56.Drowning Into Confusion!

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Stepping into her Boss's cabin after placing a stiff knock, she strode in keeping her gaze lifted up examining her prey or in normal words her Dear Boss.

"Good Morning President!!" She spoke while the president looked up from the file nodding at her.

"I am glad Miss Avni that you are on time today!!" The president averted his gaze back to his file letting the lady in front of him to place her dark glare on him with a small sly smile on her face.

"President would you honour me with some work!" Avni said sarcastically when her Boss was still busy indulged in the file last 5 mins, President darted his blue icy gaze on her narrowing them slightly in some thought.

"You shall be honoured to bring me a sweet coffee..Bella!" President spoke a small smile on display while his gaze once again attracted towards the file in hand.

"Why not President, I will bring the Sweetest Coffee you ever had!!" She spoke turning on her heels ready to kill anyone with her looks.

Placing the Coffee gently on the table and greeting him not so sweetly, Avni stood straight on her feet and strode towards her office to begin with her work.

While the president took a sip of the Coffee only to spit it out not so elegantly.

"She really served me the Sweetest Coffee I could ever taste !!" The president shook his head amusedly, While keeping the cup aside and landing his gaze on his tab clicking onto the small app opening to show Avni busy in her desk computer along with some file in hand.


Working through the laptop Avni worked onto the things she required for now and proceeded to copy it in her pen-drive without wasting a second.

Removing the pendrive and placing it safely into her pocket she sat back with opening a file kept beside her, trying to read through the line of it.

"This shit surely sucks!!" She sighed while slamming her head with the same document concerned.

"How do you even do this?" She spoke while got an instant reply from the person on the other side of the call..

"For that a person needs a brain!" The voice resonated in her head through the small bud placed on her ear.... Irritated at the voice taunting her a scowl made it's way on her beautiful face.

"Don't you freaking dare to say that to me..Mr.Neil!" She spoke fuming at the way he was teasing her freely...

"Avni!! I dare you to increase your voice..I repeat..AVNI!!" Neil spat angry at such carelessness of her. The things he expected from her was too high than she was actually doing it.

"I know who I am, No need to remind me of it!! But I surely know whatever I am doing, you won't be able to do!" She gritted her teeth trying hard to keep her voice down, fisting her hand kept on the table she glared at the computer screen hoping to reach to Neil killing him instantly if possible.

"You really should be happy Mr.Neil..That I..I am obliging to you!!" Her pride which was once high and maintained was now at the edge of getting tainted.

Just by listening to this Man she could ever stand with...

Why did she decided to do this again?!!..She thought in her mind while she closed her eyes once she knew it's answer.

Her lil sweet Innocent Sister.


Walking out of the cabin after making sure she is calmed down along with the anticipation for having a normal Coffee to relax her nerve wrecking brain.. She stepped into the Elevator which was closer to her and pressed the button for the 13th floor and waited as the automatic door of the elevator started closing while she tapped her heels on the floor impatiently.

"Damn this whole Company sucks!!" She exclaimed irritated at the ticking sound resonating in the elevator.

Closing her eyes she breathed for a while trying the throbbing head to calm a bit but it didn't helped with the tune going in the elevator as it started to descend slowly.

"I should be the one holding my head Bella!!" A voice startled her and she looked up to see her President looking at her with his eyebrows raised a bit along with a small twitch on his lips.

"Why would you do such a nasty act President!!" Supposed Avni spoke bitterly wanting anything to do with this Man..But as an act to tame what she wants she tried being sweet.

The key word 'Tried'!!

"Some people are crossing the limits I set for them!!" The Aiden President looked deeply at Avni while she got alerted at the same thing.

"Who are they President?!! Who dared to do something against 'The Almighty You?' " She spoke batting her eyelash a bit for the effect while trying hard not to express being too curious.

From within she wanted to pin him to the wall grasping his neck.. Demanding for answers, yet she was no fool to try such a foolish act against the powerful Aiden, she would die than to agree with that, But his past records were surely a proof for it.

"Why do you seem so curious about it Bella?!" The President spoke stepping towards Avni who was already leaning onto the mirror wall behind her,

Backing a bit more to avoid any skin contact with the devil, she inhaled a deep breath fisting her hands at her side controlling the urge to punch him in his pretty handsome face.

Her deep dark eyes glared at his ocean light eyes which was filled with myth.

"Why does this situation seems amusing to you President!!" Gritting the said words out of her mouth she tried to stop the pounding of her head.Closing her eyes once more.

"Bella, you are not supposed to know what I find funny!" Aiden spoke too amused at her glare darted towards him yet no fists forwarded on him yet. He intensely stared at her, taking in consideration how much she is troubled yet very stubborn to back down. So similar!

"You both are same, aren't you?" He spoke still eyeing her intensely while his hand lifted a bit to tuck the loose tendrils of her soft brown hair behind. While she shivered a bit at the sudden contact. Taking this as a chance he lifted his other hand sideways on the wall and pressed the lone button at the bottom in return witnessing the lady in front of him to gaze around frantically.

"Why..it stopped!!" She breathed out still confused at the event.. and she eyed the President in obliviousness.

"There must be some technical problems...Bella!!" He spoke firmly while whispering the last part in her ear, making her more confused at his such weird behavior. She so regretted to keep the small bud in the cabin...

She really should've listened to Neil!!..she realized!

Damn...she cursed at the situation and her careless attitude!

President backed a bit his hands at either sides of her head while his gaze penetrating deep into hers. She gazed into his deep ocean eyes to see the similar innocence she witnesses everyday!!

But Aiden Nicholas Robert...an innocent?!!

Not possible, not in this freaking world!!

"Wh..what-" she opened her mouth to speak but words stuck in her throat unable to come out... Something rarely happens...or something which never happens!!

"-Are you doing?" She finally spoke which should've been firm and fierce yet it came out as whisper in her helpless state.

Averting her gaze from his eyes she lowered it to his waistcoat unable to endure the intense gaze of his.

"Bella" his voice filled with weird emotion...the word 'Bella' which he always uses was now sounding so real and right to her was what made him alert.

He already knows in his mind that it's just been few hours she arrived but...but the once settled emotion were already on show and he can't suppress it seeing her this close to him yet far.

Gripping her chin gently by his fingers he lifted her head up and he once again was amazed at how much strong and weak her gaze makes him.

On the other side she was astonished at the way his blue ocean deep orbs are fading its colour and dissolving in another bright shade of blue... She could rather say a lively colour of blue.

The dark speckles in his orbs intensifies whenever she gazes at his!!

Realizing what he is doing her! once dazed eyes opened wide in consideration and she closed them shut scared a bit by its wizardry or supernatural magic whatever the term is.

Taking in her reaction he registered in his brain that it's enough of this single mind rendezvous and stepped back from her pressing the same button he pressed before.

After a sudden shift of the elevator Avni opened her eyes and looked around to notice the elevator which was stopped before was now descending down making her release a sigh of relief.

Relaxing herself as well sliding away from The President who was now busy on his mobile she waited for the circular light on the number pad decrease from 14th to 13th.

And when it did she stepped hurriedly out of the elevator dashing towards the washroom.

She sat down on the toilet seat after closing it's lid and called the one person she never wanted to speak.

"Pick the damn Call!!" She cursed at him for not picking her call while bouncing her leg in nervousness of what happened in Elevator before.

He was so close..So close that she never was with someone."Why the hell were you not carrying your pods with you!!!" As soon as the call was picked she heard a calm voice of Neil from the other side but the disturbance in it was not ignored by her.

She was going to say something but stopped when she realised what he said "But How did you know that I was not wearing them?!!" She waited for him to answer to her question but he was not in his right mind it seems. "What did you find till now?" He asked his voice sounding neutral...not a single trace of any emotion in it while she was shaking from within.

"I have...transferred the important data in pend drive!!" She spoke again in a whisper aware of her still being in Robert Enterprises while the other side went silent for few seconds making her confused. "Hello?!"

"Is there any problem?!" He asked silently while she was stunned at his understanding level, it's really tough to shake her but nowadays everyone are able to tremble her.

Is she really this weak?! she thought

"Arohi!" Neil whispered from the other end, too low that she was able to hear just because of the silent washroom.

But that's not possible, she is a leader... She is Arohi Parikh, the Reckless Murderer. She can't have any emotions within her.

Thinking deeply she came to a conclusion that she is stressed up just because of Avni getting hurt!

"Hmm... I have something to tell you, Let's meet at Cafe!..Evening!" She spoke softly, confused at this emotion within her. While Neil hung up the call after telling her the time.

After washing her face and touching up a little makeup to coverup her dark Circles and dull skin she sauntered out of there to have her lively coffee.

"How does Avu stays so vibrant even after so much stress?! I had to use cosmetics to look like her...Who rarely uses any of those!!"Arohi murmured to herself while chuckling a bit.

Sipping onto the warm Coffee she leaned beside on the Coffee Machine exhausted.

"Darling! You are not supposed to lean on the machine!!" Came a cheerful voice from somewhere while she became alarmed at such endearment.

Before she could open her eyes she felt a warm hand pressed on her shoulder pushing a bit aside.

Standing straight she looked up at a Man.. A very handsome one with a charming smile on display... His crystal green orbs attracted her attention on his features.

Arohi remembered Neil mentioning about this person... Nicholas Matteo Conver, age 26, Vice President of this Company, A threat to Avni but is close to her... But she didn't thought that they were this close to come in terms of 'Darling!'

Arohi raised her eyebrows waiting for him to say something while she sipped on her Coffee avoiding to speak to him first.

But she saw him still gazing at her to which she stood more straight and nervous if she was able to behave like Avi!

She thought what she could do?!..But she never spent time with her, it's been only few months since they are on proper terms.. What Arohi knew was that Avni was always enthusiastic and happy around her loved ones.

Cheering herself a bit Arohi grinned at him "Hey Nicholas, what are you doing here?!" She tried making her voice more enthusiastic... A tone she never in her life spoke with.

She thought her such effort would get a brighter smile from him but instead she saw a full blown frown on his face!

"I think you are here for Coffee!!" Saying so Arohi turned her back towards him picking up the cup from beside and filling it with the Drink from the nozzle.

"What did you say?" Came a serious voice from behind and she bit her lip clearly troubled from the situation. She waited for the Cup to fill but didn't pressured on to the button so that the liquid could drop slowly on to the cup but this Damn machine was having one touch system.

"Darling?!!" His voice left all the traces of amusement and cheerfulness which in real startled her calm self making her drop the glass which was filled onto the floor making her hand swing in the direction of the liquid pouring nozzle.

Wincing from the pain she retreated her hand back as soon as her skin burnt a bit. But she was used to all this, so it didn't bothered much but the person who was standing beside her pushed her aside to make her sit on a seat available there and started examining the red burnt area on her hand.

Snatching a water bottle from beside he opened it hurriedly to cool down her skin, which he did there on the canteen floor itself.

Arohi lifted her gaze examining his face instead forgetting about her burnt skin. His eyebrows were furrowed deep in disturbance along with his sharp jaw clenching a bit in between, his lips forming a small pout blowing air to her wound! and his eyes were hid under his long lashes which was darted at her hand.

She wondered how such Person was concerned for Avi.. It really is dangerous to know so many people are close to her. Arohi smiled a bit thinking about her sisters charismatizing personality.

"You should be careful Darling!! It might swell!" The green eyed beauty spoke still examining the red mark on her hand. While Arohi sat contemplating about the person in front of her being a trusted person or deceiving bastard.

After finishing drying her hand with dabbing his kerchief he looked at her concerned "Is it paining?" His green crystal like orbs dissolving into another shade of mystery. She titled her head to look deep in his eyes to find it very sincere and heartfelt.

Unable to form any word she shook her head in denial while few whispers distracted her trail of gaze which was now trained towards the people around looking at them in adoration while some of the girls glaring at her for stealing the attention of hot Vice-President.

She stood up and retreated her hand back from his grasp giving him a warm genuine smile.

While her gaze stopped at something a small chuckle left from her gaining the attention of the Vice President. Looking towards her he found her staring at the washing sink and an embarrassed blush crawled on his face.

They both now looked at the floor which was now wet water spreading around making it's way to reach wherever it's possible while they averted their gaze to each other smiling sheepishly.

Walking carefully out of the slippery path they went to their respective cabins to continue their work.


The lone darkness around me started fading into bright light assuring me that the nightmare would be long gone, but to whom was I kidding!!

Me having a normal situation or happiest...Was it possible?!!

Let me answer to that..Never, Nah, Nope!!

The darkness surely started fading bringing the bright light back but along with my pounding head..A searing pain surged through my head at once making me wince in my slumber yet awaking me at the same time!!

Blinking my eyes open through this pain I let myself view the most beautiful sight!!

Head resting on the armrest of the couch was an angel sleeping with his long lashes hiding the brown chocolaty orbs, his pink full lips were set in thin line, and his soft curls were dancing freely off their own will flying around at the command of air but what caught my more attention was his scrunched up nose and furrowed brows.

I swear while awake he won't be making such face as he is doing it in his unconscious state!!

An intense pain shot to my head making me groan loudly in agony, Clutching the sheets tight I closed my eyes bearing it, while I felt sweat dripping off my neck and forehead.

My vision darkened a bit making my clutch on the sheets loosen a bit and I was ready to pass out again but a scared voice encouraged me to keep myself conscious.

Opening my eyes and gritting my teeth I tried breathing deep breathes to calm my system.

And all the earlier night's incident hit my mind making me realize the reason for my condition... But I was caught by them then?!

I looked up to see a panicked Neil... "Neil..I am fine!!" I breathed out, giving out a small exhausted smile to him.

"Avu Doctor said that..you will be alright after waking up, but your h- head would hurt a bit!!"Neil stuttered while I clasped his hand squeezing it "I am really fine Neil, Don't worry!!" This time I grinned at him even when my head was throbbing and throat was aching, and wet tears escaped my eyes leaving it's trail near my ears and then disappearing in my hair.

"Neil where are they?!" I asked sitting up straight with the help of Neil and relaxed onto the pillows made by him as a comfortable seat. Neil took the napkin sat on the table and wiped my face with it gently While I waited for him to answer me. Looking at his expression I found it he was still very disturbed.

"Neil!" whispering softly I caught his wrist and looked at his orbs which were still on my head. I raised my free hand towards my head to feel a cloth wrapped on my head...Oh so it was the tight thing tied on my head.

But why is he gazing at my bandage constantly!!

Lifting the free hand towards his chin I tilted his head down"Neil!Look at me!" I commanded softly trying to know what is the problem!!

It's not about my wound that is for sure.

Last time when I was injured he was worried sick and what not but first thing he did after I awoke was gaze deeply into my eyes!!!

And he is not a Man to avert his eyes for no reason, there is supposed to be something wrong... Terribly wrong!!

"I..I am looking at you Avu!!" His voice barely audible to me, while his gaze was still away from mine.

Leaving his wrist I grasped his face by my both hands and slowly pulled him towards me, to which he let his deep chocolate orbs in mine accidentally!!

I softly gazed in his troublesome orbs few inches away from me, his once calm orbs were now deep in the pools of worry!! His once dark chocolate brown eyes were now transformed into a light shade, few speckles of black fading a bit and eyes open wide in sheer alarm.

"What happened Neil?!!" My voice wavered a bit and the dimness in my view intensified making me oblivious of the thing I was saying before..

My hand left the face of Neil losing the contact of skin but I felt his both shaking hand grasping my wrists gently yet tight enough not to leave.

My head fell down on the pillows kept behind and I felt myself being swallowed by the darkness, The last thing I felt was a firm touch of his forehead on mine and "Sorry Avii" everything blacked out when something wet fell upon my cheek.


Hola guys...Well I was actually trying to write more but some work distracted me..and I was just able to write this much...I hope you all would like it..

And do tell me about the scenes which you all liked or not?!!

What do you all think about Arohi imitating as Avni in Robert Enterprises?!!

What about Aiden Roberts?

What do you all think about Nick aka Nicholas?

Avni's confusion?

And Neil's uneasiness?

Lovelies the adventurous ride will start from this chapter!!

I really Hope you all will truly love it and support!!

I am eagerly waiting to read your endearing comments and thoughts on the story's twist and turns!!! Please don't laze around to drop comments...I really am eager to read your thoughts..so please drop it in the comment section or either DM me!!

Adios Lovelies..

Amor Seem💗💗

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