47.My Life Is A Bliss...

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Neil's POV:

"Now Maa is not here, Di, let's start our mission!" I heard a sweet whisper from outside the room.

Pretending to be engrossed in a book from the nightstand, I flipped through the pages, but nothing made sense.

Neela Aunty reads foreign magazines? Strange. And why does this model's face look so—

"Di, why is he reading the magazine upside-down?"

Oh no...

"Shh, Avu! Keep quiet!!"

I put the book aside and glanced out the window, trying to hide my blush. Even though I couldn't hear any more sounds, I was curious about what was happening behind me.

I tried to see what was going on, but before I could, something soft and heavy thudded against my face.

Very heavy...

Grunting from the unexpected pain, I tried to get up, but today was not my day.

Two identical bodies were already standing on top of me, armed with their "weapons," ready to smack the life out of me.

Okay, I exaggerated a little...

But I think you understand my frustration.

So, where was I?

Ah, being smacked by the cutest, sweetest baby and a devilish little witch.

What a wonderful way to spend my day!!! My life is such a bliss!!

Except for this witch in disguise.

I grabbed my savior, my dear pillow.

"Ouch!!" With a sudden wince, Avi descended on me, her weight as light as a feather considering my own weight.

Lifting her carefully, I saw her clutching her shoulder in pain. Had I hurt her so badly that she was still in pain weeks later? I had failed to keep her safe and had hurt her again.

"Sorry!!" A whisper escaped my lips as I caressed her cheek with my right hand and held her firmly with my left.

"I never meant to hurt you!!" Stroking her soft cheek with my thumb, my words flowed naturally.

"It was in self-defense!! I would never think of hurting you intentionally!!"

I gazed into her black orbs, waiting for her to say something or even shove or slap me if she wished. But what I received was utter silence...

And it was incredibly comforting.

Her deep, black eyes radiated the warmth I needed most.

Her soft, pink lips curled into a small smile, sending a tingling warmth to my heart.

Forgiveness was what I needed, and even without words, I could feel her granting it.

Just silence...

And that was the best answer I could receive.

A silence filled with thousands of words, which I needed to understand and feel.

And I did.

I lifted my hand from stroking her cheek and gently patted her head, earning a lovely smile from her, broader and brighter than before.

"Neil, you are so handsome!!" I took a sharp breath, and my heart-

My heart skipped beats—more than once, maybe twice or thrice, I don't know...

I felt her fingers softly caressing my cheek. "Your cheeks are so smooth yet a little rough with your stubble!"

As she traced my nose with her fingers, my previously calm heart began to beat violently.

"Your nose is so straight, it's so different from mine, see!!" Saying this, Avi leaned forward towards me.

Towards Me.

My Face.

Me, Neil.

Then I felt it... her forehead and nose gently touching mine.

She smiled brightly and said excitedly, "See?"

She looked down at our touching noses with pride, as if she had accomplished something.

Meanwhile, I felt the temperature rising to its peak. Why is Mumbai's temperature so high? I should check the global warming news someday... Yeah, that's right.

Clenching my jaw and fist, I took a deep breath to regain my composure. But as soon as her lavender scent reached my nostrils, my mind grew hazy.

Avi continued to grin and look at our noses, her eyes focused on our new "invention," but—

She furrowed her brows and looked into my eyes. While I struggled to keep my gaze steady, my traitorous eyes kept drifting to her deep, dark, twinkling eyes. Her rosy cheeks were fluffy as always but appeared slightly flattened because she—

I inhaled sharply, my throat growing drier than it ever could.

Her cheeks were flat because her lips were in a cute pout. And that was the feature I dreaded to see now. Now was not the time...

Not the perfect time... Nah, not the right one.

The perfect time would be when her lips were on mine—

Stop it... Don't go there, Neil. Snap out of it...

Her grip on me was tight, our heartbeats racing in sync.

I continued to gaze at her soft, pink lips...

They're so close, Neil. You could feel them... just lean forward a little... only inches apart.

No... No... No.

Stop, Neil. Don't move forward... please don't...

But my actions were out of my control, as if they had a mind of their own.

I moved forward slightly, closing my eyes, waiting to feel her soft, tender lips on mine.

Just inches apart... just a little touch...

Let me feel Avii's soft lips—



I felt the warmth disappear. Her presence was there but seemed distant...

Opening my eyes, I saw moisture glistening in her eyes. Her voice was a broken whisper.

Did I do something wrong again?

Avi gently placed her forehead on mine and clutched my hand tightly, perhaps for support or—

Maybe she was in pain—

I opened my mouth to say something, but before I could, I heard her voice...

"You're burning with fever!!"

Her tears fell from her closed eyes and onto my cheek.

She's crying because she thinks I have a fever, but here I am thinking— that I...

"I'm sorry, Neil. I stressed you out. Did I hurt you badly?" She wailed softly, her eyes still closed.

"I just want you to know that I— Ahh!!" Avi fell on me again, this time with more force.

Quickly lifting her, I turned us over, so she was beneath me, resting on the bed with me on top.

"Avii... Are you okay??!! Why is your shoulder hurting so much?" I gently caressed her shoulder.

"Neil, I'm fine. It's normal for me. I'm used to this pain. It's fine—"


I got up cautiously to help her, but before I could stand, Avii rushed towards the noise.

The scene in the kitchen shook Avi to her core. Clutching the stair railing tightly, she went forward, and I pressed a hand on her perfect shoulder, reassuring her of my presence and warmth.

"Shhh, Ruhi, don't cry. You make others cry too. Calm down, I'm here with you!!"

Neela Aunty consoled a sobbing Avi...

Avii spoke softly, yet heavily, "Me too."

Neela Aunty held her daughters tightly, sobbing into their shoulders.

It's hard to understand how a mother can be so strong for her children yet so vulnerable for them.

"Arohi di, if you cry, who will calm me down when I cry so much? I can't do your job!!" Avii said in her childish tone, and we chuckled through our tears.

Smiling at Avii's attempt to make us laugh, I looked deeply at them and saw Neela Aunty blinking at me.

I blinked back in reassurance.

My sweet family...


Hola Amigos

Did I write it adequately? Please let me know. It would reassure me.

And about the delay in posting...

I... Am... Sorry... I know this won't change anything because I'm always late. So, from now on, I plan to post every Sunday.

I'm unsure about other stories due to future work...

So that's all for now...

Bye, guys. Please shower your love through votes and comments.

If you forgive me, please vote. And if you don't forgive me, please vote anyway...


You'll have to vote because it makes me happier than writing stories for you and our Avneil.

So please...

Adios, Amigos...

Amor, Seem🧡🧡

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