Chapter 21

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I hope you all had a happy Saturday!

I made a recent discovery. Apparently I made a mistake when I thought the kid who fell into the Raptor Paddock was nameless. I named him Scott because I couldn't find his actual name, but whoa and behold, I found it while lurking around an updated wiki page. His name is actually Leon, but in this story he shall stay Scott because I like the name Scott better.

Anyways, please enjoy this chapter of our favorite Oreo and Cheeto munching raptors!


"Mama Knew."

Blue paced about her cage excitedly; she couldn't remember the last time she had felt so giddy. Maybe when she had taken Alpha's black foot cover, but that had been more amusing than exciting.

They were going to go run with Alpha!

Blue had always known they could outrun Alpha, but she had been so happy to see him right next to her when they were hunting the White One. Blue could smell her odd scent clinging strongly to Alpha, and that had made her livid.

What was Alpha thinking? Spending time with non-pack. That was wrong! It had been a long time since Blue had to pull the foot cover out to remind Alpha that he was not that high and mighty. He was not allowed to leave them without good reason.

He was, under no circumstances, allowed to even consider skipping on their pink prey chase.

Alpha is lucky she is a forgiving creature.

Blue let out an impatient screech, and was pleased to see Alpha had looked up from the talking box in his hands. He raised an eyebrow, deciding whether or not to cooperate before saying, "Easy, Blue."

It was his command to be patient, but Blue wasn't in the mood to be patient! She knew he could open the hard bars in the way. They could be running right now! Reigning terror in the thick jungle full of exciting smells, and thrilling chases! There was adventure to be found!

But Alpha wasn't cooperating!

Owen rolled his eyes when Blue gave a loud, dramatic moan. She was definitely the most free spirited of his girls; she was the most in touch with the wildfire blood that made her ancestors so intelligently terrifying.

Echo was his old soul who was a little mellower. She was a composed thinker who had to remind Blue to calm down once in a while. Most of the time Blue wouldn't listen, but Owen always appreciated Echo's attempt.

Owen smiled when Delta gently poked around his pocket for anything interesting; she was his good girl. She hardly gave him shit even when she really wanted to. She was his most patient baby; willing to wait a little longer for the pig to come out of the cage.

Charlie had been his cuddly baby when she was little. She had spent the first week of her life in his pocket because she wouldn't stop wailing when he put her down.

Owen missed that.

He looked up when Blue had flopped onto her side before kicking the dirt childishly. It had been a very long time since she had thrown a tantrum around him, and it was actually funny to see an adult Velociraptor roll in the dirt because she wasn't getting her way soon enough.

"Hey, Scott, what's taking so long? Blue's having a meltdown over here."

Owen grinned when Echo gave a sharp snarl, and Blue yowled at her dramatically. Echo huffed before burying her head further in the bushes to drown out the irritating sounds, and Delta went back to exploring Owen's vest. He ran his hand down her graceful neck when the radio crackled, and Scott said, "Um, sorry, I had to find the hitch, but I'm coming up the road right now."

Owen snorted when Blue decided to pull out her last tactic to get his attention.

Play dead.

The blue Velociraptor was an incredible actor when she began to cough and wheeze to the point of even drooling. She rolled her eyes wildly while thrashing in the dirt before giving a choked cry. She seemed to pause with her head raised as she let out a loud exhale, and then flopped lifelessly onto the ground.

Owen could have killed her the first time she pulled that with him. They had really gotten into a fierce argument to the point where Owen had lost his temper. The blue raptor had used all the colorful curse words in her vocabulary before suddenly flopping over. Owen thought she had been having a seizure; it had been unbearably hot for the past week. He had almost bolted over the platform to get to her, but Echo had bent over to sniff her suddenly still sister. He carefully watched her, and the almost bronze raptor had given Owen a dry look.

Like she had seen it before.

Owen had then seen Blue briefly crack open a perfectly fine, golden eye to watch him. She had set a trap, and Owen had responded by soaking her with the hose as he chastised her for giving him a heart attack.

Blue didn't try that again for a while, but Charlie loved the water.

"Blue, you don't know how much I love you, but you're so damned dramatic sometimes."

The blue raptor kept her act up, and Owen smirked before slyly saying, "I'll squirt you with the hose again."

Blue was calling his bluff, and Owen couldn't help his grin as he lightly rattled the cage door. Owen laughed when a praise Jesus miracle happened, and his Beta was miraculously raised from the dead. She moaned loudly, and flopped back over when she realized she had been caught.

Owen did feel himself go soft at seeing her look crushed, and he gently said, "Blue, be patient. We're going to go run, I promise."

His Beta grumbled before turning her back to him as she sulked. Echo briefly raised her head to glare at her blue sister, and Delta trotted over to give her comfort. Blue was inconsolable though.

Alpha was unbearably slow!

Owen chuckled good naturedly, and smiled when he saw the trailer backing up to the cage door. Blue refused to acknowledge anything now, but Echo tilted her head curiously at the bright red, brake lights. Owen guided Scott back as best he could, and gave the signal to stop. He stayed in the car to keep his foot on the brakes just in case, and Barry slid the door to the side.

Owen gave it a look over before giving a sharp whistle.

Blue perked her head up at that. That was Alpha's 'Gather' order. She twisted her head to blink at Owen, and he gave another Gather order before saying, "Alright girls, we going or what?"

Blue gave a delighted screech when Owen swung the door open, and she bolted up. Her sisters followed closely before Blue suddenly skidded to a dead halt right at the trailer entrance.

This was not running.

Blue did not want to be carried around in the bouncy cage. She narrowed her eyes at Alpha for trying to pull a dirty trick, but Owen didn't bat an eye at her.


Blue snapped her head to the front of the trailer where she saw Barry poking his head through another, smaller door in the trailer. He was shaking the shiny, blue paper that held...


Blue dove into the trailer, and Barry dropped the package before slamming his door shut. The package didn't even come close to hitting the ground, and Owen chuckled as his other two jumped into the trailer with more grace.

Owen slid the silver door shut as he shook his head, and tossed in two bags of Cheetos so they didn't feel left out. Delta and Echo crooned their thanks, and Owen smiled as he mounted his bike then said to Scott, "Try not to bounce around so much. Blue's going to be pissed when she finishes those Oreos."

"She takes like, ten minutes for each Oreo, and there's four in that bag."

Barry got into the car, and shut the door as he said, "Three, I wanted one."

"You're a brave man."

Barry only chuckled as he took a bite of the cookie, and they all heard a livid snarl. Delta probably tried to take an Oreo.

But Owen was pretty sure Blue had a feeling the package was short one delectable cookie.


Blue was pissed. She hated this bouncy cage, and she gave a furious shriek when it bounced again. She didn't like the funny smelling shavings under her feet. She wanted to run! Did Alpha think her legs were not working properly? Maybe she shouldn't have tried to fake him.

Blue shoved her nose out the small window, and she heard Alpha's silver, metal thing give a loud snarl as he moved a little faster. She gave a livid scree to let him know that every foot cover she saw on him would now be hers if he tried to put them in their cage without letting them run.

Owen gave a chuckle as he slowed his bike down to where he could smile at his best girl. He could see all the sharp teeth on her, and he revved his bike. Blue's blazing, gold eye immediately snapped to the window, and he called out, "Easy, Blue! We're almost there!"

Blue snarled at him, and Owen was pretty sure she would be swearing like a sailor if she could talk in his tongue. He could see the other two pressed away from her, and he shook his head in sympathy. He probably should have closed the separator door before putting the other two in.

Blue lurched forward when the cage suddenly came to a stop, and she bumped her nose into the cold metal. She saw red, and let out a furious scream that made her siblings flinch back. Blue was ready for another fight with Alpha; no amount of Oreos would sway her from this decision.

Echo seemed to sigh quietly as she put a reassuring claw on her nervous sister; Blue would get over herself eventually.

Owen opened the paddock doors before guiding Scott in. The park was going to open in about fifteen minutes, but he would have an hour and a half to run Blue ragged. She was definitely pissed, and Scott intended to stay in the car.

The truck stopped, and Owen closed the paddock doors; he didn't want to risk Blue going in the wrong direction. They would leave it here until it was time to take the girls back home.

Assuming Owen could get Blue back inside.

He would probably need Elise to shove her in, and that would not end well.

Owen grimaced at the image, and made sure all was clear before giving a sharp whistle for their attention. He tried not to snort when Blue slid into the door, and her dagger-lined mouth barred aggressively poked through the window.

"You don't scare me, Blue. Stand down."

He rolled his eyes when she puffed air through her nose, and he growled, "Stand. Down."

Blue cocked her livid gaze at him, and Owen crossed his arms. That was his way of saying he would not be swayed from his decision. Blue knew better than to fight him when that happened, and she garbled as she backed up.

"That is damn good, Blue."

Owen chuckled when she snarled quietly, and he undid the locks on the door before sliding it back.


Blue slid to a halt, and paced around nervously. She wouldn't disobey an order, but she wanted out of the cage. Owen really hated when she got incredibly excited, and he finally said, "Come."

He stepped to the side, and the trailer bounced loudly as the three bolted off of it. Blue made to run, but froze at the long line of massive trees before her. She had never seen such tall trees, and the smells filled her sensitive nose. She chittered quietly, and her sisters pressed close as they watched for trouble.

Blue could smell lots of prey, and several birds chirping cheerily. She scanned the jungle for danger, and snapped her head to the side when Owen stood next to her. Good. An Alpha needed to stand next to the Beta in new territory. She was glad he was perfectly relaxed, and titled her head when he gave the Gather whistle.

But everyone was here.

Blue risked pressing her nostrils to the ground, and she didn't like when she smelled the White One. Was this her territory? Blue did not want to fight White One without good reason. Was Alpha trying to hunt her again? That didn't end well for anyone last time.

Owen gave another shrill whistle, and he smiled when the loud roar responded. His girls shifted nervously, and he gently said, "Easy."

Blue didn't want to run here; White One was dangerous, and very smart. She didn't like how Alpha was Gather calling when there was no need for it.

Blue pressed closer to Alpha when White One poked her head from the thick brush. Blue was ready to defend the pack with her life, and she paused when White One gave a warm greeting.

Like she was greeting her pack.

Blue tilted her head, and startled when Owen gave a happy chuckle before walking over. Blue had no idea what was going through his head, but she was not going to risk her own life for his stupidity. Everything on White One screamed 'run'.

Stupid Alpha.

Blue remained wary, but became confused when Elise lowered her head as she gave low, adoring croons. Elise gently pressed her snout against Owen, and he said, "Good morning, Sunshine. Is that fence close off so Rexy doesn't come looking for us?"

Elise nodded once, and Owen grinned widely as he said, "Great. Blue was going crazy in the paddock; she really needs a good run. That's okay with you, right?"

Blue cocked her head when she heard her name. She carefully watched Alpha and White One communicate with one another, and it seemed White One understood Alpha's garbled sounds. The Beta marched over until she was standing proudly next to Owen. If they were going to talk about her, then she wanted to know what it was.

Blue gave a firm bark to remind White One that she was the Beta, and the Indominus immediately lowered her head to Blue's eye level. Blue refused to give ground, and startled when White One gave a respectful shiver of her jaws.

White One did not want to challenge her for the title of Beta.

Blue cocked her head as she tried to wrap her head around this, but she took a bold step forward to catch the snowy dinosaur's scent. Blue blinked; White One did not smell bitter anymore. There was a peace about her that Blue did not smell last time they met. She seemed more stable, less angry, and much warmer.

White One smelled strongly of Alpha.

It took Blue a few more seconds before she finally understood, and gave an impressed garble.

Stupid Alpha had convinced White One to join their pack! He somehow kept his title over White One, and now they had a very powerful member in their pack.

Sometimes, Stupid Alpha did smart things, and each time, Blue would be impressed. Maybe she wouldn't take all his boots, and Blue threw her head back as she chirped her question. Blue wanted to know if this was White One's territory.

Owen watched Elise tilt her head briefly before giving a long low growl, and small chitters. Blue paused before jumping high as she gave a delighted shriek, and her sisters grew excited. Blue was over the moon with White One. White One had corrected her. This was not her territory, this was the pack's territory. White One already knew the area, and she wanted the pack to be here to run as much as they want.

Oh, if only Blue had an Oreo to share! She would give both Alpha and White One an Oreo! Stupid Alpha had accomplished a wonderful thing, and White One was already acting like a good pack member. Blue remembered how alone she smelled, but now she smelled like Alpha.

White One needed to smell like the pack.

Owen chuckled as he watched Blue give a giant leap before landing on Elise's neck. The blue raptor looked around before sprawling on the white scales as she rubbed her jaw back and forth. Echo tilted her head, but Delta was all for another family member. Elise glanced down when Delta had begun to rub along the massive leg, and Owen smiled.

He was glad Blue had been so accepting; he had never introduced someone else to the pack, but it seemed all went well. Elise was charismatic with the raptors. Blue continued to roll down the large back, and Echo finally found the bravery to approach Elise. She carefully sniffed around, and Elise lowered her head. They briefly glanced at one another, and Owen raised an eyebrow when Echo suddenly thrust her head into the snowy cheek. Elise gently pressed back, and Owen wondered if Blue would roll off the Indominus.

Blue did almost roll off, but his graceful girl caught herself. She jumped off Elise, and immediately bolted over to Owen as she chittered excitedly. Owen wondered if the blue raptor got ahold of some kind of caffeine because he had never seen her so hyper before.

Blue suddenly thrust her head into Owen's chest as she began to push him over to his bike, and Owen couldn't help laughing loudly. He only laughed harder when Blue gave him a dirty look for laughing, and he finally said, "Alright, alright, we're going."

Finally! Blue could not believe it took so much effort to get here, but it was worth it.

The radio on Owen's hip crackled, and Blue let out a snarl as she tackled it. Owen gave a startled yelp when she snagged it off before viciously tearing it apart. Blue would not allow anymore interruptions! Alpha would always get distracted by his talking box, and Blue was putting her foot down, damn it!

Owen pressed his lips at the massacred radio on the ground before dryly asking, "Really? You're gonna give me that shit?"

Blue gave a stern chirp as she spat out the antenna, and Owen rolled his eyes loudly. He hoped no one important was on the radio, and he jumped when a hidden speaker in Elise's paddock said, "Sheesh. What's her problem? She on her period?"

Blue gave a defiant shriek at the invisible intruder, but Elise gave a croon to be calm. There was no danger, and Owen said, "No, Lowery, Blue just wants to run. She's tired of distractions, so make it quick please."

Blue gave a vicious hiss to confirm this, and Lowery paused before saying, "Claire just wanted you to make sure you were back in time for your first show. Someone important is coming apparently; don't know who, but don't be late."

Owen turned on his bike, and gave a thumbs up before revving the engine. Blue bounced around excitedly, and Owen couldn't help his loud laugh as he took off quickly. Blue was right next to him the entire time, and he could feel the thudding steps of Elise behind him.

Blue gave a delighted cry to keep the pack together, and Owen grinned as he kicked the bike into a higher gear. Delta and Echo gave their own cries before being drowned out by Elise's roar.

Blue remained right next to Owen, and the two shared a glance, both thinking the same thing.

The pack was whole again.


"Oh my God, Echo! What are you doing?!"

Owen was sprawled on his back as he clutched his chest, but his mellow girl gave a delighted, cheerful chirp as she shook the water off herself. Elise had taken the lead when they broke into the plains, and they came to the large pond she called her own. Blue had finally calmed down, and she was more than willing to take a break in the shade of a cool, luscious tree. Delta wanted to get to know Elise, and Owen had been content to lean against a rock as he allowed his eyes to slowly slide shut.

Everything had been going great until his girls got a little too quiet. Owen had looked around. Blue had been sleeping, Elise was chittering with Delta, but Echo was nowhere to be found.

Then the air bubbles disturbed the water next to Owen, and he had been dumb enough to go investigate. He practically shat himself when Echo burst from the water like she was imitating Lilly the Mosasaur.

Elise gave her sucked in laugh as Owen picked himself off the ground, and Blue gave a wide yawn. She garbled before standing, and shook the sleep from herself. She was ready to start running again. Owen smiled, and checked his watch before grimacing; they had less than a half hour before the first show. He still had to go get a few things ready, but there was no way Blue was done running.

Owen sighed, and looked at Elise as he said, "I need to get back to the Observatory Room to make sure it's ready to go. Can you make sure you get back in time? Lowery will give you a heads up, but I know Blue isn't ready to go back."

Owen turned to his Beta, and sternly said, "Do not go and piss off Rexy."

Blue tilted her head; Alpha gave her an order, but she didn't understand it. Blue glanced to Elise for some help, and the Indominus shivered her jaws before giving a serious of clicks. Blue gave a dirty look at Owen when she realized what he said.

Stupid Alpha had just upgraded to Very Stupid Alpha. Why the hell would she go and trespass in another's territory when she didn't even know her own yet? Blue snorted loudly, and Owen dryly said to Elise, "Yah, I don't need a translation for that one. Just make sure they don't try to escape anywhere. The fences are a no go, but Blue is a shit; she'll try anything. Please drill it into her head that I will be very pissed if they go outside of this territory."

Elise nodded, and pressed her snout against Owen lovingly before he started his bike. He gave Blue a stern look, and growled, "Behave."

Blue knew that word, and she hissed at him; he needed to act smarter. Owen smiled at her, and winked at Elise as he said, "Don't let her push you around just because she's the Beta. You know the territory."

Elise crooned at him, and Owen drove off. Blue tilted her head when he didn't give an order to follow before she jumped excitedly.

Alpha left, so she was in charge.

In uncharted territory!

Blue gave a delighted squeal as she bounced around with the freedom, and Echo looked to Elise for a little help. The Indominus snorted, and she rose as she gave a croon to follow. She knew a fun spot to hunt; full of challenging prey that would keep Blue busy.

Echo and Delta were content to follow the calm one, but Blue tilted her head when she realized they were leaving. She gave an indignant snarl, but Elise swayed her with the promise of fun prey to hunt.

Blue was more than willing to follow for that.


Elise sighed happily as she quietly lied in the shade of a single, large tree in the plains. Delta was currently curled up against her side while Blue and Echo desperately tried to catch the small, incredibly quick, and furry creatures that lived in holes in the ground.

Owen had called them rabbits.

It was funny to watch them try to herd the skittish animal towards one another, and it would bolt down a hole.

Delta looked up when she heard a loud smack, and her sisters were suddenly on the ground. Elise snorted; she had seen that one coming a mile away. A rabbit had poked its head from a hole, and the two sisters dove after it. Neither caught the creature, and Elise could only imagine how sore their heads would be.

Echo stumbled up before giving a furious shriek, and she wobbled over to Elise. She was done hunting the rabbits; Alpha always brought food with him. She would eat when they saw him again.

Blue would not be bested by such a small prey though, and she immediately bolted up. Elise tilted her head when dirt began to fly as Blue furiously tore through the rabbit's hole. Echo grumbled as she curled close to her sister, and Delta began to gently groom her sore head.

Elise crooned softly to her, and Echo garbled as she tried to lick the embarrassing feeling from herself. Elise nuzzled her gently to assure her all was well, and she looked up when Blue gave a victorious scream when a brown rabbit bolted past her.

Blue zeroed in on the fleeing creature as she began to gain ground. She didn't focus on anything else, and pushed her powerful legs off the ground to give a flying leap. Elise blinked at the cloud of dust, and Echo rested her head on the white tail as Blue gave a cry of victory.

The powdery dust cleared away to reveal Blue violently shaking the dead rabbit as punishment for being so damned difficult to catch, and Elise suddenly froze.

Blue glanced to the side of her when she heard the danger call from Echo, and a puff of hot air knocked into her. Blue narrowed her eyes, and whipped around with a vicious snarl that died in her mouth as the shadow covered her.

Sweet Oreos! Blue had never seen anything that huge before! The furious, gold eyes made Blue freeze, and she wondered if she had trespassed. Oh, Oreo fillings! Had she just stolen a kill from this huge carnivore's territory? Blue had never seen so many large teeth in one mouth, and she didn't trust the flimsy looking fence between them to save her.

Rexy let out a long, powerful exhale from her massive chest as she pinned the blue Velociraptor with a furious glare. She was actually impressed the raptor hadn't bolted, but she could see the gears whirling in her head. The blue one didn't know what to do, and she looked younger than the other raptors Rexy had fought long ago.

But she had the same cunning gleam as the Big One. Rexy despised that raptor, and she still got pleasure from remembering how she had thrown the Big One into the skeleton.

Rexy let out a low growl, and she paused when the raptor dropped her kill before taking a step back. It wasn't a step to flee, it was a respectful step back to give her space. Rexy watched Blue pause before pushing the dead rabbit forward hesitatingly, and the old dinosaur snorted.

She was obviously not aware that this fence would hurt when touched. The blue raptor wasn't sure what to do, and her pack mates gave cries for her to run.

But Blue wasn't one to run away.

Rexy glanced up when she caught sight of her youngling trotting forward with the other two raptors close to her. Rexy couldn't help sighing; she had her suspicions on what her youngling exactly was.

Elise dipped her head respectfully as she gave a peaceful croon. Blue finally snapped out of her stunned stupor, and she bolted back to the safety of Elise's shadow. She kept her mouth shut because something about this huge one screamed 'behave'.

Rexy gave a stern growl that made the raptors flinch, but Elise responded in a similar tone though it had less bite. Blue snapped her gaze up at the Indominus above her as she tried to comprehend what was going on. Could White One talk to this one as well? How could White One talk to her, Alpha, and this one? Where did she learn so many different tongues?

Blue hoped White One could sway Stern One; she didn't mean to trespass. Stern One could keep the kill; Blue would even give her an Oreo if it pleased her.

Rexy snapped her gaze down to Blue, who responded by lowering herself slightly. Rexy wasn't sure what to do from here. The blue raptor hadn't trespassed, and it seemed White One was fond of these raptors.

Rexy wasn't stupid. She knew exactly what a Velociraptor sounded like, and her youngling still made those sounds occasionally when they talked. Rexy realized the forelimbs were not like her own, and White One seemed to be just a little bit smarter than the average hatchling.

But she was also like Rexy. She had her size, her terrifying roar, and her natural power.

Rexy wanted to know how White One came to be, but she didn't ponder on it too long because there were three raptors sitting too close to her territory. Yet, they were all respectful of her space; they didn't want to trespass, and Rexy was fine with that.

Because that meant they would heed a line.

Rexy stood a little taller, and was pleased to see the raptors shrink down fearfully. She gave one warning snarl, and they flinched back. Blue blinked, and jumped when Elise chittered at her. All three got the message, and they unanimously took a step back; there would be no trespassing.

Rexy gave a pleased snort before giving a stern growl to Elise. She could be a Velociraptor on that side of the fence, but she had to be a Tyrannosaurus on her side. The raptors stayed over there, but White One needed to act like a proper youngling around her.

In her younger days, Rexy might have abandoned Elise, and deemed her a lost cause. Rexy would have waited around for another hatchling to teach, but she knew she was old. Her bones were starting to ache a little more in the morning, and her temper wasn't what it used to be.

Rexy liked Elise's company, and her warmth helped sooth the aching bones throughout the night. Elise's presence made Rexy want to get up a little earlier in the morning because she needed to be taught how to survive just in case the humans left.

Having Elise around gave Rexy a purpose besides occasionally chasing her tall human out of the paddock.

Rexy knew Elise would probably be the last hatchling she adopted, and she had to make the most of it. Rexy wanted to have at least one dinosaur hatchling to carry on her legacy. Elise wasn't bad, she was just different.

It wasn't bad to be able to communicate with raptors, or even join a pack of them. So long as Elise did that on her side of the fence. If no raptors came to Rexy's side, then she would allow Elise to be her odd mixture.

Content with her decision, Rexy gave a long, low rumble that made Elise brighten incredibly. She crooned happily before the carnivores snapped their heads up when Lowery said, "Elise? Not quite sure where you're at because of your stupid mud pies, but the show is going to start in about ten minutes, so please get going."

Blue gave a loud shriek as she jumped threateningly towards the mud covered bird. There was a pause before Lowery poorly mimicked Owen's voice as he snapped, "Don't give me that shit, Blue."

Blue snarled loudly, and Lowery sighed before going quiet. Rexy cocked her head to stare at the feisty raptor, and she kind of liked her. She wasn't afraid to fight, but she seemed to know what fights were worth the trouble.

It was good if White One was around smart animals.

Elise gave a croon, and Rexy shooed her off. She had already memorized the pattern from yesterday. When the man drawled on the speakers, it was time for White One to leave. Rexy watched her youngling give a farewell roar as the three raptors trotted around her.

It was so odd how she somehow managed to belong to a raptor pack, but easily passed for a Tyrannosaurus. White One was her different hatchling, but different wasn't always bad. She used her different gifts to her advantage, and Rexy appreciated her for that.

The Tyrannosaurus turned to walk back to her own nest; it was time for a nap before going to visit her tall son. The wind shifted, and Rexy could smell all the odd scents clinging to her hatchling. Amusement filled the old dinosaur as she picked out a particular scent.

Rexy had a feeling her youngling hadn't really eaten her human caretaker. Pack members didn't do that to each other. It was something Rexy could relate to because she would never eat her tall son or the redhead who always came an hour before the aggravating speakers shut off.

It was just another day in Rexy's life, but she was content with it.

She had Elise to keep her company, and maybe the youngling could learn to be a better liar.

All her children were terrible liars, and Rexy felt the most amused by that.

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