62.The Future Beholds The Light..Or Was it Darkness?!!

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Avni's Pov

I blinked open my eyes as soon as I felt a familiar yet a gentle touch upon my skin, as his hand held my wrists in his softly, but soon those hands tightened upon my wrists making me aware of my surrounding around.



Two strong arms held my wrists soon banged me behind me as my eyes widened from such an impact, as I tried getting hold of the situation but before that I needed to know what the situation was itself before....

My eyes widened upon feeling his body so close to mine, while I was getting pushed into a flat surface..

What is.. happening?!

I looked into his eyes as it were soft and warm chocolate orbs gazing at me with such a longing yet there was something else which was contrasting to the longing...was it rage?


He spoke as I waited eagerly for him to speak further yet he just gazed back at me after uttering only one word of his inquiry!!

I blinked again as I felt his face coming closer towards me...more into my personal space..

I looked on curiously as to what this man supposedly angry is gonna say to me!

But I guessed it wrong!!!

He bent his head beside my head and his..urr..mouth aiming towards my..my collarbone?!!

I hissed as I felt a sharp tug on my skin along with the warm feeling surging through me upon his actions.

I gasped in bewilderment as I realized what he just did now?!!!


He spoke calmly, his lips grazing onto my skin upon his  uttered word as his lips did NOT left my neck even for a second!!

He licked onto the bitten area as he stopped mid sentenced and continued working..his..his generous work down there..

Uh..I..I mean not so generous work!!

I turned my head aside and glanced at his left hand kept firmly behind at door as his whole weight was now upon the poor door behind me!

Neil moved his head once again but not to retreat it but rather the opposite, upon my action of arching my head to the other side, he might've thought it..as my..consent?!!

I felt another stinging pain yet at the different area, as his teeth grazed this time upon my bare shoulder as his another hand glided my cloth aside giving him the access to my plentiful skin!!!


Oh my gosh!!!

I shuddered as I felt another sloppy yet wet kiss upon my shoulder as he continued not to speak further!!!

I lifted my shaky fingers and touched his soft hair as I took a gentle hold of his hair and tugged on it a bit rougher than I intended to making him detach from me, I prepared myself to ask him series of questions but instead a shocking gasp left from my lips!!

The face which was of Neil before was now..of that..that Man!!!

That phone call man who informed me about kidnap-

Wait where am I, I was supposed be with those goons who picked me up from the back lane!

Closing my eyes shut I gasped as I felt my breath getting ragged and shorten..

I felt everything around me turning dark while my hands were forced in an uncomfortable state along with my clothes wet in sweat.

I tried opening my eyes in order to get rid of this horrifying darkness but instead felt a sharp at my shoulder as few noises were getting registered in my mind surrounding me!

Horns were there along with some shouting!!

Where am I?

I really am too confused!

Jerking my body with all my might and pain I opened my eyes in difficulty as the darkness enveloping me before was still present but this time I was not alone!!

That was a dream?!!!

I looked around in bewilderment..

There were different voices surrounding me along with a voice which I can recognize too easily!!

I observed my surrounding in the dim light and found myself under the backseat of the car into a sack!!

"I am really sorry for being such a trouble!! I hope you'll are not much hurt?!" 

I wriggled in my place trying to gain that person's attention..


Please wait!!

"Ok if there's no problem then I will leave!"


Wriggling in my place more harder I slammed by back onto the seat..



Please don't go Nick!!


You are my only hope now!


I know this all is a trap but...I don't have any choice!!


Biting onto the cloth tied on my mouth I tried bearing more pain as it surged through my body as I felt my back getting wet!!

"Man this girl is making too noise, he might suspect something wrong!!"

I heard a distant whisper as my hope raised knowing he could be still there if they are so attentive and on the edge!!


"Mphhhngggggg!!" A painful scream erupted from my mouth yet it faded too light upon various cloth wrapped around my head.

Please Nick!!! Please...

I sobbed in helplessness as my vision started fogging!!

I tried stopping my breath as reality dawned upon me and the reason the cloth tied around my head made sense!!

They must've drugged it that's why I am feeling such heaviness in my head!!


Hitting ferociously I let myself slump as whole energy vanished off my body!!

I felt my senses fade as the car engine boosted ready to go as laughs filled my ears and endless tears and whimpers got seeped and vanished into the cloth!!


Author's Pov

Striding with pride and arrogance he walked into his Office getting greeted by each and every employee as he responded not to any of those and nor stopped anyway but getting to his floor at the top his feet did halted-

Yet at an irregular place!!

Where you'll might think?!

Miss Secretary- Avni Mehta...her office.

Standing infront of her cabin and looking into nothing he too thought about his actions earlier!

He, The Aiden Nicholas Robert, President of Robert Enterprises getting soft for his secretary?!

Nah not at all possible but something else was surely in his mind!!

After Knocking for few times he waited for some response..

Yes He Waited..for someone else's reaction..too ironic no?!

Entering in her office doubting about her presence he halted again but this time door wide open and hand clenched as he heard someone's foot steps approaching him.

And the next line he heard did halted his heart beat for a second.

"Si- Sir she..she is in their hands!!"

The guard huffed as he tried to breathe in some oxygen to relaxing his nerves a bit by such a long run from the corridor.

The President did not reacted but his blue orbs thundered with thousands of mysteries as those orbs were now deep lost in serious thought, well knowing about who 'their' must be referred to!


Yet he uttered the question he did not meant or thought to ask for this situation but still asked not attempting to ask it.

"Sempre Mio' Mafioso"


Arohi's Pov

Blinking my eyes open after the blindfold came off my eyes, and they widened upon witnessing them in front of me!

"What the Freakish Hell?!" 

They did not mind my cursing nor my astonishment, they just sat at their place while I just gawked them!!

 I just stared onto the person who sat at the throne like chair as if owning the whole world with his might a friendlier smile yet an authoritative aura surrounding him, almost in his late 30's with his dark black hair styled perfectly, his orbs glinting darkly with the same dark colour of his hair held deep arrogance and coldness along with pride following it.

His sharp features stood out more due to his darker caramel like complexion..

I looked beside him..

There stood his sons proudly beside him with similar feature and an beautous atmosphere yet I didn't gave them much attention though as my line of sight was still at one person..


Gritting through my teeth I uttered it to the utmost of my hate I ever had in my life!

Wriggling my hands tied behind I stepped sharply towards his direction but was stopped mid way by his lap dogs..

"Ah So you need these lapdogs to protect yourself from me huh?!!" I sneered at him wishing to vanish off of from here..

How did I landed here in such a place!!

"Now..Now dear. Is that the way to talk to your elders?!"

His deep voice echoed around the sparse marble like hall as his evil face glinted under the golden chandelier..

Glaring at him and hardening my gaze I decided to just shut my mouth as to not cause any trouble!

This Man..

He is the king of this Mafia going on the whole world wide..No, He himself is the Mafia of the world..

He is the one behind every illegal act going around...he is the one who made all the helpless kids out there to hold gun in their hands to sort out their problems!!


Upon hearing a loud noise I looked at the source of it as I observed that thing...

A sack was kept onto the ground, and the lapdogs hurried towards it opening it up while a figured was shown to light!

A loud gasp escaped from me as soon as I realized the fragile form "Avii?!!!!"

"Oh My Mirësi!!" I heard an exasperated gasp from behind me as I darted towards Avi..

Oh my Gosh...

Oh my..

"Why is she bleeding!!!!!" I screamed loudly as I saw her unconscious self..her back almost drenched in blood while her face was wrapped with a cotton and netted cloth..

She was lying there while..I.I was fit and fine?!

"Khaled!!!" I roared loudly as I wriggled my hands to unfold open...I felt few men attempting to open my arms while I glared at a Khaled who was himself a bit dazed...

"I swear you to my pride?!!! I will kill you...You BASTARD!!"

I kneeled beside Avi as my hands were now were free of ties as I tried holding her in my arms..

My vision blurred on it's own as I felt her fragile flesh against mine.

"My baby!" I whispered as I unwrapped her face from the cloth and held her closer to me.

"Speak!" A voice thundered around the hall while everyone flinched at his command and I felt Avu shifting slightly beneath my arms..

Breathing in relief I helped her sit comfortably and tried smiling at her reassuringly.. "Avi..you will be alright..ok baby!!" I placed a soft kiss on her forehead as my heart came to it's normal pace then before's.


A shot reverberated into the silence room as a small shriek escaped from Avi who was hugging me tightly!

Looking back at the scene, A question stirred into mind as I looked at Khaled's son who just now killed the man holding onto Avi before.

Walking in my direction he crouched down on his knees as his shaking fingers came to rest on Avi's head making her flinch in my embrace at an anonymous touch.

Backing away a bit from him I held her close to me..but an uneasiness settled in me looking at the man infront of me himself getting shaken up.

"Më vjen keq!" A soft voice came from his defeated form as I gasped upon realizing it's meaning.

Standing abruptly and barking orders at others to instantly bring medical team..

While I sat there down hugging my baby sis with all my might afraid of the upcoming turns and events held by our future.


Author's Pov

Walking hurriedly towards his car he sat there and decided to go the only place he wished to go from days..

One thought recurring in his mind, 'What might the upcoming days would be?'

He is really no man to think about future, present or past stuffs..but the current situation of his beloved getting hurt because of mysterious things keeps him always think of this..

It's really very unfair for not letting the things happen the easy way in our life!!

Yet we need to struggle and work hard for that...it's all just words, you might think right?

But words sure holds the pain for someone and also a cure?!!

It depends upon the way you use it!!

And this time the words told to Neil were not at all expected..

Walking towards the door with even strides and arrogance at it's peek.

He halted infront of Arohi's ward ready to shout her thousands of profanities for her such foolishness..

Killing the only person holding the truth of his Avi's troubles?!!

What was she thinking?

He lifted his hand to open the door but halted midway as his mobile rang and upon knowing it's from the estate he picked it up and opened the door knob as two truth came crashing on his feet.

"Ma..Ma'am escaped from here..and we got to know through cctv she has been kidnapped by few men at the back lane!!"

The door opened and his clutch onto the knob tightened as his thundering eyes darted towards the empty bed which once had that stubborn of a woman..

While his thoughts mixed up and came no conclusion to his thoughts as disappearance of both Woman startled his senses making him crash the door out of it's hinges and onto the ground erupting a loud disastrous noise and surrounding!!


Hola guys..

Happy sunday!!

I hope you all would like todays chappy as well...

Pls do tell me about your thoughts on today's chapter.

What do you'll think about Khaled?



Ask anything guys...

Adios lovlies.

Amor Seem.

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