Chapter 35

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Thanks for the opinions guys! I'll do what I need to do with them!

Anyways, I'll try to keep myself in check, but that doesn't mean I am going to go backwards with the personalities I created with these girls.

Also, I have no idea how large the Mosasaur is. I know the Jurassic World website has named her at 60ft, but I have also seen the video claiming the movie made a 600ft mistake. What we will agree on is the Mosasaur is larger than Elise because that's all I need to know. I liked the video because he made good points about measuring with the shark, but I really don't care how long Lilly is. She's big enough to eat the Indominus.

I made lots of referencing to the Dark Knight movie in this, so I don't own that movie or its characters.

Sorry for the tardiness, had a surprise of extra work!

Thanks for the reviews! Please enjoy!

*Made in edit at the bottom of the page! Because I decided I used some insensitive language! For those who read it, and were offended; I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart. For those reading this for the first time, don't you worry your pretty little heads. No one asked me to change it, but I decided it wasn't very appropriate!*


"Chaos is Fair."

The flames quickly climbed higher as the dogs' barking grew louder and louder. The white faced criminal with a crimson smile painted on his face gave a small sniff as he dug around his dirtied coat before pulling out a small, silver phone. He seemed to sigh to himself before muttering, "It's not about the money, it's about sending a message..."

"Everything burns."

Elise blinked at the movie. She was torn between liking it and getting annoyed with it. Batman annoyed her; she would freely admit that the rich detective annoyed her. His goals and moral were something to look up to, but he had lost Elise's interest when he put on the mask or drooled over the woman whose name Elise didn't bother to remember.

His change in voice aggravated her, and he was dumb. He let emotions control him. Why would he think this 'Joker' would willingly give up the locations of his hostages without a catch?

Batman needed to deal with Velociraptors; he wasn't very good with dealing with a cunning criminal.

Elise was actually very intrigued by this movie, The Dark Knight, and Zach had explained to her how this had actually never happened. Gotham was not real, nor was Batman; this movie was made from humans acting out the story.

They were good, Elise liked the Joker. He was funny, and kept the movie interesting. Elise wasn't able to stop her sucked in laugh when the sadistic criminal had made the pencil disappear. She liked his magic trick. The two boys had glanced at her nervously, disturbed by her humor, but it had been funny. It was refreshing to see a human, though very dark, who was not motivated by the dirty paper.

Elise found Joker sensible though insane. Was he insane? He was by all means cruel to others, but with good reason even if it was not a good reason. Elise found it easier to relate to the criminal than to the hero. Joker knew he was a freak, he embraced it, and Elise would do the same. She was a freak too, and she had done very bad things like the Joker. He had obviously been wronged by the world somehow, and so had she. He went on a rampage that killed many, and Elise had done the same.

The difference was Elise got a second chance.

Elise was put off by the hero. Batman kept his hands clean, and it made Elise feel bad for the blood on her claws. She just couldn't get over how Joker had absolutely no desire for money, but he acknowledge its value. He wouldn't work for nothing, but he had no desire to hoard it. Elise felt the same; she didn't care for the dirty paper, but she knew it was valuable to Claire.

Joker only wanted to point out how flawed the idea of control truly was, and Elise loved the man for that.

Elise gave a yawn; she liked this movie, but she was getting tired; and her mind tended to wander when she grew tired. She shifted on her feet before glancing at the two boys pressed against her. She was glad they wanted to share this with her, and she was sad they would be leaving.

Elise liked the Internet, and Zach had shown her many things on a 'website' called something-tube. She liked seeing all the colorful fish on the wall, and Gray had pulled up a video of her sneezing on the reporter. He had said it was very popular.

She and Owen were famous. Elise didn't exactly understand the concept of famous, but she wasn't really concerned about it. She had a safe home, she had a steady, stable, and loving pack. Her emotional and physical needs were being met.

She liked the Joker because he was simple in his goals though elaborate in achieving them. Joker wasn't afraid to switch his plans around, but he kept his goals clear. Cunning, ruthless, sadistic; he easily saw the darker parts of the world, and he embraced it. Batman was smart too, but he struggled with his morals, allowing emotions to cloud his thoughts, and Elise didn't like that. She didn't like how he was so elusive of the people he saved. If he was the city's protector, then why not let them know him? There was comfort in knowing the protector.

Elise had briefly wondered if Batman truly cared for the city, or a few precious people in the city. He hadn't hesitated to go after the girl to save her, but what of the other man? Why was his life less important if Batman was truly a protector of the city? Why did Batman pick the girl instead of the man? Would Batman save a criminal just as quickly as a citizen? Elise knew Batman severely handicapped himself by refusing to kill Joker, and while it was admirable, she wanted to know why.

Was it because Batman felt Joker's life was just as precious as any other's or because Batman refused to allow Joker to be right?

Batman looked shady to Elise; she learned that word from Zach. Elise didn't like how Batman was so flighty; it looked like he was hiding something bad.

Joker seemed to disregard everyone equally, and he was perfectly upfront with everyone. Elise liked his honesty, and very well placed puns.

Puns were funny.

Elise sighed when the poorly growled, attempting to disguise the real voice of Bruce Wayne reached her ears. Honestly, Elise was now rooting for the Joker simply because he didn't aggravate her with his voice. How did Batman's throat not hurt after all that poor growling?

The boys jumped when the sound systems suddenly crackled, and Elise startled when the sounds of panicking people reached her ears. Lowery drowned them out as he yelled, "Elise! Elise, please get to the large doors! We need your help! You can't let the raptors out! Go! Now! Owen is in trouble!"

That last sentence was all Elise needed to hear, and she immediately pulled from the window. She looked down at the sleepy raptors before giving a stern bark to stay put, to guard the nests unless she said otherwise. The two seemed startled by the rough tone, but Elise had already darted into the thick jungle.

Zach and Gray looked at each other before the older took off into the tunnel. Gray made to do the same, but quickly bounced over to the wall, and hit the button.

There was no need to risk the two raptors disobeying orders.


Elise maneuvered through the trees with ease, all those years of being in a too small paddock had given her one good skill. She knew how to move through a thick jungle quickly. The branches still slapped against her scales, but what mattered was avoiding the sturdy trunks.

The faraway sounds of Blue's desperate cries for the pack's help reach Elise's ears, and she knew that was very bad. If Blue couldn't help, then Owen was in very big trouble.

The white Indominus almost slid into the silver doors before letting out a fearsome roar. There was a brief second of silence, but that was far too much time for Elise. She remembered the big explosion from the movie; the lady could have been saved if there had been a few, precious more seconds.

Elise made to bash her skull into the doors, but Lowery quickly said, "Easy! I'm opening the doors! I'll try to get you to Claire, she's running to get you, but don't hurt any people, Elise!"

A shrill roar to get moving was her response, and she despised how slow the doors were to open. Had they always been this slow? What trouble was Owen in? What did he do this time? If Claire couldn't help him, then it had to be a dinosaur problem, but Blue was a dinosaur. Elise didn't like the heavy feeling in her stomach when she realized that meant it was a very big dinosaur indeed.

Why couldn't Owen get in trouble with little dinosaurs?

The door had cracked open enough for Elise to squeeze through, and she was immediately directed towards Claire. She was glad to see very few people in her way; that meant she could go faster, but she had to be careful.

She couldn't stop on a dime, and if a human darted in front of her then it would not end well.


The Indominus snapped her head towards the desperate cry, and she let out a garble when she saw Claire waving her arms. Elise could hear her own steps shaking the ground as she followed the running redhead through the street.

Elise allowed her gaze to slightly wander along the streets as she quickly followed the clicking heels. This was close to where Owen had snapped her from her rampage; where he had first made a little bit of the hurt in her chest go away.

People pressed close to the buildings as they made room for her, and Blue's cries for help grew louder. Elise could see the raptor darting back and forth along the fence before a massive creature suddenly shot out of the water. Elise startled into stopping; she had never seen something so big.

Easily bigger than her and Rexy put together.

She flinched at the loud snapping jaws before jumping when Claire suddenly shrieked, "Owen!"

Elise felt her own scales go bone white. That's where Owen was? Why in the name of everything was he in there?!

Elise darted over to the fence as the giant monster dove back into the water, and a brief, flash of her small human grabbed Elise's attention before they were all sprayed with the freezing water. Elise held her breath as she desperately searched the inky waters for any signs of life.

She couldn't find Owen.

Elise refused to panic, she couldn't panic. Owen would have stayed calm, right? But Owen wasn't here to tell her to stay calm. A shrill, fearful whine made Elise tear her gaze from the rippling lagoon, and she glanced down to see Blue and Barry desperately looking to her for help.

For a plan.

Elise glanced to Claire for her plan only to see the redhead getting into a screaming match with the leader of the uniformed men. They were both gesturing to the lake, but no one was doing anything. Claire gave a quick look at Elise, and the Indominus understood. Claire didn't have a plan to save Owen, but it had apparently felt right to bring her here.

Elise had saved Owen from the last massive dinosaur.

Elise could see the strangers looking terrified even if they didn't say anything. No one knew what to do. Panicking emotions were clouding rational planning when humans were faced with the reality that they were not in control. People didn't know what to do in chaos they didn't understand.

In the upset of normalcy.

Joker didn't do that; he made a goal, and achieved said goal in a timely manner...or he intended to. He was a puzzle in a riddle that needed to be solved before getting the passcode. Elise had a good understanding though. The Joker was comfortable around chaos because it was simply a playing field that required a calm mind.

"You know the thing about chaos? It's fair."

Chaos was fair because it could be maneuvered by anyone with a simple plan.

Elise needed to get find Owen, get him out, and not get eaten by the large water dweller.

She turned her crimson gaze back to the waters before flaring her nostrils. The waters became a dull blue, but the massive, bright oranges of the watery creature was apparently swimming lower and lower. Elise could see the remains of a human quickly sinking as it bled a cooling orange, but that didn't matter to her.

What mattered was the unmoving human silently floating in the water not far from the surface. The human who was still alive, and Elise knew every second counted.

Elise snapped her gaze back to the people, and knew they weren't going to help. She couldn't explain the plan to them, but she had someone who could.

Blue snapped to attention when Elise gave quick barks mixed with chitters. The raptor listened intently before giving a loud shriek. Barry looked confused, and paled when Elise snagged her massive talons into the massive cement guard. She bared her teeth as the cement made a loud, scraping sound, and Blue chittered encouragement to her. The fence made a loud spark as it was pulled apart and Elise heard Claire yelling at her, but she didn't listen.

Claire didn't have a plan, Elise did, but she didn't have time to explain said plan. She only looked like she didn't have a plan.

Elise unsnagged her talons before making another confirming bark to the attentive raptor. Blue chirped before Elise suddenly darted down the length of the fence. Barry yelped when Blue bolted over to the waters, and he barked, "Blue! No!"

It was the only order the raptor would actually heed from her soft-spoken caretaker. Barry would not lose Blue after Owen was gone. Owen would come back from the dead to haunt him, Barry just knew it.

Owen would throw all Barry's furniture around at four in the morning; Owen had promised to do that as a ghost, and Barry knew he would make good on that promise.

Barry had no idea where Elise was going, but Blue was not going into the water. The golden eyes seemed to regard him curiously before turning back to the waters. Barry startled when Elise made a loud splashing with her massive hand. She had briefly paused to bend the fence back before darting further down the fence, and Barry sucked in his breath.

Elise was leading Lilly away, and Blue was supposed to fish for Owen.

Barry immediately kicked off his shoes before darting over to the blue raptor. He briefly glanced at Blue before firmly saying, "Blue, let's go."

Blue garbled at the man before she slipped into the water, and began to smoothly swim. Barry made to do the same, but an ACU soldier grabbed his arm tightly as she hissed, "We don't need any more casualties!"

"Owen is still in there! Elise is actually doing something, and I'm going to help!"

The woman flickered her gaze towards the Indominus when another loud splash was made. She licked her lips nervously as she turned her gaze back to the Velociraptor before finally saying, "You aren't going."

Barry made to simply tear his arm away, but the ACU soldier suddenly began to tie a thick rope around his chest as he added, "Without this. Get that crazy sonofabitch, and I'll haul you back. I can't believe a damned dinosaur made a plan, but we'll work with it."

He gave a grateful smile before quietly slipping into the water as he quickly swam after his Blueberry.

Blue kept her head above the waters as she paddled to where White One had told her to swim. Blue could smell the thick blood, the fear, but she could still smell Very Stupid Alpha. That's all that mattered. Blue hated swimming, but she had to get to Very Stupid Alpha before he drowned. That's all that mattered, Blue trusted White One to lead the water monster away.

Pack trusted one another.

Blue startled from her pace when Barry was suddenly next to her, and he quietly said, "Find that idiot, Blueberry; I'm right here to help."

The raptor chirped softly. She didn't understand the words, but she knew what she was supposed to do. She needed to find Very Stupid Alpha so White One could roar some sense into him. Blue was happy to see Barry next to her, and she understood the soft tones. He used that whenever she got hurt, and he had to help clean her wounds.

He was here to help save Very Stupid Alpha.


Elise slid into a stop as she began to bend the fence back. She didn't care if she would get in trouble for this damage, and she flickered her heat sensing gaze over towards Blue. Elise paused at seeing a human with her, but it warmed Elise. Humans were followers; if someone had a plan, then others would follow. Someone just had to lead.

Anyone who knew how to deal with chaos. Joker rolled with it, and so had Elise. She went had the simple plan of following the heat signature, and tweaked her own plan as needed along the way. She didn't intend to ambush those uniformed men at the river, but she heard them coming. Elise didn't know the flying ones would attack the metal bird, but it was something fun to do; it worked to her advantage. Elise hadn't even known Blue and her sisters existed until she met them, but she knew how to convince them to work for her.

The ones who panicked so much in chaos were the ones who worked so hard to keep control.

Elise turned her gaze back to the glowing orange of the Mosasaur swimming in an indecisive circle. Elise didn't like that, and she froze when the lizard began to swim towards the others. Elise had to think quickly, and she suddenly remembered the documentary video.

Mosasaurs should have been attracted to blood like sharks. They could smell it, thrashing waters signified a distressed animal.

So what about thrashing waters from a bleeding animal?

Elise immediately took a razor talon before making a deep slice in the palm of her scaly hand. She hissed in pain, but Gerry would fix it later. Elise snapped her gaze back to the waters as she shoved her injured limb into the waters before thrashing around. If she could smell the blood, then so could the Mosasaur.


Barry startled when Blue suddenly stopped swimming, and he briefly wondered if Lilly was right underneath them. Elise was still thrashing the waters, and Blue tried to dip under the water before immediately coming up. That was all Barry needed, and he dove under the freezing surface.

Barry couldn't see his own hands in the waters, and he humorously wondered why Owen's white ass wasn't glowing in the dark. He loved how they had always been able to joke about anything; Owen was his best friend.

Best friends didn't let their best friends go swimming in the Mosasaur Lagoon...alone.

Barry desperately looked around before a slight shimmer caught his eyes. He fearfully thought it was the scales of Lilly, but the shiny light only floated. Barry made his way over before the shining light turned into the buckle of Owen's belt.

Barry could feel his own lungs beginning to hurt for air as he grabbed the unconscious man before swimming for the surface. Barry winced when he gasped a little too loudly for air, but he grunted when Owen's extra weight dragged him down.

Barry spat out the water before spluttering, "Blueberry, where are you?"

He really wanted to yell, but it was important that Elise was the only one making the noise. Barry let out a sigh of relief when Blue's chitter sounded, and the raptor quickly swam over.

She didn't like how Stupid Alpha wasn't breathing, but she was supposed to get him, and Barry, back to shore. White One would take care of the rest. Blue made a panicked chirp when Barry sank back under the surface, but he bobbed back up. He made a small cough before gently wrapping an arm over her back. Blue allowed it because Barry was going to sink without her.

Pack didn't leave pack behind. Stupid Alpha was pack, and so was Barry.

Barry spat out more water before giving a sharp tug on the rope. He didn't like how limp and heavy Owen was. He knew the man wasn't breathing, but Owen was tough; there was still a chance to save him.

And then Barry was going to kill Owen for making him swim in the damned lagoon with Lilly.

The rope became taut around his chest, and Barry winced. He was glad though, and Blue helped the speed by swimming along. She was a fast, steady swimmer. He loved her for this, and he didn't care if she ever listened to him again.

Blue would want for naught around him.


Elise blinked as she continued to thrash the water about. The white foam was making it hard to see anything, but she kept a careful eye on where Blue was. She was pleased to see the raptor quickly swimming back to shore. The uniformed men had stopped arguing, and were now working together.

A simple plan was easy to follow once set into motion.

The water lizard was swimming incredibly fast towards Elise, and that was good. She could keep its attention, and maybe lead it even further away. The Indominus grew more violent with her thrashing, and even shoved her snout into the water before making a shrill roar. It sounded muffled, but it demanded the Mosasaur's attention.

Elise paused when she heard little Gray's voice screaming at her. She scanned the crowd keeping its distance, but Gray was a few feet in front of them as he yelled, "Elise! It-"

Elise couldn't hear the last of his sentence, and briefly paused for him to scream, "Can jump!"

The Indominus blinked before the dreadful realization hit her. She snapped her gaze back to the waters before the gaping jaws suddenly burst from the foamy waters. Elise let out a shrill roar as she darted to the side before the loud smack of the heavy body landed on the cement. Elise lost her footing on the wet pavement, and snarled as the serrated teeth grazed her leg.

The heavy snap of Lilly's powerful jaws only cause Elise to swipe a clawed hand at the scaled nose. She couldn't help but to marvel at how her razor talons seemed to do almost nothing to the thick skin, and Lilly made a deep growl as she suddenly whipped her body. Elise yelped when the heavy skull collided against her, and the jaws made another snap at her. The whoosh of air against her scales was too close for comfort.

At least Elise had the Mosasaur's attention.

Elise made another swipe at the sea colored scales as she tried to keep out of reach of the jaws. She didn't like getting so close to this one; those jaws could easily drag her back into the water. Elise knew she was a top predator on land, but she was easy prey if Lilly got her in the water.

The Mosasaur seemed to pause before she began to whip back and forth. Elise gave a loud roar when she realized the watery creature meant to go back to the inky depths; Elise had to keep her attention for as long as possible.

Just roll with the chaos calmly, and things would be fine.

Elise lunged forward before throwing her weight on the heavy neck. She knew she wasn't supposed to hurt this one. The Mosasaur was part of Jurassic World; she had a name, and her own humans who took care of her. Elise had seen the sea-green eyes; there was no ill-will in them.

Lilly only saw food or not food. Elise wouldn't condemn her for that. Gray had gone on and on about how amazing it was to see Lilly jump out of the water to eat the shark.

Elise wasn't all that thrilled about meeting this Mosasaur, but she didn't hate Lilly.

The Indominus quickly slid her hands around as she tried to pin the struggling animal with her weight. Elise thanked the force that turned the Mosasaur's massive weight against her, but Lilly suddenly stopped moving.

Elise glanced down at the animal. Did she kill Lilly? Elise thought she heard breathing... Elise wasn't going to complain, but she didn't understand this. Elise didn't trust this. She really had no idea what to do, and she turned her head when Gray hissed her name. The boy covered his own eyes before giving a thumbs up.

Elise didn't understand. She knew a thumbs up meant good for whatever reason, but she didn't understand covering the eyes. Gray gently patted the air before covering his eyes. Elise understood the calm down sign, but she was still confused. She turned her gaze back to the still lizard, and blinked.

Elise was covering Lilly's eyes...

Was this calming the Mosasaur? Elise continued to stare as she tried to figure out her next move. Should she go along with this? Elise felt like the Joker would. How long had Lilly kept still? It felt like forever, but it couldn't have been very long.

Elise was still holding her own breath, and she knew she couldn't do that for very long.


Blue didn't like how cold she was getting, but the land was getting closer. The prey with weapons seemed to be helping, but she wasn't sure if she would have to defend Stupid Alpha from them. Barry would help, and White Alpha. Blue knew she wasn't alone; they would help keep the pack safe, but she wasn't going to trust prey with weapons.

They were dangerous simply because they weren't pack. If they weren't pack, they were either prey, dangerous prey, or something to kill.

Blue only kept her legs going, she wasn't sure if the prey with weapons would stop helping, and she didn't like not moving in the water. She had to keep moving; it felt dangerous to sit idle in the waters.

The raptor startled from her thoughts when Barry suddenly exclaimed, "Oh, my God! She's crazy, Blue!"

Blue slowed her swimming as she followed Barry's gaze. She blinked at seeing White One pinning the Swimmer. Blue knew the word crazy, Barry used it a lot at the old nest; he called Stupid Alpha crazy a lot. When Stupid Alpha would do something bold, or particularly stupid, Barry would call him crazy.

White One was actually fighting Swimmer with no help. Blue had no idea how White One had enticed the massive carnivore onto land, but Blue agreed with Barry.

White One was crazy.

Blue began to swim faster; she knew an opportunity when she saw one. White One was making sure Swimmer didn't swim at them. She was keeping Swimmer in sight. Blue kept a careful eye on the seemingly paused battle just in case she would suddenly have less time to get to shore.


What felt like hours to Elise was actually a few, silent seconds Lilly took to briefly rest before she suddenly thrust her head up. Elise let out a shriek when the massive lizard slid back into the water, and she dug her talons into the thick skin. Gray's screaming reached Elise's ears before it became muffled under the freezing waters.

The world grew darker and darker the further Lilly descended, and Elise decided she didn't like water anymore, or fish. She knew she was going to drown, but Lilly couldn't snap at her when Elise was clinging to her skull. She was out of the strong jaw's reach.

The air escaped from Elise's lungs when the Mosasaur suddenly yanked back, and the sharp talons lost their grip. Elise gave a hard bite on the side of the neck before she slid off the massive carnivore. They seemed to briefly share a glance in the water before Lilly suddenly darted.


Blue stumbled on the cold ground before snapping her jaws into Stupid Alpha's wet skins. She dragged him as far away from the waters, and dropped him when prey got too close. Blue gave a loud shriek as she swiped at the nearest prey, but Barry sharply said, "Blue! No!"

Blue snapped her jaws at him, but Barry didn't flinch this time. He stood in front of her before Claire was by Owen's side. Blue relaxed slightly, but would grow agitated whenever people began to crowd. The ACU soldiers made sure to keep their distance, and Barry was by Claire's side when she exclaimed, "He's still alive!"

Claire tilted the greying face back before opening the mouth; she didn't see anything blocking the way, and she pressed her lips against Owen's. She blew the air, and Barry began to press on Owen's chest as he growled, "Come on, Owen! Breathe!"

Barry snapped his gaze to the side when he heard the crowd screaming, and Elise disappeared into the waters with a loud splash. He paled, but Claire blew air into Owen's lungs again. Barry gritted his teeth as he pushed on the chest again.

"Owen! Elise needs help! You have to breathe!"

Blue began to grow incredibly agitated when she heard White One shriek. She knew it was crazy to try to fight Swimmer! Now it was up to her to protect this pack. White One was underwater, and Stupid Alpha wasn't moving. There was too many strangers in unfamiliar territory that Blue couldn't defend alone.

Where were her sisters?

Blue gave cries for help, but she paused when Barry made reassuring sounds to calm her. She didn't want to disregard Barry, but instinct screamed danger. Both Alphas were down, and the pack was separated. What were they doing to Stupid Alpha? White Alpha was doing something, but was it helping?

Blue gave a particularly loud shriek, and was glad when the prey with weapons backed up. Blue wanted to chase them away, but she was afraid of one of them sneaking to attack Stupid Alpha while she was occupied.

Where was Stern One?

Blue snarled when Stupid Alpha took too long to get up. She had swam in the freezing water, and brought him back. She was furious that he had made such a dumb mistake of swimming after the prey.

Had no one taught Stupid Alpha that there was a point to call quits during a hunt? Blue was fine with Swimmer stealing the kill; Blue wouldn't fight her.

Claire was starting to lose hope, but she startled when Blue suddenly landed hard next to her. The raptor took a deep breath before letting loose the loudest shriek Claire had ever heard. She flinched back as she held her ears, and Barry made to reprimand Blue before Owen suddenly began to cough up water.

Blue gave a satisfied snort as Stupid Alpha finally showed signs of living. The color returned as White Alpha soothed him as best she could, and Blue was fine with that. Stupid Alpha had a phrase, 'Knock it off', and that was his final warning before severe consequences. Blue had learned that one easily, and she had her own knock it off warning.

Stupid Alpha always heeded it.


Gray chewed his lip as he danced from one foot to the other while Zach stared wide eyed at the quiet waters. No one knew what to do, and Gray could feel the panic rising. He didn't want to lose Elise; she was like family. Gray liked having a dinosaur cousin. His parents were already splitting up, and now he was going to lose his newest friend?

The only one who actually liked learning about dinosaurs, and listened to what he had to say?

Gray gripped Zach's hand tightly, and his brother held him tightly. Too much time had passed, and Gray buried himself into his brother's clothes.

Zach didn't reprimand him for crying this time.

Gray let out a quiet sob, and Zach sniffed quietly as the crowd began to lose all hope.

Elise wasn't coming back up.

Gray didn't like the Mosasaur attraction anymore, and he wished he had warned Elise sooner. He thought Lilly had been calm when Elise covered her eyes, but it didn't work. Gray blamed himself for this. Now Aunt Claire and Uncle Owen wouldn't want to talk to him anymore because he got Elise killed.

There was a deafening silence as even the evening birds refused to sing anything. Gray hated it, and he buried himself into his brother's clothes when he heard the quiet gasps. Zach glanced up, and blinked the water from his eyes at the white, clawed hand sinking into the concrete before the other hand joined it. There was a brief huff before Elise's shocked, very unhappy face suddenly darted up.

She looked terrified, relived, furious, confused, and tired all at once. The Indominus hauled her heavy body onto the concrete before heaving a sigh as she rolled onto her side. Elise stretched out as she caught her breath, but she stared at the waters.

Blue wasn't in them anymore, and that was good. Lilly had disappeared abruptly; figuring Elise wasn't worth the trouble of killing. She had eaten her dinner, and had her excitement for the night.

Elise groaned; she wasn't sure if it had been a good idea to roll with the chaos. How did Joker do it? She now admired his stamina of getting up so quickly after the massive vehicle literally flipped over.

Batman fell over like a rock after crashing once.

Blue's cries for help made Elise huff, but she startled when Gray suddenly screamed her name. She twisted her neck before the child tackled her sore nose. He was crying and garbling words she couldn't make out. There was concerned love in the hug though; Gray had been scared for her.

Elise knew she feared for her own life; she wasn't as ballsy as Joker in the face of death.

"A-Are you okay? You gotta get up..."

Elise blinked at the sobbing child. Was she not entitled to a few seconds of rest? She had made her goals, and achieved them. She found Owen, got him out of the water, and she didn't get eaten. Hooray, now why couldn't she celebrate with a well earned nap?

Blue's cries for help grew more desperate before growing silent, and Elise knew she should be there to comfort the raptor. She had to make sure Blue didn't accidently hurt anyone.

Elise gave a tired groan as she gathered her limbs underneath her. Zach gently pulled his brother off before the Indominus pushed herself up, and she coughed at the painful twinge in her chest. She did not like the water one bit, but Elise paused when a small sound started. It was soon joined by others before the entire crowd was whistling and clapping their hands together. Elise didn't understand, but she understood the energy of the crowd.

It was happy and relieved. These people were happy, and Elise relaxed as she glanced down at the two boys. They smiled at her, and quietly followed as the Indominus limped back towards Owen.


Claire let out a shaky sigh as she gently held Owen's hand. Blue had calmed enough to allow an EMT to check him over. Owen hadn't said much, but he would squeeze Claire's hand frequently. Owen had asked about the other man; if someone had helped him, but Claire had only shushed him.

Barry stayed close to Blue as he made sure to stand in between her and strangers while the Repair Team was alerted to the long job ahead of them.

Another EMT was permitted to sneak by Blue, and Owen cracked open an eye when a heavy shadow covered them. Owen coughed before a smile tugged at his lip. He sniffed before saying, "Hey, Sunshine, enjoy...the movies?"

Elise could tell Owen wasn't really all there at the moment, but he was awake, alive, and that was enough for her. She would get angry at him later, when he could withstand her fury. Instead she gently lowered herself to puff a small amount of warm air onto him. A slightly confused expression crossed his face before Owen groggily asked, "Why' wet, Baby?"

Elise blinked before a deadpan expression set in her face. Patience was a virtue, but Elise didn't take well to stupid questions. She wanted to tell Owen it was because she felt like taking another bath before coming over, but her vocabulary wasn't that large. Claire gave a watery snort as she covered her relieved smile, and Elise sighed. She couldn't stop her left hand from pointing at Owen, then making the loose fist as she tapped her forehead. The crowd then watched her point to the white rump as Elise gave Owen a stern glare.

'You're a dumbass.'

Owen burst out laughing, but groaned as his ribs gave a painful twinge. He had a headache from hell, and his lungs were burning. He had a vague idea of what was going on, but his mind was slow to get moving. He knew three things though.

He was alive.

Claire was going to kill him most likely.

And he was a dumbass.

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