Chapter 32

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Hey guys! I'm glad you all enjoyed our little old lady getting a visit from Dr. Grant! It would have been wrong to not give them some spotlight!

Anyways, announcement time!

I shall be going on vacation for the next four days. I will sincerely try my hardest to post chapters, but I have no idea what will happen with taking the wifi from hotels! So, please be patient!

I feel like I'm forgetting to say something else, but I'll figure it out later.

My sincerest thank yous to all your reviews and criticism! Seriously, I do read all of them, and I do go back to correct mistakes if you point them out!

Anyways, please enjoy!


"Angel's Trumpet, Dumbass."

"You were really something today, Baby Girl."

Elise gave a proud croon as she relished the compliment. Owen only grinned at her before adding, "Brilliant idea having the girls do a run past here. How'd you catch that rabbit anyways?"

The Indominus only waggled her fingers as an answer. It had actually been incredibly difficult catching the elusive, quick creatures. She had accidently squished one before catching the other. It had been almost time for their last show, and Elise wanted the raptors to get some attention as well.

She told the girls to catch the rabbit; winner got the Oreo.

Elise had actually thought the rabbit would escape, but an opportunity to get Oreos was never passed up by Blue. It was only because the rabbit had briefly stumbled that Blue was able to tackle the squealing creature.

It was a little gruesome for some of the younger kids, but there weren't very many at the late show; most had gone back to bed. It was the older children who enjoyed the show; Zach especially. The two brothers were without their parents, but Elise didn't smell anything off with them. They were in a good mood, and Zach was carrying a large, silver square.

Owen glanced at his watch before giving a slight smile; it was six, he had enough time to go home and shower before the second date. He looked up when Elise gave a curious croon, and Owen sheepishly said, "I'll explain later, Baby. I might come back a little later to check up on you. You got the girls tonight?"

Elise glanced down at the sleepy Delta leaning against her large leg while Echo and Blue were one more dirty look away from brawling. She glanced back at Owen before giving a single nod; she would wear Blue out at the rabbit holes again. She could always go get Rexy if they didn't want to behave.

Rexy had one more show, but Elise didn't have as many; Claire had given her less shows for the first week so she wouldn't feel overwhelmed.

Claire was a very good Alpha.

Owen smiled at her before giving her nose a soft pat before she gently puffed air onto him. He chuckled as he returned the affection then leaned over the ledge as he sternly said, "Blue, Echo, Delta...behave."

Echo and Delta gave a small chirp; they knew who the growl was really directed towards; Blue almost looked indignant for being singled out, and she snapped her jaws at Owen. He gave her a stern look, and Blue huffed as she turned her back to him so she could chew her silver ball in peace.

Elise had finally showed her the magic to opening the ball, but Blue wasn't about to let Alpha know that. She needed to be a smart, capable Beta who could figure things out for herself.

Owen snorted at her before glancing at the two boys still waiting in the room, and he asked, "You guys tagging along to dinner tonight?"

Zach raised an eyebrow, but Gray shyly asked, "Aren't you and Aunt Claire going on a date?"

Owen couldn't help his sheepish grin; he was actually excited for this date. He was getting the warm fuzzies down his spine just thinking about it, but he tried to tone it down as he said, "Well, we are, but we already said it would be fine if you guys wanted to come."

Elise tilted her head; she wanted to know what a date was. It sounded odd to her. Were Owen and Claire going to ride something? She began to tap her claw on her chest as she tried to reason the meaning of this event. Her vision distorted as her nostrils flared, and Elise blinked at seeing Owen's body practically radiating warmth. It was a warm gold.

Elise didn't understand that. Was Owen sick? He didn't smell or act sick, he looked really happy actually.

Zach caught Elise's confused expression, and he grinned widely as he slyly asked, "Does Elise know what a date it?"

Elise shook her head, and Owen turned slightly red in the face when Zach immediately pounced as he said, "Uncle Owen, for shame! Elise has the right to know; if you marry Aunt Claire then she'll be our cousin."

Owen panicked at the 'M' word, and he quickly stuttered, "E-Easy, Zach! It's just the second date!"

Elise puffed air on Owen, and he jumped before saying, "I really do need to go, Baby. I don't want to be late, I'll explain later."

Owen began to walk away, and Elise narrowed her eyes; she knew damn well he would pretend to forget about telling her. The two brothers laughed when Elise snagged her talon into Owen's shirt before gently dragging him back. Owen looked exasperated, but Elise gave a stern snort to make it very clear that he could make this easy or hard.

Owen licked his lips nervously, and Gray suddenly said, "Uncle Owen has a crush on Aunt Claire!"

Elise did not understand that either; she knew what crushing was. She crushed the bunny in the field, she had crushed those men in uniforms at the river. Owen was not crushing Claire. Or was he planning to? Elise made a disappointed garble at Owen for thinking violent thoughts about the Alpha.

Owen pressed his lips before quietly saying, "A date is...basically two people who really like each other...I guess spending more time with one another."

Elise tilted her head at that as she tried to understand that. Did Owen go on dates with others? Elise wondered if Owen took Barry on dates; Barry was nice, and the two seemed to like each other a lot. Maybe Owen took Tim on dates too; she knew they liked each other a lot, they were very good friends.

Elise thrust her snout in the direction of Rexy's paddock, and Owen grew confused. He followed her gaze before asking, "Are you talking about Tim?"

Elise nodded, and Owen blinked before immediately saying, "I do not take Tim on dates, that's...not how it works."

Zach and Gray burst out laughing, and Elise huffed. What the hell was a date then? Owen paused as he tried to explain it in the right way, and Zach walked forward as he read off his phone, "Dating is the courting process of the human species."

Zach put his phone in his pocket, and clarified, "It's just how people figure out if they want to be mates or not."

Elise blinked before turning her sharp gaze to Owen. He startled at the fiery gaze, and wondered if Elise didn't like that. He was under the impression that Elise liked Claire, but her irritated glare suggested otherwise. He swallowed nervously before Elise suddenly pointed at him before making a fist with her thumb on the outside. He gaped when she lightly touched her forehead, like she could've had a V8, before pointing at her rump.

The two brothers blinked as Owen was stunned into silence before exclaiming, "Me?! I am not! Just for wanting to go on a date with Claire?!"

Elise snorted before shaking her head; she didn't care if Owen was trying to find a mate; that wasn't her business. She made the sign again. Owen only growled at her, but Zach asked, "What'd she say?"

Owen huffed when Elise garbled at him, and he snapped, "She's calling me a dumbass."

There was a brief second of silence before the two boys began to howl with laughter, and Elise puffed air through her nose. Owen glared at her, and crossed his arms before asking, "So, why am I a dumbass?"

Elise only wished she knew how to spell 'dramatic' to Owen. He was a dumbass for blowing this way out of proportion, and acting dramatic. But he was her dumbass.

She nuzzled him to let him know it was all in good fun, and Owen rolled his eyes before grumbling, "Seriously, I need to go take a shower, and change. I really don't want this date to go to hell like the last one."

Zach paused to catch his breath before asking, "What happened last time?"

Owen pressed his lips; the first date had been a disaster waiting to happen. Owen had just seen a pretty girl, and Claire had seen a good looking, smooth talker. Both had vastly different ideas on what a date should have been. Owen wanted casual because he didn't care for investing himself on the first date. Claire had dressed quite formal as she had always set high expectations for herself and others.

Then they discovered how hard it was to not have the last say when they got snippy with one another. Both were hot-headed leaders who had to lead with a stern hand. Neither were comfortable with giving ground because they didn't want to look weak.

Bottom line was the first date had been between two strangers who only liked what they saw.

Owen cleared his throat; he was sure it would be different this time because he was trying to put some effort into it this time, but it was a little hard when the damned Indominus wouldn't let him go!

"I wanted Mexican food and she wanted Italian; it just went downhill from there..."

Zach blinked, and Elise tilted her head. Owen had already messed this up? She gave a quiet sigh; Owen obviously needed help if he wanted Claire's affection. Claire was a wonderful person to Elise, and it didn't take a genius to figure out Claire probably had a lot of males to pick from.

She was about to let go of Owen; he probably did need to go clean up if he wished to present himself as a suitable mate. However, Gray shyly asked, "Well, did you bring her flowers?"

Owen shook his head; he wasn't a flowers kind of guy. It wasn't his style, but Elise snorted at him. Elise was inexperienced with the world, what she didn't know she would fill in with instincts. Despite never being around a male Indominus, she did know there was supposed to be a courting process.

The male needed to present a gift.

Obviously human males presented flowers, and Owen was dumb for not doing that the first time. She gave another sigh before scooping Owen into her palm, and he exclaimed, "Elise! I need to get going! Seriously, I don't want to be late!"

Elise wished she could tell Owen that he needed a gift to prove he really was interested in Claire. He needed to make that extra effort, otherwise he might as well treat this like he was with Tim or Barry.

She kept a firm hold on Owen before making a gentle croon to the two boys. They grinned widely as they waved goodbye, and Elise slid the window shut. Owen blinked at that, but decided to focus on where they were going. He jabbed the strong hand before snapping, "Elise! Where are we going?"

Blue poked her head up in irritation before giving a sharp bark to shut up. Owen glowered at her, and Elise chittered with the raptor. Owen saw all the sleep leave Blue's eyes before indignation filled them.

He was in trouble.

Blue immediately skittered up the white scales before giving a reprimanding snarl from Elise's muscular shoulder. She was aware that Owen was exempt from some rules of the pack, but not this one. His future mate would have a huge impact on this pack. Blue would not approve until she had personally met this potential mate.

Stupid Alpha.

Elise gave her sucked in laugh as Blue narrowed her eyes while they melted into the jungle. Owen wiped a hand down his face, and accepted his fate.

He was going to be late to the second date.


"Should we send help?"

Lowery raised an eyebrow as Elise left with Owen and Blue. He actually wasn't sure what to do, but it was pretty clear that Owen was really trying to put effort into the second date.

The Control was already making bets on how it would end this time. The favorite was Claire tattling to Rexy that Owen wasn't as dead as she originally thought.

He pressed his lips in thought before saying, "Nah. I say we just enjoy the show."

"You know we're kind of creepy for doing all this spying, right?"

Lowery snorted as he retorted, "We're paid to do this, remember? It's our job to prevent chaos, and God knows these two dating is going to cause chaos. We all know what happened last time."

Vivian shook her head at the memory; it had been very awkward watching that scene unfold, but no one had switched the cameras. It was like a soap opera, but without the bad actors. Vivian contemplated giving Claire a warning, but she wasn't sure if Owen would make it back in time. She stretched as she decided that if Owen looked like he would be late then she would give Claire a heads up.

Lowery relaxed back into his chair as he switched the screens to Rexy's paddock, and grinned. He could see Tim putting the chain in a limber looking goat's collar. He pulled out the notebook before saying, "Alright, Anna won last time. Let's see if she can do it again, peoples. Where's the goat gonna go splat this time?"

Lowery grinned as he wrote down the predictions. Grant had really lit a fire in Rexy, and she refused to do anything until Tim let the goat go. Rexy didn't want to be fed; she wanted to hunt like the terrifying predator she was. It was fun to see the Tyrannosaurus chase after the goat before making an enthused kill. Elise would sit under the false log so the goat didn't try to bolt under it, and she let Rexy have her fun.

It was more fun for Control when Rexy began to consistently take a bite out of the goat before flinging the other half in a random direction. Lowery had no idea why the Tyrannosaurus liked to do that, but it was fun to try and predict where it would land.

One splattered into the Observatory window. Another landed next to Tim in a mess of intestines, and the next had smacked into Elise's nose.

But the most memorable was the meaty mess that crash landed on the traveling snow cone cart. Lowery almost pissed himself at seeing the bratty, demanding kid shriek in terror. The tired mother went white, and the vender had passed out. Lowery loved his job sometimes.

Lowery was betting this one would fly over the wall again; Rexy seemed to be delighted when she heard the people give startled shrieks. It was demented, but Lowery never tried to argue that he wasn't a little messed up in the head.

He didn't care, Lowery just wanted to see where the goat would land next.


"Elise where are you taking me?! I am really not happy with how late I am going to be!"

Owen was getting stressed, and Elise wasn't being helpful. He had no idea how long they had been walking, and he didn't know where they were. Blue had burned a hole through his soul three times already, and he was getting sick of her evil eye.

Blue had spent the first ten minutes of their trip learning everything she could about Claire, and she was pleased to know that Elise was already good friends with her. It intrigued Blue that this Alpha, who was in the pair with Stern One, was considering Stupid Alpha for a mate.

Blue wondered if human males were in short supply around here.

Owen rolled his eyes when Blue seemingly snorted at her own joke, and he went limp in the massive hand caging him. There was no escaping Elise when she was on a mission.

Blue tilted her head when Owen gave a loud sigh, but Elise only rumbled in amusement before pushing her way through thick brush. Owen spat out a leaf before blinking at the sight before him.

Never had he seen so many colors in one sitting. Tropical flowers flourished here, sheltered by tall trees, and watered by a small stream giving quiet chuckles as it flowed by. Owen didn't even know these kinds of flowers grew here, and he glanced up at Elise.

The warm, crimson eye regarded him with fond amusement before she gently set him down. Owen breathed in the sweet perfumes that somehow worked in perfect harmony rather than overwhelmed the senses. He supposed it wouldn't be bad to bring a bouquet of flowers; not when there were so many to choose from.

He would be quick about it, and maybe Elise would haul ass back home. He could make it by the skin of his teeth. Owen quickly checked his watch before grimacing.

He had fifteen minutes.

"Okay girls, I need a little help here."

Elise only snorted at the painful truth; Blue didn't even need a translation for that one, and she picked the first flower. Owen had no idea what would look good, but he hoped Claire would like the bouquet.

He didn't want to rush picking the flowers, but he needed to get his ass moving. He would briefly glance at the flowers his two girls picked out, and he had only rejected one from Blue.

She had responded by flinging it as his face. Elise had found that funny.

Owen figured he had enough flowers when he could barely fit the stems in one hand, and the rainbow of petals looked pretty good to him. He nodded in approval, before realizing he had seven minutes left. Owen glanced up at Elise desperately, and she snorted in amusement before scooping him up. She allowed him to sit on her neck, and Blue chirped before making an impressive leap. Owen winced slightly when Blue's sharp claws dug into his shoulders, but he remained mindful of Elise's sharp spikes as he said, "Alright, Baby, I really need you to hurry there. Nothing irritates Claire more than someone being late."

Owen startled when Elise moved, and he squeezed his calves tightly against her. He couldn't remember the last time he had ridden a horse, but he did remember how to ride bareback.

He just hoped the rules would apply to riding a dinosaur.

Blue pressed lower as she rested her jaw on his shoulders before Elise gave a sharp chirp. Blue immediately perked up before leaping to the ground as she danced around the massive feet excitedly. Owen raised an eyebrow until he saw that competitive gleam blazing in Blue's eyes, and he couldn't help his chuckle.

There was going to be a race.

Owen only held on as best he could when the two suddenly darted forward. Elise's gait was surprisingly smooth though it took some getting used to. It was amazing to see the world from Elise's perspective; everything looked so small.

Owen wasn't surprised when Blue took the lead in the open plains; it was her domain, and she ruled it in a fearsome manner. Elise wasn't deterred though, she kept her steady gait despite Blue rocketing ahead of her. It wasn't until they quickly reached the thick jungle that Elise surprisingly began to catch up.

Elise had figured out how to weave between the trees in a nimble way, while Blue had to waste more energy getting around the obstacles. Owen couldn't help his grin when he realized how inexperienced Blue was when it came to worthy competitors.

Blue had used up all her energy in the open fields, but Elise had paced herself. He caught sight of the false log, and glanced down to see Elise had pulled ahead of his best girl. Owen couldn't believe Blue would actually lose, and he could see the raptor push herself to go faster.

Elise suddenly slowed down to avoid crashing into anything, and Blue had taken advantage of that. The blue raptor skidded into the clearing first, and she wheezed out a victory cry. Her tongue lolled to the side as she panted hard, and Owen only snorted at her before praising, "Good job, girls. That was a clean match."

Elise also kept her mouth open as she tried to catch her breath, and she easily slid open the window before allowing Owen to slide off. He landed with grace, and smiled at Elise as he said, "Thanks for rushing, Baby Girl."

The Indominus only gave a croon as she lowered herself to the ground. Blue had already flopped onto the cooling ferns, but Elise pushed her snout close as she chittered a congratulations. Blue gently batted the large nose in acknowledgment before rolling in the soft plants.

Owen chuckled, and Gray suddenly said, "Those are pretty..."

Owen thought so too; he was happy Elise had helped him, but he grimaced when he looked at his watch.

Three minutes left. He didn't think he would be able to make it back to his house in time. He would have to wing it today, and explain his kidnapping as best he could to Claire. Gray and Zach would back him up hopefully, and Owen had a present this time. So things would be fine, right?

Owen could only hope so, and he jumped when he heard Claire suddenly say, "There you are, I was looking for you."

He mentally braced himself as he turned around before blinking. Claire was dressed in her normal clothes; granted she had touched up on her already flawless makeup, but Owen felt himself relax as a crooked grin tugged at his lips.

"I...Elise and Blue apparently thought I needed some help..."

Owen gently offered the thick bouquet to Claire, and he mentally cheered when she gave a warm smile. He couldn't help his grin growing wider when she made to take the bouquet, but she suddenly paused. Owen didn't take that as a good sign, and Claire pressed her lips before quietly asking, "Is that an Angel's Trumpet?"

Owen had no idea what any of these flowers were. He was an expert on animals, not plants; it was why he never bothered with bouquets before. He blinked at the white, trumpet shaped flower before slowly saying, "Um...maybe?"

Claire raised an eyebrow, as she looked at him, and Owen didn't like that. He brought a gift, she needed to accept the gift because he was getting sweaty. Owen finally shuffled before asking, "What?"

"Those are poisonous flowers, Owen."

Owen paled a few shades before suddenly letting go of the bouquet. He whirled around, and Claire easily caught the flowers with a playful smile on her face as Owen leaned over the ledge to chastise Blue. He just knew there was a reason why the raptor kept shoving him towards that bunch of flowers!

Claire couldn't help her small smile.

She would tell Owen Angel's Trumpets were poisonous through ingestion later. It was funny to see Owen arguing with Blue. The raptor easily held her own in an argument with a sharp tongue. Elise raised he head to peer into the room, and Claire gave a small smile as she waved at her. Elise crooned lovingly, and Claire was happy the Indominus wasn't afraid to help Owen be a little old fashioned in romance.

Besides, the flowers were beautiful, and Claire loved them.



Don't eat Angel's Trumpets! Seriously, all parts of them are very poisonous! There are stories of teens boiling them to make tea, and it does not end well!

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