Chapter 22

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As always, I want to thank all of you for giving your reviews, and criticism. So, please enjoy all you wonderful people you! No warnings!


"Two Points for Raptor Squad."

Owen hummed happily as he looked over the pictures on the wall. They really did brighten the room, and they made him smile. He had always hated the idea of doing shows for the public, but Elise put her own twist on things. She was a good girl. Smart and funny.

Owen loved her.

He loved all his girls, and he hoped Blue would mellow out a little after their run. He carefully ran his fingers over the first drawing of the pink Elise. It wasn't even the best drawing, but Owen had a feeling it was Elise's favorite.

It was the first one.

Claire had been very happy yesterday despite him faking his death. She was so happy that she had even hugged him before catching herself. Owen only grinned widely; he knew she liked him. Maybe he could get her to go to a second date. He had a feeling that maybe this second one wouldn't end badly.

Because there was a mutual respect now.

Owen respected her as a leader, and a person. She respected his knowledge on his animals, and Elise.

"What're you grinning about like an idiot?"

Owen startled from his thoughts, and turned to see Tim grinning widely at him. Owen chuckled as he said, "Oh, new ways to keep the guests on their toes with Elise."

"Liar. You're thinking about a pretty girl."

Owen grinned as he playfully punched Tim's arm before slyly saying, "You caught me, how's old lady today? She miss me?"

Tim chuckled as he rubbed his arm, and answered, "Still feisty. I didn't see Elise though, that's why I came by. She okay?"

Owen was glad he had Tim for a neighbor. He wasn't afraid to get to know Elise, and he would be there to help if something went wrong. He knew her patterns, and he checked up on her when something else happened. Owen nodded as he pushed his large bottle of water against the wall, and answered, "I'm glad you didn't go looking for her yourself. I let my raptors loose in her paddock, and I asked her to babysit until show time."

Owen checked his watch as he added, "Which is in about five minutes."

Tim raised an eyebrow as the window slowly slid back, and Owen gave a shrill whistle. They waited a few seconds before Elise's far away roar responded. Owen glanced to Tim when he asked, "You let Velociraptors loose in a giant paddock?"

Owen shrugged as he heard people trickling in, and he said, "They needed a good run, Tim. Blue was driving me crazy; she's built to run. I know Elise can keep her in line; the other two are good girls. Blue's the spitfire."

Tim gave a small shiver, and Owen blinked at him before asking, "What? Not fond of raptors?"

Tim nodded as he rubbed the back of his neck, and said, "Kind of hard to appreciate them after they tried to hunt you down. I don't know, it's just...Rexy had always scared me, but...she never looked at me like those raptors did. I'd actually be dead if it weren't for Rexy; she somehow got into the Visitor's Center, and she snagged that raptor right as it jumped at us."

Owen believed that; the Velociraptors had a bad reputation when he had been hired. People were terrified of them escaping, and Jurassic World refused to even start making the eggs until the paddock was inescapable.

Even Barry had been wary of the girls at first.

Owen gently nudged Tim as he said, "I have good girls, Tim. You should come meet them when we get them back in their paddock. I think you'd like Echo."

"How did you even get them here?"

Owen shrugged, and gave polite nods to the early birds before he answered, "Trailer. Just a regular cattle trailer."

He had to laugh at Tim's baffled expression, and Tim asked, "How did you get them in that?"

"Oreos and Cheetos."

Owen only grinned widely, and they looked over when the telltale of ridiculous heels clicked against the cement. Owen would never know how Claire had managed to run in them, and he respected her for that as well.

Claire looked perfect as always, but she also looked slightly stressed. Considering her normally professional look, that meant there was a lot of stress going on. Owen wondered if he could help anywhere, and Claire stood close to him as she quietly said, "No pranks today."

"Because we got important people. No funny business from us today, Ma'am."

Owen winked at Claire, and some relief crossed her face as her red lips pulled into an almost smile. Owen was determined to get a full smile out of her, but she said, "Just don't try to fake your death again."

"Can do; Petting Zoo wasn't willing to provide strawberry-filled doughnuts today."

That technically wasn't true, but Owen couldn't help sprinkling some certain chocolate chips over a few freshly glazed treats. Owen convinced himself that he was doing a good deed; half of the keepers looked old. They probably needed some help on getting their digestion moving.

If not, well, Owen didn't care. He wanted to really piss off Debra. Maybe Blue was rubbing off on him because he just had to push Debra's buttons until she finally gave a firm 'no' he would be willing to heed. There was just something about the way Debra had made Elise so self-conscious about herself that seemed almost unforgivable to Owen.

Maybe Owen was more integrated in the pack mentality then he realized, but he just felt compelled to defend any of his girls. Mess with one, then you mess with all. Owen was one more insult from tossing all the doughnuts to the girls. Even if they didn't like them, they certainly wouldn't give it back. Velociraptors were nightmares over their possessions.

Owen wanted to see Debra try to take the box from Blue.

Claire tilted her head when she smelled something suspicious, but she chose not to ask. Owen was grateful for that, and she handed him a new radio as she said, "Please don't take their food, Owen. Debra is actually a nice woman, okay? She takes good care of those animals."

"I won't take their food."

Owen certainly didn't want those doughnuts anymore, and he told Debra he wouldn't take them. Now that Owen was thinking about it, he really was acting like Blue. He was keeping Debra on her toes with mischievous pranks, and he was getting bolder.

Maybe he shouldn't walk to his bike alone tonight. Debra might be waiting where the lamppost wouldn't shine its light.

Owen was pulled from his thoughts of survival tactics when Claire gratefully said, "Thank you, I have enough to deal with. I don't need wars between my handlers."

Because Claire knew Owen would win. He did feel slightly bad for causing grief, but it was just the Petting Zoo. They only dealt with soft, mellow animals; Owen had his Raptor Squad right behind him.

They were going to raise hell.

Claire smiled warmly, and Owen blinked before realizing she was looking past him. Owen followed her gaze before chuckling as he said, "Sunshine! There you are, and two minutes early; that's my girl."

Elise crooned happily as she gently nuzzled Owen. Her crimson eyes turned to Claire, and Owen wondered how the dinosaur somehow got a wide smile out of the redhead. He would need to ask Elise later, but he watched Claire gently run a hand along the snow scaled cheek as she said, "Good morning, Elise. Did you and Rexy sleep well?"

Elise nodded; she and Rexy had slept very well. It was the best night of sleep Elise had gotten in a long time. She had gone to sleep a very happy creature because she had figured out her purpose. Elise just wished she had the words to tell Claire that she knew the meaning behind Hammond's secret to success.

Maybe someday.

Claire looked happy with that, and she said, "Good. I hope you're ready for another day. We have some important people coming today, so please don't try to fake Owen's death, okay?"

Elise didn't know who would be important, but she nodded; she knew it wouldn't be as funny to fake Owen's death again. They would have to wait a while before they could do that again. Elise glanced to the side of her when Owen asked, "Where are the girls? Did Blue behave?"

Elise thrust her nose in the direction of her paddock doors, and Owen asked, "With Barry and the trailer?"

She wasn't sure what a trailer was, but Elise knew Barry, and she nodded. Owen let out a sigh of relief as he said, "Oh, good. I was afraid we wouldn't be able to get them in it."

Elise tilted her head, but Owen didn't notice as Claire adjusted the earpiece on his mic. He blinked as she straightened out his shirt before dusting it off even though it was perfectly clean. Owen raised his eyebrows when she had even combed his hair back with her soft hand, and he finally asked, "What are you doing?"

"Making sure you look presentable because I can't expect Elise to babysit you all the time."

The white Indominus crooned lovingly, and Claire smiled at her. She took a step back before giving a critical eye, and Owen asked, "Presentable?"

"It will have to do."

Owen snorted, and was about to make a dirty comment until he heard a small child laughing. He had to admit it was endearing to see the three year old smile widely at Elise; there was an immediate appreciation, and Elise turned her gaze towards the little girl. The brown haired girl squealed as she shyly hid behind the safety of her father's leg, and both parents smiled.

Elise liked children. She had, at first, thought that she was there to humble them as well, but she discovered differently yesterday. Children did not need to be humbled because they still regarded the world with a sense of absolute wonder. They had yet to desire power, but they were easily pleased with bright colors, and gentle croons.

And they were funny to Elise. They brought gifts they had put their hearts into, and that meant the world to Elise. There was sincerity and goodness in each drawing regardless of what the image held.

Elise had promised she would never scare a child. No fangs would be bared nor would growls vibrate her chest. Only gentle croons, and soothing, bright colors to give them a greater sense of wonder about the world they lived in.

Elise lowered her head to the cement ground before giving a soft rumble that made the girl giggle as she bravely peeked around the denim shield of her father's leg. Her scales gave a shiver, and a burst of rainbow enticed a delighted laugh out of the girl as she exclaimed, "Look! A wainbow dinosauw! You pwetty!"

Elise also loved the honesty of children. She wondered at what age humans figured out how lying worked, but she loved the honest ones. They were hilarious. Most stated how big she was, how colorful her scales were, but the best one was how Owen smelled bad after Elise had slobbered him in kisses.

And Owen couldn't do anything about it because it was true.

The child squealed when her father hoisted her up, and glanced at Owen questioningly. Claire nudged him to start working his magic, and he couldn't help chuckling as he walked over. The girl blinked at him when he asked, "Like rainbow dinosaurs?"

She screwed her eyes up as she thought hard before declaring, "No!"

Owen didn't understand the puzzled riddles that were children, but the girl extended her hand towards Elise as she added, "Just dis one!"

Owen snorted, but Elise remained perfectly still as the small hand ran across her nose. She liked children's hands; they were kind, and unafraid. If they decided they liked her then they upgraded to a hug with a declaration of some kind of truth. If not then they skittered back to their parents.

The child eagerly ran her hands down the snow white scales before growing wide eyed at the massive ivory teeth that gleamed idly. She turned to Owen as she asked, "You gotta bwush her teeth?"

Owen glanced at Elise; a part of him wanted to since she seemed to be in an extra lovey phase, but he answered, "Nah, she's a rebel like that. She doesn't need her teeth to be brushed."

"But then they fall out!"

Owen wasn't sure what to do with the legitimate concern filling the small, brown eyes, and he carefully said, "She has more that come in."

The sassy child put her hand on her hips before declaring, "She gonna wun out if you don't take care of her teeth. Then you gonna have to chew her food fow her."

Owen wasn't aware he was in the presence of a mini Dr. Gerry, and he wondered if they were related. He glanced at Elise, and could see that warm amusement lighting up the crimson eye as she melted at this tiny human.

"We made a deal with the tooth fairy, she won't run out."

"Tooth faiwy isn't weal."

Claire started to laugh quietly, and Owen resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He was talking to a smart kid apparently, and he hunched down to her level as he said, "Elise loses a lot of teeth. I don't think she's going to run out. Kind of like sharks. She doesn't need to brush her teeth; she just needs hard bones to chew on to break the plaque up."

The child snuck a sideways look at Elise to make sure she was in good care before she finally nodded. Owen liked the kids, but sometimes they asked really hard questions. Adults wanted simple little facts. Kids wanted to know, in great lengthy detail, why Elise didn't look like Rexy, her favorite bedtime story, her favorite food, and many other questions that could be answered with few words.

Owen came prepared today though, he had picked Elise's bedtime story, and she liked the Ugly Duckling because he had yet to mail that gift to his niece. He was too lazy to google any other stories either.

Owen would read the story to Elise later, and hoped she would like the story.

He took a step back, and gently nudged Elise before she slipped her head back out of the window. The little girl craned her neck to see over the edge as best she could, and asked, "Whewe she goin'?"

Owen chuckled as he adjusted his earpiece before answering, "She likes to make a dramatic appearance."

Tim decided to stay, but rested against the wall with a small smile on his face. It would be nice to see how Owen would fare against today's crowd after setting such high expectations today. Owen didn't bat an eye though, if he could stare Blue in the eye every day; crowds were no problem.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Jurassic World. So, who's ready to see Elise?"

Owen couldn't help his crooked grin when the children bounced excitedly.

Eat your heart out, Debra.


"It's weird how normal things are after Elise's little...tantrum..."

Vivian glanced at Lowery before nodding in agreement as she went back to furiously typing. Lowery had no idea how she could type so much in so little time, but he adjusted the Apatosaurus figurine on his desk before going back to his own computer.

For once, things seemed to be running smoothly; an hour and a half in, and they didn't have any lost children yet, or heat strokes.

Lowery raised an eyebrow at the large amount of children in line to see Elise, and he dryly said, "We should put a new lost children station at Elise's Observatory Room; they all cluster there."

Vivian gave a small smile as she asked, "Wouldn't you? She changes color, that's pretty amazing if you ask me."

Lowery cracked his back on his chair, and stretched before asking, "Have you met her?"

Vivian nodded as she answered, "I went during my lunch break yesterday. She's a real sweetheart."

Vivian then grew quiet, and Lowery glanced at her when she quietly added, "I just wish Owen had met her know?"

The tech-geek sighed as he nodded in agreement. He wasn't sure how he felt about the Indominus quite yet. She took out all his cameras in her paddock, but she moved along when he told her the show was going to start.

"So, are you going to go meet her? You talk to her a lot."

Lowery raised an eyebrow; he liked the comforts of his dark Control Room. He had everything he needed within arm's reach, and the only dinosaurs in here couldn't eat him. He liked the plastic ones just a little more.

"Eh, I don't know."

"Oh, come one; just about everyone else has met her."

Lowery raised both eyebrows as his fellow techies nodded, and began to talk about how big she was. Elise was a good dinosaur, and Lowery finally said, "Alright, alright, I'll go see her during my lunch break. She can put a name to a face. Back to work."

Vivian smiled, and Lowery sighed as he hunched back to his computer. He scrolled through the security cameras. The Gyrospheres were empty, ACU was taking a water break, a tourist was picking his nose before wiping it on his wife's shoulder; she didn't like that, and the Petting Zoo...

Lowery frowned, and scooted closer before asking, "Where's our Petting Zoo personnel?"

Vivian leaned over to blink at the Petting Zoo camera. She couldn't see any safari outfits, and Lowery brought all Petting Zoo cameras to the screens at the front of the room. Lowery could see people petting the animals, but no one was managing it.

Lowery glanced at Vivian with a confused expression before rolling his chair over to his radio. He scanned down the list; Debra was on channel five, and he asked, "Debra? You there? Where is everyone?"

Lowery raised an eyebrow when he heard a groan, and several toilets flushing before Debra furiously snarled, "Lowery! You better tell Owen Grady that I am going to kill him! I am going to enjoy slowly killing him! Do you understand me?!"

Most of the Control Room paused, and turned to stare at a stunned Lowery as he stared at the livid radio. He blinked a few times, trying to figure out what was going on, and he slowly turned to stare at the camera at the bathroom entrance closest to the Petting Zoo. He could see a very long line, and Vivian cleared her throat before asking into her mic, "Security stationed near Petting Zoo, do you come in?"

Lowery was still flabbergasted as he turned one screen to the inside of Elise's Observatory Room. The Indominus was currently changing all the colors of the rainbow as Owen proudly stood next to her. He looked like a nice guy as he pointed to all the sharp teeth on Elise. An attentive audience of children were wide eyed as they eagerly sat before the two, and they burst out laughing when Elise suddenly licked Owen.

Lowery was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a voice on Vivian's radio answer, "I'm here, what's wrong?"

Vivian wasn't quite sure what to do, and she paused before slowly asking, "Can you check the bathrooms for our Petting Zoo personnel? We don't have anyone watching the zoo..."

She heard a sigh, and the security guard said, "They're all in there because I'm watching the zoo. Can I please get someone who actually knows what half these things are? And I'm not talking about the dinos; I don't know what to do with the kids..."

Vivian blinked, and the Security Management in front of her nodded to let her know they would take care of it. She answered, "We'll send someone right away."

Lowery watched the guests in Elise's Observatory Room line up before gently touching her large hand. He saw Owen take a step back, and quickly flipped the channel of his radio before quietly asking, "Hey, Owen? the whole Petting Zoo staff is currently in the restrooms, and I was wondering why Debra is screaming for your head on a stake. You know anything about that?"

Lowery could see a devious grin pull at Owen's lips as he plucked the new radio from his hip. He turned away from an occupied Claire, and slyly answered, "Courtesy of the Raptor Squad. You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us. Tell Debra to bring it. I want to see what her saddled midgets can do against my girls."

Lowery pressed his lips as he watched Owen put the radio away before going back to his good guy self as he began to educate the kids more about his newest family member. Lowery had no idea there was a gang war going on in Jurassic World.

Petting Zoo vs. Raptor Squad.

Vivian gaped at the screen, and Lowery asked, "Does this mean we have to be careful about what colors we wear? I don't want to get shanked on the way to McDonald's just because I'm wearing the wrong color in the wrong turf."

Vivian gave him a bewildered look, and Lowery pulled out a notebook before writing in it. He didn't look up when Vivian quietly asked, "What are you doing?"

Lowery drew a long line down the center as he answered, "Keeping track of points. If we have to pick sides, then I want the winning side. So, one point for the Raptor Squad; zero for Petting Zoo."

Lowery glanced up when a fellow techie chirped, "Owen stole all the Petting Zoo's doughnuts yesterday. Debra was pissed."

"Another point for Raptor Squad then. Owen don't mess around when he starts a war."

Lowery switched his radio back to Debra's channel, and she snarled into it, "Damn you, Owen! Damn you!"

Vivian really didn't want Lowery to encourage anything, but he quietly said, "So, Owen responded, but I'll let you ask him-"

"What did that smarmy bastard say?! I want to know right now, Lowery!"

Vivian shook her head, but he shrugged as he answered, "He said bring it."

"That sonofabitch!"


Barry sighed as he held the trailer door open before firmly saying, "Come one girls, it's time to go home."

Blue narrowed her eyes at him like he was a traitor for throwing the Oreos into the trailer. She knew what was going to happen the moment she went in there; the door would shut. She didn't want to go back in there; this was their new territory.

White One wouldn't be able to follow them if they left. Pack stayed together, always. Blue would not leave White One behind, not with Stern One living so close. What if Stern One decided she wanted this territory? Pack had to stay to defend it.

Pack never abandoned anyone. Ever.

Blue puffed the air through her nose, and Barry sagged in defeat. He knew what it meant when Blue puffed; she just about killed Owen before he figured out that sign. Barry couldn't help raising his eyebrow in fond amusement when Blue gave a delighted chirp at her victory.

"Arrogance does not look good on you, my sweet, Blueberry."

Blue did not believe that; they both knew she looked good regardless. She only stood taller at his fond tone; Blue liked Barry. She knew his name because Alpha talked to him so much. Barry was kind, and gentle. He was not pack, but not prey either. Blue would run to his defense if pack was not in danger.

She was happy Barry was brave enough to meet her face to face, without the hard muzzle or strong bars. Maybe he was trying to join the pack. Blue would seriously consider allowing him to join because Barry was good to the pack. He always soothed them with light touches and pleasing words.

Blue truly regretted attacking Barry after White One ordered them to wipe out the prey. She was so caught up in the rush that she hadn't realized it until he sharply barked her name.

Barry never barked at her.

She actually had to check inside the log to make sure it really was Barry.

Blue was happy Barry wasn't angry at her for her mistake, and she cutely trilled for him in attempt to get an Oreo out of him. Barry did his best to remain firm, he knew Owen would kill him for being so easily swayed, but, come on.

Blueberry wanted an Oreo...

"I know you're methods, Blueberry, and they won't work."

Blue hated when Alpha would get stern with Barry; it was always harder to get treats from him, but Blue was persistent. She knew how to work Barry.

The blue scaled Velociraptor bent a little lower as her tail began to waggle, and her jaws gave an adoring croon. She could see Barry press his lips, and she whined at him.

"You've had enough Oreos for today, Blueberry. If you want more, then get in the trailer."

Blue picked enough words out of that to understand what Barry wanted, and it was not going to happen. It was time for phase two.

Barry mentally cursed when the raptor began to give small, short hops as she crooned. He had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep the straight face, and he could actually feel the sweat building on his forehead. He had to remain firm though; he had to establish lines with Blue.

Blue continued to bounce around as she glanced at Barry. He was cracking, but she had to pull out the big claws if she wanted him wrapped around her finger again. Stupid Alpha was good, but Blueberry was better.

Barry internally groaned when Blue bounced over; he knew exactly what she was going to do, and there was nothing he could do about it. She always did this when he would try to get stern with her.

Blue slid onto her side before rolling onto her back as she cutely trilled for him. Barry couldn't stand those gold eyes begging for just one Oreo. She looked so cute as she wiggled on her back at his feet. Normally she would lean against the bars of the cage door, and he would toss the Oreos just to make her stop. He couldn't stand how adorable she looked when she leaned onto his legs, and softly nipped at his pants.

Barry sighed in defeat as he looked at the big eyed raptor practically hugging his leg, and he said, "You're shameless, I am spineless, and we will both be ass-less after Owen finds out about this."

Blue chirped her agreement as she batted his leg gently, and Barry caved.

"Fine. You are terrible, Blueberry."

He had to chuckle when she opened her lethal mouth wide, and he dropped the cookie in. Blue easily caught it in her mouth, and Barry tossed the other two their own cookie so they wouldn't feel left out. Blue continued to lean against his legs with her own legs tucked close to her belly as she savored her treat.

Barry couldn't believe how mushy he was, but he just couldn't help himself. He smiled at Blue purring loudly against his legs; he could feel the strong vibrations, and she was perfectly content with life at the moment.

Until Rexy gave a loud roar just on the other side of the fence. Barry yelped at the sudden, thunderous sound, and Blue shrieked as she jumped high. Before Barry could assure the nervous girls; Blue barked at her sisters to get moving.

"No! Blue-"

Barry didn't get to finish his sentence by the time the raptors had disappeared into the thick jungle as they called out for Owen. Barry knew the danger call, and he froze when Elise's own cries responded.

Owen didn't keep the window closed during his shows. The room was crowded.

And three, terrified Velociraptors were bolting right over there in hopes of finding their Alpha.

Barry dove into the truck, and Scott swallowed nervously as Barry fumbled with the radio before cursing. He forgot that Blue had destroyed Owen's radio. Barry groaned loudly; why couldn't he stay firm with Blue?

Barry chewed his lip as he thought quickly before an idea hit him, and he switched the dial on his radio.

"Lowery?! Lowery, are you there?"

Barry heaved a sigh of relief when he heard, "Yep, what's happening?"

He really hoped he wouldn't cause a panic, but if Owen could shut the window soon enough then everything would be fine.

"I need you to warn Owen. Rexy scared the Velociraptors; they're going to follow his scent. They want the whole pack together to brace for an attack. You have to tell Owen to shut the Observatory Window."

There was a brief pause, and Lowery said, "Oh, shit."

Barry didn't like the sound of that, but he was thinking the same thing.

Oh, shit indeed.

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