Chapter 24

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I am sorry this chapter is a little shorter, but it was a little harder to write than I thought.

As always, thank you for your wonderful reviews, and helpful criticism!

And guys! We broke 1,000 reviews! Holy moly, I wish I could give you each an Oreo and a bag of Cheetos! I have no words to describe how humbled I am.

Please, please, enjoy the next chapter all you wonderful people!


"Show Some Respect."

Owen felt his jaw drop, and he couldn't help quietly asking, "Dr. Grant?"

A smile pulled at the lightly bearded face, and Grant slyly said, "I didn't think the six foot turkeys would like Oreos. Good to know you learned a little respect."

Owen could only blink in surprise; he couldn't remember the last time he had actually seen Dr. Grant. Maybe a few times after Grant had scared the life out of him with the fossilized raptor claw, but that had stuck with him his entire life.

Owen couldn't believe Grant still wore the red handkerchief around his neck. Did Dr. Grant still dig up dinosaurs? Owen was pulled from his thoughts when Hart cleared his throat, and said, "Your Honor, I object to using Dr. Grant on the grounds that he is bias-"

"I am just as biased as you are well mannered," Dr. Grant snapped before adding, "I haven't seen Mr. Grady since his parents stopped digging with me. That was a couple months after the Jurassic Park incident."

Owen couldn't help his smile; Dr. Grant was just as crabby as he remembered, maybe even a little more so. Marie seemed amused by him, and she said, "Overruled, Dr. Grant hasn't seen Mr. Grady in over twenty years. You may proceed with your questions, Dr. Grant."

Elise flickered her gaze to Owen; he seemed warm towards this dusty smelling human. He didn't cross the line on the ground, and he was mannered. She relaxed her posture, and Grant seemed to notice that. He shoved cracked, calloused hands in deep pockets, and cleared his throat before saying, "I want to know how you think, Elise. I already know that you are highly intelligent, but I want to know how you go about your thought process."

That went over Elise's head, but Grant was aware that she was smart; that was enough for her. She would answer his questions, and she briefly glanced down to see Blue giving Echo a playful nip on her tail. The bronze raptor gave a warning growl before retreating further into the thick ferns, and Elise turned to Grant when he said, "Now the best way humans measure that is through puzzles. I brought a puzzle, and I just want to see how you figure it out."

Owen watched Dr. Grant move over to a large box he missed in all the excitement, and the older man pulled out a metal ball, about the same size as a large beach ball. It was shiny with several holes in it, and Grant unscrewed the top half from the bottom as Tim held it. Elise was watching him intently, and Grant pulled out a white, rubber bone the size of his arm before squeezing it. He chuckled when Elise tilted her head at the squeaking it made, and he tossed the bone inside before closing the ball again as he said, "I want you to open the ball. You get the toy if you figure out how to open it."

Grant rolled it over, and Elise sank her talon into a hole before dragging it over. She saw him unscrew it, so she would do the same. She would just have to be careful because she didn't want to break Grant's ball, but she wanted the squeaky bone.

It almost sounded like Small One.

Elise turned the ball over as she looked for the line that divided it; it was a little difficult because it was small to her, but she found it eventually. It was harder to sink her talons in to keep the ball still, and she let out a huff of frustration when her large talons kept slipping.

Owen risked a glance at the Dr. Grant, and he was intently watching Elise. He seemed stunned with what she was doing, and Owen startled when Grant suddenly paled. He turned his back to Elise, and she was examining the ball closely.

Elise knew there was a trick to this ball. She had seen Grant simply twist the ball, but surely he wouldn't insult her intelligence like that.

Yet the ball wouldn't give when she twisted.

She didn't want to force it open; that would break it. Elise blinked when she caught sight of markings over the line of the ball. She carefully turned it until a small shape caught her attention. She knew that shape; Owen had taught it to her.

It was an arrow. Where ever the tip pointed, that was the way to go. Elise let out a small sound; she had been turning the ball the wrong way, and she twisted in the opposite direction.

She made a happy sound when it unscrewed and she tossed the bone in the air before snapping her teeth into it. The squeaky made a shrill sound as the teeth assaulted it, and Owen pressed his lips at the delighted trill Elise made.

What was Mama going to think of Elise's new toy?

Owen didn't think she would take too kindly to it after the first five minutes. Grant remained silent while he continued to ignore the repeated squeaking as Elise began to chew the rubber bone quickly.

Grant could not believe what he had just seen. He knew she would be intelligent; he had seen the videos of her signing, but this was something else entirely.

She could read.


The Indominus paused from her toy at Grant's voice. He had an odd facial expression that she didn't understand, and she realized she still had the metal ball snagged on her talons. She gave the bone another squeak as she gave the two pieces back, and Dr. Grant quietly said, "Thank you."

Elise only squeaked the bone at him, and Grant turned to Owen as he asked, "Have you ever tried this test on your raptors?"

Owen shook his head. They had never tried that particular test; he had mostly focused on commands. He had avoided intelligence tests just to piss off Vic. He knew his girls would excel at them, but he had never wanted to encourage Vic to use the girls.

"Bring up your smartest raptor."

Owen blinked, and Tim tensed. Grant didn't pay them any mind as he rolled the metal ball back against the wall. He dug through his box again before pulling out a similar looking one, but it was the size of a basketball. Owen stared at the judge to make sure he heard right before going over to the ledge, and giving a sharp whistle.

"Blue! Come."

The raptor glared at him as she poked her head from the soft ferns; she was just about to fall asleep. Old nests didn't have such comfortable plants to sleep in, and now Alpha was barking at her again. White One could help him.

Owen rolled his eyes when the raptor sank back into the plants, and he added, "I guess I'll eat this Oreo myself then."

Owen snorted when the flash of blue scales darted up Elise before making a smooth landing on the cement floor. Tim flinched at her long claws scraping, but Dr. Grant bravely walked over. Blue was looking at Owen expectantly. He said Oreo, so where was it?

Owen gave a gentle smile, and Granted handed him the ball as he said, "I want to see how Blue does with the same test."

Owen was only glad he still had leftover cookies, and Blue gave a delighted purr at seeing two delectable cookies put in the ball. He screwed the top half back on before rolling it over to Blue as he said, "All yours."

Blue also knew that phrase, and she immediately tackled the shiny ball with a delighted shriek. Tim flinched when the ivory teeth snapped onto the ball before Blue used her claws to tear at it. She gave it a few shakes to make sure it was dead before carefully inspecting the ball. She could see the Oreos inside, but the holes weren't large enough to get to them.

Blue gave a single chirp as her mind went to work. She had just seen Alpha close the ball, but she had been focused on the cookies.

Blue decided to smash the ball on the cement, and Owen winced at the sharp sound; the ball didn't even dent. Blue narrowed her eyes as the defiant ball that had the audacity to stand in between her and the more important than life itself cookies. She chewed on it a few more times before pinning it on the ground. Her sickle claw did little to the ball, and she finally huffed.

Blue was stumped.

Smashing didn't work, and neither did biting or clawing. A tricky, tricky contraption indeed.

Hart gave a sigh while Blue continued to smell at the ball, and he muttered, "Stupid animal."

Owen stiffened, and Elise paused from her toy as she tried to make sure she misheard the balding man. Hart was incredibly lucky Blue had not heard him; she knew when she was being insulted, and that had never ended well.

Hart cleared his throat before asking, "What is the point of this test again? This...Velociraptor isn't part of the case."

Grant didn't take his eyes of Blue as he answered, "InGen absolutely insists that Elise thinks like a Velociraptor. The best way to test that thought process is through puzzles. Blue is showing us how a normal Velociraptor thinks. She knows the treat is in the ball. She tries biting through it, then clawing, then smashing. Now that she's realized force doesn't work, she's using that brain of hers to figure it out."

"...The Indominus didn't do that..."

Grant snorted as he finally looked at Hart, and said, "Exactly. Elise doesn't think like a Velociraptor. She thinks like a human. Not once did she try to force that ball open even though she knew she was capable of tearing it apart."

Hart opened his mouth, and Grant held up his finger when he said, "This is the deal breaker for me. I want you to get Blue's ball."

The lawyer blinked before giving a sideways glance at the occupied raptor who was currently glaring at the ball. If she looked scary enough, then it would yield its cookies to her. Hart took a step towards her, and Blue immediately snapped her gaze at him before giving a warning snarl. She pressed the ball possessively to her chest, and curled her lip viciously. Hart immediately stumbled back, and Blue gave a satisfied snort as she went back to her ball. The lawyer gave a shaky breath, and Grant said, "She's not giving up that ball. Raptors never give anything to a complete stranger once they get their claws in it. You either have to give them something better, or prove you're stronger than them."

Grant pointed to the large, metal ball against the wall, and he asked, "Whose ball is that?"

Hart raised an eyebrow before saying, "Yours."

The man nodded, and said, "We knew that because we're people. We generally assume an item in a person's possession is theirs. You knew the ball is mine, and I didn't have to say anything. I can guarantee you, that I will not be getting that ball back from Blue. Not unless I prove I'm higher up than her."

Grant then pointed to a squeaking Elise as he asked, "So how did she know that was my ball when I didn't even ask for it back? She wasn't trained to do that; all I said was her name. She assumed I wanted the ball back because she knew it was mine. That is about as far as it can get from a Velociraptor's thought process."

Hart pressed his lips into a thin line as he glanced back at Blue. Claire gave a small sigh at the constant squeaking, and she leaned over the ledge carefully before softly saying, "Elise?"

The crimson eyes snapped to her immediately as she continued to work the toy between her teeth. Claire had to admit it was adorable to see Elise so thrilled over her first toy, but she had to say, "Sweetie, that squeaking is going to give me a headache. Can you please stop for now? It's rude to make noise when others are talking."

Claire melted when the Indominus immediately tucked the bone in between two, sharp teeth, and she brought her bleeding snout a little closer. Owen turned his gaze to stare at the redhead, and paused when she gave a sincere smile to Elise as she pulled out a small tissue from her pocket. She gently dabbed around the larger slash, and Owen wondered when she suddenly became so beautiful. She had always been gorgeous to Owen, but the way Claire smiled.

Was she even aware of how her face lit up when she smiled? When did her hair become so shiny? Had her eyes always sparkled like that?

"Rexy isn't going to be too happy with you looking at other women."

Owen jumped before giving Tim a sharp look to keep his mouth shut. Tim only waggled his eyebrows teasingly, and Owen narrowed his eyes before gesturing to Blue. Tim snorted, but they turned their attention when Marie said, "Mr. Hart, if you feel Dr. Grant is not credible, then you should have brought in your own expert."

Hart opened his mouth, but Marie held up her hand as she said, "I have seen quite enough. Dr. Grant has made very valid points. Blue is intelligent for a raptor, and Elise did not go through the same process as her. Elise opened her ball like any human, and she would have done so sooner had she had a ball that was easier to grip. She speaks full sentences in sign, and she knows when to intervene to protect people. She feels the need to speak up for herself when humans assume her to simply be an animal. As far as I am concerned, she has the self-awareness of a human; I will allow Elise to speak for herself when the time comes to decide who she shall live with."

Owen refused to let out a huge sigh of relief, and Marie turned to him as she said, "There is no question that Elise looks to you for guidance. I do not doubt she sees you as a parental figure, and I want you to continue her education in sign language. I will not allow you to be separated from her as I can only imagine how traumatic that would be for her."

Marie glanced at Elise, who was currently licking her wounds as best she could, and the judge quietly said, "I can only imagine the severe trauma she already has from being isolated her whole life with only her sister's skeleton to keep her company."

Owen blinked when the judge seemed to suddenly grow disgusted, and she asked, "Who was the Head Geneticist in charge of her creation?"

Hart pressed his lips, but answered, "Dr. Wu."

Marie continued to observe Elise, and she tilted her head when the Indominus began to shiver her jaws. Owen assumed she was talking to Delta or Echo, and Marie finally said, "InGen and Jurassic World can work out their differences at their own pace, but by tomorrow, I will have a list that will be added to the agreement. Elise may not be fully human, but I will not allow her desires to be completely ruled out."

Owen frowned when Hart said, "Your Honor, I really need to persuade you to allow me to bring in my own expert. This is a twenty-six million dollar asset that InGen rightfully owns. I want to be completely sure that this asset is as human as Dr. Grant is assuming."

Elise caught that, and she narrowed her eyes before giving another small shiver of her jaws. Owen noticed Blue paused from her ball to give the group of people a sideways glance. Elise continued to quietly chitter, like she was talking to the raptors on the ground, and Blue moved her gaze around before it stopped on Hart. Owen wasn't sure if Elise was talking to Blue or not, but he didn't like the way his Beta was curling her lip at the balding lawyer.

Marie suddenly cleared her throat before saying, "I give you until tomorrow to bring in your own expert only because InGen has the right to. If I wasn't bound by the law, I would have already granted Jurassic World full rights to being Elise's sole guardian as InGen is responsible for her rampage. InGen has been acting very irresponsibly, and you are on very thin ice with me, Mr. Hart. I want all the records on Elise's creation brought to me so that we can discuss these liabilities Jurassic World was stuck with. Elise wasn't an attraction when she went on her rampage, and InGen was responsible for the security of her paddock. Dr. Wu is your employee, and I shall be speaking with him as well for this obvious abuse of power. InGen may lose much more than just rights to Elise; I do not care for the shadiness I am seeing, Mr. Hart."

Marie then began to walk towards the exit, mindful of Blue's space, as she said, "I want this case done by the end of this week, and, Mr. Grady, please get Elise medical attention before I come back for the noonish show. I do not want to see your raptors interrupting it."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Blue's gaze followed the woman, but she wasn't interested in her. Owen relaxed when she went back to her unyielding ball, and the two lawyers coolly stared at one another. Claire cleared her throat before curtly saying, "We can discuss more of this in my office. I want Elise to get medical attention before the next show."

Claire gave one more, gentle pat on Elise's nose before leading the way out. She glanced at Owen, and he swore he saw a ghost of a smile on her face, but he wasn't sure if the heat was getting to his head. Graves followed easily, and Hart gave a glare at Elise before leaving.

Owen turned back to Dr. Grant before jumping out of his skin when Hart gave a pained shriek followed by Blue's furious snarl. Owen whirled around, expecting to see Blue playing Cat's Cradle with Hart's intestines, and he froze when the lawyer was clutching his face while sprawled on his back. The silver ball was still spinning on the ground next to him, and Blue gave a scolding hiss before swiping her possession back when it rolled over to her.

Owen glanced at Elise, and she seemed extremely pleased with that. Now Owen was convinced she had been talking to Blue.

Dr. Grant was the first to walk over, and he remained wary of Blue as he kneeled next to the moaning lawyer. Claire and Graves looked shocked as they gaped from the tunnel entrance, and Owen pressed his lips at the amount of blood oozing from the clean hands. Owen followed closely, only to stand next to Blue. He gave her a stern look, but she knew it was for show.

Blue knew Owen was silently praising her for such a good throw.

Grant wasn't very gentle as he pulled Hart into a sitting position before the lawyer moaned, "My nose! I-It's broken!"

Dr. Grant gave a sideways glance to an unapologetic Velociraptor standing next to her trainer who was unwilling to reprimand her for that. He snorted, and turned back to Hart before prying the shaking hands off. Hart had gone incredibly pale, and Grant was quick to straighten out the crooked cartilage.

Owen pretended he never saw the very smug look on Blue when Hart gave a pained yelp.

"I want that thing locked up right now! I will sue you!"

Grant rolled his eyes before snagging his rough hand into the pressed, silk clothes, and yanked Hart forward. The lawyer blinked, and Grant growled, "You are incredibly lucky the only thing she did was break your nose. I am amazed she hasn't tried to spill your intestines on the ground, but I'm going to assume it's because she doesn't eat junk food that's not Oreos. Whatever reason she chose to listen to is her business, but I suggest you be extremely grateful for it because raptors don't wait for their prey to die before they start to eat it."

Blue gave a garbled snarl as she began to bite at the silver ball again, and Hart winced. Grant eyed the tapping sickle claw before quietly saying, "I think you've pushed your luck enough with these intelligent animals...and Elise. I suggest you don't come back until you're willing to show some respect, okay?"

Grant suddenly yanked the lawyer up, and pushed him towards the tunnel exit as he said, "I also suggest you be careful about the expert you decide to bring in; Mr. Grady cannot protect all the idiots from his extremely patient Velociraptors."

Owen had to chuckle when the lawyer didn't look back as he scrambled out when Blue gave another snarl. Claire and Graves closely followed him, and Grant turned to Owen as he said, "I think Blue might need a little help."

Owen snorted as he leaned against the wall as he dryly said, "Blue likes to figure things out on her own. She gets insulted when I offer help. She knows she can come to me if she has problems."

Grant nodded as he continued to observe Blue, and Owen quietly asked, "Why'd you choose that puzzle?"

Owen watched Grant peer down the tunnel before he answered, "Raptors are smart enough to open doors on their own. The treat balls we give to our dogs are too easy for them; they learn how to get the treats out fast. I briefly did some studies with InGen's raptors, and the only way to stump them was to have them unscrew the ball. Even then, after they watched me open it a couple times, they figured it out."

Grant paused when Blue latched her claws into the holes of the ball, and she sniffed around to see if she was making progress, before he added, "But the Velociraptors always went through a similar process of using force before they tried to think it through. If Elise thought like a raptor, then she would have forced it open, but she didn't; she thought it through before opening it."

Owen nodded as he glanced at the large, metal ball next to him, before asking, "So where did you get one this size?"

Grant snorted as he answered, "I had a couple kids make it for me. I didn't think Elise would be able to do much with a ball like Blue's. I still think it was too small though, but I couldn't carry anything heavier."

They glanced out the window when the squeaking resumed, and Tim quietly said, "Didn't stop her though."

Grant chuckled at the truth of it, and he leaned on the wall next to Owen before saying, "I think I'll stick around while we wait for the vet. I have a lot of questions about your raptors, Mr. Grady."

Owen finally said, "Owen. I hate being called Mr. Grady."

He gave a sharp whistle, and Blue snapped her head up to glare at him. Owen only snorted as he said, "You don't scare me, Blue. Get going."

Blue glanced at the window before snapping her jaws into the steel firmly. They watched her gently land on Elise's back before sliding to the ground, and Owen was reminded of an old cartoon. The Flintstones, when Fred would slid down the dinosaur's back; Blue almost looked like she was doing the same thing, and it made Owen smile.

"Is that the only way you communicate with them?"

Owen blinked at Dr. Grant before slowly asking, "You mean the commands? They know a few words and they're trained to respond to certain whistles."

"But you don't communicate with them?"

Owen raised an eyebrow, and Grant clarified, "Using their own vocal sounds."

Grant pressed his lips at Owen's confused expression, and he went back over to his box. He pulled up a bag before rummaging through it, and Owen stared at the bone looking object in the dried hands.

"What's that?"

Grant smiled as he turned the smooth object over in his hand, and said, "A 3D printed Velociraptor resonating chamber."


Another A/N

I'm sure some of you will be wondering how in the world Dr. Grant would be willing to study Velociraptors. I don't plan to really get into that in the story, but we all know very well how easy it is to sway Dr. Grant when someone offers to fund any of his digs.

Also, thank you again! :D

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