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Author's POV

Absorbing and enjoying his cutie's antics, who was now digging into her favorite ice cream...

This girl will always be a kid, he thought, shaking his head with a smile. He was keenly watching her, but soon his trance was broken.

"Hey Niel, your ice cream melted...ooffo!!"

He saw her sad expression about the melted ice cream. It was then he noticed that he hadn't even touched his own ice cream, too busy with his favorite pastime. A shy smile adorned his face.

He was surprised at his own reaction. How could he blush or be shy? The thought that came to his mind made him smile with pride. All these changes and this craziness were because of her... and only for her. His only Avni.

As Avni finished her ice cream, Niel got up to pay the bill while Avni stayed behind, answering a call from an unknown number. She swiped green, only to fume at the voice on the other end.

"I am not going to fall into your trap again, so don't waste your time convincing me," she said, about to hang up, but something made her stop. Her grip on her phone tightened.

"Keep your dirty mouth shut. I thought you were a gentleman, but it was all my mistake to trust you against Niel. And whatever you said before, if you had said that in front of me, I would have punched your face hard enough to knock your teeth out. Go to hell! And don't you dare call me again, idiot!"

Saying this, she threw the phone down, shattering it into pieces. Everyone around flinched at her high and sharp voice, even Niel, who had just returned after paying the bill.

"Avni?!" he called out, only to get a loud "Kyaa hai???" in response. He meekly shook his head left to right. It was a tough task to deal with this tigress who could pounce on him anytime.

Seeing Niel's condition, everyone around giggled silently, only to receive a glare from her in return.

After a few breathing exercises, Avni stood silently and said, "Let's go." Niel, poor soul, hung his head low and stayed quiet and frightened for a long time, only to hear "Let's go." He expected her to explain her anger. He sighed, now he needed to know the real cause; it was quite irritating for him. Niel sat in his car with Avni by his side.

The car stood in the same position for five minutes, confusing Avni, who was looking straight. She turned her head towards the person who hadn't started the engine yet.

"What?!" she asked. In return, he said, "Don't you think you owe me an explanation?"

Avni rolled her eyes. "I don't want to," she replied.

Niel folded his arms near his chest. "I won't drive and I won't let you go away from me either."

Avni gave him an annoyed look. Niel continued, "Do you want to stay in the car all night with me, or do you want to reach home? The choice is yours." Niel relaxed a bit in his seat, still waiting for the silent Avni to speak.

"Tum nahi maanoge naa??" she asked.

"Tumhe kya lagta hai?" he replied.

Avni raised both hands in defeat and sighed. "Okay fine, I'll tell you... I got a call from... from..." She fumbled, prompting Niel to stretch the word "from..." Getting back her tough self, she continued.

"From Kabir Ahuja. He was the one who influenced me to believe his story about your intentions. I agreed to it in anger and shock after you shot that man. Your real identity still haunts me, but for some reason, I feel you are a good person, just shaped by circumstances and situations. Kabir told me he was your friend, but through my special means and contacts, I found out he is your rival. It was all a plan to hurt you." She finished with guilt-laden eyes, evident in her voice and her expression.

Niel gently held her right hand in both of his, pressing it to calm her.

"Don't feel bad, Avni. It's not your fault at all. Look, we are friends again, haina?" Avni nodded slightly in approval.

"Then chalo, show me your beautiful smile!" Avni's lips automatically stretched into a smile as she looked at a smiling Niel. They were looking deeply into each other's eyes, one with love and affection and the other with respect and care.

Soon, Avni broke the eye contact. "Kya puri raat yahi bitaane ka iraada hai?"

Niel smirked and winked. "Humein koi aitraaj nahi."

Avni's eyes widened, and soon her hand found its way to pat Niel's arm. "Oww... feisty much... majaak thaa yaar." Both chuckled. Niel started the engine and drove off.


Hi guys! So here's the update, though it's a bit late, I know... sorry for that.

I hope I didn't disappoint you with today's update. I'll try my best to post as early as I can.

So bye... see you guys! Love you all.

And please, if you like my chapter, do shower it with your precious votes and comments. If you like my work, do follow me (it's optional).

Tata, lovelies! Love you all.

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