63.My Heartfelt wish came true!

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Avni's Pov

It's such an ironic thing!!

That I always dreamed and wished to see a palace in real and here I was granted but it didn't pleasured me as the thought of it before did!!

Life can really make you laugh at it's such a crooked turn of events, right?!!

Sighing again for the unteenth time I looked around carefully...

Bright chandeliers, royal bed along with it's sheets engulfing me, different kinds of statues and master pieces kept and hung around the room's corner, I glared at them as I imagined their internal laugh at my miserable state, Hmphh!!

Averting my gaze from those hideous decorative things, I gave attention to the most peaceful thing I saw in these recent eventful days.

She was resting her head on the bed I was lying on, while herself seated on a plush chair.... Her hair scattered a bit onto the soft mattress while her face shining brightly under the chandelier lights yet a bit pale, her features were calm and peaceful deep in slumber along with her mouth parted slightly. And what took my most attention was her hand clutching tightly onto mine, hugging it towards her like her dear life!!

Guys should I Aww at this moment?!

Because deep within I really am doing!!

This time sighing in content I stared at Di...

Her looks are unmistaken-ly similar as mine,yet she is so different from me!

 She always has this protective kind of aura surrounding her!!

Well in other words its her personality which leaves others to cower away and that I really admire a lot!!

I wish..I was so confident?!!

See my wish is also not much confident as it should've been!

I guess my inner self believes and knows that I am not a confident person.

Well that might be the reason why I was rusticated from Mr.D'souza's Company after all!!

Why would he blame me for any baseless reason, there might've been a reason I didn't believed before...

Knock knock

The knock echoed through the heavily expensive marbles as they reached our ears with a louder impact than applied or the heavy bulky door needed to let it's voice reach us.

Arohi di jerked in alarm picking up the designer vase kept beside and took her position to hit the person coming inside.

The door opened while I closed my eyes afraid to see someone getting hit from Di! 

While also praying for the injury to be less painful for that unlucky person!

"Me fal zonje?" Deep heavy euphonious voice escaped the man, while a small thud was heard..

Opening my eyes warily and looking through the highly glinted room I looked on as a anonymous man kept the vase on the beside table and stepped towards me while Di...

She was busy glaring at him as she sat beside me making sure to cover my view from the man.

I eyed the Man in White carefully...

He was 6 ft tall while his broad shoulders were arched back in proud posture while his complexion was a fair one but with a caramel touch, his dark black hair were perfectly styled and were gelled behind making his features high light a bit, 

"Kërkoj falje të thellë e dashur!!" The man under my observation spoke with a heavy accentuated tone, while I looked in confusion at him from over Di's shoulder.

"I apologize Um..Sir, But I didn't understood what you said before!" I spoke meekly while trying to look over Di's shoulder who was making it difficult for me to look up.


What's with her this behavior now!!

I opened my mouth to retort but The Man in White spoke " Will you please step aside, Zonjushe?!"

He nodded sideways and eyed Di indicating her to step aside while addressing her with a different word...

What was that "zonges~" I tried pronouncing the word but it was more difficult than it seemed.

I heard a deep chuckle, while I raised my eyes to stare into deep dark black orbs staring back at me with mirth, amusement present in it " Zonjushe!...It means Miss."

"How are you feeling now, Loven?!" He asked me as he sat on the plush sofa, Di sat before.

"It's Avni! My name is not Lov..Loven!!!" I corrected while he smiled at me, his white teeth on display while dimples adorned his cheek.

Oh My Gosh!!

Did I really saw what you'll read above?!

Were they dimples?!!

Oh No!! 

I have a really very bad fascination for dimples!!

I would've told him he was my frien- wait!!

Wait!! I am kidnapped right?!!

Then they are suppose to be dangerous, then why are they treating us like this?!

So that's why Di was so protective and all!!

" Why did you kidnapped us?!!" I asked bluntly hoping for them to tell that they are our savior who saved us from those kidnappers of sort!

Please tell me that you are our- " Yes, we did!"

So much for my wish!

It means Di and I are sitting in the dungeon itself...that too a golden dungeon!!

Just a min?!

" You just said 'We' who are the others who planned for us to be here?!"

I asked skeptically as I wrapped my hands around Di who was staring coldly at 'The Man in White' observing his action or lack of it.

My eyes were now drawn to the thing Di was holding on!!

She was holding onto the..the fork?!

I tightened my hold on Di as images of the fork thrashing into a person came in my mind!!


"My Father and Brother" 

He spoke calmly to us who were sitting rigid and in all attention position.

A family Kidnapper?!

That's strange, Nowadays fathers are also getting so notorious!!

We all need to think something for that, for sure!!

"If I treat you'll with Ice creams will you'll leave us, Please?!" 

Avni!! Are you really serious?!!

What's wrong with you?!!

Those medicine's are really rendering your mind numb I guess!!

Or else such words from you would've been really stupid and unmatured!! 

" Are you hurt on your head, Loven?! Should I call few nurses here to check on you?" The Man in White stood up as he bent forward towards me his hand about to reach my head but Di soon blocked it with her hand clutching his wrist in tight clutch!

I looked at Di's face and..umm a scene I was not prepared to witness enfolded in front of me!!

Her expression like this was the first time I ever witnessed to be honest!!

Her eyes looking at me with disbelief while her mouth slightly ajar as she slightly nodded her head in denial while I smiled sheepishly at her, soon I escaped her glaring eyes as now  those eyes glared at the Man in white who was confused looking at both of us.

Thank God!!


Guys I'm really very sorry.... I literally can't gain your forgiveness but I do not get enough time to write properly and the upcoming month my boards are there so I won't be able to upload anything before 1 and a half month, This chapter was in my draft for around 6 months I tried to complete it the way I wanted but here I am uploading the incomplete chapter...

 pls bear with it guys

I know it isn't fair but I do not have anything to give other than this incomplete chapter in return of forgiveness

I Apologize Amor from my heart

Thank you so much for those who have waited and are still waiting for my work

Adios Amore fellas

 See you'll after 45 days

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