Chapter 20

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Hey guys! Today's chapter is going to be pretty short because, as a stereotypical American, I have a lot of fireworks to blow up today!

Tomorrow's chapter will be much longer, but I hope you all have a happy Fourth! If you're not blowing things up, well, happy Saturday!

As always, I am very grateful for your reviews. So, please enjoy!


"Red, White, and...Damn it, Blue!"

"You were amazing today!"

Elise crooned lovingly as she savored the gentle pats from Owen. He chuckled at the empty room around them, but his gaze fell onto the wall where the information posters had been posted. Now it was half decorated with drawings from several enthused children who adored the floor Elise walked on.

Some had happy suns with Elise and the child smiling under it. Others held pictures of Owen and Elise, while others were just blobs of colors.

Elise loved all of them, and Owen liked them better than the information posters.

Today had been crazy, but Owen felt like it had gone exceptionally well. Elise had impressed, and guests loved her. Even a few other handlers came by, and were won over by a cute croon or a show of bright colors.

Elise had enjoyed taking breaks to go hunt with Rexy, and Tim laughed until he cried when the Indominus had hidden herself in the brush before scaring Rexy when she went after the goat.

Rexy hadn't found that very funny, and Elise had skittered back to Owen with a sore tail. She thought it was worth it.

Elise suddenly turned her head before giving a loving croon at the rich laugh.

"There is my beautiful girl! I am so proud of how well you did today!"

Elise melted into a puddle when the kind hands found her jaw, and Barry continued to coo at her. Owen chuckled at it before asking, "Enjoy the show?"

"I did not hear a Crocodile Hunter accent."

Owen snorted as he picked up the mushy boxes of crushed doughnuts, and said, "Claire would have killed me for that one. She almost did after Elise pretended to eat me."

"I heard it was a nice touch, smearing the strawberry jam all over the floor while you 'screamed' in terror."

Owen grinned widely at his girl before saying, "It was worth it, those kids totally shit their pants."

Elise gave her sucked in laugh, and Barry couldn't help joining her. He sighed before saying, "The girls were not happy when you skipped out on their pig run."

Owen grimaced; he hadn't been able to go over there today. He would have to go there tomorrow for sure. He just wasn't sure if he would be able to find an opening. People only seemed to get more excited with every show him and Elise did.

Elise liked to change things around, and Owen was simply going along with it. He hadn't planned to fake his death. Elise had stolen a strawberry filled doughnut, and smeared it on his hand before the next group came in. Owen had seen the mischievous glint in her crimson eyes, and he just couldn't resist the temptation of scaring the life out of all the crowding, aggressive interviewers.

He loved it.

Owen had dropped the last box of the Petting Zoo doughnuts on the ground, and Elise had snatched him instead. Claire's face had been priceless, and Elise was irritated when Owen couldn't keep the act up because he was laughing so hard.

"I heard Claire had to give coupons to the parents as an apology."

"It was a coupon for a free cheeseburger, big whoop. I wasn't the only one laughing."

Elise turned her head when she heard Rexy's loud roar to come home, and she gave Barry a gentle nudge with her snout. Elise pinned Owen with her hand before repeatedly running her tongue over him in slobbery kisses. Owen grimaced, but feared opening his mouth to tell her off.

Elise finally released him, and Owen said, "Eww, Elise! No more kisses like that!"

Elise snorted, and responded by giving an extra slobbery kiss. Owen spat, and gave a half-hearty dirty look. He melted under the adoring gaze, and shooed her off with a growl that had no bite to it.

"Get your butt home before Rexy comes looking for you."

He allowed a small smiled to pull at his lips when she flicked her tail at him before disappearing into the thick forest. Barry nudged him playfully as he said, "I can guarantee Blue will not be that affectionate when she sees you. They're itching for another run."

Owen believed that, and he picked up the smashed boxes before they walked out. The park was quiet, but Owen could see the lights in the hotel from night owl guests.

"I wonder if I can get Claire to allow letting them loose in Elise's paddock. The Repair Team only has a couple more hours of work on the fence. Elise will have a door she can swing open if she wants."

"I think our Repair Team is full of miracle workers. Seriously, I can't even finish a puzzle that fast."

Owen burst out laughing as he tossed the ruined doughnuts in the garbage, and he wasn't sure what he would be able to use for tomorrow. Maybe the Petting Zoo would have pizza instead; Elise would like pizza. Owen sighed as he worked the loose muscles in he shoulders; it had been too long since he had so much fun. He couldn't remember the last time he laughed that hard, and Elise's laugh was so contagious.

Owen playfully punched Barry's arm as he said, "Hey, I'll see the girls first thing in the morning, and I'll talk to Claire about giving them a run. Maybe we can fit cameras on them or something, and let the people watch."

"Have them chase the pig."

Owen grinned widely before saying, "Or Elise. She's great at hiding, I bet it would give the girls a run for their money."

Barry nodded excitedly before disappearing around the corner. Owen felt good as he rolled his bike out, but snapped his head up at an angry, "Hey!"

Surprise, surprise. It was his most favorite woman in the world.

"How are you, Debra?"

Owen loved how she looked incredibly pissed as she marched over in her safari attire. He didn't give any ground, and raised an eyebrow when she jabbed a finger into his chest before snapping, "You stole the Petting Zoo's doughnuts! What the hell is your problem?!"

Owen pressed his lips as he pretended to think hard, before dryly saying, " just might be the asshole who decided to make my girl so self-conscious about herself that she didn't want to make an appearance."

Owen smacked the hand away from him, and growled, "What's your problem anyways? I haven't done shit to you. You're the goddamn Petting Zoo keeper. You're supposed to be...jolly or whatever."

Debra darkened before she snapped, "Do you know how many animals I lost because of that thing? I lost seven of my kids because of it!"

Owen didn't want to be insensitive, and he patiently said, "Look, I'm sorry you lost your kids. I couldn't even handle losing one of my own girls. I don't know how you function with losing seven, but Elise didn't know the Aviation assets would come here. She was trying to avoid getting shot."

"I don't give a damn what she was doing! Whether or not she meant to, she got a lot of people killed. Our CEO went down in flames! Our best ACU soldiers were killed, and most of our Apatosaurus herd was carved up for no good reason."

Owen frowned, and leaned forward as he snapped, "She was born into a world where no one understands what the hell she is. Her sister was born sick, and Elise watched her die because no one was willing to help her. Every single night, for almost six years, Elise has slept next to her sister's skeleton because she had no one else. What the hell do you think that did to her? Elise is almost a human, what would it do to a human who grew up in complete isolation?"

Owen stepped back as he swung his leg over his bike, and he added, "I don't think they would function very well. Elise did mess up, but now she knows better. Leave her alone, and I'll leave your gross doughnuts alone."

But pizza was fair game.

He didn't wait for a response as he fired up his bike before riding off. He could feel Debra's livid gaze the entire time.

Owen didn't care.


"Blue, do not give me that shit!"

Owen knew he was going to receive hellfire for skipping a day, but Blue was acting way out of line. She had completely ignored his order to stop as she disappeared back into her nest. Delta and Echo shifted around nervously before their Beta came out with the chewed up, black boot.

Blue was pissed Owen had been gone, and she was currently raking her claws through it slowly. She only stared at him, but refused to heed any order. Owen wasn't very happy with that, but the other two obeyed their orders. They got their treats, and he barked, "Delta, Echo, get going!"

Blue narrowed her eyes when Owen took away her opportunity to disobey another order, and she hissed challengingly at him. Owen immediately stiffened before snapping, "Stand down."

Owen had hardly used that tone, but Blue had never been so pushy with him before. She was frustrated with him, and Owen wished he could communicate with her like he did Elise.

Blue finally broke eye contact as she took to shredding the boot in a fit of rage. Owen marched down the stairs before opening the cage door. It was early in the morning, and only a few people were here. Barry went wide eyed as he asked, "What are you doing?"

Owen didn't answer him, but gave a sharp, quick whistle before barking, "Blue! Knock that shit off right now!"

The two other raptors jumped at the livid tone, and they crouched quietly in the bushes. Blue snapped her head up, and dropped the boot before giving another hiss as she prowled forward. She wanted to talk to him face to face, and Owen pondered for a second before pushing the button.

Blue intently watched the door slide up, and before Owen could tell her to wait, Blue bolted into the cage. She butted her head into the door that would let her out of the paddock completely, and Owen snapped, "Blue!"

The raptor hissed at him, but claimed the ground she was standing on. She was blocking the door, and she refused to leave.

"What the hell is your problem?"

Blue snapped her jaws as she garbled an insult at him, and Owen narrowed his eyes. They refused to break eye contact with one another, and Blue began to shift around before letting out a needy whine. Owen finally sighed, and relaxed before saying, "Ease up, Blue."

The blue raptor didn't want to fight with her Alpha, and she gave a quiet shiver of her jaws. Owen watched the large, razor talon on her toe tap the ground out of agitation, and Owen finally got the message.

"We're wanting another run..."

Blue understood run, and she gave a shrill shriek before clawing at the cage door eagerly. She wanted to run free, somewhere new. She knew every inch, every leaf of their paddock, and she was finally bored. She had tasted the thrill of running somewhere new, and she wanted to do it again.

Owen had seen the sheer joy of hunting in the jungle. Her gold eyes practically glowed with the excitement. She had even allowed Owen to ride alongside her.

For the first time, there was complete unity amongst the pack as they tore through the jungle in the dark.

Blue wanted that again.

Owen did too, and he sighed, "Alright, alright, I understand."

Blue jumped high before smacking the top of the cage with a swipe of her claws. Despite her temper, Owen knew he was lucky he ended up with a Beta who actually tried to communicate with him.

Owen snorted as he leaned on the bars before pulling out his radio. He knew Claire was awake, but he turned the dial before asking, "Hey, Lowery? You there?"

Blue shoved her snout into Owen's chest as she tried pushing him towards the door. She wanted to encourage him to get his ass moving. They were burning daylight doing nothing in the cage! There was wind to chase! Prey to hunt! An entire world to explore with her sisters and Alpha!

Owen couldn't help his smile at the infectious energy, and he playfully jabbed her ticklish side. Blue yelped, and Owen chuckled as he yanked his hand away from the snapping jaws. Blue paused, and tilted her head when a grumbly, cranky voice drawled, "What? It's in the morning....why are you up?"

"Echo is up at five every day."

Lowery groaned again before retorting, "She likes to start the day out with disappointment? It ruins my day when I wake up that early."

Owen snorted as he hooked his fingers under the scaly chin of his best girl, and Blue gave a delighted trill at him. Lowery huffed again, and Owen asked, "Any way I can get connected to Claire? I need permission from the big boss."

Lowery yawned before he asked, "About what?"

Owen smiled as he ran his fingers down the long, graceful back. Blue rested her head on his shoulder before snagging her claws onto his clothes. She rubbed her jaws back and forth, and Owen knew what she was doing.

She was making sure he smelled like the pack.

The other two sensed the peace again, and Owen felt at home when they pressed close as well. This was how a good, strong pack looked. He loved being around Elise, but it didn't feel like a pack without his other girls. He had promised Elise they would be a pack.

It was time to make good on that promise.

Owen smiled wider when he caught that blazing, gold fire that made Blue look so dangerous. She was excited because she knew exactly what he was thinking.

"I want to take the girls for a run."

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