Chapter 19

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I can see your reviews again, and it makes me very happy! Thank you for your reviewing, and I'm happy to say the park is now re-open! I've been so excited about writing this chapter, and I hope you all enjoy it!

"Hammond's Secret to Success."

Owen felt amazing after actually having a good night of sleep. He was ready for the day, and anything it decided to throw at him. Claire was absolutely pissed at him for teaching Elise how to swear, and he loved it. Things were returning back to normal. He was irritating Claire because she knew he was funny, and there was nothing she could do about it.

And now he had Debra to irritate. Owen already loved the relationship blooming between them. He had made an enemy before the park had even opened. She was really going to keep him on his toes.

It was going to be fun.

Owen smiled as he parked his bike out of the way, and smiled when Tim said, "Well, if it isn't the teacher of the year."

"The one and only. Please tell me what Debra's face looked like."

Tim snorted as they walked through the park. The bright energy was back, and the venders were back to their cheery selves again. Owen couldn't believe Elise had hunted through the plaza only a week ago.

Tim scratched at his clean shaven jaw before answering, "What would you do if a dinosaur flipped you off? She didn't even have a response for it, and Elise walked away. Classy little spitfire she is."

Owen laughed loudly at the truth of it. He felt so proud of his girl.

"So when is Rexy's first feeding?"

Tim stretched his arms out before answering, "Park opens at eight, we give an hour for the guests to get settled, and ready to go. First feeding is at nine. I think Claire timed it so guests wouldn't be torn between Elise or Rexy. Rexy is on the hour, and Elise is a half hour later."

For once, Owen had actually studied his schedule, and Elise's first viewing was at nine thirty.

Owen blinked when Tim playfully elbowed him, and asked, "You gonna watch, Neighbor? See how the professionals entertain the crowd?"

"What part of Rexy is supposed to think I'm dead are you not understanding? That old lady cannot see me because I have no idea if Elise will get into trouble for lying."

Tim burst out laughing before the two parted ways. Owen wanted to see if Elise was nearby, and Tim had very unfortunate goats to tend to.

Owen felt like today would be good.


Elise quietly sat in her territory. She hadn't really slept, and Rexy had finally kicked her out of the nest after shuffling too many times. Elise wasn't mad at her, and it felt nice to walk around.

Until she came to the pond.

Elise had peered into it to see her reflection, and she wasn't sure she liked what she saw. The human woman had hurt her with the harsh words.

But were they true?

Elise had spent a lot of time observing her own reflection, and she was starting to believe them. She didn't know what a freak was, but Elise did know what a crooked jaw looked like.

It looked like her jaw.

Rexy's jaws weren't crooked; they were powerful with a straight line of uniform daggers.

Elise opened her mouth to observe the crooked, crowded teeth all growing at different lengths. She wasn't sure if she liked that. She didn't care before, but she had never had anything to compare it to. Rexy was a perfect predator; the Alpha of this island.

Elise wanted to look like her.

Elise had liked her snow scales, but they weren't the forest color like Rexy's. Her eyes were a scary crimson while Rexy's were a dangerous gold.

Elise liked the gold more.

The large creature made a soft sound as her eyes fell to the large hands she called her own. They looked odd to her now. Her thumb looked like it wasn't supposed to be there, and her middle finger was dramatically longer than her other fingers.

Elise peered back into the pond before wrinkling her nose at the reflection. She had thought it was funny to scare people, but the human had said it like a bad thing. Elise had realized all people had always reacted fearfully the first time they saw her.

Even Owen had run away from her.

Was it because of how she looked?

Elise had seen other dinosaurs, and how their bodies seemed to be normal for them. Rexy was the closest one Elise felt she resembled, and she really didn't look like her. Rexy walked tall with her head held high like the Alpha she was.

Elise was hunched over to the point where she had to curl her hands up to stop them from dragging on the ground.

Even their roars were different, and Elise didn't like hers anymore.

Rexy trembled the ground with her thunderous voice. It was deep, loud, and commanding.

Elise felt like hers was a shrill scream.

Elise knew what a kid was, Owen had called the human hatchlings kids. They were baby humans. Was Elise not supposed to scare the little ones? Would they be afraid of her even if she was trying to be friendly?

Elise probably wouldn't have cared as much if the woman hadn't mentioned Claire's name. If Elise was too scary then people wouldn't want to bring their dirty paper here anymore. Would Claire get in trouble for that, and it would be Elise's fault?

Elise didn't want people to see her now. She would hide in the thick brush, and only let them see little bits of her. She wasn't sure if she even wanted to do that.

Did Owen think she was a freak?

Elise didn't like this feeling weighing heavy in her chest. She had never felt anything like it, but it was worse than being lonely in a paddock where no one talked to her.

Rexy's thunderous roar broke Elise from her depressing thoughts, and she blinked at the direction of the nest. It was a roar to come home right now, and Elise certainly didn't want to anger Rexy first thing in the morning.

At least Rexy didn't seem to care about what she looked like.


Elise found the old Tyrannosaurus patiently waiting on the worn trail that led to where Tim liked to throw flares to the food. Rexy greeted her with a warm tongue over the cheek, and Elise felt better. Rexy didn't pretend to like others, and Elise was happy for that.

Elise tucked her head under the jaws, and Rexy gave a soft rumble before leading the way down the trail.

The Indominus had been content to follow her mother until she noticed the loud sounds the closer they drew to the park. Were people here already? Elise didn't like that, and the unsure feeling crept back into her chest.

Tim smiled as he watched Rexy finally part from the trees, and he could hear the kids giving excited yells at seeing her. He could see into the false log, and it was absolutely packed like always.

He adjusted the small mic attached to his ear, and he could faintly hear the echo from the log as he said, "Well, good morning guests of Jurassic World. I'm glad you're just as excited to see Rexy as I am. She is a forty year old Tyrannosaurus Rex; one of the largest predators from the Cretaceous Era."

Tim was always amazed by how Rexy seemed to tune out the echoing in the log, and he said, "Now, it was thought her vision was based on movement, but that isn't true. While she does have poor eyesight, her sense of smell is very keen."

Tim twisted the cap of the flare, and Rexy immediately focused on the red light. He tossed it down to the goat, and the kids jumped excitedly when the shaking footsteps drew closer. Tim snorted, but turned when a flash of white scales caught his attention.

He hadn't expected to see Elise here, and she looked unsure of what to do with the people. He didn't think she was that shy, but she had flattened herself as close as possible to the ground. His jaw dropped at seeing the scales shiver before almost perfectly blending into the brush around her. Tim would have easily missed her if he hadn't seen her camouflage.

Still, he didn't like seeing her so shy, and he momentarily forgot about the mic as he said, "Hey, Elise. What're you hiding from?"

The fake leaves didn't even acknowledge him, and Tim glanced at Rexy when she paused from going after the goat. She lifted her large head to look behind her, and she gave a low rumble. The guests looked confused, and Tim cleared his throat before saying, "Sorry about that, folks. Rexy actually has a new member in her family. While we originally thought the T-Rex hunted alone, it turns out they hunt in packs; most likely family groups. Rexy has recently adopted the newest edition to Jurassic World. Elise the Indominus Rex."

Tim carefully watched for their reactions, and it seemed everyone was pressed up against the glass as they tried to get a look at her. Rexy gave an irritated snort before walking away from the goat, and Tim said, "Elise is six years old, so she's still a youngling, but she's almost as big as Rexy. She's a little shy today, and camouflaged. She actually has her own attraction scheduled at nine thirty, but she likes to be close to her mother."

Tim was impressed that Rexy easily found the Indominus, and he wondered if Elise had ever tried to hide from her. That probably hadn't ended well, and he smiled when Rexy gave a soft nip at the leafy scales. Elise jumped slightly, and her camouflage shivered slightly before becoming flawless again. People excitedly pointed, and Rexy gave a firmer nip.

Elise finally moved, but she hid herself in the trees, and people seemed disappointed. Tim leaned on the railing as he called out, "Elise! Why don't you come out? I know you gotta be hungry. It's okay, these people aren't going to hurt you."

Elise blinked crimson eyes at him, and she didn't seem to believe him. Tim pressed his lips, and Rexy carefully watched Elise. Tim could see her contemplating on whether or not to force her butt out of the thick brush, but Elise gave a small, pitiful croon as she ducked a little lower. Elise averted her gaze, and Rexy finally went back over to the goat before snapping her jaws around the bleating animal.

As always, the kids and adults cheered loudly, but Rexy paid them no mind. Tim smiled as Rexy brought the kill over to Elise before sharing half of it with her. Tim could see Elise perfectly fine, but people were craning to get even a glimpse of the elusive white scales.

The crowd made a disappointed sound when Rexy and Elise disappeared back into the brush, and Tim said, "That's alright folks, I actually met Elise only a couple days ago so she's not very comfortable around me yet. This is her first day around a lot of people, so try to be patient with her. I'm sure her caretaker, Owen, will be able to coax her from the brush. The Indominus attraction will begin at nine thirty, so don't be late."

Owen yawned as he gave the Observatory Room a final look over. He hadn't seen Elise today, but he knew she would show up on time. He cracked his neck before hearing Claire walk in. He smiled at her, and said, "Good morning, Beautiful."

While Claire appreciated the sincerity of the polite compliment, Owen could see the disapproval at the informal greeting, and he added, "I mean, Boss."

He winked at her, and Claire finally shook her head in amusement. Owen was amazed she hadn't picked at his attire since he only wore clean clothes; there was no way in hell he was going to wear a uniform. Instead, she walked over to him, and glanced out the window as she asked, "Are you ready?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

Claire couldn't stop a light smile, and she said, "Good, because there are a lot of cameras waiting for this."


Owen didn't know that. He thought they would just usher in little kids, and tired parents. Claire raised an eyebrow at him before saying, "I put off all those interviews on the promise that they could film during the first attraction. We have reporters, news channels, and some journalists."

Owen pressed his lips before quietly saying, "I hope none of them are Jackal News."

Claire gave a quiet laugh, and shook her head as she said, "No, I picked the ones who were allowed here, and I requested calm people. You and Elise are going to have a very busy day today."

Owen blinked, but looked at his hip when Lowery said, "Hey, Owen! Elise totally crashed Rexy's first feeding, it was awesome. Now everyone is all excited about seeing Rexy's newest kid."

Claire snatched the radio off Owen's hip before he could say anything, and Lowery stopped her by saying, "And, no, Claire, no one actually saw her. She's being really shy today. People only saw a little bit of her, but it was enough to get them going."

Owen frowned before asking, "Shy? Elise isn't shy. Why would she be shy?"

Owen could actually hear Lowery shrug, but he could see the concern in Claire's eyes. People were expecting to see Elise full on, not her hiding in the bushes. He pressed his lips, and glanced at his watch. It was nine fifteen, and he said, "I want to tag team this with you. I go get Elise, and you do all the announcing until I can get up there."

Claire grabbed his arm when he walked by, and she said, "You have to be the one talking, Owen. It is you and Elise, not CEO, Owen, and Elise. I can stall until you get here, but you have to do the interviews."

Owen pursed his lips in thought before saying, "I can do that."

Claire smiled at him, and said as he walked out, "I had the workers change this window, it can slide back so you can get in."

Owen paused as he stared at the window of the log. He blinked at it before asking, "Is that why there's a short rail there?"

"Just in case."

Owen chuckled as he trotted out, and Claire let out a small sigh as she glanced back out the window.


Elise was already walking through the thick forest. She didn't want to be in front of people, but she had told Claire she would be there. Elise didn't have to do anything with Rexy, but this was for their pack. Elise wanted to help Claire take care of the pack.

She wondered what kind of reaction she would get out of people, but she didn't think it would be like Rexy.

Elise couldn't believe the adoring, excited energy the humans gave when Rexy made her appearance. They pressed against the glass instead of shying away from it. They were sad when she had left, and Elise wondered if people would like her.

Would she scare the little ones?

She scared full grown adults, and even massive dinosaurs. Elise didn't want to scare people like that.

Elise remembered Claire said this park was built to make people feel little, and she was sure she made people feel small. She just didn't understand why people liked that.

Would they think she should be put down too?

Was she too scary?

Elise wasn't sure, but she would power through it because she was going to help her pack bring in dirty money. She didn't care about the dirty money, but she wanted to help Claire, and Owen would be there.

He was supposed to protect her from humans, and she protected him from dinosaurs.

Elise felt better at remembering that silent agreement between them. Owen was her human, and he protected her. She trusted him, and he trusted her. Elise was his sunshiny, tough baby, and Owen was her little, precious treasure.

Elise perked up at hearing the motorbike, and she gave a shrill roar to call Owen over. She felt good when he gave his own 'I'm here' cry in the shrill whistle. Owen was funny because he was a human leading a dinosaur pack. He couldn't even make the same calls, but he made it work with his pack.

Elise didn't feel like a 'freak' around Owen because he was different too.

"My sunshine!"

Elise smiled, and gave a soft croon as she pressed her snout against Owen affectionately. He hugged her tightly before grinning as he said, "You got all the people excited by showing up with Rexy. Claire is happy about that. Tim said you were being a little shy, are you okay?"

Elise didn't want to talk about the bad feeling, but she wanted reassurance. She wished she had the words to describe it; they had only worked on greetings and goodbyes yesterday.

Owen leaned on the handlebars of his motorcycle as he patiently waited, and Elise finally took a claw before carefully tracing her crooked jaw with it. Owen frowned, and grew concerned, as he asked, "Is your jaw hurting, Baby? I can go get Dr. Gerry and he can help that. He said your jaw would probably be hurting with those teeth crowding each other."

Elise shook her head once, and she tried to gesture to herself. Owen wasn't understanding that, and he blinked at her. Elise gave a frustrated huff, and she gestured towards Rexy's paddock. Owen wasn't understanding that either, and he said, "Are you in pain?"


"Are you afraid of seeing the people?"

Elise shook her head, but Owen was close. She loved how he seemed to know that, and he asked, "Are you afraid of how they'll react to you?"


Owen raised his eyebrows as he tried to figure out where all this self-consciousness came from. He frowned as he thought about it before slowly asking, "Did that lady with Tim say something about how you looked? Did she say you would scare those people?"

Elise nodded, and she gestured to her crooked jaw once more. Owen stared at it for a second before sad realization donned on him.

Elise thought she looked like a 'crooked jawed freak'.

"Oh, Baby...Sweetheart, you come here."

Owen dismounted his bike as he gave the rough snout a fierce hug. Elise curled around him tightly as he said, "I know you don't look like Rexy, but that lady is being stupid. She's with the Petting Zoo, and they're being dumbasses."

Elise crooned quietly, and Owen pulled back as he said, "Eyes on me."

Owen gently patted the snowy cheek as he sternly said, "Sometimes people say hurtful things just to be hurtful. You are not a freak, you are my baby, alright? There are always going to be hurtful people, but you just need to ignore them, and focus on the people who care about you. I care about you, and so does Barry, Claire, Gerry, Jackie, Tim, Zach, Gray, and Rexy."

They glanced down when Owen's radio crackled, and Lowery dryly said, "So does everyone here at Control. We care too, Owen!"

Owen smiled when he heard some quiet cheers over the radio, and Lowery said, "And show time starts in five minutes, so knock them dead, Elise! literally, okay?"

Elise smiled, and Owen winked at her as he said, "How about we do things our way? They want something to remember, and I know just the way for you to make your entrance. You and me, Baby. What do you say?"

Elise didn't want it any other way, and she gave a single nod.


Claire reminded herself to stand straight as she remained quiet in the Observation Room. It was absolutely packed with several guests, and the interviewers. She had to designate half the large room for the interviewers so the guests wouldn't feel put out.

A few children were bouncing around eagerly, and Claire looked up when a small girl asked, "Does she eat doughnuts?"

Claire blinked in confusion, and the girl pointed at a pile of four boxes in the corner of the room. She knew those were supposed to be in the break room, and she tilted her head when she read, 'Petting Zoo' on all of them. She tried not to press her lips as she answered, "No, I just have an immature handler."

Claire looked up when the interviewers suddenly exploded with several questions as said immature handler walked in confidently. Claire would ask about the doughnuts later, but Owen smiled as he quietly whispered to her, "We got it under control, okay?"

Claire hated handing control over to others, but she reluctantly nodded as she handed him the ear mic. Owen blinked at it momentarily before slipping it on, and he pressed the button. He gave it a few taps before saying over the questions, "Easy now, let's not scare my girl away. She's not all that fond of loud noises, and this is her first time around guests. She's going to be a few minutes late, she's powdering her face, but until then I will answer any questions you guys have."

Owen had already gone over what he was not allowed to do in the interviews, and Claire sincerely hoped he would be able to remember all that. She stepped aside, and refused to roll her eyes when the first question was, "Was the Indominus created with human DNA?"

Owen didn't miss a beat as he immediately answered, "Jurassic World can't confirm that. We don't have the files on her, at the moment, to officially answer that."

Claire relaxed, and smiled as she walked over to the back of the crowd where Owen could see her if he needed cues. Owen remained calm as a journalist asked, "Do you personally feel she has human DNA in her?"

Owen waited for Claire's permission, and she nodded before he answered, "In my own opinion, I do feel like she has human DNA in her. She is smart enough to learn advance sign language, which we are working on right now."

Owen pointed to a blonde reporter who asked, "So is it immoral for Jurassic World to be using the Indominus as an attraction?"

"Not in this case because our CEO, Miss Claire, has taken the time to personally explain everything to our Indominus. Our Indominus is more than aware that she will not be forced to do anything, and we have made it very clear that she does not have to appear. Jurassic World is doing all it can to right everything wrong."

Claire smiled approvingly, and Owen startled when a small, blonde child raised her hand politely. She didn't wait for Owen to call on her though, and she demanded, "Can we see her?! Rexy was being a good mama, and didn't let us see her."

Owen had no idea why such a little kid was watching the decimation of goats, but he liked her bravery. He couldn't help chuckling as he said, "Well, she'll show up when she want."

Claire frowned when Owen pulled the small, square cover of the wall back before pushing the button. The guests flickered their eyes nervously towards the glass window when it began to slide back. Owen had to do his best not to laugh at them, and he asked, "Any other questions while we wait?"

The blonde child raised her hand again, and asked, "Does she like doughnuts?"

Owen opened his mouth to answer before the guests suddenly froze when a long scraping sound slowly trickled down the back of the log. A hushed, insidious growl whispered from outside, and the guests all shuffled back.

Except for the blonde child, until her mother pulled her back. Owen could see the nervousness on them, but he kept his cool.

Claire raised an eyebrow, but Owen said, "Sounds like she's here."

Owen paused when a parent quietly asked, " she dangerous?"

Owen never understood that question. All animals had the potential to be incredibly dangerous. Even at normal zoos, the animals were considered dangerous, but he had removed the glass between them.

Owen nodded as he said, "She's incredibly dangerous, but all she needs is respect."

"...Are you sure you can control her?"

Owen resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he picked up a box of doughnuts, and said, "I don't control any of my animals. Not my raptors, and not this girl. What I have is a strong relationship based on trust and respect."

Owen turned a little gentler as he said to the blonde, "Now you wanted to know if she liked doughnuts, right?"

The girl nodded eagerly, and Owen dropped the box on the ground as he warned, "Brace yourselves, and no panicking, okay?"

They silently watched Owen push the box towards the ledge, and it was silent for a few seconds. He could actually hear them holding their breaths before a massive, clawed hand suddenly darted into the room. People gave startled yelps when the large middle talon speared the box, and a fierce snarl was heard as it slowly clawed back.

Owen admired the clean, white marks on the cement floor from the talons. No one made a sound, and Owen raised an eyebrow when a loud cough was made, followed by a confused garble.

The guests let out quiet gasps when Elise suddenly raised her snowy head, and Owen burst out laughing at her expression. She was supposed to toss the box violently at a tree or something, and he would snag a burger from the crowd before she made her entrance.

But Elise had decided to try the doughnuts apparently. It seemed like she didn't like them.

Her snout was crinkled in disgust as a jelly filled doughnut coated an ivory dagger with its purple filling. Her tongue would touch it to push it out, and she would make another sound of disgust. Elise turned her head to glare at Owen, before crooning for a little help. The white box was stuck to the top row of her teeth.

"Come here, Baby."

Owen walked over to the ledge, and Elise opened her jaws wide. Owen could actually feel the guests fearing for him as he yanked the box off. He tossed the box to the side before doing a double take at a silvery sheen stuck between large fangs. He raised his eyebrow as he tugged on it before asking, "What did you eat that had a collar?"

He grunted as he yanked on it, and the children made long sounds of disgust when the dribble of saliva dripped onto the floor. Claire cleared her throat quietly before she said, "That would be the goat in Rexy's paddock."

Owen shrugged as he tossed it onto the box of doughnuts, and Elise tried to clear the gross jelly from her mouth. Her teeth made sharp sounds as they smacked together, and Owen grinned as he said, "She doesn't like doughnuts."

Elise remained incredibly still as she slowly surveyed the crowd. She was surprised by the amount of people, but she was happy to see Claire. The redhead gave a small wave at her, and Elise let out a low croon. She could tell these people were wary of her, and she wasn't sure what to do.

Elise gently nuzzled Owen, wanting some kind of physical comfort because she wasn't sure if she liked what she felt in the room. He gently ran his hands along the scaled cheek as he resumed with the questions. Owen found most of them boring as he focused on the reporters wanting controversial information until he finally grew tired of them. Even Elise had taken to resting her jaw on the cement floor as she lightly dozed. Owen blinked when the blonde girl, who had decided to sit on the ground, raised her hand. The interviewers were nowhere near done, but Owen was, and he called on her.

"What's her name?"

Owen smiled; now he was getting to the questions he wanted to answer. The personal ones. He gently patted the snowy cheek, and Elise blinked when he said, "Her name is Elise; after the song Fur Elise. She likes classical music."

Another kid sat next to the girl, and he asked, "Is she cold? The Petting Zoo dinosaurs aren't."

Owen knew he wasn't connecting with the crowd like he wanted to; there was something missing. The kids were starting to warm up, but the adults continued to remain wary. He gave Elise a quick glance before saying, "Well, come over here, and find out."

Elise didn't want her nose to be touched by a bunch of strangers, and she gave Owen a dirty look. He gently tapped his own hand, and Elise understood. She didn't mind if they touched her hand; humans seemed to like that, and she was getting bored here.

Owen took a step back to allow the massive hand to gently rest on the cement with talons arched over the ground. The kid's eyes grew wide, and Owen playfully asked, "You coming or what? Elise won't mind."

Owen was still impressed when the boy stood, and made an arch around the hand before half hiding behind Owen. He led the boy over before pressing the small hand over the large index finger. Elise was carefully watching the boy, and his brown eyes became large dinner plates before exclaiming, "She's really warm!"

The boy put his other hand over her finger, and quietly said, "Your hand is really big..."

Elise knew that much, and she gently puffed air on the child. She watched him give a delighted laugh as he skittered back to his mother, and Owen asked, "Anyone else? Kid broke the ice."

Elise felt better when the little ones gently tackled her hand. She liked the soft pats, and exclamations of how huge she was. Elise still wasn't sure if she was doing what she was supposed to. She was supposed to make people feel little, but the children didn't seem to notice that they were little.

As the children slowly trickled back to their parents, Owen carefully scanned the crowd of people. The cameras were focused intently, and Owen blinked when he caught sight of a heavily tattooed, muscular man. It was only irony that his shirt was a plain white but the colorful tattoos decorated the arms, legs, and neck.

Time for another wow factor.

"Excuse me, Sir."

The tattooed man blinked when Owen beckoned him over, but he strolled over confidently. Elise carefully watched him, and she was amazed to see another human with the markings on his skin. There were a lot more than what Jackie had, but they were just as colorful. She liked looking at them, and she heard Owen ask her, "See any you like, Baby Girl?"

She could see the human tense under her scrutinizing gaze, and she crooned when she caught sight of the boldly colored arm. Owen chuckled before asking, "Which one?"

Claire felt her jaw drop when the white scales shivered before blossoming in brilliant greens. Purples, blues, and yellows patched over it until Elise looked like someone had attacked her mercilessly with a paintball gun. The human suddenly burst out laughing as he pointed to his arm, and saying, "I love that one; it was my first watercolor tattoo!"

Elise gave a low rumble, and the guy paused before quietly asking, "Can I get a picture of this?"

Elise didn't know what a picture was, but Owen didn't seemed concerned by the question. She puffed air at him, and Owen nodded. He smiled at Claire while the phones clicked like crazy, and Owen was proud of Elise for doing so well.

She cocked her head at the tattooed human when he chuckled, "I feel so little right's crazy."

Elise beamed; she was doing her job. She was making them feel little. She allowed the human to gently touch her clawed index before he gave a small thank you. She carefully surveyed the crowd, and wondered if the others felt little.

It felt odd; she wasn't given the excited energy that Rexy received. This was quieter, and they awe of her?

Elise carefully looked at Claire as she pondered this.

She was startled from her thoughts when the bold, blond child teetered up to her before thrusting a white paper at her. Elise tilted her head at the pink blob in the middle, and the girl explained, "I drew you!"

Elise was fully aware of what she looked like, and this pink blob did not look like her. She tilted her head, and squinted at it before seeing the familiar shape take place. She could make out her arms and tail. She assumed the two red dots were her eyes.

It wasn't a very good picture, but the child seemed so proud of it. It reminded Elise of the first time Small One had brought down her own kill. She was proud of herself, and Elise had been as well; she just didn't have the heart to tell Small One that the kill was already half dead from old age.

Elise didn't have the heart to hurt this little one either, and her scales shivered before turning the cheery pink similar to the paper. The girl gave an excited squeal before exclaiming, "A pink dinosaur! AHH!"

Elise tensed at the excited scream, and froze when the girl placed her hands on her cheek. Elise wanted to growl at the girl, to remind her of personal space, but it didn't seem like the right thing to do.

Instead, Elise gave a low rumble, and the girl said, "You can have the picture, Elise."

Elise had absolutely no use for the paper, but the gift somehow touched her. Elise carefully pulled back before she raised her left hand to her snout, and made a motion similar to blowing a kiss. Owen smiled, and kneeled down as he said, "She's says thank you."

The child beamed before saying, "You're welcome."

Elise tilted her head when the tension completely dissipated, and she rested her chin on the cement ground. She curled her arms to her chest before her finger began to quietly tap against her chest as she pondered.

She knew she was doing something right, but was she making them feel little?

Elise still found it odd that a man had decided to bring back dead creatures to make people feel small. How was it the secret to success for this park? Elise glanced at the warm faces of amazed people. It was so odd to see so many people be so calm and quiet.

Surely Rexy was doing her job correctly. She made those people happy too. Was it because Rexy was big too?

Elise blinked when she heard a woman quietly say to another, "I can't believe how gentle, and smart she is. She's so pretty with those white scales."

Elise heard the male respond, "She could eat that guy no problem, but she's so quiet around him..."

Elise wasn't sure why that clicked for her, but it suddenly seemed so clear to her. She wasn't supposed to make people feel physically small to scare them.

She was to humble them.

They weren't in awe of her size.

They were in awe of the sheer power she possessed. Humans liked powerful things, and something touched them to see discipline in exercising power tenderly.

She was a massive dinosaur who could have easily wiped out everything on this island, but now she knew better. People had run before because she wasn't restraining her power. Now they liked her because she was gentle and calm.

Elise had already figured out that humans were creatures used to being Alphas over all of the other creatures they shared this earth with.

But dinosaurs had roamed the world before them. Maybe dinosaurs were the Alphas before humans.

Maybe the humans liked seeing other Alphas. Claire did seem very fond of Rexy, and trusted her to solve problems with other dinosaurs. Elise glanced at her human, and he seemed happy where he was. He seemed to like talking to the people about her.

Elise knew Owen was rare because she had met so many humans who hadn't shown respect. Humans were arrogant creatures, and Elise continued to think about what Claire had told her during the rainy night.

Maybe this Hammond had brought back the dinosaurs to remind humans that they weren't as powerful and in control as they thought. Elise felt big when she felt powerful, and humans probably felt the same. They felt little when they were humbled.

Elise remembered how she had been in awe of Rexy the first time she saw her, and she wondered if people felt the same in her presence. Humans had used their intelligence to make themselves the most powerful, but they would never be born with raw power like Elise or Rexy had.

They were forced to realize that they were not the powerful creatures they had thought themselves to be when they came to Jurassic World.

That was John Hammond's plainly simple secret to success to making people feel small.

Humble them.

Elise crooned happily at herself before suddenly wrapping her fingers around Owen. He started when a large, pink tongue gave a slobbery kiss, causing his hair to cowlick, and he exclaimed, "Elise! Eww! No!"

Elise didn't lighten up as she continued to love on her human, and Claire burst out laughing at Owen futilely attempting escape.

Elise had found her purpose in life, and she was happy.

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