avni, making him look at her standing beside him, biting her nails.

The man chuckled and cleared his throat to get the attention of the adorable lady beside him. "Excuse me... pretty lady?"

Avni snapped her head sideways at the sudden voice, her finger still hanging near her lips, making the gentleman smile inwardly.

"Hi," she said instantly with her ever-flashing smile, surprising him. He'd never seen someone smile so brightly and innocently.

"Hello, Daniel Dsouza here," came the firm yet calm voice of the handsome man.

"Avni Pareikh here," smiled Avni at him.

"Well, Miss Avni, are you here for the interview?" Daniel asked, resting his hands in his pockets.

"Yup, and what about you? Well, according to your suit and behavior, you seem to be the HD, I guess. Am I right?" Avni asked, to which Daniel agreed without any options. How could he say no to such a sweet, innocent lady?

Their conversation ended as they reached the 30th floor, which saddened Daniel.

Avni nervously left for the interview room, and Daniel stood still, watching her go. When Avni was out of sight, he left for his cabin.


Hi guys! So here's the update. Hope you all like it.

If not, please tell me. I badly need your reviews. I want to know if my work is satisfying or not. It would be a waste if it's not good. I hope you all understand what I mean.

And yeah, how was the new entry? He won't be a villain, I promise. I don't want their lives filled with enemies and all that.

So, I hope I'm clear. If you have any doubts, shoot them. I'm always ready.

A bit of news: I won't be able to update anything for two weeks as I'll be out of town. Please don't forget me during that time.

Bye, see you all.

Take care, guys. Love you a lot. Thanks for your support.

I am nothing without you all by my side.

Thank you.

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