Chapter 25

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Hey guys!

I may not be able to post a chapter tomorrow as it is going to be really busy for me. I really don't have these chapters pre-written, but if I do manage to post something, it will probably be short.

Anyways, thank you for all your reviews and criticism!

*Edit* After some research, and reading a few comments, the proper name is a resonating chamber instead of a larynx. I came back and corrected this chapter after posting it!

Anyways, please enjoy!


"Teaching the Teacher."

"A what?"

Grant snorted as he handed the boney object over to Owen as he said, "The resonating chamber of a Velociraptor. Don't tell me you failed anatomy in college."

Owen didn't remember jack from college. He only recalled one piece of advice that a high school teacher had given him.

If he had the art of bullshit mastered, he would get through college easily, and he had. It wasn't like he had studied to become a vet or anything major. He was smart, but he wasn't exactly book smart; he was good around animals.

He never needed to know the material, he only had to convince his professors that he knew it.

Owen gingerly took it in his hands before turning it over. It actually looked like an odd duck skull to him, but he glanced up when Grant said, "You can make similar sounds to the raptors if you figure it out. I doubt you'll be fluent, but at least you'll be able to communicate a little more to your raptors."

"How do I work it?"

Grant snorted before walking over. He pointed to the largest tube on the bone as he said, "You blow the air through here, but you're gonna have to figure out the fine tuning of the sounds by yourself. Hopefully you have some understanding girls. It's not pretty when you accidentally insult a hot-tempered Velociraptor."

Owen could only imagine, and he wasn't sure he would really use this around Blue until after figuring it out. Still, he was kind of excited to actually talk to his girls in a way that they'd understand.

And he had someone who could help him learn.

"Baby! Come here."

Elise paused from her squeaking toy, she felt so happily nostalgic with the familiar sounds. She almost had Small One's happy chirps replicated, but she squeaked a little more quietly as Owen walked over to the ledge before sitting on the striped line.

Owen smiled at her as he held up the resonating chamber, and he said, "I need you help with something."

Elise shoved the white toy between two teeth, like it was a toothpick, as she brought her gaze closer to inspect the object in Owen's hand. She had no idea what it was, and she glanced down when Owen's hip crackled before Gerry growled, "Owen. Did your girls get in a fight, or is that a rumor I'm hearing?"

Owen cringed slightly; Gerry hated it when his raptors got into fights. Blue and the girls were getting good at dodging his darts, and they had even made a game of it. It drove Gerry up the wall, but Barry had always found it funny.

"Ya, Doc. Blue and Elise got into it. Blue is fine, maybe a little sore, but Elise is going to need stitches...again."

Owen winced at the silence, and he could hear Gerry rolling his eyes in exasperation. The old vet finally sighed as he said, "Any way Elise will let Jackie do the stitches? I really want those two to get on good terms...and I need to...go back to the Triceratops herd again."

Owen felt himself sinking for Rick. He didn't need to know the guy to feel terrible for him. Owen never wanted anyone to ever lose their animals; even Debra. Owen drew his pranking at the animals; he wouldn't even consider painting on them. He would maybe hide the saddles, but he just didn't want the animals to get pulled into this little war.

"Ya, Elise will let Jackie do the stiches. I know Rick needs you a lot more."

"Thanks, Owen. I'll come by when I have time to double check, but Jackie always does a good job."

Owen put the radio away, and looked up when Grant quietly asked, "Something wrong with the Triceratops?"

Owen rubbed the back of his neck; he didn't like to talk about these depressing things, but he said, "We had a Triceratops show up out of nowhere; she had prions. One of Rick's Triceratops caught it, and now it's spreading through the herd."

Grant sagged incredibly, and Owen saw sadness in the blue eyes. The elder was quiet for a few seconds before quietly saying, "I'll never forget the first time I saw a Triceratops here. Those were my favorite dinosaurs as a kid."

Grant shook his head sadly as he softly said, "She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life."

Elise turned her gaze to Grant when she felt him staring at her. He was thinking hard, and he finally said, "I never liked how Hammond had messed with the animals to make them more appealing to the crowd. Rexy stays pretty true to her ancestors, but your raptors wouldn't be so big and featherless. He always said he needed to make people feel small."

Grant turned his gaze to Owen as he asked, "How old is Elise?"

"Six years old."

Grant deepened his frown before looking back at Elise. His blue gaze scanned her crooked teeth, and he scratched at his beard before wondering aloud, "Why would Hammond allow the research for hybrid dinosaurs? He died almost six years ago. I always thought he would just stick with the ones that actually existed before..."

Elise wasn't sure if she was going to feel offended with that or not, but Grant walked over to the ledge. He frowned at her before saying, "Elise, come here. I need to look at those teeth of yours."

The Indominus paused before complying, and Owen offered, "Dr. Gerry thinks she has five or six different dinosaurs. We know for sure she has Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptor."

Grant wasn't at all shy about leaning closely towards the massive ivories. He ran his fingers along the different sizes before saying, "Carnotaurus. She's got a skull like a Carnotaurus."

Owen watched Grant gently run his hand along the large indents along Elise's face as he said, "These are definitely Carnotaurus traits, and she's even got small horns that resemble them."

Grant pulled back with a sigh as he continued to stare at Elise. She wasn't sure what to make of the gaze, but she respected him enough to maintain eye contact. The Paleontologist finally ran a hand over the wispy hair on his head before asking, "But where is the human?"

Owen raised an eyebrow as Tim walked over, and Grant crossed his arms before saying, "I see absolutely no physical characteristic that would point to human DNA. The thumbs are as close as it gets, but I would have assumed primates."

Elise blinked at him, and he scratched at his beard while softly asking, "Where are you hiding the human in you, Elise?"

Owen smiled when she tilted her head, but Tim chuckled before saying, "The eyes; they're just a color we don't normally see in humans."

Grant snorted, but he didn't disagree with Tim. Owen watched Tim peer over the edge before grimacing at Blue tackling the ball with renewed vigor as Echo joined her. A small shiver went down his spine, and he said, "I think Elise's eyes are definitely human. A Velociraptor's stare is just a little too creepy for me."

Elise wanted to resume with chewing her toy, but Grant suddenly asked, "Can you open your mouth as wide as you can, Elise?"

The Indominus blinked, but she complied, and Owen stared at the gaping maw. Grant wasn't even phased by this, and Owen startled when the elder actually leaned into the mouth to peer into the back. Elise remained perfectly still, though she blinked when Grant accidentally squeaked her newest toy.

"Aha! There's a little more human."

Owen raised his eyebrows when Grant pulled back with a victorious smile on his face. Owen didn't see anything, but Grant triumphantly said, "She's got molars in the back of her mouth. Probably never been used before, but those are definitely molars."

Elise closed her mouth when Grant leaned back, and Owen simply said, "She acts human enough for me. Doc thought she might have another set of teeth in the back."

Grant nodded, and wiped his hands as he said, "But this will help argue her case."

Elise really didn't care, but it was kind of nice to have something physically in common with humans. She resumed with her squeaky toy, and gave a joyous croon when the squeak of her sister's chirp sounded from the rubber toy. Owen smiled at her before he glanced down at the tool in his hands. He glanced up before asking, "Hey, Elise, what does this mean in raptor?"

Owen blew air through the resonating chamber, and a long, deep sound was produced. He wasn't sure what he expected, but he didn't think the rubber bone would drop from Elise's startled mouth. Owen watched it fall to the ground before it smacked snoozing Delta square on the head. The raptor gave an indignant shriek before immediately tackling the first moving creature she saw.

Echo hadn't expected that.

Owen tensed as the raptors rolled over one another while Blue chirped in confusion. She was glancing between her snarling sisters, Elise, and Owen.

The brawling duo collided with Elise's leg, and she snapped out of her shock to give the two a stern bark. Delta and Echo briefly paused, and Elise curled her lip before chittering at them. The two blinked, and Echo angrily turned before giving Delta a fierce nip for making the wrong assumption. The lightly striped raptor snarled back, but Elise let out a long, low growl. The two immediately broke apart, and Blue went back to the silver ball caging her cookies.

She would get them.

Elise turned her crimson gaze back to Owen, and he blinked innocently at her. He waved the white object in front of her as he quietly asked, "So, what did that mean?"

Elise continued to stare at him as she tried to figure out how to explain that to her human. She lacked the words, but she did know one thing.

Owen shouldn't make that call again.

Owen glanced around when Elise continued to simply stare at him with an unreadable expression. He pressed his lips before Grant leaned over, and quietly said, "While I'm not very fluent in raptor, I do know that one."

"What was it?"

"Mating call."

Tim fell over laughing.

Owen looked mortified as Tim howled with laughter. He felt his face turn hot, and he waved his hands as he stuttered to Elise, "I-I didn't know! Oh my God, Elise, I am so sorry! I w-was just blowing-"

Tim began to laugh harder, and Owen snarled, "Shut up, Tim! It's not funny!"

"You were blowing the bone!"

Owen wanted to sink into the ground when Elise looked at him questioningly; she wanted him to explain the joke. There was no way in hell he was going to do that. Grant rolled his eyes at the howling handler before dryly saying, "Good to see you've kept your sense of humor, Tim."

Tim didn't care, and Owen didn't want to try using the printed communication tool anymore. Elise tilted her head when she smelled the embarrassment, and she crooned comfortingly at him. Owen finally chuckled at her, and said, "I guess that explains why you looked so shocked..."

Elise snorted at him, but she was now very curious about the tool in Owen's hands. It sounded very much like a Velociraptor. If the raptor had a raspy voice, but she could understand it. This was actually very exciting to her; now Owen could talk to Blue and her sisters. They could communicate with each other.

Elise turned to the raptors before giving a series of chitters and barks.

Blue immediately snapped her head up before tilting her head. She swore she had misheard White One, and she chittered to clarify. White One glanced around to make sure she had the other two's attention, and she repeated herself. Blue actually forgot about her cookies.

Stupid Alpha could talk like them now?

Blue had to hear this for herself, and she was the first to scramble up the large, white scales. Delta and Echo were right behind her, and all three eagerly slid on the cement before bolting in front of Owen. He pressed his lips at them, and nervously glanced at Elise for a little help.

Blue turned her gaze to White One when she began to chitter at them. Alpha could talk like them, but he didn't know how? Blue wasn't sure if she understood that. Maybe Alpha only needed to learn what the sounds meant?

Blue just wanted to hear Alpha make a sound like her, then she would move on.

Owen paused, and Blue gave a chirp to get his butt moving; she had two cookies that needed her full attention. Owen glanced at Elise, and he supposed he just wouldn't make the same sound. He really hoped he wouldn't do another mating call. He would die of embarrassment. Owen paused to remember the sounds Blue made when she would talk to her sisters, and he blew air into the chamber before clicking his tongue against it. The sound was higher pitched this time before bark-like sounds were made, and Owen glanced at his girls for their reaction.

Owen didn't think he did any better this time when Blue looked absolutely stunned, and not in a good way. She slowly turned her gaze to White One. For the first time in her life, Blue had nothing to say.

Alpha could make sounds like them.

But he was very foul mouthed. Maybe Alpha should just stick to Alpha sounds. White One crooned at her to talk to Alpha; to help teach him, and Blue paused.

Owen pressed his lips when Blue turned back to him. She opened her mouth like she was going to reply, but closed her mouth as she seemed to think, then she opened it again. It was clear she was at a loss for words. Owen caught Echo and Delta sharing a brief glance before quietly staring at him.

The silence was deafening to Owen.

Dr. Grant finally let out a snorted laugh as he quietly said, "You have stunned your raptors into pure silence. I am truly amazed."

"What did I say that time?"

Grant shrugged as he sat down on the bench, and answered, "I have no idea. I just know how to call for help, and a mate. I haven't gotten very good responses with either call."

Tim began to laugh again, and Owen rolled his eyes before turning to Elise. He waved the tool in his hands as he asked, "Can you show me a call, and then I'll try to mimic it so I don't sound like an ass?"

Elise gave a sucked in laugh that startled Grant, and she nodded her head. Owen was about to ask her a question, but Dr. Grant quietly asked, "Did she just laugh?"

Owen nodded as he replied, "Yep. She's pretty funny actually. She likes to scare things, but she won't scare children."

Grant blinked in shock, and Owen turned back to Elise as he asked, "How do you greet someone? Like, how would I greet Blue?"

Elise was happy Owen finally realized his guessing system wasn't working out. She was sure Blue would fall over from the shock, and she gave a small, warm trill. Owen pressed his lips in thought as he re-examined the printed chamber. There were several other holes, and he wondered what would happen if he covered some of them. He blew air again, pretending not to notice how Blue cringed, and the sound didn't sound like Elise's.

And it made Echo and Delta look the other way. Blue looked downright shocked, and Elise blinked at him. Tim sat next to Grant before jokingly saying, "They look like you insulted them, and all their ancestors."

Blue tilted her head at the garbling the not-pack-but-not-prey made. Alpha seemed to grow more frustrated even if he didn't look it. Alpha was supposed to make a greeting, but he had made a threatening challenge instead.

Alpha wasn't a very good speaker of her tongue, but Blue didn't want him to give up. She wanted to talk to him, and he never gave up on her when he taught her new commands.

Grant paused when he watched Blue trot over to Owen before plopping herself down in front of him. She sat tall, but curled her forelimbs on the ground in front of her as she seemed to be thinking hard. She scooted a little closer to Owen before giving a warm trill. Owen pressed his lips before trying again, and Blue winced at the defiant hiss. She gave a small growl, and Owen corrected himself. The next sound was a little friendlier, but it wasn't a greeting; Blue repeated her warm trill.

Owen moved his fingers along the different holes; he was getting closer, and he tried again. Blue perked up when she recognized the trill, but it could be better. She made her greeting again, and Grant watched Delta and Echo scooch forward intently; even Elise seemed to move her head more closely into the room.

Owen moved his index slightly off a hole hidden underneath a curve before blowing more gently.

And the warm trill was made.

Grant wasn't sure what he expected, but he and Tim startled when the raptors suddenly jumped around as they gave delighted shrieks of joy. Even Elise made loud, jubilant croons. Owen let out a startled yelp when Blue suddenly tackled him before her sisters piled onto him as well. Owen would have fallen flat on the ground, but Elise had smooshed her face close behind him.

Owen had to let out a laugh. He couldn't remember the last time his girls had piled onto him; definitely before they had been moved from the nursery. Blue had sprawled on his chest with her nose tucked under his chin while Delta and Echo pressed close to his side as they playfully nipped at his vest. Elise's delighted purrs vibrated all of them, and Owen couldn't stop himself from wrapping his arms around his girls in a tight hug.

Grant glanced at Tim when he had pulled out his phone, and he quietly said, "Make sure you save that. I want Judge Marie to see this."

Tim only nodded in agreement, and Owen smiled when Blue buried her nose in his neck. His face fur still prickled like when she was little, and she would reluctantly admit she missed this closeness. It even felt right to have White One to be part of the pack.

The pack was one more step to becoming completely whole, and Blue loved it.


"Huh, well, that took a different turn than expected."

Vivian nodded in agreement as the Control Room quietly watched Owen cuddle with his pack. It was warming to watch, and Lowery quietly added, "It's hard to believe he's in the middle of a gang war with the Petting Zoo. He babies his pack so much."

Vivian gave a small laugh as she went back to her computer, but she said, "I think it's sweet. Owen has something special with his girls. I'm glad he's learned to work with them."

Lowery shrugged as he took a slurp from his soda; he was sure those raptors were going to eat Owen, but they were full of surprises it seemed. He went back to his own computer before calling out, "Did someone send out some help to the security guy at the Petting Zoo?"

"We sent some help, but another staff member showed up for her shift; she's fine."

Lowery gave a small sigh of relief as he muttered, "Thank Jesus. I did not want to tell Claire her Petting Zoo was down because Owen decided to bring out the big guns in the fight."

"I wonder what Debra is going to do to Owen..."

Lowery shrugged again as he flicked through the security footage, and replied, "Maybe she'll throw itching powder on him or something."

"I don't think she has itching powder on her..."

Lowery raised an eyebrow before following Vivian's gaze towards the screens, and he blinked at seeing a very sweaty Debra storming in the direction of Elise's paddock. She looked legitimately murderous, and Lowery grabbed his radio before asking, "Um, Debra? Where are you going?"

Debra didn't slow down as she snatched the radio from her hip, and Lowery changed the screens to keep her on camera as she snarled, "I am going to beat the living shit out of Owen! He put laxatives on our doughnuts after he said he would leave our stuff alone."

Lowery flickered his gaze to the cuddle session still going on in the bottom screen, and he was pretty sure Owen had said something different. He probably wasn't very specific in his promise, and Lowery quietly said, "I'm gonna advise against that at the moment. Owen is currently cuddling with his three, full grown Velociraptors and giant Indominus Rex. I'm not sure what you can do, and I don't want to see you get eaten..."

Lowery wondered if the raptors would get the unrelenting shits if they ate Debra. He didn't want to find out, but it was one of the many random thoughts to skitter through his mind. He watched the curly haired keeper suddenly lurch in her step before fleeing. Her gait made it very obvious that she was clenching her cheeks the entire way as she bolted into a bathroom. Lowery pressed his lips, and said into the radio, "Stay strong, Debra."

He only heard a miserable moan before he quietly asked, "Want me to see if I can find anything on good old Google?"

"....Yes, please..."

Lowery pressed his lips, and Vivian looked sympathetic. He began a fruitless search on the web, and decided to change the channel on his radio before saying, "Owen? Just so you know, Debra is slowly making her way over to you. It might be a good idea to get the raptors away or there might be some blood."

He watched Owen snort as the blue striped Velociraptor glared at the radio. Owen plucked it up before saying, "My girls have better taste then that, thank you very much. I doubt Debra will even come close to here anyways."


Lowery raised his eyebrow when a particularly devilish grin pulled at Owen's mouth, and he answered, "In the words of Hammond, I spared no expense. I got the maximum strength just for sweet Debra. She's gonna be feeling that for the next twelve hours at least. Raptor Squad doesn't mess around."

"...Damn, Owen...."

"Nobody messes with my girls, and gets away with it."

Owen tucked his radio before cuddling his face with the bronze raptor leaning on his shoulder. Lowery paused to think before asking, "Should I give another point for using maximum strength?"

The Control Room seemed to think about this for a few seconds before someone said, "Half a point."

Lowery pulled out the notepad when the rest of the room agreed, and he said, "Okay. Raptor Squad has two and a half points, Petting Zoo has zilch."

Lowery tossed the notebook to the side before going back to his computers. Things seemed to be back to normal. They had two lost kids, one heatstroke, and an alcoholic try to raid the bar. Nothing new, but Lowery kind of liked watching the people do funny things when they thought no one was watching. He glanced at the clock to make sure the train was still running on time, and he cringed slightly.

He would have to leave the comforts of his dark cave to meet Elise in a few hours, and now there were Velociraptors there.

"Hey, Vivian, think I'll get shanked if I wear these colors in Raptor Squad turf?"

Lowery didn't appreciate it when she only gave a small laugh.

He was being serious.

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