55.Stepping Into The Trap

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Avni's Pov




The liquid dripped from my hair and onto the table resonating a sound which could be heard in the whole silent room...

My Shirt now soaked with the warm liquid stuck on my skin acting as a second layer.

My hand lifted up to remove the hair before my eyes to look at two horrified looking fellow!

My gaze on it's own pierced through the chocolate brown one intensifying the glare which soon was darted towards that person's fisted hand which thumped on the same table few seconds before.

The whole table was a mess, green veggies every where, fruits thrown out of the bowl, glasses Knocked out spreading it's content onto the table spoiling 'our' clothes..Oh..My mistake...Spoiling 'MY' clothes as the gentlemen were standing afar from the table enjoying the view of a drenched up Creature..

A very annoyed and frustratingly angry drenched up WOMAN!!!

Apart from still dripping soup off my shoulder there was also a small squeak like sound which gained my attention which was before glaring at the empty bowl fallen on ground toppled like a lost Combatant..

A Non-living combatant to be precise!!

A combatant who lost in his battle yet destroyed the opponent.

An Opponent who was dried and freshen up begore after a hectic day.

"D-D..Darling!! I.." The person squeaking before spoke making me snap out of the grief for the fallen Combatant who spilled it's grudges all upon me.

Shifting my legs pushing myself up from the chair I was sitting on, I let my leg follow me to the room I was in before...

Glaring and gazing at them letting them know, That..I Avni Parikh will Kill them later on!!


Gulping the two guys looked at each other but the Person in vest glared at the other man still offended by the endearment he showed on his dear lady-friend..

But foremost he was concerned about what the little devil disguised as angel will do now..with them.

Neil thought about various situation he can be in after she comes out which includes-

1. Death by punches and kicks.

2.Throwing veggies at us, as we 'Accidently' did!!

3.Restricting us from eating IceCream for 2 to 3 months...

A smile was automatically formed on his face at the 3rd option...He was so sure it would be related to IceCream...

Well his little Devilish Angel was surely predictable.. Smiling he sat on the Sofa glancing around to see, Nicholas Conver standing near the sofa looking over the staffs cleaning the messy place.

"Well our conversation is still left to be completed Mr.Khanna!" Neil looked up to see him still glancing at the staff.

After few seconds Nicholas Conver ascended towards the stairs entering the library while Neil did the same.. Both striding confidently.. ready to pounce on the opponent if done something. Yet too careful not to show it.

Sitting on the small bean bag Nicholas waited for Neil to come and take seat while thinking about the words which Neil accused him of- Conver where you the one making Avu cry that day!!

"Why would I make my cherry cry?!" Nicholas spoke within himself thinking about the reason behind Neil's such remark.

Neil entered the Library and sat across a dazed out Nicholas and stared at him..his appearance.

A thought crossed his mind which was too weird to get digested...But he ignored it and proceeded to continue their befores 'Lovely' Convo.

"Conver!" Neil voiced out while Nicholas snapped out of the trance to see Neil sitting confidently in front of him with a chilled aura around, holding a retractable pen in his hand clicking it filling the silent room around with it's sound.

"Why do you think I made her cry Mr.Khanna?" Nicholas said coming straight to the point while Neil still engrossed himself in playing with the pen pressing it's head and gazing at the nib of it popping out and disappearing again in it at the next press, said without looking or giving any reactions to the nervous and concerned Nicholas.

"Avi crying in the storeroom while The Vice President of the Robert Enterprises himself was waiting outside for her." Neil spoke, his attention on the pen in his hand while Nick sat stilled trying to understand what he was saying..

Nicholas recalled the day when Avni was no where to be found and after asking few Employs he got to know that she entered the Storeroom in haste, while after knocking and waiting outside, he witnessed her red swollen eyes and when asked her answer was the allergy of dust!

So mistaken was he at that time, If he just had pushed her more to answer truthfully, he would've known the reason she was bothered of!

But he knew that Avni was not an easy girl, she never shares if she doesn't wants to!

"Conver..I don't know if it was you or not, but... But if it's you just make sure you come clean and fair at the end because I wouldn't like to kill my best friend now, Will I?" Neil spoke while Nicholas looked at him longingly.

He smirked and shook his head "I don't have anything to say to make myself innocent, but a monster like you keeping her safe is kind of interesting!!"

Neil dropped the pen on the table locking his fiery auburn gaze on his green gems one while speaking calmly "It takes Monster to destroy a monster Conver"

Neil got up striding out of the room letting Nicholas think about his words..the same words he heard from Him in his childhood.


Rubbing the towel aggressively on my head I tried drying it quick which surely was impossible....those two Idiots..I swear on my Panda that I won't leave them without any punishment..looking at the mirror I found myself clad in white loose yellow T-shirt and black Sweatpants double my size with my wet hair left loose to dry.

The T-shirt on me was quite fine..as its sleeves were not full..but it surely hanged on me like cover well about the sweatpants..

I have folded it's waistband thrice along with tying it with a long rope made up of my shirt which lost it's button..

Well Tight security is must..and if it's in the case of clothes...it's a death and life situation, I have experienced it not once but twice...

I kept the towel neatly on the stand beside the closet and thought of what I could do to them...

I looked around the room in search of inspiration for a punishment...and after a tough war within my mind I came to a conclusion..

Punishing them with my special Element 204!!

But now it's too late to punish them..I saw the clock hung on the wall showing 2 am...

Good night Avni..sleep well, tomorrow you have special task to do!!


The darkness around me comforted me along with the comfort my body felt lying relaxingly...My eyes felt too heavy to open and I wished to return to the darkness again but..but I felt warmness on my side profile and the darkness I was seeing turned a little orangish around...several black spots dancing in my vision.

Slowing lifting the eye lids..Bright light evolved in my vision making me close my eyes again but soon I reopened them to witness breathtaking sight in front of me.

There was the most awaited scene infront of me... He was laying on the sofa with his hands under his head acting as a pillow even when his head was on pillow..his eyes were closed and he totally looked like a small kid sleeping peacefully leaving all the worries and tension aside but he was not a single percent kid that is for sure..

The coldness all forgotten that emotionless irritative face was long gone but a handsome man slept just in his yesterday's attire without his shirt.. If he tried acting in films I assure 101% that he will be ahead of all the other celebs.

I smiled thinking of him acting in movies..that's next to impossible, I mean just Imagine him smiling and giggling when necessary.. getting smiles from his really a great achievement..Well before he surely smiled alot but when he was genuinely happy but now it's as if he doesn't knows how to smile!!

What's the reason I still am wary of!!

"Avii!" I heard a hoarse voice speak while I looked up to see him standing and stretching his muscles lazily smiling at me. My smile on it's own widened looking at the way he is acting cute.

I sat up and wished him 'Good Morning' while he did the same!

"You freshen up Avii...I am waiting down, I will drop you at your house!!" He said and I nodded at him as he left the room, and getting up I folded the messed up blankets.

After brushing my teeth with my finger I washed my face trying to remove the drowsiness while sudden thought came into my mind..

The Punishment!!!

Wiping my face with the towel, I kept it at it's place and combed my hair with my fingers in hurry tying it in a messy bun behind..

I need to get into the kitchen before anyone could!!

I ran downstairs and saw no-one in the hall..Hmm they must be getting ready...I hurriedly entered the kitchen only to find the Uncle cooking something engrossed.

Now how can I do it!!

I stomped my foot angrily on to the ground and at that Uncle averted his gaze from his pan to me..

"Yes Dear?! Do you need something? If you are hungry then just wait for few minutes, I am making veg lasagna!!" He said smiling at me while I too returned it genuinely at how happy he is with his work.

Cooking is actually best, we can eat whatever we want whenever we want and can make it without asking or buttering other for it...

Huh, I always have to beg Ma to make something I crave for because according to her that's how I will realize how important cooking is!

I surely know about cooking but I can't cook any food because I am not interested in making..but Eating!!

Well leaving these things aside.... I looked at Uncle who was still looking at me expectantly while expertisely made Omlet I guess..not sure what's it.

"Well Uncle I need few ingredients and two large mugs,If you could help me with it then I would be really thankful to you!!" I tried my best to put all my emotions in this sentence I mean..it would be really worse if I got an idea but I won't get to try it!

"Yeah sure Dear!!" Uncle said while I jumped happily in excitement... I saw Uncle bringing all the things as I said him he halted as he saw me grinning mischievously gazing at the ingredients.

"Uncle thank you so much.. If will now make a delicious recipe for my friends!!" I winked at Uncle who looked too surprised at my behavior..That I am not sure of why?!

As Uncle left the kitchen I got busy with cutting the Bitter gourd into pieces and then, cucumber, Apple, pear, kiwi and then putting it in the mixture bowl I added honey, soya sauce, chilli powder, sweet gummy bears, little bit of sugar and salt for taste and at last a cherry!!

Ta Da..after grinding them well the special recipe was ready to be served...pouring the mixture into the well designed mug and then placed a straw in it along with a spoon well I added little crushed ice for better presentation.

Hmmm..it looks better now..No..wait how can I forget the sweet cherry syrup... I dripped the syrup on the crushed Ice making it look more juicier.

Placing the mugs on Tray I picked it up and headed towards the dining room where Uncle was serving them their breakfast while they were sitting still and looking into nothingness...

As expected!!

Placing the heavy tray on the table with a 'Thud' I gained their attention which should've been surprise..but unfortunately it was confusion.

"Guys I made a special recipe for you'll !!" I clapped cheerfully and saw them eyeing my 'sweet' recipe

"And why are we getting special treatment!!" Nick said getting a glare from Neil and me... Hmphh this special treatment is for ruining my whole attire yesterday....and making me take shower at night when I was too hungry and sleepy. But I can't tell them that...

"Well Nick it's a thanking treat from me!! To you for letting us stay in your house while to Neil because he always helps me a lot with everything!!" I beamed to which Neil gave me a small cute smile while Nick smiled showing his bright teeth.

"Come on..I am starving let's have Darling's special treat first then lasagna!!!" Nick said picking up the mug keeping it in front of him while I averted my gaze at Neil..his hand gripping the mug.. "Neil!!" My tone turned harsher then I intented to...

Well it's not my fault..yesterday I was the one who suffered...they were supposed to tackle each other if they have any problem but why me..I don't even know the reason for their glares!!!

"I want to have a peaceful breakfast now..Please!!" This time my voice under my control,

"Ahem..well why aren't you drinking this?!" Neil said startling me...

"Neil..I um..Yesterday I am still on medication so I can't have anything sweet!!" I smiled sheepishly at him laughing nervously..I averted my gaze from him as he stared deeply at it..his eyes scrutinizing my expression minutely..

"Cherry!" I heard a whisper and saw Neil stiffening a bit on his place...furrowing the brows in confusion I stared at Nick who was looking dazingly at the cherry on top of the ice...

"Nick?" I voiced and saw him flinching a bit.."i..It's my favourite!!" He said smiling at me while I too smiled at him..

well just few more seconds and the most awaited reactions will be soon here.

I looked eagerly at them when they both picked up the spoon and lifted it to their mouth...




Two simultaneous groans were heard and their expressions..OMG..

It was hilarious..their eyes shut totally disgusted with the taste while their mouth twisting slightly as their spoon filled with the content was still in their mouth...

Removing my mobile quickly I snapped their photo..they really looked too cute and funny..

I held my mouth tight avoiding to laugh out loudly..and an idea struck in my mind.

"What happened?" I said softly acting to be nervous while their orbs pierced through my little teary one's...

Well guys..laughing silently surely makes me tear up, it's not fake I swear!!

"Is it that bad?" I tilted my head slightly waiting for their reaction while biting onto my lips to stop laughing looking at their faces..they were trying very hard to smile at me.

"No..No it's delicious Darling!! I never in my life ate something like this...like never!!" He said looking at the green stuff in the mug.

"Why do you keep calling her Dar..Darling?!" he said too irritatingly gritting his teeth before Nick could say I intervened.

"Neil that's fine, I don't mind!" I spoke shrugging slightly.

"Well ok then..Avi what stuff did you used to make this recipe of yours?" Neil asked curious to know..while again shrugging I told him what stuffs I added in it.

And they both said at the same time "What?!" bewildered with the things I added in it.

"Who in the world invented such a thing to eat?!!"

Nick exclaimed while unable to control myself I laughed at them

"It's your punishment for yesterday!!" I said once I was calmed down... Their both faces having a scowl...


Giggling I ate my Lasagna..as my hungry tummy growled loudly..

"But that was not fair Darling!!" He spoke...his tone little childish..I looked up at him to see him eating the lasagna angrily "I was so excited to taste something made up of your hand !!" He said a little part of me got sad at dissappointing him..

"Well then I will make my special Chocoji for you!!" I said excited to feed him my actual special recipe.

Smiling at each other we finished our breakfast...Well wait Nick and I smiling while Neil glaring..

This guy...I can't understand what's his problem!!


>Same Day..At Night 12:07<

I wiped my tears with my shaking fingers as my head throbbed, drinking water from the glass I calmed myself down with few deep breathes and decided to sleep forgetting about the argument I had before.

Pulling the blanket closer towards me I let it warm me from the cold wind coming from the window..

Why did he think I am hiding all this to hurt him?!!

I know it's wrong for me to hide all these things from him but that's not what I want..I want to solve everything on my own, Why can't he understand that?!!

More tears slid down my cheeks as I remembered the tone Neil used at me, he never ever shouted at me that way...

I know I sound childish but if a person is sweet from the beginning shouts at you suddenly then it really hurts to know that we have hurt them for them to scold you.

It really hurts to know that you are the reason for others to sad..

And I want to end that...for which I would need to know the reasons of Daniel and Aiden's plan...What do they want for me?!!

Till now they did nothing but before they could do something I need to stop them.

I closed my eyes taking a calm breath preparing myself to sleep properly. But my closed eyes snapped open upon the cloth covering my mouth.

A dark shadow was all I could see...Catching the hand pressed upon my mouth with a cloth..I held my breath and closed my eyes slumping back on bed loosely and the cloth vanished away from my touch.

I felt the person picking me up Bridal style?!!

Were kidnappers this careful with their captives??

Going along to the plan, I kept my body loose and waited for the right chance..

I heard a sound of opening of a door..Peeping slightly through my vision, I grabbed that person's neck and hit his head with mine.

Stumbling due to the surprising hit he left me while I steadied myself, on my foot and hand....

Getting up I positioned myself to hit him, But my attention was grasped by his masked face...before he could run I toppled over him pressing him down with my body, pressing my elbow harder on his stomach I lifted my another hand to hold his black mask.

His hands held my wrist stopping me from reaching his face while I once again dashed my head down at him, feeling light headed myself.. Holding the mask in my hand tightly I pushed it down but before I could see... My head was hit with something...blurring my vision and a numbing sound resonated in my ears and all I could see was darkness and numb body.


Stepping infront of the Robert Enterprises she examined the whole building with her sharp eyes, ready to burn it into ashes yet waiting for the correct opportunity.

'Tak' 'Tak' 'Tak' her heels clicked onto the well furnished floor, clad in a tight skirt and a chemise...bag hanging on her arm, walking confidently with her devious smile, she stepped onto the elevator wanting to reach the destination she never wished to climb on.

But now at this situation she needed to fix the things..the things which troubled her the most.

Entering the president's cabin she wished him with her charming smile.

"Good Morning President " She spoke while the president looked up from his file nodding at her.

"I am glad Miss Avni that you are on time today!!" President spoke while averting his attention back to his file while the lady standing infront of him smirked glaring at him.

Ready enough to slash his neck with his own pen itself.


Hola guys....This is it..

I was so waiting to write this down!!

Well there's not much in this chapter..which will be in next chapter.

Well let me ask my most fav question.. 'I hope you all like it?!!'

Well do drop your thoughts lovelies!!

What do you think about Nick?

What do you think about The kidnapper?

I am waiting for your response guys...please share, I am waiting eagerly for it..

And do vote, share and comment..as well don't forget to follow if you like my work!!

Adios Lovlies..

Amor Seem💓💓

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