Chapter 31

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We have a warning today of a poor goat's demise because I ended up getting sidetracked in this chapter with our favorite old lady! Seriously though, the goat dies, and I tried to reign myself in on the description.

Anyways, please enjoy this chapter, and I thank you all for your reviews and criticism!


"Remember When?"

"There we go, Baby. Feel better?"

Elise gave a warm croon as the last of the itchy pain was gently wiped from her snowy scales. She felt much better without the vibrant colors sticking to her. She had tried to lick Owen clean, but he didn't want to risk her getting sick from ingesting the paint.

Elise felt like Owen was just trying to avoid more kisses from her, but she didn't push him.

Dr. Grant had snuck in about halfway through before collecting teeth from Elise. He truly was amazed by how easily some of the teeth had been pulled free. It wasn't like Elise had rotting teeth; they just weren't in her jaw very good.

Owen dropped the colored wet rag into the bucket before glancing at his watch, and he said, "Rexy's next show starts in about ten minutes, Baby. I know you probably miss her, and I need to go change."

Owen peered down at the sleeping raptors, and he quietly added, "Just be sure to lock the gate behind you so Blue doesn't try to follow. She's a nosey little shit, and I don't want Rexy to get mad."

Elise wanted to tell Owen that the gate had been smashed down apparently, and Rexy was currently in the thick trees only mere feet away. Rexy was amazing at sitting perfectly still, and Elise wanted to see Owen's face if the old dinosaur suddenly sneezed or something.

But Elise only crooned at Owen quietly before gently nuzzling him. Owen chuckled at her, and walked over to the button on the wall as he said, "I'll see you in a little bit, Baby. Try not to get into trouble."

Elise snorted at him; she was good at avoiding the trouble she caused, but Owen didn't need to know she was aware of that. The window slowly slid shut, and Elise garbled a farewell to the humans before they left. Elise gave a wide yawn; she actually wanted a nap after today's excitement.

She glanced down at her snoozing pack for a few minutes, and it seemed they were thinking the same thing. It was warming to see the three sisters sleeping tightly next to one another in a pile. They were too lazy to craft individual nests, so they had made one big one.

It worked out better than expected, and it was endearing to see the sisters sleeping so peacefully.

Elise was pulled from her thoughts when she heard a knocking on the glass window. She blinked at seeing Dr. Grant, and she could make out the muffled words.

"Elise, I need another tooth, please. I missed one."

The Indominus blinked, but she easily slid the window back before cocking her head at him. She liked Dr. Grant, he was funny, but respectful. She didn't mind giving him her teeth because he wanted to help keep her here.

"Thanks, Girly, I'm getting old; my memory isn't what it used to be."

Elise only garbled at him as the dusty hands carefully poked her teeth. Dr. Grant wasn't willing to even tug on a tooth that wouldn't wiggle. Elise appreciated that he didn't want to cause her any pain.

Elise felt a slight tug on her gums before Dr. Grant held a long ivory in his hand. To Elise, it looked very much like one of Rexy's teeth. She watched Grant carefully inspect it, seemingly lost in memories, before suddenly asking, "How's old Rexy doing? Is she still fiery?"

Elise tilted her head; she wasn't aware the Grant had known Rexy. He continued to turn the tooth over as he said, "I never met a creature who was so...powerful. I think she truly resembles her ancestors...I hear she still likes goats. It drives Gerry up a wall that she's just eating soft goats."

Grant suddenly cleared his throat as he put the tooth away, and asked, "So is Rexy doing well? I won't be able to make it to any of her shows, and I'll have to leave tonight."

It made Elise sad that Grant wouldn't be able to see her again. He seemed genuinely interested in how Rexy was doing, and she turned her head to the thick brush before making a deep rumble. Grant raised an eyebrow before paling when the trees shuddered as they were pushed aside.

The ground shivered quietly as the massive feet sank into the rich earth, and the old Tyrannosaurus gave a slow exhale from her massive chest. Her golden eyes flickered to Elise when she made low growls mixed in with rumbles.

Grant watched Rexy wrinkle her snout before suddenly lowering her head. He froze when the massive head was cocked until the piercing, golden fire was focused on him, and Grant couldn't stop his chuckle as he quietly said, "My god...I think you actually got more beautiful since the last time I saw you. I think...I think you aged very well, Rexy."

Rexy didn't take her gaze off the human when Elise made her translating rumbles. Rexy swore she knew this human from somewhere; the handkerchief was dully familiar. She gave a stern snort before flaring her nostrils at the human.

The scents flowed into her sensitive nostrils, but one smell brought back an old memory. She remembered the dirt. It was a dusty dirt that smelled dry even in the heavy rainfall. She hadn't realized she had been smelling a human until after she had pushed the metal vehicle over the ledge on that dark night.

He had been the first to use the red fire to guide her where he wanted. This human was there when she had attacked the Velociraptors in the man-made cave. She never thought she would see this human again, but Rexy was pleased to see he was still alive.

It brought back memories that made her feel young again. If this human was still alive, then maybe she wasn't as old as she thought she was.

Dr. Grant suddenly gave a small chuckle, and Rexy tilted her gaze back onto him. He seemed neither afraid nor in awe. He just seemed happy.

Like he was seeing an old friend again.

Rexy gave a low rumble; she liked the energy coming from this human. He had aged like her, he had mellowed as well, but he was still the same. A kindred spirit in a sense, and she could smell her tall son's scent clinging to this one. She wondered if this dusty human acted as a parent to her son, and it made her fonder of this human.

Rexy clearly remembered seeing this human protecting the small children from Big One and her pack. He had known he wouldn't stand a chance, but he refused to abandon them; Rexy had respected him for it.

So, she had leant a helping hand because Big One liked to kill for sport. It was good to know he was still kicking, and Rexy was warmed by the fact that he never forgot about her. Rexy was glad White One knew how to make sense of these humans' garbling sounds.

Grant slowly extended his cracked hand towards her, but he didn't touch Rexy; she would come if she wanted. He could see that mellowed, golden fire eyeing his hand curiously before a sense of nostalgia seemed to wash over her. Rexy remained gentle as she pressed against the hand, and Grant smiled at the forest scales that still held their vibrant colors. He could see a few silvering scales, but she had certainly retained her color better than he had. His hand looked so small underneath her warm, gold eye, and he couldn't help softly saying, "Look at us, two old dinosaurs crossing paths again. I always thought Malcolm was high when he said we'd meet again. He was always so full of himself with his stupid Chaos Theory...I'll eat my words this one time..."

Rexy didn't understand the words, but she knew the tone. It was a calm, bittersweet reunion of two creatures who should have never crossed paths had not a single man decided to bring back the dead. A human who should have only known the bones of her ancestors, and a Tyrannosaurus who should have never known what a human was.

But the span of time naturally separating their species did nothing to the mutual respect that had been forged between them over two decades ago. This dinosaur respected the human's bravery and dedication to little ones. This human's respect for the dinosaur had only been solidified in seeing the buried skeleton's power come to life; lethal muscles coated by the colors of the forest with a wild, golden fire to burn any unfortunate soul.

Both seemed lost in their own memories brought on by the other. Rexy's golden eye half focused on the red handkerchief, and Grant was memorizing the patterns of the smooth scales. He had always thought of Hammond's creations as theme park monsters who had ruined the image of a proud world that died off long ago. But Rexy was different. Grant had gone over the details several times. She was the same size, the correct amount of teeth, and the temperament was there.

To Grant, Rexy was a Tyrannosaurus Rex. She was not a theme park monster; she was a dinosaur roaming the Earth once again. Hammond could take all the credit of bringing her back, he could brag about how experts picked the colors of her scales to resemble her ancestors, or even credit the scientists for her longer lifespan.

But Hammond did not create the very presence that had been so naturally bestowed to Rexy. No scientist would ever be able to duplicate that commanding respect demanded by this dinosaur.

Nature had made that. Nature was the only one who could take credit for creating such a magnificent ruler of an era filled with spectacular, giant creatures whose footsteps shook the very ground. Grant truly believed Rexy would not have been so imposing if she didn't bear such close resemblance to her fearsome ancestors.

It was why Rexy had always remained so popular in Jurassic World. Rexy was a real dinosaur.

A shrill, faraway whistle broke the two from their trance, and Grant cleared his throat as he gave a gentle pat on the scales before pulling back. Rexy blinked her golden eyes a few times before she lifted her massive head to turn to the direction of the sound. It was her tall son calling her; letting her know it was almost time to go eat the goat.

Rexy gave a sideways glance at Grant as she took a few steps into the thick trees. Grant chewed the inside of his cheek, and the two refused to break eye contact with one another before the dinosaur melted into the trees. Elise gently nuzzled the old man before sliding the window shut. He watched her trot after her adopted mother, and Grant sighed in the empty room. He scratched at his beard before huffing, "Ah, sonofabitch..."

Grant growled at himself as he tucked the tooth in his pocket, and began to hobble out of the tunnel. He could still make it if he moved his ass.

It didn't feel right leaving on that note. Rexy shouldn't have looked back like that; it was too damned cliché for his taste. She was a proud dinosaur damn it, and she left like a tame, little old lady. Elise was a sweet girl, Grant truly liked her, but she was giving the wrong impression of what a real dinosaur was. Real dinosaurs did not cuddle little kids.

Rexy needed the spotlight again, this was a park for dinosaurs.


"Did Dr. Grant just pet Rexy?"

Lowery pressed his lips before rewinding the tape again. It didn't lessen the shock felt in the Control Room as the old man gently pressed his hand against the massive carnivore. Grant was easily dwarfed by Rexy, and he didn't even seem to notice. The two had remained still for a few minutes, and Lowery was still shocked to see the old lady simply leave. He glanced at the clock before shaking his head.

"Rexy's show is getting ready to start. I think this will be the first time she'll be late."

Someone scoffed before exclaiming, "Someone just touched a fully awake, not sedated Rexy! And you're focusing on how she's going to be late?"

"I like to focus on what I understand."

Vivian quietly sighed before Lowery rolled over to his radio. He turned the dial before asking, "Hey, Tim? You there?"

Lowery rubbed his forehead tiredly while he waited. He flipped through a few cameras before blinking at seeing a grey Debra huffing as she marched from the bathroom. Lowery was so focused on how she looked like a dead grey, that he jumped when Tim answered, "I'm here, what's happening?"

Debra went off camera, and Lowery cleared his throat before saying, "Um, Rexy might be a few minutes late; she just left Elise's false log. I guess she didn't feel like leaving Elise alone after the paintball attack."

Vivian glanced at him briefly before Tim sounded confused when he said, "But...Owen's Velociraptors are there, aren't they? There's no way Mama would even tolerate looking at them."

Lowery was half tempted to tell Tim that his 'Mama' had just joined a gang, and she helped cunning Blue in some kind of conspiracy. But Lowery didn't have the heart to complicate Tim's life; no person should ever have to witness the two carnivores concocting some sort of scheme. He also didn't want to tell Tim about Dr. Grant cuddling the old lady just now.

Lowery missed when the dinosaurs acted normal; he was going to throw a fit if Lilly the Mosasaur started doing tricks like Shamu. This wasn't normal; Lowery liked it when the dinosaurs weren't conspiring with one another.

Maybe there was a reason why the Velociraptors were left in the restricted area of the park.

Lowery gave a small sigh before saying, "Well, maybe the raptors were somewhere else. I just know Rexy is going to be a few minutes late, Tim."

Vivian paused to stretch her fingers when Lowery put the radio down, and someone asked, "Does Dr. Grant get points for petting Rexy?"

Lowery snorted as he answered, "If Dr. Grant was part of this little war, then he would have just won. I wouldn't mess with the guy who can actually pet Rexy; we all saw how she went right over to him."

Vivian shrugged as she quietly said, "Maybe Rexy remembered him from last time..."

Lowery raised his eyebrow before dryly saying, "Viv, I can't even remember what I had for dinner yesterday. Rexy is really old, I doubt she remembered Dr. Grant from over twenty years ago; especially since they only saw each other twice."

Vivian smiled as she went back to her work, but she said, "Only takes one important event to remember someone for the rest of your life. I don't think she would go over to him if he didn't mean something to her."

"...I think you're giving Rexy a little too much credit, Viv."


Owen hummed quietly as he made his way over to where Tim had hidden the items from the petting zoo. He certainly wasn't about to let the old dinosaur see him, but Owen needed to get the stuff before someone raised the alarm.

Jurassic World security was good. Really good. Maybe Owen would have to pay Lowery to mess with the footage or something; he didn't think the tech-geek could be swayed, but it was worth a shot.


Owen yelped at the screech before whirling around. His head snapped back when a clenched fist smashed into his already sore jaw, and he stumbled back. Owen was so shocked that it took him a few seconds before he realized he was looking at a furious Debra. She was a pale gray, and seemed to be shaking slightly.

Owen wasn't sure if it was because she was so livid, or because she had probably just shit her intestines out. He was going to assume it was because of both.

He blinked at her as he clutched his jaw, and Debra snarled, "You! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

Granted the smartass in him was strong, and he dryly said, "I don't think you have time for that long list. How often does the shit train drop by for you? Every ten minutes or so? Five?"

"Is this a fucking joke?!"

Owen only shrugged as he rubbed his jaw; he would admit he respected Debra for throwing such a solid hit. She seemed to grow mare gaunt with anger, and Owen quietly said, "Careful, don't wanna put too much stress on the intestines. I take it you ate more than one doughnut? Or did you eat the one where the lid accidently fell off, and the sprinkles scattered all over it?"

"Go to hell!"

"After you, Sweetheart; it'd be nice to follow someone who already knows the way there."

Owen couldn't stop his smirk when Debra darkened immensely. He was in danger of being murdered right now, and he was loving it. Since Blue and the girls had fully accepted him into the pack; he didn't have anyone to thumb his nose at. He missed thumbing his nose at Death.

Debra looked like Death right now.

Owen refused to give ground when the curly haired woman stomped into his space. Debra actually smelled a little sick, and Owen didn't want her to get too dehydrated. There was no way the unrelenting shits combined with this muggy weather were good in any way. He doubted the woman had been drinking anything all day.

Owen narrowed his eyes when Debra snarled, "What did I ever do to you?! What is your problem, Grady?!"

Owen curled his own lip before snapping, "I am going to warn you one time, Debra. Don't you ever think about fucking with any of my girls. I gave you hell because of the way you insulted Elise."

"You're fucking dramatic, Grady! I can't believe the shit you pulled on us because of that thing!"

Owen would admit he probably took it a little too far sometimes, but he didn't regret anything he had done to the Petting Zoo. He sniffed at Debra before calmly saying, "I'll stop."

Debra narrowed her eyes at him, and Owen added, "After you apologize to Elise for being cruel to her."

The woman blinked in shock before bursting out laughing. Owen crossed his arms as he patiently waited, and Debra finally said, "Grady, don't make me laugh; I won't forgive you if I shit myself in public."

Owen prayed to any god who would make that happen. He was praying right now for that gift from above, and he was slightly disappointed when Debra dryly said, "I'll apologize to Elise when my animals won't flee in terror from her."

He raised an eyebrow at her smug look before saying, "Fine. When do you want me to bring her over?"

Debra actually looked shocked, and she immediately said, "You're insane. I had a feeling you were crazy for wanting to work with those things, but now I know you're insane. Why the hell would I allow that Indominus to come anywhere near my babies?!"

"So I can prove you wrong. When that's done, you can apologize to her."

The woman was stunned into silence when she realized he was serious, and Owen gave a crooked grin as he asked, "So, when's a good time for you?"


Tim drummed his fingers on his leg as he walked onto the platform. He was glad it was something that lifted up, and he didn't have to always climb something. That would have been exhausting. He was actually kind of glad Rexy was a little late today; he had been extra careful about where he had hidden the stolen goods. Tim couldn't help the sick feeling in his stomach. What would his mother think of him for doing this? She'd be pissed.

What would Rexy think? Tim paused for a second; Rexy probably wouldn't care. She just wanted her set schedule as far as he knew. She seemed to like her set routine.

"Hey, Tim!"

Time was pulled from his thoughts when he heard the gravelly voice of Dr. Grant. He blinked at the hobbling man, and he was surprised to see him. Tim thought Dr. Grant would have left by now; they had found a new skeleton.

Tim waited for the Paleontologist to hobble over before Grant took a deep breath. He wasn't what he used to be; it was hard to imagine he had actually ran from dinosaurs in his younger days. Grant pressed his lips before asking, "Mind if I tag along?"

Tim blinked in surprise, but he couldn't stop his enthused grin as he nodded excitedly. Grant chuckled as he walked on, but he grimaced when the platform began to raise. He wasn't very fond of heights, but he needed to do this.

Grant was actually surprised to see such a view below them, and he grimaced at seeing the people in the viewing log. He had no idea how that came to be a good idea, but he certainly wouldn't go in there. He didn't care if Rexy had allowed him to pet her; she was still an animal. What happened in Elise's false log was what Grant would credit to Malcolm's stupid Chaos Theory.

He didn't think it would ever happen again, and he was sure this had happened purely by chance. But, there was still a chance he could help out Rexy.

Grant was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a goat bleating. He raised an eyebrow as he peered down, and blinked at the Boer goat munching on the grass.

"Rexy upgraded from the skinny goats to the top meat goats?"

Tim nodded as he stared at the goat. The goats actually had been getting meatier over the years. Rexy wasn't as interested when it was a skinny toothpick. She liked her goats nice and fat. It wasn't exactly good for her, and Tim would dread every dental appointment where Gerry would chew him out in front of a stoned out of her mind Rexy.

"Do you ever let her chase the goat?"

Tim raised an eyebrow at the borderline, obese goat before saying, "I don't think it'll be much of a chase..."

Grant shook his head at the pudgy animal as he replied, "She needs to hunt, Tim. She's acting old; you gotta make her feel young. She's going to age if she feels old."

The two stared at the animal before the telltale of shaking thuds reached their ears, and Tim grinned widely. He adjusted the earpiece before speaking into the mic, "Good afternoon, folks. Sorry about being a little tardy, as most of you know, Rexy has adopted Elise the Indominus Rex. Rexy was just over in Elise's paddock checking up on her like the good mother she is."

Grant pressed his lips; Tim was making Rexy seem soft. She wasn't soft, damn it. He had no doubt that she would be a protective mother, but he was slightly put off by how accepting the old dinosaur was. By all rights, Rexy should have tried to get rid of Elise. As cruel as it sounded, it was simply nature. It was obvious that Elise wasn't the same as Rexy, and that bleach white color would have never allowed her to live in the wild. She would have been killed before taking a step out of the nest.

But this was Jurassic World, not the Cretaceous Era. White dinosaurs like Elise were awed over, and the king was fed fat goats who would probably suffer a heart attack if they tried to even trot.

Grant pinched the bridge of his nose before Rexy parted from the tree with a wide yawn. Grant sagged at seeing how mellow she was acting; she was acting old. She didn't even try to scare him in the false log. He still wasn't sure what had happened back there, and his attention was grabbed by a small control panel next to Tim. He frowned before asking, "What's that for?"

Tim glanced to the side of him, and covered the mic as he answered, "Lights in the log, volume, release on the goat's collar, and AC in the log. Pretty cool, huh?"

Grant pressed his lips as he stared at the goat. He had a plan now.

Rexy gave a dull snort as she glanced at the goat in the same place as it always was. She did like her routine, but seeing the dusty human again had reminded her of how things used to be. When she roamed where she pleased, hunted for herself, and actually had something to do.

When she didn't have such a set routine.

A small croon grabbed Rexy's attention, and she felt a little better. White One was a change in pace, and so were the Velociraptors. Their presence meant her patrols actually had a purpose. She had someone to teach, to carry on her legacy, and the raptors would keep her on her toes.

Especially Blue One.

She heard her tall son garbling the same nonsense, but Rexy ran a reassuring tongue over the white scales. It was very important to always assure her youngling. White One was clingy, probably afraid of being alone. Rexy had rarely seen her alone.

Even her handler seemed to be clingy to her.

Rexy still didn't like the trespasser, but she would not deny he was good to his pack. She had no idea how he had proved himself a leader to the raptors, but Rexy would respect him for actually accomplishing that.

Rexy heard the red fire giving its hiss, but she startled at hearing a gravelly, "Hey!"

The old dinosaur blinked for being barked at, and she turned her sharp gaze to see the dusty human holding the red flare.

Like the first time.

And like the first time, Rexy gave a loud roar. She couldn't help herself; it made her feel young again, to be reminded of that rainy night. Her first taste of freedom outside the fences. She could see the dusty human give a friendly grin, and the two understood one another.

Rexy remembered how the dusty human had waved the flare around to keep her attention, and he did it again. It wasn't like she was intrigued by the fire this time, but it was what had happened last time.

She could feel that rush in her veins again. The challenge of seeing something new. What would this dusty human lead her to this time? She had been led to the human hiding in the flimsy structure before killing him.

She remembered how the human had smelled like bad meat.

Rexy gave a sharp snap of her teeth as she flexed her claws excitedly, and the human suddenly hit something next to her tall son. He looked startled, but the dusty human held her attention.

Rexy snapped her head in the direction of the goat when the chain rattled as it hit the floor. The animal, despite its weight, did its best to bolt away.

A chase!

A loud roar tore from her throat, and Rexy whipped her tail back and forth as she allowed the goat to dart past her. The humans in the log could still see her, and Rexy let out a snarl when the red fire was tossed in the goat's path.

Just like last time. The dusty human had thrown the flare, and prey was nearby.

Grant smiled when the old dinosaur finally lunged at the fleeing prey, and he nodded in approval. There was the king of the Cretaceous. Elise looked a little startled, but interested. Grant knew she had human in her, but someone had to teach her how to hunt. Elise needed to act like a dinosaur too.

Tim jumped when the ivories violently snapped into the goat, and Rexy began to shake her head as she made guttural growls. The Tyrannosaurus seemed to be caught up in the act, and the two yelped when Rexy suddenly swung her head. Grant blinked when Rexy let go, and the goat carcass went flying over the walls.

Tim gaped as they waited before a loud splat sounded on the sidewalk followed by startled shrieks. Grant couldn't stop his wide grin, and he even gave a small bounce as he cheered, "Alright, Rexy! I knew you still had it!"

Rexy felt young again, and the swell of pride was too much to keep in her chest. She took a deep breath of the sweet forest air before allowing a terrifying roar to spill from her massive jaws. It was a deep command to flee at her very presence, and she was pleased to see the humans jump as the birds scattered from the trees. Rexy glanced at the dusty human, and he even seemed to be younger as he cheered her on.

She regarded him for a moment, memorizing this moment, before she puffed air through her nose. Rexy was grateful for this human; he made her feel young again. She had almost forgot she could instill such fear.

Grant grinned at seeing the Tyrannosaurs stand a little taller as that blazing fire glowed in the golden eyes. He felt good, he felt young, and he wanted to see how big of a mess the goat had made.

They shared one more glance before silently bidding each other farewell. Rexy wasn't sure if she would see this human again, but she would not forget him. She had a feeling he wouldn't either, and Rexy swung her tail elegantly behind her as she melted back into the jungle. Elise seemed confused, but she was eager to follow Rexy.

Grant grinned as he slapped Tim on the back before exclaiming, "Now that is a real dinosaur, Timmy! You gotta keep her young with good hunts! I think we took ten years off her appearance!"

Tim only swallowed as the panicked yells from over the walls grew louder. How was he supposed to explain this to Claire?


"Hell will freeze over before I do that."

Owen shrugged as he began to walk away; he didn't expect anything else from Debra, but he tried. He raised an eyebrow at hearing Rexy give a loud roar, but turned around when Debra said, "Hey! Don't you walk away from me! I won't let you leave until you promise to leave my food alone!"

Owen rolled his eyes loudly before snapping, "I won't do that until you apologize to Elise!"

Debra darkened at his raised voice, but Owen refused to back down. They were one step away from a full out brawl, and Owen knew he would get fired for that. Equality was a lie! He would be burned at the stake for getting into a fist fight with a woman.

Owen braced when Debra raised her fist, but the sound of snarls startled them, and Owen looked up in time to see the red fly over the walls.

Owen yelled, and Debra shrieked when the pile of meat gave a wet splat on the pavement. The chunks of meat splattered onto their shoes, and Debra paled when red droplets struck her cheek. Owen had no idea what to do, and Debra gagged a few times before screaming as the red rivers streamed out.

Owen didn't blame her, and he gave a startled yelp when the thunderous roar shook Jurassic World. More people startled into screaming, and Owen really wanted to get out of here.

He didn't want to get eaten.


"Did you guys see that?! That was awesome!"

Lowery was grinning widely as Owen and Debra seemed thoroughly grossed out by the dead goat. Rexy looked young on screen, and a couple people burst out laughing as they replayed the video tape. Lowery threw his arms up as he exclaimed, "Rexy wins! It was clear! Superbowl has nothing on her!"

The Control burst into applause, and someone happily said, "Big Boss is back in action!"

Lowery had only wished he had been there to personally see the look on Owen's face.

But the camera had caught a pretty good shot of it, and it was priceless.

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