Chapter 30

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As always, thank you for your reviews! I hope you enjoy this chapter!


"Twenty-Five Points to Raptor Squad."

Claire smiled as she watched Gray slowly grow more animated about his theories on what Elise was made of. She was touched to see the dinosaur doing her best to be an avid listener, and it was obvious that Gray rarely had someone who was willing to listen about what he knew on dinosaurs.

Now he was sitting in the hand of one as he began to talk about the Carnotaurus. It was clear Elise knew that word, and she perked up a little as Gray began to point out her features to Zach. Now that the teen had some visual help, he was willing to pay more attention as his gaze was directed to the shape of Elise's skull.

Claire wondered if either of her nephews would want to come work here. She could see Gray becoming a responsible geneticist, and Zach would be an avid handler. Claire pictured her older nephew being the handler for their Suchomimus; she wasn't their most aggressive carnivore, and she looked quite beautiful with her navy blue scales and golden patterns.

Quiet footsteps pulled Claire from her thoughts, and she internally grimaced at seeing her sister's tear-stained face. The blonde hair wasn't as combed as it normally was, and Claire wondered if Karen and her husband, Scott, had gotten into another argument.

The arguments had been growing pretty frequent in the past couple years. Claire was ashamed to admit her work wasn't the only reason for avoiding family gatherings. It would get so awkward sitting in the silent room as she tried to make conversation with anyone.

It was like Karen and Scott were afraid of saying the wrong thing.

Karen hugged herself tightly before quietly asking, "Did you find them?"

Claire nodded as she hugged her older sister tightly. She wasn't sure what to say to comfort her sister, but she held her tightly as she quietly said, "Gray is teaching Zach about our Indominus. He sure knows his stuff."

Karen only gave a small nod as she sniffed quietly. Claire wasn't sure what to do, but she pulled back as she asked, "Do you want to meet Elise?"

Her sister wiped her eyes as her lips trembled before she tearfully said, "I don't want to ruin that for them too..."

Claire pressed her lips; it was pretty hard to ruin anything with Elise. The two could hear Gray suddenly laugh before Elise's garble sounded over it. Claire peeked around the corner again before smiling at how Zach had perched himself majestically on Elise's muscled neck. The teen had puffed his chest out while placing a hand on his hip before holding a large stick like a sword.

Gray only laughed harder when Elise gave a large yawn.

Claire pulled back to see her sister biting her lip as she tried to hold back the tears. Claire really had no idea what to do in this situation, but she quietly asked, "What happened?"

Karen let out a short, sad laugh before bitterly saying, "Scott and I got into another fight. He didn't want the boys to miss more school, but Zach and Gray are having so much fun here. I've never seen them be so close to each other before. Gray can't get enough of the dinosaurs, and Zach really looks up to Owen."

She paused to give a shaky sigh, and continued, "Gray came in, and he just outright asked if we were getting a divorce..."

Karen shrugged as she gave another sniff before her voice cracked as she said, "I just...I couldn't lie, but I didn't want to say it right then. Scott and I wanted to finalize the divorce before telling them. It's why we sent them here in the first place."

Claire pressed her lips as she gently brushed her sister's arm before saying, "I don't think there would have been an easy way to tell them."

"...Gray was so excited to go see the Indominus again; he really missed Owen. Zach was mad he didn't get to see the Velociraptors crash the show..."

Claire grimaced at that. She was still irritated that Owen hadn't made sure the girls were back in their trailer. Things had turned out well, and Claire supposed she could use this to her advantage of pushing for Raptor Races.

Another sniff from her sister pulled Claire from her thoughts, and she quietly suggested, "Well, we can go see Elise right now. She's pretty funny, I think you'll like her. She's really sweet."

Karen looked unsure, but Claire pulled out a handkerchief before wiping her face off. Her sister couldn't stop the watery laugh as she asked, "Getting motherly on me? I must look really bad..."

If it wasn't true, Claire might have gone along with the joke. However she quietly said, "Zach and Gray don't need to see you all teary eyed, okay? Where is Scott?"

Karen shrugged as she took a deep breath to calm herself, and she wiped her nose one more time before following Claire around the corner.

Elise smiled warmly when Zach slid back down her neck before making a smooth landing next to Gray. The younger sibling laughed, and Zach said, "Your turn."

Elise loved how his blue eyes grew comically wide, and she was reminded of how Small One would clamber over her. Elise remembered carrying her around the old paddock when Small One still had the strength to hold on.

Elise heard heels clicking, and she looked up before giving a delighted croon. She was happy to see Claire, but she didn't recognize the blonde human next to her. Elise tilted her head, and looked down when the two brothers followed her gaze.

They both went very quiet, and Elise didn't like how the happiness seemed to be sucked out of Gray. Zach acted indifferent, but the two pressed against the white scales when Elise lowered her head to their level. Elise glanced up when she heard a very soft sniff, and she wondered why the blonde was crying. Her nostrils flared, and Elise could smell the brothers' scent mingling strongly with the blonde.

She was their mother.

Elise tilted her head in confusion, and Claire quietly beckoned her over with a motion of her hands. Elise didn't want to do that; Zach and Gray didn't act like they wished to talk with their mother, but Claire was the Alpha. Elise was also an Alpha, but she was only part of the pair with Owen. Claire was in the Alpha pair with Rexy. Elise didn't hold authority over her.

Elise could feel Zach tensing when she walked over, and she stopped short. The blonde wouldn't be able to climb into her hand, and the boys were not allowed to leave. Claire pressed her lips before saying, "Elise, this is my sister, Karen. She's Zach and Gray's mother."

Elise tilted her head before suddenly thrusting her head near Karen, and she gave a small yelp when the hot air blew on her. Elise narrowed her eyes as the bitter scents flowed into her sensitive nostrils. Karen didn't smell happy, she smelled very sad. Elise knew emotions had to be constant before they became part of the scent.

Karen had been sad for a while, and Elise didn't understand that. Why was she unhappy?

Elise pulled back as she gave a confused croon, and looked to Claire for help. She was the Alpha, and Karen's sister. It was her job to make sure everyone in her pack was happy. Elise was responsible for Owen and her pack.

Why wasn't Claire doing anything?

Elise glanced down when Gray scooted closer to the ledge of the window. She allowed him to step off her hands, and Zach reluctantly followed. There was a very awkward, heavy silence between the family, and Elise tilted her head. Why wasn't anyone trying to communicate the problem to solve it? Communication was everything in a strong pack.

Claire glanced at Elise when she heard a stern snort. The crimson eyes were obviously waiting for something, and Claire blinked when Elise gestured to the boys with a tilt of her head. Claire really didn't want to get involved, but she didn't want to see Karen cry again. Claire paused before she grabbed Karen's attention. It was obvious that she wasn't ready to say anything, and Claire finally said, "Gray, Zach, why don't you come with me? We can go find Owen so we can help clean up Elise before her next show, okay?"

Karen frowned in confusion, but her boys had already skittered out of the tunnel in their haste to get away from the bad air. Elise wanted to roll her eyes like Owen; Claire didn't do a very good job of helping.

Karen actually looked hurt when neither of her sons looked back, and Claire gently touched her arm. Karen gave another sniff, and Claire gently said, "You can take a few minutes to get yourself together, okay? You need to have something to tell them when we get back.'ll be worse if you start crying."

Karen gave a quiet nod as she wiped her face, and Claire gave a pleading look to Elise before she followed her nephews out of the tunnel.

Elise was left with a crying human she didn't know, and she wasn't very happy about that. This woman wasn't part of her pack. Why was it her job to comfort her, and solve her problems that she didn't even understand?

A long breath exhaled from her large lungs, and Karen glanced at her when her hair was ruffled by it. Elise was now stuck in the awkward silence, and she startled when Karen finally said, "Gray thinks the world of you..."

Elise glanced at Karen, but she lacked the words to say how she adored Gray. She gave a small rumble to acknowledge she was listening, and she allowed Karen to run a shaking hand down her paint-stained scales.

"He really likes Owen too..."

Elise was very aware of that as well. It seemed each time Gray saw Owen, he had to hug the older one. It was obvious how the two boys looked up to him. Their eyes lit up with excitement, and Elise was happy Owen was good around children of all ages.

Owen was good.

Elise startled from her thoughts when Karen's face suddenly contorted, and she slid onto the ground before burying her face into her knees. She was very quiet for a second before suddenly letting out a pained cry.

It sounded a lot like Gray.

The Indominus paused, contemplating on her next move, before gently brushing a finger on Karen. She startled at the touch, but didn't shy away. Elise pressed her face close because she didn't know what else to do.

"My family is f-falling apart..."

Elise blinked as she turned her gaze to the crying human. She tilted her head in confusion, and Karen quietly sobbed, "My c-children don't even want to be around me sister hardly knows them, and my h-husband..."

Karen buried her face into her knees again, and Elise blinked. She knew a family was a pack, so was Karen's pack breaking apart? Did the children leave when they reached a certain age? She was sure they did, but that didn't seem right in this case; Zach and Gray were still young.

The bitter scent was growing stronger on Karen, and Elise supposed her pack really was falling apart.

But that didn't mean crying would solve it.

Elise gave a stern snort, and Karen glanced up at her. Elise took a step back before raising both hands, and she patted the air.

'Calm down.'

Karen wrinkled her forehead, and Elise mentally cursed. She had been doing a lot more cursing after Owen had taught her the words; she wondered if Karen would even understand her.

"How can I be calm? My family is falling apart..."

Elise huffed; Karen needed to stop crying. Her family would never be gone unless she allowed it to slip away. She gave a stern shake of her head, and she wondered if she was starting to act like Rexy. Now she was an Alpha; it was time to start acting like one.

Karen was not an Alpha, and she needed one.

Elise stared at the blond human, and Karen finally asked, "How do you know? My boys just took off like I was the plague. They don't...they don't love me anymore..."

Elise puffed air through her nose before shaking her head once more. She knew the boys were just upset, and she knew the words for this one. Owen had taught it to her, and she used it frequently with him.

Elise loved Owen.

Karen watched Elise's hand made a small sweep with her fingers before crossing her hands over her massive heart. Then she pointed at Karen firmly.

'They love you.'

They were just upset at the moment; they weren't sure what was going on. Elise herself wasn't sure of the exact details, but she knew there was a lacking in communication. They needed to talk with one another.

Love and communication are what keeps a pack together.

Elise suddenly crinkled her snout; she wondered where her pack was. They should have been back by now.


The four carnivores glared at the large door separating them. Rexy wasn't in the mood to get shocked, and Blue had no idea how to open the door. She hadn't caught that part with White One; she had been distracted briefly by a bug rolling off a nearby rock.

The sun was hot, Blue was tired from all the excitement, and she hadn't been able to get her Oreos out of the silver ball. Rexy jumped when Blue suddenly let out a frustrated shriek before bashing her skull into the solid door. Blue bounced off before snarling, as she charged the door again.

Rexy watched the raptor continue to smack into the door before giving a snort. She didn't want to do it, but she gingerly scooched her nose close to the metal. She didn't detect any of the familiar buzzing, and she let out another snort.

This door wasn't like the rest of the fence.

The door gave a small shake when Blue bounced off it once more before she fell over. Rexy had to rumble in amusement; she was seeing a lot of her younger self in this blue raptor. Mostly in temper, but the raptor was smart in her own way.

Rexy gently pressed her nose against the metal door as she tested it; it didn't feel all the strong surprisingly. One good bash from her, and it would go down. Rexy took a few steps back; she didn't care for this fence separating her from her youngling. It didn't matter if White One had raptors to help look after her.

Rexy wouldn't be satisfied until she had seen White One herself.

The old dinosaur gave a stern growl, and the three raptors chirped as they scrambled out of the way. The ground shook with each large step, and the door didn't put up much of a fight against the solid skull. Rexy gave a please rumbled.

She still had it.


Lowery jumped out of his chair when the blaring red box popped up on his screen, and the camera immediately came onto the big screen. He felt his own jaw drop at seeing the dried mud break off the fake bird to reveal Rexy looking very proud of herself.

As three Velociraptors seemed to be chittering excitedly at her massive feet.

"What the?! What?! What are they doing?!"

The Control Room went silent as Blue gave a high jump to catch the old dinosaur's attention, and Rexy lowered her head. Lowery blinked a few times before stuttering, "I-Is that a paintball gun?!"

Lowery could not believe he was seeing Blue drop the gun in front of the massive carnivore before she began to chitter quietly at the old rex.

"Guys? No, really, what are they doing? Rexy should have eaten them..."

Lowery knew how easy it was to irritate Rexy, and he had heard how she had saved people from Velociraptors. He could easily see the white scars raking down her neck from that fight. He couldn't understand how the same Tyrannosaurus was currently cocking her head at the Beta raptor as she seemed to be listening.

Rexy suddenly lowered her head to the weapon before carefully inhaling. Lowery could see the attentive focus before she raised her head to smell the air, and he went pale. One of the Control members quietly asked, "What's happening...?"


Rexy could smell many things on the wind. She could smell the ones who looked like her tall son, and she could smell her youngling in the jungle. She knew the raptors wanted the scent she wouldn't know.

She knew Blue's scent, White One, and White One's handler. She didn't know the sharp scent, and she couldn't smell it on the wind. This one was not nearby, but it didn't surprise Rexy; she knew these humans liked to cluster together.

Rexy gave a snort as she lowered herself back down. She didn't need to communicate to Blue One that she couldn't pick up the scent; she didn't think that was the reason why she and her sisters came here. They wanted her to know the scent.

They wanted her help in hunting this one.

Rexy had never hunted with a Velociraptor before, but she did know they were ruthless and persistent. They had probably figured out she had adopted White One; they knew she would help protect her youngling.

Rexy didn't mind lending a hand; it had been too long since she had some excitement like this. It had been too long since she had actually hunted something. She glanced down to see the three raptors looking at her expectantly, and she snorted.

If she squinted hard enough, and if they would shut up, they kind of looked like hatchlings. She was growing a little fond of Blue One.

And it wasn't like they were in her territory. Rexy puffed air through her nose before making a low rumble. The raptors looked at each other mischievously, and they made delighted barks when the old dinosaur began to follow White One's scent.

Rexy didn't seem to mind when Blue took the lead, and her sisters chased one another through the brush. Rexy tilted her head when Echo surprised Delta in a jump ambush, and the two went tumbling off the trial. Blue immediately whipped around before giving a sharp bark and Rexy felt amused when Echo tackled her.

Velociraptors were very much like hatchlings.


Lowery slowly sank into his chair when the carnivores were out of sight. No one said anything for a few minutes, and Lowery finally asked, "Did Rexy just join the Raptor Squad?"

He looked around, hoping someone would tell him that was just plain silly, and he sagged when he was met with equally confused stares. Vivian had her hand ready to alert someone, but she didn't know who to alert, or what the alert even was.

There wasn't anything bad going on technically, a family group just added a new family member.

Lowery glanced to the front of the room when someone asked, "Are they trying to hunt down the paintball guy?"

"What? No, that's crazy," Lowery immediately said, but his eyes flickered back to the mud crusted screen. Blue had dropped that gun right in front of Rexy for her to smell. He knew Rexy had a very keen sense of smell.

And Elise was fluent enough in dino to concoct this whole plot. But these were just dinosaurs! They shouldn't have been smart enough to make alliances.

But Rexy had followed the Beta as calm as could be when she should have attacked them on sight for being so close to her territory.

Lowery pressed his lips; the dinosaurs were conspiring, and that made him very uncomfortable. Maybe he was being a little prejudiced; he probably wouldn't have cared so much if it was the herbivores.

Anything but their three most dangerous species of carnivores. God help them, the Indominus, Velociraptors, and Tyrannosaurus had just formed a pack with one another.

And Owen was part of it.

Lowery pinched his nose as he leaned back into his chair, and the room remained silent. Vivian still wasn't sure what to say, and someone finally asked, "So how many points does the Raptor Squad get for recruiting Big Boss?"

Lowery thought about that; he figured the Petting Zoo better just wave the white flag. He didn't even know why Owen was pissed at them. Lowery wiped his face before asking, "Ten points?"

A Security Control scoffed as she said, "They just got Rexy on their side. I'd say thirty points."

She turned when her companion said, "Nah, they haven't done anything with her, Big Boss is just following. For all we know, Big Boss is just wanting to check up on Elise. Twenty points."

Lowery pulled out his notebook before firmly saying, "Twenty-five points. It's a team effort here, and apparently Blue has a way with Big Boss."

"What the hell is Owen going to do with her? Rexy still thinks he's dead."

Lowery shrugged as he tossed the notebook back, and sighed, "Elise is going to have to explain a few things."

"Should we warn someone?"

"...Nah, let's see how this plays out. Besides, I have done enough for Owen today. Any update on the paintballers?"


Lowery heaved a sigh, and he went back to his screen. There was nothing else he could do, and he trusted Elise to make sure Rexy was gone by the time her next show came on.


"Do you have a problem with stealing things, Owen?"

"Nope, I think I'm pretty good at it actually."

Tim gave an exasperated sigh as Owen ate the last of his chocolate cupcake; he would admit it was a bit much to eat chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting and filling all topped off with chocolate sprinkles.

Tasted pretty good though.

He glanced to the side of him when Tim exclaimed, "From a birthday party? Come on, Owen, that's pretty low..."

Owen shrugged before he licked his fingers off, and retorted, "Eh, I don't think Lorie is going to mind one cupcake. Fifteen year olds don't care about cupcakes, they care about their phones or whatever."

Tim gave a dry look before shaking his head. He would have stopped Owen if he hadn't been so startled by Owen suddenly veering off the street. He had easily mingled through the happy crowd singing happy birthday to a content, sincerely grateful Lorie, before he snagged an appetizing cupcake off the table. Owen was in and out before the song was over, and he had even given a small cheer when the candles were blown out.

Owen remained oblivious to the indignant looks from his friend.

"Hey, Velociraptor does mean swift thief."

Tim sighed loudly, and both startled when someone suddenly exclaimed, "Uncle Owen!"

Owen immediately caught sight of Gray bolting over, and he tensed at seeing Claire behind him. Owen quickly shoved the bag of goods at Tim as he hissed, "Don't let Claire see this!"

Tim didn't want to hold any stolen merchandise, but Owen gave a look before adding, "You're already in this! Just put it somewhere safe until I can get it later, okay? We'll put it back later."

Tim finally rolled his eyes at the man before disappearing into the crowd. Owen turned around just in time for Gray to tackle him in a tight hug, and Owen chuckled.

"Hey, Gray! What's happening?"

Owen paused when the hug seemed to last a little bit longer than normal, and he gave a reassuring hug. He wasn't sure what was wrong, but Gray pulled back as he said, "Aunt Claire wanted us to help you clean up Elise before her next show. Hey, do you think she has Giganotosaurus in her?"

Owen blinked before slowly saying, "She might...we don't have her records yet, but she probably does if you think so. You're really smart about your dinos."

Gray finally beamed, and gave another tight hug before letting go. Owen felt his mouth pull into a smile when Claire and Zach finally caught up. She looked stressed, and even Zach seemed a little quieter than normal. Owen raised an eyebrow at the sullen teen, but Claire gave a quick shake of her head; Owen got the message.

Don't ask.

Owen finally greeted, "How's it going, Zach?"

The teen gave a small smile as he quietly said, "It's better now. Why did Elise get shot with paintballs?"

Zach then stared at the red paint on Owen, and Owen answered, "Because we're not very good at dodging apparently, but you guys ready to go help? Blue and the girls are still there, you might get to see them."

Zach frowned, he didn't remember seeing any of the raptors, but Gray bounced excitedly. Anything to be around more dinosaurs! They always made him feel better, they were his comfort zone.

Owen gave a small chuckle as he put an arm around Gray, and began to lead them back to a supply shed. He was glad Claire didn't ask him why he didn't have the bucket already, and he turned his attention back to the bouncing child next to him.

Owen liked Gray's enthusiasm.


"So...I should just make sure they know I love them?"

Elise gave another nod; she hated comforting strangers. She understood that Karen was very stressed about losing her pack, but Elise's attention span wasn't that great yet. Karen blinked at her wringing hands before giving a shaky sigh. She supposed that made sense, and it was all she could do for her sons.

Karen gave a final sniff before standing. She wiped her face off with Claire's handkerchief, and wiped her shirt of any dirt. She cleared her throat, and Elise rumbled in approval; now Karen was acting like someone who was going to keep the family from falling apart.

Karen had explained all the details of her painful divorce. Elise pretended she was explaining anyways, Karen had actually broken down in tears as she babbled, but Elise now understood what a divorce was.

Two mates no longer wishing to be one another's mates. Apparently humans mated for life, or they generally did, Elise would ask Owen later, when he taught her more words.

The important thing Elise had been trying to drill into Karen's head was how the family had not fallen apart. The mates had split, but the love was still there. Mates could still be friends if they wished, right? Elise saw no reason for Karen and her 'ex-husband' to not get along after this. They had simply grown apart; they just didn't get along as mates.

"I can do this...I just need to make sure they know Scott and I love them very much. ...It wasn't their fault...and things will be fine..."

Elise gave a happy croon; Karen finally figured it out. It was all she could do as far as Elise could see, and she gently puffed air onto the blonde human. Karen finally gave a shaky chuckle, but the bitter smell was lessening.

"Thank you,'re a good soul. I know you were being really patient with me..."

Elise garbled at her; now she felt slightly bad that it had been obvious to Karen, but the human only smiled at her. She wiped her face dry, and gave a sigh. Elise could see the pain dissipating from her small chest, and Karen quietly said, "I should have Scott there when we explain it...huh?"

Elise nodded; anything to get Karen moving. Her head was hurting from all the crying, and she needed to go find Blue. The gun had to be back before Owen came back. Karen nodded in agreement before taking a step back as she said, "I'll talk to the kids later...I know they missed seeing you...and we have to leave tomorrow night."

Karen gave a small sigh, but she added, "We'll come see you though. Scott and I will behave tomorrow...for the kids...we will leave here on a happy note."

Elise didn't know what else the two could do, and she rumbled at her. Karen smiled before walking out of the tunnel as she said, "Bye, Elise. Thank you for listening."

Elise waited for the footsteps to stop echoing before she gave a large sigh. She now knew her purpose in life would not be comforting severely distressed adults. She would cuddle children until the sadness went away, but she did not have the energy to comfort sad adults.

A rustle in the thick brush pulled Elise from her thoughts, and she was relieved to see Blue carrying the gun. Elise gave a few chitters at Blue for taking her sweet time, and Blue retorted that her instructions had been completely useless. Elise snorted at her, but was distracted by footsteps echoing again. Elise was quick to snatch the gun up from Blue before leaning it as best she could against the wall. She sat down like she had been there the whole time before snapping her claws up to quickly shut the window.

There was no need for Owen to be suspicious.


"And it explains why Elise would be so big! The Giganotosaurus was bigger than a Tyrannosaurus!"

Owen was legitimately interested in that, and he opened his mouth to ask another question, but Gray startled when he heard his mother calling his name. Zach stiffened, but Karen wrapped her arms around both her boys tightly. She kissed both of them before quietly saying, "It's going to be okay, and we'll talk about it later, okay? Everything is going to be fine, and your father and I love you both very much."

Karen gave them another kiss, and added, "You two just have fun, and behave for Aunt Claire."

The two boys only gave quiet nods, and Karen squeezed them tightly before waving a farewell to her sister. Owen raised an eyebrow at her, but Claire handed the bucket over to Zach as she said, "We're right behind you two, okay? Owen needs to know a couple things about Elise before we go in."

The two grinned at each other, eager to get alone time with the white dinosaur, and they bolted down the tunnel. Claire waited for them to be out of earshot before she quietly said, "Their parents are divorcing...they found out a little while ago."


That certainly explained why the two seemed slightly off to Owen. He rubbed the back of his neck, and sighed in sympathy. His own parents hadn't had the happiest of marriages. It had actually been a relief when they had finally called it quits. His mother became much friendlier towards Owen's father, and there was a peace in the house. Gatherings were more fun, and Owen didn't hide in his room so much.

He hoped it would be similar for Gray and Zach; he hoped a peace would be found in the house after it was over.

Owen was pulled from his thoughts when Claire leaned on him tiredly. He certainly wasn't going to complain about the contact, but he was concerned when no-touchy Claire was actually touching him.

He hoped she wasn't getting sick.

"You okay?"

Claire nodded before quietly saying, "Just need a moment of quiet. It's been really busy."

Owen believed that, and he gently pressed a little closer to her. She gave a small sigh, and Owen swallowed before suddenly asking, "Wanna go get dinner tonight?"

He cursed himself mentally when Claire frowned in confusion. She tilted her gaze at him before asking, "Like a date?"

Owen knew it wouldn't be good if he hesitated, and he immediately said, "Like a second date."

He pressed his lips at the silence, and he didn't want to get shot down. He probably should have timed this better; he had planned on being super smooth with her, like last time.

But last time hadn't ended so well. It had been a disaster actually. It was the event no one talked about, but everyone knew about. Owen had made it a point to avoid Claire as best he could after that. It was a good sign that she hadn't stopped leaning on him, right?

"Are you going to give me grief about the tequila?"

Owen finally laughed as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and he shook his head.

"No, you can stick with your water if you want. No grief from me."

Owen gestured to the pointed, white heels as he added, "You ran all over kingdom come in those ridiculous shoes, and you fired that gun like a boss; you earned your right to drink what you want."

Claire finally gave a playful smile that sent the warmest shivers down his spine, and Owen mentally cheered. He got Claire to smile for him! Today was a good day even if none of the scents matched up with the gun's.

"Does seven work for you?"

Owen nodded as he led the way to the tunnel, and said, "Sure does. We can pick where we want to eat later if you want."

Claire agreed with that, but she paused at the entrance. Owen glanced at her questioningly, and she quietly asked, "If Zach and Gray want to get some quiet time...?"

Owen shrugged as he said, "By all means, I like those two. We can eat somewhere quiet; we'll make sure this date ends on a good note this time."

Owen mentally cheered when he got another smile out of Claire, but she did walk ahead of him in the tunnel. Owen didn't mind though, he was fine with moving slow. He found Zach and Gray getting ready to splash each other with the water, but they grinned sheepishly when they saw him.

Owen only chuckled as he pressed the button, and the window slid back. Elise brought her head up as she blinked innocently at him. He peered over the edge to see his girls sitting in the ferns, and he smiled. The gun was still in its place, and Owen asked, "Cause any mischief while I was gone, Baby?"

Elise garbled at him for thinking such a silly thing, and she shook her head. Owen smiled warmly, and winked at her as he said, "I didn't think so. I'm glad the girls didn't give you grief while I was gone."

Elise risked a small glance at Blue below her, and the raptor's golden eyes twinkled devilishly.

If only Owen knew he had a new pack member.

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